That's beautiful, Tess. We mothers and grandmothers are enraged at the horrors, and our tears are tears of disgust and pain. But we are a force to be reckoned with and will fight to the death for our loved ones.

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Excellent! All true. But you don't have to be a mother to be right there with you.

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Small actions add up to big changes, try taking a small action. This morning in a meeting there was a statement made that forest fires are increasing. I knew this was false, I shared links to the data in the chat that confirmed the statement that forest fire are increasing is false. If you see or hear something that is not right, say something.

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Will do!! We can all help sending out truth and love to all. Open your heart each day to send and receive!

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This is just the beginning of the Satanic elites horrific plans. If the people wait too long, resistance will be futile. Time is of the essence.

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Hi Dr Tess Lawrie,

Although the article is about "Mothers", I want to refer to "Woman" and the below is about you - thank you!

J&J asked us last year that we must post a picture of a "Woman that has inspired you based on her achievements and work" on their "Yammer" site (their FB platform).

I indicated to them: "Doctor Tess Lawrie – “Medical Doctor and Researcher. She has been an inspiration for me over the past 2 1/2 years, and throughout the pandemic. Not only is Doctor Tess Lawrie a South African, she performed work for the WHO, Doctor Lawrie is a humanitarian, Beacon of hope for human rights, fighting for freedom and humanity, health and human dignity.”

Regards, Michael

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You are so right. During the crazy Scamdemic time when people like us were Persona Non Grata, it was and continues to be people like Drs Tess, John Campbell and other sensible and qualified people who give gravitas to our plight. Each of us must continue to stand firm and hold the line in every possible way. We need to declare our sovereignty over and over and over again as well as live as independent sovereign men and women. The speech given by Jan Erso in the movie Rogue 1 ( Star Wars , how the Rebels got the Death Star Plans) comes to mind. She said something along the lines that the time to fight is now. That if we allow an evil ( the Galactic Empire ) as big and powerful as this one to go unchecked we condemn the galaxy to an eternity of slavery. Is that what we want for our children?

Tonight, like last nights,again, every night and every morning the little white planes are out making lines and X 's and crazy things in the sky. How can one not see????

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Wow, Tess. (from a mother & grandmother. Decades as an environmental activist who failed to "save the planet," & now years in on grandmotherhood with offspring not open to my insights.) These are hard times to be mothers, & grandmothers.

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I couldn’t agree with you more Janet. Anything I have to say to my Daughter about ‘the schedule’ of vaccines for her Daughter, my beautiful baby granddaughter is completely ignored and very unwelcome. It’s truly heartbreaking.

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Never did anything keep me awake nights more than worrying about grandchildren & vaccines. I was too oblivious to worry about it when my children were small! But then, the schedule wasn't so insane then. The world wasn't quite so insane then...

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Our Blessed Mother as she weeps over humanity as we turn away from the saving grace of her son, Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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Stop crying and address what is in front of you. If you tend to your garden and your neighbor tends to his/her the world will right itself. Pax

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Naw, both need done. Grieving is a necessary process in order to maintain our humanness.

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then you obviously do not know who our enemy is....it is a formidable spirit being and you and I and the rest of the world cannot fight this beast

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Turn to Our Lady of Fatima and Rosary. Make Reparations to Sacred Heart of Jesus.

We can do little else. Satan's Kingdom is so vast and powerful.

She promised to dethrone proud satan, at Quito.

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Oh, Dr. Tess Lawrie, you had me right up to the 'feminization of our warriors' part. Male and female are distinct sexes, but the overlay of "gender," aka sex roles, is culture-specific. Women also fight, and valiantly -- this is why there is a movement opposing the wholesale injection of infants and children with ridiculous toxins. This is why we have a movement of women fighting against the rapes and other sexualized violence that happens when men are placed into women's prisons -- often after having been charged with sex crimes against women! But maybe you don't hear of this, because the valiant women are censored, de-platformed, are almost never allowed to into the news.

We could do with a lot less war, based on less urgency for fighting *back.* The 'feminization' of men? They also understand the need to become more human, to build the community and connection on which our species thrives. Otherwise, brilliant and beautiful imo.

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I so appreciate your passion Tess…. And your determination to right what’s wrong, to move forward when so much is pushing against you and to love like there’s no tomorrow. Your effort is inspiring millions more to take the same path. At this crossroads where we stand in the battle between good and evil, we need to all come together to prepare a feast to feed the world with love kindness and care. Bless you 🙏

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Thank you for voicing so eloquently, how so many of us mothers feel. I feel that rage for so much of the useless, destructive, corrupt, evil insanity that is taking place in so many areas of our lives. IT MUST STOP. From the depths of my heart - thank you for all you do Tess.

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Indeed this poem says it all.

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I am a mother and I can tell you I want us to be proactive but we're doing nothing. The mothers especially. The children need to see mothers speak out. But instead mothers are playing along with the patriarchy. If that word bothers you, then you're not facing reality. No need for arguments, we need to go forward now in a world where women and men make a new society based on principle not the written word. You say respect for the elders, respect for the land and each human and creature, but we cannot do that with an economy that is based on killing, greed and artificial scarcity. Women need to be talking more and supporting other women. That doesn't mean agreeing, it means supporting women who do speak up and hold their ground. The problems in this world would be reversed if the other perspective of nature were to be counted. The other perspective is the feminine and that has been completely left out. Our culture is not even aware of it and its consequences. We are living in those consequences and it's ugly isn't it. But we can fix it all by talking (for now) and working out actions. Simple ones that anyone can do like paying cash instead of credit cards, stop buying things with lots of packaging, discussing these issues with people who already know and bouncing ideas off each other, initiating or joining a local currency, adopting a secondary calendar that is more in tune with women's cycles (such as the 13 moon calendar) Not to change the calendar but to simply cite the 13 moon calendar whenever empire's calendar is cited. Women need to initiate. We cannot show our daughters and sons equality if we always just go along with male-designed ideas.

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Is there a site like this for US citizens. I can’t put the Canada cards around here as it would not make sense to people here

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Hi Deb, not to our knowledge, but if you could sketch up something for the USA, we could add it to our site. Email: contact@theylied.ca

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Amen. Stand up and move forward unapologetically.

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