Gosh I don't know... many of my vegan acquaintances were totally rah-rah-rah drum-bangers for the gene jabs and masks and isolation, despite getting Covid after their shots and boosters. Before FaceBook shut it down, the large support group for people following the Dr. Terry Wahls MS recovery protocol that includes organ meats and bone broth from pastured animals, plus a lot of non-starchy plants, and avoids all processed foods, grains and legumes, had innumerable jab-promoters who simply refused to believe that any vaccine let alone the Great New One could cause or exacerbate degenerative neurological disease.

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Most of us eat the same foods. But a select few have the brains to see WTF is going on. It has nothing to do with diet. It is purely psychological. The weak cannot think for themselves and rely on the government to do all their thinking for them. Always taking the easy way out!

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There has been a lot of research which shows fluoride in water ans toothpaste lowers IQ. I believe this is conducive to cognitive decline. Those who drink filtered water seem much sharper.

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Requesting a re-think on "most of us eat the same foods." One little girl in my class lived on white bread and jelly and tea. My diabetic friend lives on carbohydrates and insulin. And person to person (rich to poor) there is a big difference in diet in the USA. BUT THE FACT THAT WHAT SEEMS TO BE HALF THE POPULATION DOESN'T SEE WHAT'S GOING ON IN FRONT OF THEM . . . . that is a mystery of the mind that has yet to be solved.

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Diet and supplements can make a huge difference. Looking forward to this.

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I'm looking forward to hearing what Francesca has to say.

My mother's friends are pushing hard to get her to eat more cereals, less or no meat and NO eggs. Eggs might as well be the orange man.

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I would like to believe this, but my girlfriend eats more or less the same as me and refuses to acknowledge what is going on. Unless it's down to the moderate increase in fruits and refined sugar that she eats over me. Spain in general has a better diet than the UK but they have been a lot more compliant with the covid scam.

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Dr. Lawrie, you may find this tweet and video interesting. 😁

New alarming development: The Covid Vaccine’s spike protein is not just effecting, but COMPLETELY ELIMINATING important GI bacteria from the gut for months after vaccination.

Even babies breastfeeding from their vaccinated mothers are experiencing this.

9 months post-vaccination, the bacteria does not repair itself and come back.

This could be a missing piece of the puzzle to the #DiedSuddenly phenomena we are seeing across the globe.


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I need to let you know that I was sharing the Vera Sharav documentary series from your last post to three different groups and on the third transmission your original post was deleted from my email. Nowhere to be found, not in junk, trash, inbox, all mail. Luckily I can direct people to it on Children’s Health Defense. I have never had this happen. Orwellian days that we live in!

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Hi Tess, what are you and your colleagues eating to maintain your silence and ignorance around the virus isolation question

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Hi Nick, this academic discussion has just slipped further and further down our list of priorities as the scale of the humanitarian crisis has become manifest. We have limited resources and so need to focus our attention on where we can truly help.

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Yes, so says everyone. Even though this is at the centre of the entire fraud. A strange long term tactic, and that's the most parsimonious explanation. How will ignoring this surely more than 'academic question' play out when the would be tricksters who brought us this plandemic, choose to bring on the next one. Im sure they are table topping it as we speak.

Surely when you said you would be inviting one of the Baileys to your next conference some months ago, it wasn't the scale of the humanitarian crisis that prevented this from happening?

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What question?

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you know, the one Tess has said is an important one to ask, that was 'complex' and her team would be looking in to. the one a group of 'deniers' have been focusing on who tess said she had great respect for and would be inviting to her 'open' conferences {never happened}. the one every institute has failed to evidence around the world. the one no one has collected the hundreds of thousands of euros challenge on.

That one.

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The more I look the more it appears to be the case that pathogenic viruses are about as well proven as unicorn eggs.

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Not sure why you need to talk in “code” or why you sound accusatory. The isolation question is a rabbit hole. You could start here https://www.pnas.org/action/oidcCallback?idpCode=connect&error=login_required&error_description=Login+required&state=-cj5pkZXibzC4ADD1rGL_4iHU89OUqMHdptwtW4OOBQ

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Hi Evi. I started a while ago and agree it's a rabbit hole but that doesn't mean there's not a question to be answered. Sorry if I misread your initial reply but I interpreted it as saying there is no question around isolation. If this is incorrect, apologies. If it isn't, I was just pointing out that even the author of the substack acknowledges the issue and has not followed through on previous assertions to follow up on it.

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Thanks Dr. L.

Food, Water, Air. All polluted accidentally? Or? Deliberately? Baby & infant injection's adjuncts. Fluoride in the water we drink, shower & bathe in. GMO crops.

All deliberately designed to reduce human IQ. Reduce IQ, that then reduces EQ too. Resulting in the now of. Heartless, Mindless, Uncaring, Selfish humanity.

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Must be why the Democrats are absolutely suffering from Projection and Cognitive Dissonance on a continual basis?

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I'm trying the carnivore diet.

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I imagine it will be low carb to decrease inflammation and fasting to promote autophagy.

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An old Italian song (https://youtu.be/3hoqrLLa4WY) said: I give you my poison.... How not to be poisoned by a food that is poisoned in every way ?! I hope his leg is healed and you remember the horsetail arvense powder

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