It won't be an easy one since they flock in this together. Indeed, this is the perfect crime. They ruin the population's health with vaccines, and then they offer MAiD.




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I am a registered nurse and I find this an absolutely mass murder catastrophic disaster. I am so devastated disappointed and disgusted watching this. Crying my eyes out. 😭😭🥺🥺 Such evilness is beyond words, for someone who pledged to do NO HARM. 🥺🥺🥺

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Going to a hospital with a flu is far more deadly ,then taking the injections .

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Just truly terrifying. 😰😰 So sorry 😢

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Murder!!! Murderers in plain sight. God help this world, it is truly evil.

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beware the pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water as many believe in fact its coming back much sooner than we think check out the james roguski substack for the details also be aware tedros and his cronies are determined to have it done and dusted by the end of this year...also go to citizengo.org and scroll through till you find a petition..stop thhe who,s acccelerated push to finalize the pandemic treaty..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world that said when resharing it dont waste your time using gestapo book who you can be sure will censor and suppress it which can also be applied to both you tube and twitter..it currently has over 268000 signatures

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50.37 MINS 500 injections per person Dr Peter Mc Cullough says, Agenda 20-30


EXPOSED!: Secret WAR Against Early Covid Treatment

Dr Peter McCollough: A Personal Reflection on Courage, Science, and the Fight for Medical Truth


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I doubt any human body could survive 500 injections of mRNA genetic toxins. 😬 The human population would be reduced to zero.

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Hospitals are slaughter houses ,similar to the extermination centers like Auschwitz .It is still going on to this day .In most cases escape is made impossible

they are prisoners until death .

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This is pure EVIL. It is The Worldwide Holocaust 2.0 X10 Beautiful people trusting in the medical world of first do no harm and totally betrayed and murdered. No excuses for this horrendous nightmare. None!!! Hell awaits them!!! ALL OF THEM!!

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This is pure EVIL. It is The Worldwide Holocaust 2.0 X10 Beautiful people trusting in the medical world of first do no harm and totally betrayed and murdered. No excuses for this horrendous nightmare. None!!! Hell awaits them!!! ALL OF THEM!!

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Thank you Janice for understanding what some of us are faced with .In previous postings I did describe in much more detail what happened .Too bad I did not know he went in there ,or I would have prevented him going in there . I found out too late .

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So so terribly sorry 😢 I can’t even imagine, being a nurse all my life, that any of this catastrophic torture and heartbreaking murder is happening. I am gutted. 💔💔💔💔🥺🥺🙏🏻🙏🏻

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A DISGRACE TO THE HUMAN RACE!!! 😛May all those who participated in this cold blooded murder go to hell in a hand basket. Absolutely disgusting disgraceful and hideous.

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It is murder!! A disgrace to the medical world, mind blowing and evil and heartbreaking 💔 for all the people whose relatives and loved ones who were murdered in cold blood.

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My brother was murdered in nov. 2021 in a Canadian hospital when he went in there with a flu .He was sedated ,isolated ,given remdesivir and ventilated . I was not allowed to see him ,because I was critical of the treatment he was forced to endure .His son was allowed in to see him and he told me what he saw and what went on in there . It took six days to murder him .His son said ,that his clothing was hidden and he was so sedated that escape would have been impossible ,even if he wanted to .

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Truly hideous. I used to have faith that we had a good world. I truly loved nursing. Now the shock and horror of your story, and literally thousands and thousands more,.... has destroyed my faith. 🥺🥺

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There are still very good doctors and surgeons and nurses working within the medical community but it’s a total game of Russian roulette. My own experience with a recent surgery was fortunately at a Christian hospital. They recommended day surgery, and said: “it’s best not to stay in hospital these days…” My multiple-jabbed brother in law was not so fortunate. He just got out of hospital after a lengthy stay and asked us to pray hard for him to get out. He asked the hospital staff a lot about meds they were trying to give him, and he wouldn’t take them, so they finally released him. He lost weight while in hospital and feels good, but said the hospital was a shambles and filled with untrained staff, many of whom lacked basic English skills. It seems many qualified doctors and nurses have moved on, and governments have rushed in to fill these gaps with foreign unskilled workers.

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Very SAD!!

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Essential listening for any day...... Dr JJ Couey, the brilliant American biologist and foremost expert on the Covid-19 fraud in the world today.


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