Impressive paper, consistent with other databases and evidence. If one is waiting for absolute 100% certainty regarding the risks associated with c19 shots, you may be dead before that level of evidence is made public.

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Kudos on continued great work, Dr. Lawrie. We long ago passed the point when any reasonable person could suggest that the vaccines are "safe and effective" yet Pfizer advertising, at least here in the US, has increased measurably. Pfizer made a king's ransom off the mRNA mandated vaccines and doubtless continue full speed ahead with the next scam. It's a shame, but hopefully your work, and the work of others, will eventually lead to justice for the harmed and punishment for those that caused that harm.

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visited vigiaccess.org and quite easy to navigate though they lumped all the mRNA covid vaccines together-we know some kill more than others along with their batch numbers. the stats are there and shocking these many deaths not talked about by who or the media. sadly it confirms what is happening.

Please let us all keep referring to them as to what they are so people ask questions. EUA mRNA covid vaccines. Well done Tess for keeping the information flowing!

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Great work, commitment to such unwelcome research is not easy. In a world in which public health is legitimately working in society’s best interest the people discovering and alerting of these safety signals would have been hoisted up as heroes - what does that tell us?

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It tells us we have been living in a militaristic society where you are seen and not heard, know your place, stay in line...words transparency and accountability were included in workplace documents to oust the whistleblowers and troublemakers then squeeze them out. on the sidelines watching were the naive thinking policy and practice were going to change for the better...the vampires let us think that but all along it was one blood letting recession after another lining their pockets and letting us lose our jobs to be replaced with a cheaper workforce. To think the RCN can announce they have 10,000 nurses arriving from Ghana this year at 12£/hour (but those nurses won't know that most of the uneducated NHS kitchen staff make the same). Junior doctors forbid any nurse from complaining as they been reduced to 15/hr and now demanding 21/hr. They do not care that a 56yr old nurse practicing 30yrs can make 13/hr and never mention nurses struggles whilst fighting for theirs as the arrogance that got us in this mess is rife. The NHS and RCN been more or less private since 2008- do the digging. GMC too no doubt...

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It’s a mess and will be very difficult to unwind. Sometimes the only way to fix morally and financially bankrupt companies is for them to go broke to force things to go back to basics and start over. Perhaps the only solution for organized governments, it’ll be painful but in the long run probably for the better. I don’t think there’s any fixing this mess.

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