I, too, have inadvertently discovered I am an anarchist 😄 I don’t call myself that because I jettisoned all labels as part of my liberation from tribalistic, partisan thinking, but I find my values overlap with those of my fellow Nevermore Media (https://nevermore.media/) contributors, including Derrick.

In my second essay (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it), I revealed Étienne de La Boétie’s anarchistic secret to overthrowing tyranny, and it remains an abiding theme in my work:

“You can deliver yourselves if you try, not by taking action, but merely by willing to be free. Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break into pieces.”

Viva La Révolution! ✊

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If you'd like to avoid the "tribalistic, partisan thinking" of labels, you can choose your own, like "Margaret Anne Alice" which is a label over which you have unique control because you're the only one. I believe Derrick considers himself to be a voluntaryist, as I do myself, and one of the core principles of so-called "voluntaryism" is to respect the way others use words.

Many people want to use "anarchist" to mean the thing they have been conditioned to believe it means, rather than the thing that we agree it means. Let's give them some grace, but still honor our view that the best way to organize society is to be the change we want to see in the world (as Gandhi put it). If you would like to explore the writings of someone else who also came to this conclusion, check out Albert J. Nock. Voluntaryist dot com has a lot of good resources too.

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Anarchy is the free-est of civilizational constructs. As Tess points out, most people have visions of rioting and looting when thinking of "anarchy". But, it simply means absence of government.

I read a couple of books by Stefan Molineaux on the subject some time ago. Worth searching out. His thesis, and I probably paraphrase badly, is that most of the so called functions of government could and should more appropriately be handled via insurance companies and contracts.

For just one example - every state licenses drivers. The question always posed is "is driving a right or a privilege?" It's neither - it's a skill. So, we end up with many people licensed to drive that probably shouldn't be. But it is insurance companies on the hook financially for bad driving, not the state. Why shouldn't insurance companies, then, be the ones testing and licensing drivers?

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Strictly speaking, a driver is a commerce term, and refers to those being paid for their driving skills. Taxi, lorry, truck etc.

We are travellers. When we are in our cars moving around, we are travelling, not driving. That is our right, an inalienable right, because without moving around we cease to exist. We are not plants or trees rooted to the ground getting our nutrition that way.

But, it is turned into a 'privilege' in our minds because we believe we need a licence to do it. This is another example of what govern ment has done to us.

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Another thing we could do is to have 'Managers' experienced in their field...health, roads, town and city development, farming, fisheries or whatever, people who could be hired, and fired if the don't fulfil their required function instead of having to wait four years to get rid of them, as one has to with the politics to which we acquiesce and which is proving unworkable.

And why must one have licences? That's just money grabbing on the part of government, surely a test to prove how well one drives should be sufficient. The ideas will be prolific and the arguments with those who believe government is necessary will be many. If it can be done in good spirit, we'll get somewhere worthwhile.

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In BC, it is is. We're insured by the Province.

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One Wonders possibilities flourishing Peace. Love. Balance. Beauty.

Thank you Dr Tess Lawrie for keeping the door open.

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Ah! So you have also come across Etienne...informative isn't he!?

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"I, too, have inadvertently discovered I am an anarchist "

Yeah, I believe that I am also an... antichrist :P...

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Jan 12, 2023
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Good one!

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So right. And we have to stop using the term "the authorities" too and call them what they really are: public servants.

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I urge you, Dr. Lawrie, to consider study of the great advocates of anarchism throughout history. My favorite is Emma Goldman, whose autobiography" Living My Life" is considered one of the great autobiographies in the English language. Goldman was Russian but immigrated to the US in her teens.

Anarchism hardly means no organization. It means no hierarchical organization. The city of Barcelona was run in an anarchist fashion for a year during the Spanish civil war. The anarchists were a small part of the resistance to Franco's fascists. The Communists were the main opposition to Franco. That war was how the great powers tested their weapons for WWII. Eric Blair, aka George Orwell, fought against the fascists in that war. Since fascism is correctly understood as the unity of corporations and the state, our health freedom movement is a form of anti-fascism.

Petr Kropotkin, also Russian, with his books Mutual Aid and Fields Factories and Workshops of Tomorrow was very important. Mutual Aid served to refute the lie from the late 19th century that survival of the fittest was how society was expected to run. He showed through other species that it was "survival of the fittest species versus other species rather than the twisting of the phrase to mean " survival of the fittest individual versus individual"

Leo Tolstoy, the great Russian Novelist, was a Christian anarchist.

