OFFICIAL TRAILER | PROTOCOL 7 I am eager to watch this movie.

A Film by Andy Weakefield

¨Based on real-life events, comes the corporate thriller, Protocol 7. Alexis Koprowski, a devoted mother and small-town family lawyer, Adrian Jay, a renegade doctor exiled from the medical profession, and Steve Schilling, a virologist at a prominent vaccine laboratory turned corporate whistleblower, work together to hold a large pharmaceutical corporation accountable for allegedly fraudulent test results behind a failing mumps vaccine. Protocol 7 takes us behind the corporate curtain, exposing a chain of command that devolves responsibility, prioritizes profits over people, and fosters an amoral mindset of “just following orders.”


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Same here. I'm in Scotland and have no idea whether I will have the opportunity to watch it. In any case Viva WCH!

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