We are coming uncomfortably close to the "Mr. Show" skit about blowing up the moon, which I suppose should be no surprise in Clown World:


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I am in camp that the moon is not all it is cracked up to be from the astrophysics perspective.

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Apr 9
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yes..knew that. All over Twittter and substack. Have to now buy directly from organic famers.

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Well, yes. But it is not negative as the fear mongers would leave one to believe. This will be quite unusual. We are finding that in fact the portals created by CERN will allow the dark here a way out.

It will also be a time for personal unfinished work to be completed to the extent possible. If one's work to be completed is say, under 10%, then this is a fab opportunity to complete this work while this veil is open. For those that have completed this work..then just hold your Light for others in order to assist.

How we are seeing this event.

I have no intention of looking at it..given what is going to transpire on this level in the inner worlds that will affect the outer world.

Could there be an attempt to shut down power and the internet? Sure...especially given what was accomplished recently on the Baltimore bridge collapse.

Don't expect that since the darkened energy is being pulled out to create a Ying/Yang balance on planet earth ..that these events will stop cold turkey. These people are still alive, albeit soulless. It has to all play out.

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It appears that CERN was unsuccessful in this effort. Too bad. April 10 2024.

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Apr 13
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yes..common knowledge on substack and now twitter. thanks best to buy meat now from organic farmers directly

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Eyes are precious.

Would not trust the material.

Besides we had a partial cloud cover with the eternal chemtrails.

Glasses are probably mass produced in China like the dangerous pharma products.

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"For interest, the chances of an 8-planet line up that would include Earth is significantly rarer, being estimated to occur every 396 billion years at a minimum."

Where is the math?

I got 395 billion.

Must be an exaggeration to create

" shock and awe."

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"If Armageddon - with its prophesied earthquakes, volcanos, wars, famine and disease - were the goal, this would seem like an effective game plan." - perfectly put.

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Chiron not a planet, but asteroid.

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...and Professor Higgs died on Monday 8 April aged 94

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Yes the cabal wants to create chaos on April 8th, 2024 especially using CERN but all their action will be neutralized. Enjoy watching the solar eclipse. Do not look the sun directly without protection.

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I suspect you meant to say "neutralized".

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Protection? Sounds erotic.

Not crap glasses from China.

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What's your problem Bard Joseph?

Solar Eclipse Eye Safety

Partial solar eclipse

¨First, there is a "partial" eclipse as the moon gradually covers the sun's bright face.

In most places, this process will take about 1 hour.

You must wear special eye protection (sunglasses are NOT enough) to directly observe the sun, during a partial eclipse or any other time.¨ Read More


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