How modern medicine’s failings are being mitigated by holistic therapies
… and introducing a grassroots initiative bringing all healing disciplines together
With so many now injured by modern medicine, I am very keen to hear how other types of healing practices work. Especially if holistic practitioners have any ideas or strategies to help those injured by the Covid-19 vaccines. What I have realised is that we medically trained doctors really need to acknowledge that human beings are more than matter; we are both matter and energy. This in turn means acknowledging that we feel and sense things that scientific instruments cannot necessarily measure, that we exist within a universe we know little about and that there are ways of healing that our modern scientific methods cannot yet elaborate.
Homeopathy is one of these modalities. From a medical and materialistic perspective, homeopathy makes no sense, and yet, it clearly works. In this week’s Tess Talks, homeopath Janey Lavelle took me through the rationale behind homeopathy and made the salient point that this particular medicine is based on energy and frequency. Now, if one takes the view that we are but matter, then homeopathy is illogical. If one entertains the reality that we are matter and energy, then homeopathy suddenly starts to make sense.
Once I grasped the principles of this two-century old healing system with Janey’s help, we began to talk about the possibilities it brings. This is where it got really fascinating. Janey, together with many other homeopaths, is successfully treating people injured by vaccines and has been doing so for years. I was particularly struck by homeopathy’s use of isopathy and nosodes to treat vaccine injury, both of which she explains in our conversation. It got me thinking: what if a generic remedy could be used for each of the Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna and other vaccines to counter their ill effects? What if this could be available over the counter as a kind of panacea for the Covid vaccine injury pandemic? Perhaps homeopaths are already working on this. Given the deafening silence from and apparent cluelessness of mainstream medicine, I truly hope so.
I really loved speaking with Janey. She’s a mother of four with a wealth of life experience, woman’s wisdom and healing expertise. What she has to share is important: trust in modern western medicine is at an all-time low, allopathic doctors are at a loss as to how to treat the increasing numbers of vaccine-injured people, and we all need to inform ourselves of the alternative avenues to health restoration. I really hope my colleagues will tune in with an open mind, and consider referring people who they cannot heal, to homeopaths. Just because we don’t understand something, does not mean it is not real, or cannot work.
Don’t miss my next Tess Talks this Sunday morning with homeopath Janey Lavelle – and please share with anyone you think may be interested.
Build or join your local health hub
Talking about new approaches to health and having spoken about community last week, brings me to a new organisation working hard to bring these two themes together.
So many of you share your wisdom born of experience to help others on their own path back to health. This free and unconditional exchange is the currency of the future being enacted in the now. I have also heard and read many people asking the same question: where can I receive healthcare I can trust? This is something I and many others have been seeking to answer for a long time now, so I’m delighted that there is an initiative offering a solution, and that it is really taking off.
The People’s Health Alliance (PHA) is driving the development of decentralised community health hubs across the UK and internationally. Their Health Hub Blueprint is available, free of charge, to download when you sign up to their newsletter, and it offers a comprehensive guide to creating your own health hub – if one hasn’t been established in your community already. The PHA is one example of many inspired grassroots, local community initiatives that have sprung up around the world. A Stand in the Park is another example, and I’m looking forward to interviewing its UK founder Sophia Rose on Tess Talks – more on this soon.
From the African Sovereignty Coalition to People’s Health Alliance and everything in between, these initiatives are how we bring change from the ground up. If you haven’t already, I warmly encourage you to find out what’s happening in your area and connect, face to face and heart to heart with your community.
I'm hoping and praying that if anything good comes out of all this "pandemic" insanity, it will be a waking up of a lot more M.D. doctors that the Big Pharma-defined "a pill for every ill" allopathic model which has served as the foundation of their entire professional education and of regulatory restrictions that seriously restrict their ability to freely practice true medicine is, to say the least, seriously flawed. After having been very nearly killed myself over 11 years ago by what I like to call the "medical-industrial establishment," I fortunately woke up in time to prevent them from finishing the job. I switched over about 10 years ago to using Naturopathic medicine and actually restored my health by removing the functional cause of my heart disease instead of just poisoning myself with artificial chemicals like statins and beta-blockers that are designed to simply suppress symptoms without addressing the underlying cause of disease. Thanks to making that switch, I am a lot healthier today at the age of 72 than I was 30 years ago. Had I remained the patient of well meaning but poorly educated allopathic doctors I almost certainly would be dead by now.
I have personal experience of Homeopathy helping myself and my children many times over the years. The first time was when my son was 2 and was quite ill with tonsilitis. The doctor said he couldn't do anything so I contacted a Homeopath. We carried a very ill child into his office. After a thorough consultation he gave us a remedy for him and after a good sleep he woke up back to his normal self. Both my children have had their eczema cured, my daughter had an abcess on her tooth which kept coming back until we used a homeopathic remedy for it and I have relied on it countless times over the years to improve my health. And yes it works on animals - my friend's horse was so lame that the vet had given up on her. I asked my homeopath for a remedy and he gave it to the horse and the next day the lameness was gone. Now my son who has Crohn's disease and has struggled for years with the inefficacy and side effects of the succession of allopathic drugs which were all he was offered by his gastroenterologist, is better than he has been since his diagnosis 10 years ago, using diet, acupuncture and chinese herbal medicine. I saw my previously very healthy mum and dad deteriorate in front of my eyes once they were put on a cocktail of drugs - my mum for heart disease and my dad for Parkinson's - which he developed a couple of years after being put on statins for no apparent reason. I wish they had woken up in time like Greg, but they had been brought up to trust and revere the medical profession and thought that the doctors knew best. If doctors and alternative practitioners got together to offer integrated care people would be so much healthier. The way homeopaths in particular have been denigrated by the media as 'quacks' has been shameful, and has resulted in me being unable to persuade any of my friends to try it. It is criminal that people should be given only the flawed allopathic model and denied access to try alternatives even when those drugs are not working or produce side effects which are as bad or sometimes worse than the original ailment.