'Exit the WHO' is the world wide campaign that must go viral. The unelected WEF, WHO, IMF, Davos & Co. is the head of an octopus. These globalist are in their end game and the many arms of this monster are all slapping us at once…VAX, CRT, BML, Economy/CBDC, FAILED media justice and election system, jail for defending yourself w/your legal gun, trans>sports/schools/porn books/loss of parents rights, food insecurity/mRNA contamination, trains spilling toxins, AI, Ukraine, death of community, family & identity for kids. This is WAR and these arms are slapping us on all these fronts so that we are not focused on the cause of all of it. Even the 2024 candidate choice is a big distraction from what GOoD’s army should be doing> FOCUSING on 'cutting off the head' of the octopus that is close to taking over the world. They have captured all the power and have all the money and technology, 'own the science' to use against us. If we don't rally the troops to FOCUS fast and take down these organizations we are doomed…and soon. Without a concerted effort to cut off the cancerous head they bring in ‘human’ 2.0. This is our David & Goliath moment. Meanwhile, with covid over...millions are back to trying to pick up the pieces of their lives and go back to living and have ZERO interest in this next big battle. We need to shake them by the shoulders, stomp on their rose colored glasses and move them into action. https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/exit-the-who

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What an incredible response! You summed it up perfectly! Do I have your permission to post it on Facebook under the article? I think it might get the attention of some of my “friends” who think I’m just a crazy conspiracy theorist!

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Thanks!...and please do! There will be part of the population that won't get it until they are in the cattle cars on the way to the death camps so to speak. Very sad. But only so much time and energy should be spent trying to convince them. They have an overactive optimism bias. (It gets us up each day but the flip side is that it says 'It's ALL good!' when it's not.) Also, there are those who are SO afraid of the label 'conspiracy theorist' that they refuse to even look at information that contradicts the official narrative...and what can you say about those who are so afraid of a BS label that they won't even look at info that friends and family are trying to share? Cowards...and we can't fix cowards.

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That (cattle car), is already the case: Taking jabz that are not tested/wearing muzzles to keep out the fresh air!

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Yep. First part of the trip to hell.

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James Roguski has helped so much by giving us means to contact politicians, where to access petitions and if we take his lead and pass on this info to all and sundry whom we know and on sites we visit in social media we will be helping the awakening, at least as far as what the 'who' are up to, and that info will lead very many to seek further info on what's going on...we need to carry on doing whatever we are inspired to do as often as inspired.

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This is a good one to get newbies to the topic introduced. Thanks for the share. Also, this one is worth the watch. (Her speech is a bit halting but the info is worth the listen). https://zeeemedia.com/interview/exclusive-celeste-solum-the-end-game-synthetic-biology-exposed/

Of course It's even worse than we think. We knew in the 70's when we watched '2001 A Space Odyssey' that the future was going to have its issues and that very advanced technology was for the chosen few. We were only given the technology that serves them. Our phones are just data mining devices re: everything we think, do and say. They needed this data for general AI. I think the vax in part was to separate the sheep from the critical & creative thinkers. Creativity is a harder nut for them to crack re: programing AI. I expect that we are in for a special 'treat' in order for them to map our brain processes. Once upon a time this would sound like shear paranoia...now we know we weren't close to understanding the level of evil afoot.

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They will not get me...I'm Dying on this Hill.

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Me too

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People who write on this appalling situation often refer to 'negotiations' . I spent a lot of my career in 'negotiations''. Sometimes the right thing to do is to walk away.

Who are our negotiators? By what authority have they been given the right to take away our rights & freedoms?

Their names, addresses, salaries, other sources of income and affiliations should be in the public domain. They should be accountable for their actions in this job and future jobs. They should never be given a 'get out of jail free' card. I don't know who they are but I do not trust any of them to look after our interests.

