which comes to be an Effect of a disseminated infection

The virus replicates inside the cells of the immune system

which increases the Viral Load

and inflammation due to Pyroptosis


Autopsy study in patients with COVID shows that:

SARS-CoV-2 infects, replicates and persists in Macrophages within the coronary vasculature

Since CARDIAC MACROPHAGES have a half-life of 8.8years

they would act as VIRAL RESERVOIRS in Atherosclerotic plaques


SARS CoV-2 virus can chronically persist in the GUT of patients with long COVID for over 2 years


Dr. Gustavo Aguirre-Chang


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Correct. Thank you. Once SARS-CoV-2 enters the cell the cell signalling pathways respond. SARS-CoV-2 infects and replicates in most white blood cells, specifically T-lymphocytes. Symptoms of rising EBV, lowered immunity and conditions like Mast Cell activation are all steming from the same source here: the integrins. The gp120 - α4β7 integrin explains the entire Covid-19 illness pathway and the adapted solutions.

Yes SARS-CoV-2 will persist in the gut as long as SARS-CoV-2 keeps circulating and entering cells. From there it heads to Madcam-1 in the gut lining. To stop this cycle, it is vital to stop SARS-CoV-2 spike from entering the cell where it replicates.

Thank you!

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Yeah I thought the same thing about "Uncanny Similarity." CD4 is the target. Other things might be targets too - but those CD4 are in the crosshairs due to the inserts.

My speculation: a "healthy gut" (microbiome) might eliminate HIV, or Sars-COV-2, all on its own. Gut dysbiosis, on the other hand, allows both viruses to prosper in the gut, and live there forever.

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Agreed David. The first thing is to stop SARS-CoV-2 spike from entering our cells. This will stop the cascade of symptoms. Any cirulating virus will then be eliminated.

Zinc and copper play a big role in this. A pivotal role.

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So what is the mechanism of the reversible process, and how is that accomplished?

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Hi Dorothy, There is a new protocol beginning now, a trial for who ever wants to join, based on the above theory GP120-CD4. Sing out if you would like to try. It is all natural; simple dietary guidelines and one supplement. janinegallizia@gmail.com

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Dorothy the main factors needed to reduce and eliminate symptoms is to focus on a diet that stimulates kidney tubule repair; think raw fruits and some veggies that are high water content (watermelon, grapes, citrus, cuccumber red bell peppers...), low protein. Combine this with high vitamin C and vitamin A (red bell peppers, parsley, kiwis, citrus, carrots, melons...) content raw foods and a high copper diet (seafood, liver, nuts and grains...). This sounds too simple to be true, but it is the synergy that works.

Taking a well developped food-grade copper supplement helps as it takes a while to get copper levels back up, as it is so low and so needed. visit www.getwellfastnow.com and look into the first 2 weeks of the protocol. If a person reacts strongly to these very simple mesures, the full protocol will be a game changer. Keep watching the site, it will updated regularly.

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It is almost as if they have been trying to kill humanity for decades and failed with HIV and have now failed with their spike protein inducing injections. It is almost as if they are utterly incompetent at genociding the planet.

I wonder if they will succeed in genociding themselves somehow? I remember someone very famous saying "Their weapons shall not prosper against you and indeed shall be turned back on them!" His name was and is God.

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Perhaps a decade or so in the past, I would listen to George Noory on Coast To Coast AM. I drove a lot at night. A subject that often came up was the mysterious deaths of so many expert microbiologists.

Apparently all the experts weren't killed. Thanks for unraveling the trail of the covid crime. 🤗

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Thanks Chris. It is a match, we are getting reversals with a therapy based on the GP120-Cd4 theory. Cool stuff!!

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Excellent. That is great news. 😁

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Here is an article debunking the conspiracy theory forming around the mystery of the deaths of microbiologists. 🙄


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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

Do a video with Dr Carlo Brogna I believe he can help.

Quote from his book.

“ Furthermore, the discovery of a role for intestinal bacteria in viral replication changes not only the therapeutic but also the epidemiological approach to the disease, since the presence of SARS-COV-2 is recorded, active and still capable of infecting and replicating , in patient feces.

This means that the contagiousness of a patient declared healthy through a negative nasopharyngeal swab, in reality, is still ongoing and can occur via the fecal-oral route, or through direct contact with infected surfaces.

That is, a negative oral-nasal swab test is not necessarily an indicator of non-contagiousness, considering that the virus may have its own occult intestinal reserve.”


This is an old article someone did..



Carlo Brogna, SARS-CoV-2: La completa verità (1)



















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This is one study.

virus 'likely infects gastrointestinal tissue' with 1 in 20 mild to moderate cases found to be pooping out virus nearly a year after infection:

So, is this WASTEWATER increase really proportional to the number of people who are infected.

Or are more people shedding the virus in their feces for longer 💩💩💩

Chris Turnbull



Gastrointestinal symptoms and fecal shedding of SARS-CoV-2 RNA suggest prolonged gastrointestinal infection


PDF ⬇️


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Much appreiciated. I will try to get in contact with him.

Thank you

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Excellent. I will follow up. Most appreciated Solo.

Thank you.

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Igor Chudov called covid a while ago airborne AIDS and it seems this could be correct.

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Yes. So did Montagnier. However the delicate issue here Guido is that people fear AIDS. Many of us lived through the AIDS era in the 80s, we saw notable figures like Eddy Mercury waste away. People heard it was untreatable, people saw people wasting away in an awful way all over the news, people saw the open skin wounds... The key here is that people fear the PERCEPTION of what they believe HIV is: Full blown AIDS untreated= gruesome dealth.

AIDS is triggered simply by a lowered CD4 count. If the CD4 levels are maintained there are no symptoms.

Doesn't that say a lot about how HIV and AIDS was presented to the world, and how people's perception creates the impact of the illness? To help people with Covid, Long Covid or post Covid vax symptoms, maintain CD4 and focus on the kidneys makes stunning health turnarounds that last with easy measures.

Thank you!

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An interesting article on the same subject:

Why the Official AIDS Story is a Complete Crock


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I will look into this, as yes it was a load of crock!!


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