Thank you, Tess and WCH, for BEING the change you want to see in the world. You don’t just expose what’s wrong (which is important and necessary), but you provide an infinitely superior alternative that can help guide humanity toward a better, freer way.

I encourage everyone reading this to support the World Council for Health. For starters, you can make a £5 (ideally more!) contribution to gain access to the *just-released* documentary featuring a discussion between Tess and Peter McCullough:

• “The Journey of a Health Revolutionary Featuring Dr Peter McCullough & Dr Tess Lawrie” (https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/multimedia/health-revolutionary/)

For more reasons to support the WCH, see my message “The World Council for Health Needs Our Support” at the end of this post:

• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice (Video)” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-57a)

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Thank you, Dr. Lawrie for the information and updates. It's very heartening to see this vision grow. So essential. Best to you.

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Thanks for putting all of these great ideas in one place.

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Yesterday I was talking to a very liberal Californian who asked if I’d ever had my belief in humanity shaken. I explained that, as someone who refused the vax and was pushed out of society, that my belief we shaken by the fact that my decades-long friends and family members chose to expel me rather than engage in a cordial, yet challenging, conversation about WHY I chose a different route. This very liberal guy listened with an open mind, and told me that two years ago he’s have thought me crazy, but today he was curious as to why I made my choices. The farthest his mind could go today is that this was all for the profit of Pfizer and Moderna (which I agree was PART of the incentive system) and I seemed to lose him if I suggested anything beyond that, such as the type of world control sought by the WEF, WHO, etc. But it’s progress. Two years ago I’d have been scared to be deported to a camp simply for airing unpopular opinions, but today I’m starting to see some genuine (albeit far too late) open mindedness from previous narrative-followers.

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“When disease is profitable, personal sovereignty is at stake”.. Amen. Thankful for your vision. Count me in!

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It's incredible how far and how fast the WCH has come since it's inception. This is a fantastic example of how a small team of motivated people can make a big change. We should all be as ambitious in our own goals.

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I'm loving the WCH's punchy positive themes and slogans such as "being different and equal, unique and united" and "be a warrior not a worrier" or the Great Freeset, #WHEXIT, #ExitTheWHO. The messaging is heart-centred, strong, collaborative and integrative based on kindly principles and ethics which are the inverse opposite to the cold callous contrived controlling centralised One World Government and the corrupt criminal WHO.

We need to galvanise campaigns which encourage everyone everywhere to reduce their dependency on soulless supermarkets and 'big box stores' which are key gateways and 'cattle' funnels of the centralised control grid. Think inspired empowered 'sovereignty shopping' for many items elsewhere, a few things at a time. Alternative non-centralised community buying and trading solutions. People-powered sovereignty shopping!

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Always good to read your articles Tess. I am thankful for everything you do for us. ❤️

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Great article and resource information as always.

I sincerely thank you Tess and your team for helping us all.

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What a wonderful message to wake up to ... pun intended! 

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Hi Dr. Tess - 3 quick questions please.

1. Could you please pass a message onto Dr. Mike Yeadon for me?

Or alternatively do you know where I could leave a message for him?

The message would be

"Please consider suing Wikepedia for defammation. The entire post is based on hearsay and states opinions as if they are facts without any scientific basis for the allegations. And as it is a determined defamation style attack aimed at a global audience, it is very likely illegal, and if you sued them you would likely win. In addition to that you could claim compensation, and if you won many others might sue them. Or in fact the best course of action may be to get all the other doctors and scientists that have been viciously vilified by Wikepedia and take out a class action against them in America and take it all the way to the Supreme Court. This is likely the only avenue that will stop this global Pravda."

2. Secondly I just some of your great posters in this article and wondered would it be possible to take them and have them translated into posters for other countries? (I like in Thailand)

3. Does the World Council for Health have a team in Thailand yet? If not how can I get involved to help you connect to the community here? (I read, write and speak Thai fluently-did my 1st book in the langauage)

Lastly thanks for all your hard work on humanity's behalf as always. We the 90% are very grateful that we have people of such intelligence, integrity, and courage as you fighting for all of us.


Ivan M. Paton.

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Dear Vaccinated,

You Are The Medium

You Are The Message


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Off Topic? Perhaps not.


Interesting -



Never heard this before, but if it’s true -TALK ABOUT UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES!!!


So the subtitle would be: "When the Divide and Conquer Play Goes Bad". I think that all (our?) government(s) might be able to view this as an object lesson, a premonition of sorts....



let's think about what can go wrong with this plan....

Abortion - No Abortion

White Supremacy - Black Power

George Floyd - ANTIFA - Defund the Police



"Would you rather have a live son or a dead daughter?"

Child sex trafficking - ice cream and laptops

No penalty for crime

No serious penalty for assaults

Hush, hush - Cross dressers raping in female prisons, let's not talk about that!


Import fentanyl (and Lord knows what else, across open borders)

Open Border to mix the races (and cultural norms) up completely - SHUT UP


And don’t forget…


Those dirty anti-VAXers - FOLLOW THE SCIENCE STUPID!!!!!


What did Hill call them? DEPLORABLES?



And what have you got?


Just look at the Middle East…

Hate, Chaos, Bloodlust, and Barbarism

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This is a very interesting interview with Dr Ardis. Keyword : Venom and Nicotine.

The Antidote: The Explosive Truth, Origin, and Antidote for C19


The Dr Dr Ardis Show : https://thedrardisshow.com/

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This is exactly the post and information we need at this time, thank you for all you do! Looking forward to People's Health Committees at local level and World Health Councils in every nation!

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We have to deal with "drs" like this one,..... UNBELIEVABLE... still.... Check out this douchebag ......

On Hospitals, Healthcare, and Masks

What's wrong with us?

"When it comes to hospitals and other healthcare facilities, it’s baffling that most of the people who have dedicated their careers to caring for their sick and injured aren’t voluntarily masking to protect the vulnerable people under their charge." (check the photo above this quote)

.... https://yonifreedhoffmd.substack.com/p/on-hospitals-healthcare-and-masks?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1186605&post_id=137506898&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=c55mw&utm_medium=email

I can't comment, I have been banned...I don't remember commenting so hopefully others here can......

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