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hi tess of topic i know but it needs to be said..people of the uk be aware theres a petition on the uk parliament petition page..hold a public enquiry into excess deaths..surely after last weeks debate in the uk parliament now is the perfect time so to speak while the iron is hot...if you sign it? be sure to reshare it widely al over the…
© 2025 Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD
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hi tess of topic i know but it needs to be said..people of the uk be aware theres a petition on the uk parliament petition page..hold a public enquiry into excess deaths..surely after last weeks debate in the uk parliament now is the perfect time so to speak while the iron is hot...if you sign it? be sure to reshare it widely al over the uk with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and besure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same although the bridgen debate was seen by many people in the uk on social media as far as im aware there was nothing in the uk media about it its very clear msm dont want the majority of the people of the uk to be aware of the excess deaths issue and so the lie continues and the majority dont have a clue about closing when resharing the petition be very wary of the censorship gestapo on GESTAPO BOOK
"very clear msm dont want the majority of the people of the uk to be aware of the excess deaths issue and so the lie continues and the majority dont have a clue about it"
How true. Some of the people in the retirement center where I live become viscerally angry when I politely suggest alternatives to the "deadly pandemic" scam. People who took the vax are scared now and do not want to hear they are at risk for a host of ill health and possibly death. I can sympathize.... but luckily I had listened to Dr Sucharit Bhakdi at the very beginning of this madness (CORONA FALSE ALARM) and refused every injection offered. How grateful I am to Bhakdi and his wife Karina....and DOCTORS4COVIDETHICS. Everyone who is aware of this scam must stand up and get mad RESIST resist resist!!!!: