Thank you, dear Tess for sharing this marvelous and hopeful film showing a "Better Way" forward.

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Love hearing of positive efforts to enhance the welfare of neglected populations.

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Thank you for posting information about Norberg-Hodge.

I am not familiar with her work but it looks interesting !!


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Local Exchange Trading Systems would be a great start to support local communities

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I started 2 of them years ago .. helped with others. Govt was immediately interested and researched us . I assume they have ways to tax barter systems by now as this was 20 years back ..

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A beautiful film, full of heartfelt messages. That of locally produced food, I think should be at the top of the list of importance. and next, getting to know ones neighbours, not an easy task as so many are from differing backgrounds with different takes on how life should be lived, so it's probably better and easier to try to get together with the like minded on the topic of food production as a start.

Having seen the capture of the Green movement, of the very word green, of the words sustainable, regenerative, inclusive, of the labour party, the green party, of so many aspirations that would take us away from commercial 'growth', which has proved so destructive to the environment and lifes' well being; hearing the powers that should not be aiming for a one world gov., I tend to pull away from any organisation that gets too big and has a 'leader'.

I look at the govs. desire for 15 minute cites, and yes, there are good reasons to be able to walk to the shops to buy what you need, that is how it used to be when I was little, but not if the scheme is run by control freaks who demand you obey what they deem to be right (e.g. govs).

We have to truly beware (be aware!) of these hi-jackers, lest they lure us with beautiful words into giving away any more of our power to control freaks (part of the mental illness our society has created)

We never really got out of the feudal system the very powerful introduced long ago. We've believed for so long that we need to obey our leaders and they are now trying even harder, more blatantly than in the last hundred years to keep us in check with more surveillance and wanting to know everything about all of us, and the rest of life too. I feel sorry for these control freaks, they must be awfully scared of loosing control to be behaving in this way, but non the less we need to beware, and we need, as Tess points out most poignantly, to aim for locally produced food, but I haven't much faith in trying to make the gov. pass legislation to control the corporate monsters who have bought and paid for our political system, It's rather more up to us to create our own new structures in a peaceful manner.

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bless her, she was always great. I'm so sad at the lack of progress since she first inspired us all those years ago. we've gone so far backwards :(

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100% for local focus. Just cautious on what I was reading.

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yesterday's freedom advocates became todays wef, climate agenda types.. the community as a whole has flipped toward eco fascism . i dont necessarily mean fascism in a pejorative way there.

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https://t.me/robinmg/37889 climate change debunked (we all know this by now)

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Some of the projects highlighted like Ecolise are designed to address climate change and the carbon footprint while other programs stress the importance of DEI and still others like the Cleveland Model seek to "leverage anchor institutions such as hospitals and universities" which may already be captured vehicles of who created the very problems articulated as drivers for these initiatives at the beginning of the documentary.

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Why, in these days, would you have any association with the WEF?

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"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen."

By faith we can rebuild the families and communities that have been taken from us.

By investing ourselves in a vision, we can give it life.

However, this is not essentially about politics or economics, but moral values.

The devastating destruction of our world and our lives is essentially caused by moral corruption.

Morally corrupt political and economic machines are destructive at all levels.

Local economics and politics if corrupted, inevitably lead to destruction eventually.

To restore our lives and our world we need to maintain solid moral foundations.

We eat what grows from the seeds we sow.

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