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read art of the deal ... trump

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Stop looking for a savior - Save your self. Take others with you - Live LOVE>

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If you go to James Roguski's site on Substack, he has all the delegates listed, you can download a list of your country's delegates from him.

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Thanks. I'll have a look to see who these mysterious people are & perhaps how they might be accountable.

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Being complacent - Is applicable, to the law!

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The WHO has become a criminal organization. No-one in the right state of mind should listen to them.

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Always have been.

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Having delved a little into the labyrinth that is "legislation", my understanding is that it only applies to those who identify as being "public persons". This category includes legal entities such as employees, residents, citizens, claimants, etc. Legislation doesn't apply to private individuals who are sovereign and free. If so, the easiest way to escape the WHO's machinations is to identify as a private and sovereign individual.

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Individual sovereignty is the key. We can set ourselves free but still need to make people aware of this power grab that will give our governments WHO-directed 'authority' to violate our inalienable rights and freedoms. Please see www.thegreatfreeset.org

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Thank you for all your hard work, Dr. Lawrie. You're like a latter day Joan of Arc. I love the idea of the Great Freeset and am aware of the threat of the WHO's IHR-based medical tyranny. My hunch is that the entire legislative system is founded on a deception. As you know, experts in Common Law state that unlawful legislation, i.e. those Acts and Bills which violate Natural Law are NULL and VOID. The WHO's medical tyranny clearly violates Natural Law. I think ethical lawyers out there will hold the answer to this conundrum...

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Labyrinth: One way in - One way out.

Maze: Rats, Obstacles, several options to gain function!

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I'm sick of these little REPTILE BRAIN BOUGHT OFF GLOBALIST WHORES making rules for me and you.

Fuck them and the horse they rode in on.

You COWARDS in the BARR SYSTEM including the MILITARY POLICE might want to do your jobs and ARESST these pukes.

Which is you RCMP here in CHINADA.

And right now they are getting ready to put in more mandates with Klausy's little potato in charge.

Time to go old school and surround the Parliament buildings with 2 million people and drag their asses out.

My Grandparents went through two WWs last century to come here to CHINADA for FREEDOM.

And yet here we are not doing what is necessary for our kids and grandkids.

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I have said this before and will say it again: the World Horror Organisation is so corrupted the only solution is for them to be arrested. There is enough evidence. No matter whst the result is of this exposure be sure to know it will not stop them they will change the wording and start all over agsin .to EXHAUST everyone!! They have to GO PRONTO.

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Do not comply with the anti-human globalists

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Lets hear about some solutions to fighting this.

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We'll be discussing plenty of these at the Better Way Conference next week, Joy.

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That’s great to hear, I look forward to it. 🙏

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Thanks Dr. Tess. Excellent rallying call against their satanic evil tyranny.

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"Sovereign is he who decides on the exception." ― Carl Schmitt

The WHO will become sovereign of the world according to the famous definition of sovereignty by Nazi political scientist Schmitt.

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They wish! Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha !

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Hurry Up a bit (getter done) STOP the H W O N O W - I'm "sick" of waiting!!!

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The power potentially vested in an unelected body and its CE is both incredible and unacceptable and places huge suspicion on governments who are even discussing it.

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WHO & WEF want to be the Real Tyrell Corporation that Enslaved People in The Blade Runner Movie. WE SAY NO

NO one could expose WHO & WEF for who they really are better than what they're doing themselevs.

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Sadly, this article's title implies the possibility of stopping the bastards, without there being a means to do so. In completing their Grand Plan of global control, the People Who Matter are beyond the influence of mere people.

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There IS a means...we can bombard our political reps as hard as possible, spread info where ever we can...the more of us do our bit the more bits there'll be for them to contend with...no lying down and giving in!...also we can say NO to a whole lot of stuff, make life so awful for the would be draconian law makers that they'll back off for a while. We really need to keep working.

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WHO funded from the Bankers. Is better to jump from a Cliff.

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PS Brilliant work Tess & all thankyou very much.

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