Probably "nothing" will happen next. The system of "national emergencies" has been set up, and the populace has shown full compliance, so the next plandemic will work just the same.
Okay, there are a few options for the future, none of them is particularly pleasing or appealing. In fact, medieval plagues bear striking resemblance to the convid psyop:
We create new systems free from the globalists. There is no other way. It cannot be fixed. It must be ignored / left. The globalists have demonstrated they are antihuman and entirely untrustworthy. Work locally.
The trust is broken and may nit be mended. The trust came under false premises. Our system does not suit the people. Smaller government and more local people based government is a start.
Yes it's all fabulously fascinating, to those that didn't know the government's were lying. Its fabulously frustrating to those that did (almost 5yrs ago now). BUT regardless of mea culpas, apologies, and oopsie-daisy from regulatory bodies and bureacrats, these shots are STILL being given, STILL been manufactured, and STILL killing, injuring people and permanently dissembling the human genome as we know it.😐🤨
Experience and logic dictate that the only solution for this horror—and exacting the price of retribution from the guilty parties—depends entirely on the success of the man who was duped; yet continues to brag about his "warp speed" brilliance. If we survive to write about this perod in history, it will be cataloged under humanity's blackest of black comedies. This is evil beyond the meaning of evil and the perpetrators must be marched through the streets exposed for all to see.
There is so much evidence from so many corners of the earth proving that it was faked. We have to throw off the corruption to get some leverage on this control system.
I pray 🙏 we one day we are heard . That those lost too soon and injured finally get JUSTICE . Everything over the last 4 years has had catastrophic devastating consequences effecting everything .
Nothing will happen next. These people keep doubling down despite all we know. They and the MSM stick to their agenda and don't listen. It's clear that western governments and NGOs etc are our enemies. This approach is mirrored in the Middle East and Ukraine. Help!
Show some respect for the many bereaved and injured . Its not about judging its about bring those who committed these crimes against humanity to justice for everyone. I pray you grow some compassion
Can this help get Reiner Fuellmich out of prison?
As a folk hero?
Probably "nothing" will happen next. The system of "national emergencies" has been set up, and the populace has shown full compliance, so the next plandemic will work just the same.
Okay, there are a few options for the future, none of them is particularly pleasing or appealing. In fact, medieval plagues bear striking resemblance to the convid psyop:
We create new systems free from the globalists. There is no other way. It cannot be fixed. It must be ignored / left. The globalists have demonstrated they are antihuman and entirely untrustworthy. Work locally.
The trust is broken and may nit be mended. The trust came under false premises. Our system does not suit the people. Smaller government and more local people based government is a start.
Yes it's all fabulously fascinating, to those that didn't know the government's were lying. Its fabulously frustrating to those that did (almost 5yrs ago now). BUT regardless of mea culpas, apologies, and oopsie-daisy from regulatory bodies and bureacrats, these shots are STILL being given, STILL been manufactured, and STILL killing, injuring people and permanently dissembling the human genome as we know it.😐🤨
#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised
Thank you so much Dr. Lawrie, now I hope and pray that Reiner will be freed quickly!!!!
Experience and logic dictate that the only solution for this horror—and exacting the price of retribution from the guilty parties—depends entirely on the success of the man who was duped; yet continues to brag about his "warp speed" brilliance. If we survive to write about this perod in history, it will be cataloged under humanity's blackest of black comedies. This is evil beyond the meaning of evil and the perpetrators must be marched through the streets exposed for all to see.
The bad news is that no msm will publish this as such!
There is so much evidence from so many corners of the earth proving that it was faked. We have to throw off the corruption to get some leverage on this control system.
I pray 🙏 we one day we are heard . That those lost too soon and injured finally get JUSTICE . Everything over the last 4 years has had catastrophic devastating consequences effecting everything .
Nothing will happen next. These people keep doubling down despite all we know. They and the MSM stick to their agenda and don't listen. It's clear that western governments and NGOs etc are our enemies. This approach is mirrored in the Middle East and Ukraine. Help!
The Vaccinated
Did Not Have
Their Health Stolen From Them.
They Forfeited It.
Show some respect for the many bereaved and injured . Its not about judging its about bring those who committed these crimes against humanity to justice for everyone. I pray you grow some compassion
There is a certain feebleness to what they’ve done to themselves.
Tess, I'm sorry. No 9ne will pay attention.