"Just look around you and see what's happening" is well put - the problem is so many aren't because they have their heads buried in their phones, bent over in body language that signals "submission" to their brains:


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Hey Roman. I made some statements in this thread that I now realize I read on your stack... Electromagnetic brain waves did it for me! Thanks it was my eye opener.

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Hi! thanks so much for that feedback. Always good to know what helps opens our eyes, as this way I know I'm on the right track, or maybe I should say, wavelength. thanks so much for letting me know, and for all your support.

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Feb 15, 2024
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Thanks Kim, but what was the link you were trying to send?

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You are so right Roman!!

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I wish I wasn't Hillary, but thank you anyway! Do you see a lot of this type of behavior where you are?

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Here in SEA, the culture is something totally different than the west, and different in each country as well. That said, each country is small, and the indigenous people, although once colonized by a European country, were able to maintain their tribal identity with dignity, especially once the colonizers departed.

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Hi Hillary, thank you so much for your reply. What is the biggest health challenge you think your clients/ local SEA population are facing? Sleep? Addiction to tech? Nutrition?

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The question is....who on earth would want such a world and work to produce it?

Are there that many sociopaths and psychopaths wanting to create hell on earth?.....

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ISTM that this is moving forward because the "movers and shakers" are also being hoodwinked. All of our leaders like to rub shoulders with others who agree with them at cocktail parties and dinners where egos are stroked and everybody feels "connected". Add to that the desire to protect the gene pool from pollutants from the lower socio-economic elements and a desire to be a part of the "winning team" and ... OOPS!

AND among those arrogant parasites are the empathy-free technocrats who believe wholeheartedly in "planning" because it is reasonable, rational, materialist and mechanistic. Tunnel vision at its most profitable and destructive. Therein lies the trap: It all "makes sense".

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that's a great point Michael, and why not all hope is lost if we can wake up those middlemen and women, and show them that they're also toast if they follow along.

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These are the demons realized by CERN. Sounds crazy but. So many things are. We’re in the end times as predicted by the Book of Revelations. IMO 🙏❤️

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I hear you Judy. That's why I shut the electricity off at night...don't need any stray demons riding my circuits (:

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Hi Roman, do you mean that you literally switch off your power supply? Can you expand on stray demons? Ans what about your freezer?

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Hi Samantha. Thank you for asking. Yes I shut off the circuits at the panel, except to the fridge/freezer. Body voltage is also a critical measurement:


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Interesting. Ive slept on an earthing sheet for well over 10 years, and I have never heard anything negative mentioned about them until I read this article. I am struggling to understand it, to be honest and would like to understand more about this dirty electricity you mention.

I also have a whole house plug in EMF protector which is running 24/7 (BluShield brand), as well as an EMF pendant. I know I am highly sensitive to EMF, as I was able to feel the heat from using cordless phones over 30 years ago, and the same from using a mobile phone if not on speaker (which I never ever do). Despite following a clean and healthy lifestyle, my circadian rhythm has been disrupted for decades, and I struggle with feeling exhausted even after a full night of sleep for at least the first 2-3 hours. I never feel tired at night, and have to force myself to go to bed which is generally around 1am. I would love to find a solution

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I do as well.

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No just a few psychopaths, some sociopaths and a whole lot of unthinkng minions who just want a pay check.

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It just takes a few billionaires. Years ago there was a perfume called Arpege. The selling point was to promise her anything, but give her Arpege. Lot of suckers in this world. Take over WHO, AI everything to keep track. Eliminate millions of people through various means so it's not all obvious like wars. Think abortion, vac-cines, fake/no real food, eat 'meat made from bugs', on and on.

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R.I.P.Rosa Koire.Ahead of the pack...we must not quit.

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I didn't know she passed away. Thanks for this. May her spirit live forevermore.

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We all have to say NO to this diabolical agenda. I do not consent! We do not consent!

It is important to state out loud, silently or in your mind the statement : I do not consent.

It as to do with vibrations and Free Will. If you don't say anything, It can be considered as consent.

On the contrary, if a lof of people state I do not consent, it will create a kind of ripple effect in the energetic field which will spread and produce further effects, a kind of support to our cause and for protection.

We live in a kind of hologram and vibration. The hologram is our ¨instrument.¨ Think what you can do at the beach with the sand or with snow in winter. Scultures of all kind that you can erase with water or heat and do something else.

So we can do the same, create with vibrations in this hologram. It starts with toughts, than words. Words are vibrations. Time now to create. I am thinking at the monkeys in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey when they discover the tool of a stick to defend themselves.

It is time now for a quantum leap in our evolution.

We will win this war. We are not robot. We are human beings living on this planet Terra. We are Divine and we are One.

