Aug 18, 2022Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

This is the one aspect of the vaccine push that has angered me more than anything. Have the medical community lost their damn minds? Injecting children and pregnant women with an experimental drug is outrageous and negligent in my opinion. Have we learned nothing from history? Where is the data supporting the claims that Covid was seriously harmful to pregnant women too? They said this was a justification for the advice to vaccinate pregnant women - that the benefits or vaccination outweighed the risk. How could they know this? From a study on 44 rats whose offspring were not even adequately analysed for signals of harm (from the Phizer court mandated data drop). I have yet to see a formal risk assessment or policy for this. Please someone point it out if it exists!

I am honestly so outraged! Fear and panic has suspended critical thinking in much of our medical community! I am so done with the medical community and the NHS after this! How will people ever trust these once sacred institutions ever again? Will it even matter what we think with this perverse push towards health security and the One Health Initiative?

I read earlier that a obs doctor in Australia was sacked for refusing to be vaccinated, for refusing to vaccinate his pregnant clients, and for collecting data and reporting an increase in miscarriages and complications in women who were vaccinated. I haven't looked into it yet but its on my list of things to check out. There was a media smear piece about him in the Australian news. Call me cynical but I take this as a tell that there may be an element of truth in what he is saying. May be worth a look. Apparently he is suing his healthcare trust.

Is the MHRA (and every other regulator) even looking for signals of harm? What formal studies are being conducted to look into this? Our reporting systems should be sufficient in itself to warrant such investigations.

Not one person on this earth can say these vaccines are safe and effective in the absence of long-term data on safety and efficacy. To suggest such a claim is false advertising in my opinion and I believe that anyone pushing them under this illusion should be held legally liable for any harms caused.

How on earth did things ever get this far? I despair.

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My wife needed to go to the hospital for medical intervention for her period after her AZ shot. What really bothered me after this happened was seeing all the gaslighting of women claiming their periods were modified.

The establishment has decided, "VACCINES GOOD" and no amount of scientific evidence will change that attitude. Anyone who disagrees is a heretic. It makes me sad.

Over on this blog there's a good discussion going on about fertility rates. I think it's too early to say for certain but I hope I'm wrong in expecting fertility to drop through the floor in the next few months.


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In addition to empirical evidence of harms & theoretical risks arising from “vaccine” design choices, additional evidence of deliberate harms comes from the formulation choice made.

If you were designing a treatment, I wager you wouldn’t deliberately choose a formulation which ensured that the active material, the “payload”, concentrated in the ovaries, for example?

Have a look at this paper. Note the 2012 date of publication. This is peer-reviewed.


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In my “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier), I shared this Jessica Rose presentation to the Canadian COVID Care Alliance from nearly a year ago:


If I’m recalling correctly, this is where I first learned no human pregnancy studies had been conducted (which I believe is unprecedented in the history of vaccine testing). At the time, I had been seeing a heavy push from the propagandists to persuade pregnant women that it was not only “safe” to get injected while pregnant but was the best thing they could do to protect their babies. There aren’t words strong enough for these desk-murdering colluders.

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Thank you Dr Tess for all the wonderful work that you and many of your colleagues are doing in trying to bring out the truth. There are many that should be behind bars.

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I predict by this time next year everyone of those "pillars of public heath" will be held in disrepute. They largely already are, what with most women steering clear of these gene manipulators.

My god, the Royal College of Midwives! You should know better. Protecting predators over women and their children. For shame!

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We are living in a nightmare world where death is promoted by authorities and arguing for life is treason.

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The System has been turned against us. As soon as they started paving the way for these experimental injections it was clear that they were going to enforce a new Monorail Orthodoxy. Censorship and odious propaganda blocked out anyone who dared to speak out against The Plan. Mass injuries and deaths have been routinely suppressed. "They" don't care. It's the Fourth Reich.

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WE all Know. Let it stop now. Xx oo.

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I’m old enough to remember Thalidomide, the magic drug to reduce nausea in pregnancy, until the babies were born with fins rather than normal arms and legs. This catastrophe led the FDA to more stringent regulations regarding the release of new drugs...until COVID. History once again repeats ...

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Aug 18, 2022·edited Aug 18, 2022

We learned in school 50 years ago that pregnant and lactating women should not take any meds, nothing at all, not even an aspirin. That was in Europe. Seeing all the meds the American women take, I am not surprised to see how unhealthy the children are. We had 2 vaccinations, oral. We never got jabs. Here children seem pin cushions. Poor kids !

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All of the leaders of these institutions peddling these lies should be stripped of any and all licenses, prosecuted to the fullest, and the institutions themselves dissolved. Give careful consideration to reconstituting the institutions and what authority under which they will operate.

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It is widely believed that female babies are born with almost their lifetimes worth of eggs ready and waiting in their ovaries. I fear for the future generations of baby girls born to mothers who accepted these vaccines. It may be 20 years or so before any ongoing effects on fertility are seen.

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I was just watching the teaser from Steve Kirsch

Drs. Cole and Urso


2 hr ago

Is this how it ends are we going to allow another profit grab by Wall st. (circa 2008) AGAIN

I believe it was Dr. Cole that mentioned Wall Street is dumping Pharma stock due to the high numbers of vaccine injuries being reported. Naturally those injuries will lead to law suits, boycotts, bad press overall. I am very sure Pharma does not care about bad press by the way.

Thanks for reading shawn663@substack! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

Yes the truth is coming out, yes there will be lawsuits as a result of that truth. Yes at some point after the flak subsides the criteria which describes fraud will be met. Once the fraud standard is met the immunity cover is removed,,ok so what.

The legal system will award a paper tiger settlement probably worth billions possible approaching trillions. That settlement can never meaningfully be paid. The profit will have been taken out of the companies involved. They will have nothing left in the bank accounts or share prices from which to take compensation.

The bad actors will reap the reward as if heros entering the hallowed hall of the Roman Senate. Possibly one or two scape goats will do a small amount of time. The pharma companies will change a letter in their name, re-brand and re start.

The settlements will be paid by the tax payer. The same tax payer that funded (uni) the research to develop the drug. The same tax payer that then turned over the rights to the drug to the pharma company that was first round draft choice. The same taxpayer then purchased back the drug at profit from the pharma groups. The same taxpayer that gets to pay out the settlements.

You think those settlements are measured in monies,,,,,,nope. Those settlement dollars come from funding cuts. Those cuts being healthcare, education, senior benefits, energy offsets,,,,,,etc……

What do those cuts do to the taxpayer, make them more desperate more compliant more subservient. How does that translate funding cuts equals compliance. yes its simple. Example healthcare, because the vax payout we can no longer fund hip replacement for seniors, cataract operations. Example education: school programs, lunch programs(most important) endlessly going on and on. Of course that only affects our kids, you see the pharma characters only gained profit from our loss. That profit allows their kids still get the best education, the best real food(not protein replacement) The best, the best ,,,,the best.

Any lawyers out there. Is there a way to freeze bank accounts, assets, share prices? It should be easy they did it in Canada when the citizen truckers had a contrary opinion,remember? I understand that Dr. Mercola had his accounts frozen for contradicting the profit scheme of pharma. They are attempting to put the farmers out of business in Holland right now. The canadian Farmers are next, by the way.

I purposefully did not capitalize canada I did purposefully capitalize Farmers.

Please go to my site read some earlier postings like The Taking of Canada.

IVERMECTIN/HYDROXY work, Who knew, When did they know, Who suppressed it.


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Appalling. These organisations should hang their heads in shame.

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Insanity continues, makes you wonder is there is any established institution that has not been bought/captured? And more evidence we need to reject and go around them and create something new.

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