I hope you will correspond with me about anarchism. dslesinger@alum.mit.edu Sincerely, Dave

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David Slesinger mentions some great sources. I might add some of the thinkers with which I am familiar. Ayn Rand comes to mind. Ludwig von Mises comes to mind. Murry Rothbard comes to mind. Along the same lines as Emma Goldman, we have fabulous female advocates as well. Isabel Patterson comes to mind. "The God of the Machine" should be required reading. In American History, few hold a candle to Henry David Thoreau. While maybe few would associate him with "anarchy" the musings of Mark Twain are also fertile ground. While I am rambling, I would also place Frederick Douglass firmly in the ranks of those who felt that "doing for oneself" was far better than being controlled by the government. Anyway, as I said in my other post, welcome to the Tribe!

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Rand and Rothbard were right wing anarchists. Most historical anarchism like Goldman and Kropotkin were left wing anarchists. The earliest right wing anarchist was Pierre Joseph Proudhon. You can see that survival of the fittest individual, which Kropotkin wrote Mutual Aid to oppose, is a right wing philosophy. It is notable that Biden, being an ostensible liberal, is fairly accused of being a fascist because he has sold out to Big Pharma. Liberals who support mandates should publicly be accused of fascism.

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Excellent, and accurate points. I am less concerned, frankly, about the left or right wings, but if you are speaking of the oft-cited "conservative" point-of-view, I see it. At the same time, it might be worth noting that even the so-called right-wing anarchists were generally in favor of prostitution and drug use, which are typically harbingers of a "left-wing" philosophy. Liberals (and frankly conservatives too) who support mandates are definitely fascists, in my view.

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love this info.!! I live just across the Charles River from MIT in Boston by the way :)

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If I were to come back to Beantown to cause trouble at MIT on THIS issue, could you conceivably come video or photograph it? 410-499-5403

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I'm in the Florida Keys until April (my husband lost his job at Harvard after taking two jabs, getting injured, and refusing to take a third) but I would be willing to attend (and film) a protest when I get back. I write to all the local (Mayor of Boston, City Council) and State legislators (I copy ALL House and Senate leadership) and the Governor regularly. I have even included some of Dr. Tess's info. I am not an MD or a scientist, but I am making sure MA City and State elected officials are getting regular updates from the qualified MD's and scientists, who are being marginalized and silenced, including Dr. Stephanie Seneff from MIT. Dr. Seneff is a vocal opponent of the covid injections, and she still works at MIT, but she has currently relocated to Hawaii. Maybe she could support a protest at the school too?

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Please help me be in touch with you now top prepare for the spring. dslesinger@alum.mit.edu or 410-499-5403

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Jan 12, 2023
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The common phrase has the term fittest, but i don't mind you comment. What is important to understand is that big capitalists used this excuse to justify squeezing their workers. That's why Kropotkin showed that its survival of the fittest SPECIES versus SPECIES where individuals within a species cooperate.

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I just did a latin to English translator "corona virus " or COR ONA VIRUS translates to HEART ATTACK VIRUS .. I also notice now on hoogle if you try that it only works if you switch latin yo another language then back to latin. Its being censored. Crazy watching this censorship in real time. I saw this as well with wikipedia and Dr Bret Weinstien.

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Fascinating - and also not surprising.

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"National Security"

When one of my high school friends interviewed for a job with the NSA in the 1990s, an agent asked me about my friend's trustworthiness regarding national security. I asked what he meant by "national security." He just repeated the term.

Since then, my tentative conclusion is that the publicly acceptable definition is protection of the citizenry as a whole against attack from another country or a non-country group like Al Qaeda. The real definition is protection of those in power, i.e., the government or whomever controls that (MIC/WEF/whatever).

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Dear Tess, if I could vote for anarchy I would because I am one. Almost my whole existence has been one of curiosity, asking questions and discovering what lies below the surface layer of information.

I also think there's a danger that anarchy tends not to work. It has been tried back in the 60's and 70's but in any group of people there are always those hungry for power and so groups start forming.

Governance steers, guides and does of course manipulate.

What concerns me most though are ideologies. Ideologies or ideological thinking delivers a kind of straightjacket of thought amongst its adherents.

Ideologies gave us neoliberalism, which has been fostered under all political parties.

It was Thatcher who decided that MHRA should be funded by the organisations it was supposed to regulate. She also stopped university blue sky thinking and innovation. They had to be more commercial.