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Well I have to say that I have been on the fence with all the 5G is harmless/harmful stuff. Then I read an article about brain waves and how our brain waves are electromagnetic energy that can be measured by a brain scan. This has changed my mind and I am now convinced that more 5, 6... 10G is not the direction we should be going. This now looks like a trap toward annihilation and captivity of all humanity. 5G towers should be eliminated.

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Yes 5G towers should be eliminated. They are another weapon against us.



5G Health Risks: How Much Exposure Can Humans Withstand?

5G technology relies primarily on the bandwidth of the millimeter wave, known to cause a painful burning sensation. It’s also been linked to eye and heart problems, suppressed immune function, genetic damage and fertility problems.


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You're absolutely correct Mario. Here's some more info on 5G fyi:


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thanks Observer for that link. Here's an article I wrote on 5G basics and misconceptions: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/5-things-you-need-to-know-about-5g

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How much 5G Can we humans stand? Good question but why find out when we really don't need to go there? Just realizing that everything vibrates and it can ALL be considered electo-magnetic is an eye opener for me.

The next thought is all that/those ideas out there that we are injecting substances that can be controlled by electromagnetic transmission. What a thought huh?

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¨“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla

Amazing Resonance Experiment! 3:38 min


Cymatics: Chladni Plate - Sound, Vibration and Sand 1:43 min


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Wow!! Thanks for the great links!

Just goes to show that we probably know very little of actual reality.

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2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) - From Bone to Satellite Scene 2:42 min


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I think it is time to truly "go local".

Eff the WEF - eff the WHO - eff the juvenile delinquents spoiled rotten brats causing so much harm.

Eff em in your mind and share your sentiment with neighbors - laugh at them and diminish their influence - money can't buy love and love overcomes fear as long as enough of us say:



I call for justified retribution upon them, but first lets all just together say: Eff em.

Bunch of entitled stinking juvenile delinquent brats upon whom judgement awaits.


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Tess. Wonderful interview. I saw an interview with Rosa Koire (mentioned in your interview) early on in the pandemic and immediately knew there was something fishy about the UN. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PrY7nFbwAY I am so grateful for this woman and her background with Rosa K. as she appears to be well educated in the Agenda 2021/2030. It is wonderful to hear her inspiration around humanity's ability to win this battle. I believe so also and am especially thankful for the astrological energies that are unfolding. Pluto has just entered Aquarius--the planet of Revolution is now bringing those energies into Aquarius, the constellation related to the people and community. I'm sure you are aware of the British astrologer Pam Gregory. I was so excited and felt so empowered when I heard her speak of this event that hasn't occurred for 248 years. The last time it happened was during the American Revolution, our breaking away from England and creating our own Democracy. And it extended for 20 years to provide the empowerment of the French Revolution and its founding documents, laying the groundwork for their democracy. This is no small thing and I want all the freedom loving people across the globe to soak in these empowering energies. God does what works and I know that God behind these evolutionary powers that are sweeping the globe right now and will only grow stronger. https://www.thenextstep.uk.com/ It will be a hard time for all of us but we can win and provide the spiritual evolution that a stronger, wiser humanity can rise from. And YES, it is an alien Intervention that is behind the ugly puppets setting up the one world government... AlliesofHumanity[dot]org

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Wonderful and inspiring discussion with Sandi Adams. Thank you both.

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Great presentation. Just a reminder that Event 201 was October not November.

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Brilliant interview Tess - Sandi explains everything so clearly.

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Thank you Ladies!

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They should all dingle dangle after a Nuremberg 2.0 trial!

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It's an interesting study to compare the methods and manifestations of the agenda that you see coming down on our heads, to the planetary takeover agenda laid out in "The Briefings" from "Allies of Humanity". The overlay is remarkable.

The Briefings are a perspective on the extraterrestrial presence that I think needs consideration if humanity is to have a chance to stay on top of this game for the long run. You can read The Briefings online or I'll mail you a book. (or both) www.alliesofhumanity.org/the-briefings/

Dead serious. The presence of intervening forces in the world needs to be a part of the puzzle that finds it's slot. I've been into both the extraterrestrial presence and also the separate and not always so distinctly different problems related to the forces of dissonance and evil.

There's a mix of both at Davos.


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2024: The Year Global Government Takes Shape


The bigger picture:

Corey Lynn goes deep into organizations and banks that enjoy immunities, privileges and tax exemptions and how they control the world.

Laundering With Immunity: The Control Framework – Part 1


Organizational Chart, Bank for International Settlements Kill Box


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Wait until we get 6G. As I understand it, the frequencies will be 1000 times that of 5G.

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Can Sandi Adam's prove by evidence the meeting between Klaus and Antonio actually led to Event 201,

and prove by evidence that the pandemic was intentional and a direct causal result of the meeting between Klaus and Antonio?

So Thunberg on Rockefeller yatch failed and this caused the meeting bet Klaus & Antonio and the strategic framework partnership agreement?

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