Of course It's even worse than we think. We knew in the 70's when we watched '2001 A Space Odyssey' that the future was going to have its issues and that very advanced technology was for the chosen few. We were only given the technology that serves them. Our phones are just data mining devices re: everything we think, do and say. They needed this data for general AI. I think the vax in part was to separate the sheep from the critical & creative thinkers. Creativity is a harder nut for them to crack re: programing AI. I expect that we are in for a special 'treat' in order for them to map our brain processes. Once upon a time this would sound like shear paranoia...now we know we weren't close to understanding the level of evil afoot.
This is a good one to get newbies to the topic introduced. Thanks for the share. Also, this one is worth the watch. (Her speech is a bit halting but the info is worth the listen). https://zeeemedia.com/interview/exclusive-celeste-solum-the-end-game-synthetic-biology-exposed/
Of course It's even worse than we think. We knew in the 70's when we watched '2001 A Space Odyssey' that the future was going to have its issues and that very advanced technology was for the chosen few. We were only given the technology that serves them. Our phones are just data mining devices re: everything we think, do and say. They needed this data for general AI. I think the vax in part was to separate the sheep from the critical & creative thinkers. Creativity is a harder nut for them to crack re: programing AI. I expect that we are in for a special 'treat' in order for them to map our brain processes. Once upon a time this would sound like shear paranoia...now we know we weren't close to understanding the level of evil afoot.
They will not get me...I'm Dying on this Hill.
Me too