Hi Tess,

Looks like you were unlucky with the weather in the UK this year. In southern Germany where I live, we have had a fantastic summer, day after day of sunshine and warmth. Autumn too has been magnificent. I think it was John Ruskin who said - there is no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather . . .

Best wishes.


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The weather in Scotland was pretty good this year also. Southern England seems to have gotten the rain that we usually get.

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Dr. Lawrie, when you are dealing with people with bad character (manipulative, exploitative and subversive liars), almost everything they do is a scam (fake justice) meant to benefit the elitist ("elite" in his own mind) at the expense of the undeserving "inferior."

It simply boils down to character, or "the law written in a person's heart." If you have people with bad character in positions of power (which they crave), cultures and civilization itself at stake.

Mankind must have leaders with good character. And we must work to instill values in the young. Character counts.

Take care, dear one. 🤗

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These wind farms are a temporary problem though that is of no help to those having to suffer them today. They are supposed to last 25 years but are failing well within that time frame on land and even more quickly for the ones in the sea and so instead of being replaced every 25 years it might be every 20 years on land and every 15 years at sea and for the last third of their lives they are often offline due to mechanical failures. I'm pretty sure a professor of economics from Edinburgh university showed that the average efficiency of a typical wind farm fell to under 40% of the nameplate output simply because of the massive failure rates that set in after a decade or so. Replacing these machines every 20 years or so is maybe possible if you have a rich economy and are willing for your population to be fleeced on an ongoing basis but any government with any sense sitting on an island with over 300 years worth of high quality coal that burns to produce lovely plant food would be building cheap reliable combined heat and power coal fired stations to heat and power every city like there was no tomorrow. And those stations and heating infrastructure could last well over 100 years if built properly.

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Remember, 'The "issue" is never the issue.'

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