This has at least in part driven the peer review system to be almost pointless. Also destroying any chance of asking questions or challenging the status quo.

Underpinning all this is the myth of our money system, something I've been researching just before the global financial crisis.

When one ties together, neoliberalism, the money system and power, we get to where we are today.

Vested interests get richer from Government hand outs, and we all suffer to varying degrees.

So, yes, I vote for anarchy, but beware those who crave power from within.

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Yes, all good points. Regarding money, we need to start imagining life without it. We are so conditioned to think in terms of money having value, it's not easy to break out of that conditioning. But I think at the very least a community free from money inevitably forges stronger connections - the very thing that THEY are trying to prevent.

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The no money trading has been around for decades. https://www.community-exchange.org/home/ There are groups all around the world.

I have been part of my local community exchange https://www.fnqces.org/ for 20 years. As a community we have traded 10's of 1000's of our arbitrary currency. It does bring people together and is a means to trade things that are sometimes not allowed as they are over regulated e.g. milk and eggs.

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Somehow one has to find the truly like minded in order to form groups that can function co-operatively. We have unfortunately been conditioned to distrust each other and in a way this distrust MAKES us untrustworthy, because we keep our ideas about certain things to ourselves in fear of possibly not being liked, or from some other fear and so it is difficult for others to 'know one' and that breeds distrust as one 'gets the feeling' that something isn't quite right, though we often pay these feelings no attention...also many of us have been taught that there's no such thing as intuition, which has taught us not to trust our own feelings about people or situations. But whether we like it or not, whether we believe it or not, we do have a sixth sense which alerts us to what is around and we need to learn to pay it attention, so it can help us navigate life as it was meant to do.

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So true, Suzi.

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Yes! The common element in all destructive governance is sociopathy. We will never see peace and prosperity until the citizenry can recognize sociopathic personality traits, and keep such people out of power in both business and government.

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That would be a good talent to develop. Even better would be for us to create a society that doesn't produce mental illness...wouldn't that be wonderful?

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Anarchy can work when people live as sovereigns, as they were born, and that includes first and foremost holding people to account when they cause harm. If we aren't prepared to do that, we can not live in anarchy, and we are not sovereigns. As a sovereign you cause no harm and you live as you want. In that way we create and evolve without limits. You know that no one has authority over you, and you stop them in their tracks the moment they try.

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To define someone as sovereign is fine, up to a point. I may well be the kind of person who will hold someone to account, but based on what premise, and what happens when someone who is weaker is not able to hold someone to account?

Don't we end up with rules or guidelines which may or may not conflict with one's idea of being sovereign?

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For this and so much more dealing with the use of language and a better understanding of natural law one can do no better than to listen to the seminar s given by Mark Passio

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Thank you!

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I absolutely agree!!

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Massacre of the Dreamers

Millennialists’ Denouement

“In individuals, insanity is rare;

but in groups, parties, nations

and epochs, it is the rule.”


“...forgetting that we are all

in the ghetto, that the ghetto is

walled in, that outside the ghetto

reign the lords of death, and that

close by the train is waiting.”

Primo Levi

Giggles, hoot

& howl erupt from rank

crypts of deep state goons

in the machine, trolls, flaggots

& factcheckers who mock

with pitch & insult stinko

with panic porn, pro forma accusations

& token phantasmagoria sure to

set agog cybernaut junkies,

dimwits & future catechumens

primed to take refuge

in nonsensical ad hominem,

to repose in mass-formation

psychosis, to wither when fingered

for failure to comply by phantom

kapos of 5G digital gulags, who

check on em’& double check

as accountability fades within

redeye google protocols

& faceless facebook



therein, in bouts

with fractious passions

stress spills over in free fantasia

of animus & vitriol. And

virulence blights intriguers’ jaded

body politic with calor, rubor,

dolor & tumor, as incurable seers

of the Great Reset, “therapeutic” fascism,

& AI rulable utopias breed outa’

control, goose-stepping across

world stages clustered round by

stoked proles outfitted with pitchforks

& AK 47 assault rifles, prowling

amongst gaslit multitudes...

Meanwhile in Montana,

thruout Massachusetts, in Idaho,

in Ohio, fer crissake!

fellow late day wannabe saints

& end-timers, otherwordly brethren

bred on Biblical apocrypha mindfly

under man-gods’ heavenly vapours

seeded with deceits & debasements.

