Dear De Lawrie,

I have great respect for you and what you do. I also dislike the "pissing matches" going on between various members of the freedom movement, based on egos and lack of communication skills. This only harms the freedom movement because "divide and conquer" is being employed by the other side to dilute the opposition.

That said, I also have great respect for Mike Yeadon and in respect of the above, he seems to have tried very hard to reach out to you respectfully to discuss the difference of opinions regarding "early treatment" of what Mike, and many others, believe to be a non-existent "novel virus".

And whilst I don't support "pissing matches", I do think there are still important issues regarding the Covid psyop that need to be, respectfully, debated. And this is one of them. If we can't debate such important fundamental questions, it is unreasonable of us to expect the other side to engage us in an open debate of all our issues?

All of the above is by way of context to the fact that Mike issued an open question to you after having failed to elicit any response to his many attempts to engage you and I am unaware of any attempt on your part to issue a public response to a public question?

Is there some reason why you will not elucidate your position on this important question? If so, please at least publish that so we might have a better understanding of your position? Alternatively, it would be preferable if you would respond publicly to Mike's question on this important issue?

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Dear Lawrie ,since you seem to know that viruses exist ,you must therefore know what they look like .Please include pictures of the viruses so we also know what they look like .The pictures of vyruses we see on T.V. look like Christmas tree ornaments .Since at 88 I no longer believe in Santa I want to see the real whyrusses ,not ornaments .Thank you As far as subscribing goes it is a tough one .The little pension I get would be enough to live under a bridge .My wife who is much younger than me and still works supports me .I can't ask her to help me pay for reading comments or similar literature by subscribing .Sorry my comment is getting long ,but at least I don't charge for it a penny .Why not make all material unavailable for non subscribers to stop the temptations of reading it .?

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In the meantime, good news : THE TRUTH WILL SET US FREE!

Te𝕏asLindsay™ @TexasLindsay_

🔥 Must Watch: Chris Cuomo interviews Nurse Practitioner, Sean Barcavage, who was featured in the NYT article today about vaccine injuries.

During the interview Cuomo offers to share his doctors’ info with him since he is also suffering from a vaccine injury as well.


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