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Interview with Maryann Gebauer, May 18, 2024

Deep state infiltration of governments, Desmet, "rebuilding trust," the moral imperative to resist, "smart," the IT/Bio/Nano era, revolution, Nazi Germany, trauma, justice, and migration
Cross-post from David A. Hughes
Mistakes were not made. This is a fascinating and informative interview with answers to the most baffling questions: 'How, why and who...?'. I highly recommend this expose of the Deep State and their psychological tactics. -

Thank you to Maryann Gebauer for this interview which she conducted with me on May 17, 2024. In these two hours, we cover a wide range of topics, including who "they" are, the infiltration of governments by the transnational deep state, controlled opposition, Desmet/Malone, non-conformism/resistance, "rebuilding trust," the moral imperative to take action to defeat the global technocratic coup, the dangers of "smart" technology, the IT/Bio/Nano era, what revolution would look like in the 21st century, parallels between the Covid era and 1930s Germany, learning the lessons of history, the importance of localised resistance, overcoming trauma, getting justice against the perpetrators of the "Covid-19" operation, and (weaponised?) migration.

David A. Hughes
David A. Hughes
David A. Hughes