And even—god willing—any

should be intervened—YEA,

even once & for all opt out!

—they’ll still fall prey

to ultimate predators: fiasco

jack-offs, blowback profiteers

& shock & awe autocrats...Still

fall prey to black budget racketeers

selling them on how & when

to slowly die to self-


Get a job, Dork!

Your right-to-work

To top off corpo-techno

Communists’ coffers.

Nine-to-five, eight-to



And as NYSE

futures push past last

restraints of “free” market

supplies & demands, death-eaters

surface to nourish themselves

without end, feasting on youth

bred to obesity on banal evils,

cowed by political correctness

in coca cola schools endorsed

& policed by parental snowflakes

blown away by so prodigal

a display...

O Hail! Hail Hearty

Corrupting Winds! howling

Through media conglomerates,

WEF & big pharma hallways,

Stripmalls & supreme court




Critical thinking

so finally breached, flood gates

swing wider open still & sick-slick

scholars, craven apologists

& payrolled polltakers run amuck

with consensus glut & studies

concocted by corporate thinktankers.

And when so speciously un-refutable

a SAY SO sez so&so&so...

realpolitik fallout flares across

bio-regions gone dark. And NO ONE

can go on doubling down on

climate denial free of lethal toxins

& vulturine perfidy; NO ONE

can go on unpolluted in ashrams,

secluded in gated communities;

nor hunkered down in Homeland

Security bunkers no matter

how assuredly secured.

No! only outcries

of rescue will escape onto

deaf ears of brutes,

gaolers & powerbrokers who

rule Wal-Mart’d ghettos

with icy contempt for inmates

long satisfied with victimage comforts;

defrauded inmates condemned

in absentia to Exxon debtor

prisons patrolled by lurid habeas

corpses tolling death knells

to quicken ecocide & kick-start

the Massacre Of The


Once begun,

& heroic, consolatory myths

no longer hold sway, some biden

fluffer neocons or “last emperor”

trumpster dumpster divers—plugged

with electroplated gold amulets

of le culte maga up da ass—

will kneel in extreme unction on

desolate cul-de-sacs & be

reborn into a manic evangelism

of gangster priests robed in kevlar

& nazi regalia, extolling virtues

of mutual suicide pacts tapped out

on split skulls with shinbones

of martyrs to the “cause”...

And some will GO

hoping for asylum somewhere,

anywhere else...Oh, but some

will COME hoping & hoping,

fresh blood smeared on

prayerful hands, pressing

close for doled out


Some will not...Phew!

Intuit who

to trust in this realtime

sordid debacle. Act out! Militate

in a furor of “Great Refusal”

to hasten collapse of a defunct epoch.

Be nomadic. Explore beyond

where photons go—curved toward

black holes. And finagle to manifest

light with a flicker of intent

on event horizon, so to illumine

nascent worlds into

bright being…

For combat-tested

DREAMERS, flying by the seat

of his/her pants, windborne in eternal

NOW with both eyes wide open

are most apt to escape future

turbulence & survive to seed

fruitful moments...all-ways

trusting in what yearns

to be


in all of us.

2. Poet’s Modus Operandi

“ Remember the cruelties!”


My own

severest critic, I strive

to employ an open contempt

so potent to justify my

revolt against cruelest normalities.

And so with sigil, shibboleth,

trope (that human born, that lyrical

kosmic whispering) & discrete metre,

I mean to stave off the tyranny

of bullet-proof, slam dunk truth

before paralysis overtakes in

contagion of pedestrian intrigues,

suddenesses & incoherence.

Then to proclaim

with much fanfare & horns

a-tootin’ Sanctuary!

Sanctuary! from the Massacre

of the Dreamers!

And, oh yeah! Poetry

to be the only absolutely


Ⓒ Gerald M Chorba

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Powerful! Thank you for sharing. Here's to the nascent worlds...

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This pagan says yay, yes, affirmative. The only exercise that works for me, besides walking, is jump rope. I am 58, and have found (over my lifetime) that jumprope is the quickest and cheapest and funnest way to get in shape. I do have use a jumping pad if I am on a hard surface such as concrete or blacktop. There's my 2cents from Oregon for being an anarchist, hop your way to hope and happiness. ;}

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Anarchism is a well established and highly developed philosophy. It has nothing to do with the idea of chaos. Anyone who seriously reads Anarchistic philosophy (and it is very serious) would laugh at such an absurdly reductionist view. Anarchism is THE philosophy IMHO. It empowers the individual to seek and build a just society in cooperation with others. It is a vast and in-depth field of philosophy that contains many ideas on how such a society should be conceived. Here is an excellent place to start your reading for anyone curious about Anarchism: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/special/index

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Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind - George Orwell

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Thank you. Highly relevant and very helpful.

