Dr Tess; We are at war. The first casualty of war is always the Truth.

Solidarity 🙏🏼

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The censorship is priming and preparing the structures for full wartime. When the government changes hands we may get a solution to the wanton death, however it may not end up being that much better.

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Yes, it will. Purge the Deep State. That is the first act of war.

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You misunderstand. My comment is about infastructure and momentum.

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"The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it." ~ George Orwell

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." ~ George Orwell

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Green Med Info has been in this fight a long time. Thanks for highlighting their efforts 🙏

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Germany is at the forefront to CENSOR free speech AGAINST the German constitution § 5 "Censorship does not take place".


The reality is that "GESTAPO"-methods of western national Socialists combined with "STASI"-methods of eastern Socialists are fully back in suicidal modern New World Order "green" (climate change) Socialists in Germany:




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I watched, thank you for such valuable information. Canada Gov’t (Trudeau Traitor) too, is trying to adopt this ‘Online No Harm’ agenda and has LEGISLATION going to first reading by our UNELECTED, Liberal appointed and therefore illegitimate Senate. The language/playbook claiming child porn protection is exactly as your broadcast described, from the UK. They don’t talk about the other two pieces about locking you up for online dis/mis information which is gov’t code for TRUTH that goes against their agenda. Australia is also shoving this down the throats of their citizens. We are fighting against this unpopular last desperate push by the Marxists before they are voted out…the two Leftist/Marxist Party’s are incredibly unpopular in Canada. Trudeau 20%/Singh 15% Conservatives 48% so the writing is on the wall. We just need a no -confidence vote on this disgusting Bill to spark an election. Wish us luck!!!!

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I hope everyone listens to a Joe Rogan podcast with Dr Robert Epstein. It's horrifying. I urge everyone to watch it.

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Thank you. Will share!

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Hi Dr Tess, I've just listened to the discussion about Free Speech being under attack. It was very interesting and encouraging. Thank you for letting us know.

It's amazing at what the Bollingers went through, as well as Dr Ben and Sayer. I'm pleased they weren't silenced and are still here to fight the fight with us. Dr Joel had a few good, interesting comments too.

Thanks to all.

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Lock step across all formerly democratic nations. Question is, who is ultimately in the drivers seat of this agenda?

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Our jabbed pollies are merely following their Schwab instructions.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

I watched this yesterday. The man who wrote The Matrix had it stolen from him then faced a corrupt court. He worked for Pat Robertson, the televangelist who was promised the position of NWO leader over the One World religion. He claims that they have figured out immortality and the elite don’t need us anymore. He says from his screen play they gave Neuralink to Elon Musk and they use it with children’s blood whose growth hormones work toward longevity. My husband says this isn’t possible because it’s our telomeres which cause aging but this guy says Stanford and IBM figured it out. Censorship is part of what they have planned for us. Democide is the other part. They don’t want us to have a voice to disagree and tip off the entranced people when they come to kill us. Fight back and stay strong!


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It is a reasonably well-proven phenomenon that young blood reverses aging (in mice). (And old blood ages young mice.) Scientists are still working out why this happens.

Your husband might like this video. There is quite a bit of research done on this topic.

Why does 'young blood' slow ageing in old mice?



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Thanks so much for sharing.

[Pro 25:25 KJV] 25 [As] cold waters to a thirsty soul, so [is] good news from a far country. Happy belated Jane Austen and Iver Mectin Day! Health/ Truth - Key battleground!

All together now 🎸🗽🙏

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"In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies."

Sir Winston Churchill In World War II.

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i probably should not be saying this, but governments worldwide stand to be held accountable for the crimes of cbullshit....which is a logical conclusion of the FRAUD they have subjected global citizens....so they are compelled to destroy free speech. It is formiddable and this will continue until you know what should take place.......

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Everyone needs to learn this method and form of law, merchant law, as taught by Cal Washington. 14 Notices of Liability caused the Queen of Denmark to resign.

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