I am a great admirer of the work of James Corbett. However, I have never been able to fully understand why he calls himself an anarchist. I was hoping to have an opportunity to ask him some day, but now I know.

Yes, T.H.E.Y. have been doing this for a long, long time. The following books all provide excellent exposure and insights into much of it. They are all relatively quick and easy to read, as well:

Operation Mind Control: The CIA's Plot Against America Paperback – Walter Bowart (1978)

Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses Paperback – Daniel Estulin (2015)

Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control Paperback – Stephen Kinzer (2020)

Yes, the kowtowing of western governments and establishment institutions to the totalitarian Chinese Communist Party says it all, really. An estimated 23 million Fallon Gong adherents ‘disappeared’ in the 90’s, 1M Ugyurs in concentration camps, and an illicit organ trade born from forced harvesting to feed a burgeoning international market. Seriously, the kowtowing says it all! However, for more Michael P. Senger, Kai Strittmatter, Clive Hamilton, and Peter Schweizer have all written excellent works on the CCP.

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Thank you for these recommendations

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Yes, I completely revised my perception of the word 'anarchy' after listening to Michael Malice, who is an anarchist.

This is a very long, but fascinating debate around many of the issues for anyone interested.


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Thank you for your integrity in this conflict with tyranny.

Christ said “give on to Cesar what is Cesar’s and unto God what is God’s(Lk20:25)”. While the context is talking about taxes/money, the broader meaning is a moral choice to put God first. Earthly governments, always inferior to the true Creator God, will attempt to usurp. It is up to the individual to decide to whom or what they owe allegiance and to be willing to pay the price. The Bible is replete with wonderful examples of individuals such as Joseph and Daniel who lived as captives in a hostile ‘mind control government’ yet remained loyal to the true God AND were blessed by God for their loyalty. May we all trust the true God to intervene in the world we live in today. I’ve read the book and I know who wins. I don’t know the time line or how it’s going to happen but I do know who wins and it’s not the WEF or the WH(hate)O.

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There is a sensitivity that you can develop which aligns the facts that:

A) Mens is the latin word for mind.

B) Mensis is the latin word for month.

C) -ment is the English suffix for the act of doing a thing.

D) A woman's body cycles about every month.

I'd also like to call your attention to any memory you have of overcoming cognitive dissonance (the inability to properly appreciate evidence which shows your worldview to be incorrect). I bet that it took about a month once you accepted the hard work of assimilating the evidence.

I have considered these things so much that, to me, the idea that the etymology of "government" points to "mind control" is very much aligned with something I decided on my own long before I was exposed to that idea. I decided that my own personal development of a conscience was more important than 'obeying the law'. It seemed there was way more to it than that. The claim "it's perfectly legal!" became more of a burden and a lame excuse than an honest accounting of my behavior. When you take on anarchy, or voluntaryism, you discover that part of your new job is to escape the trap of thinking that legality and morality are the same, or, to put it a different way, to stop allowing your mind to be controlled.

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Yes, legality is not moral as it supports a relative perspective and if you have enough money you have more access to legal morality than others. Morality is universal, legality varies according to who makes the rules so does not reflect universal morality only the morals of the legislators. Hence our current predicament!

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I recently wrote https://dscotese.substack.com/p/classifying-authority which you might enjoy.

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I agree with you Dave, and it is interesting to learn that legal is not law. The law has been usurped by legislation and most of us are confused into believing legislation is law. It is not. And there we have another example of the way our govern ment controls our mind.

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Having worked in western medicine for 40 years, looking at alternative medicine and health for around 35 years, and studying Chinese thought, Taiji and qigong for 23 years, I totally believe qigong/Chinese medicine can be a part of the system to get us out of the mess we’re in. The growth of wm has been exponential as we know. They’ve taken people’s power away with propaganda calling any alternative treatment quackery; that line has been pushed since the beginning of Rockefeller medicine. Chinese medicine is so much more wholistic, and qigong gets to the base of it all with the incorporation of body, mind and spirit with simple practices done daily. Breath, mind/spirit and movement are vital to our physical health. We have so much more ability to heal ourselves then we know.

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