Oct 21, 2022Liked by Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Tess - What you are others are doing is courageous beyond words. Conversly the loathing I have developed for the political class who are the real 'Deniers' (as well as the non-elected elites, pharma / government / industrial complex) has increased exponentially. What is sad is that these true 'Deniers' simply do not wish to be exposed to a smidgeon of truth less their delicate, floral coloured world view is challenged and falls apart. And they can still maintain the charade even when people close to them succumb to adverse effects or even death... that takes a special kind of animal. They cannot be classified as human - even animals don't behave like this. Here in Canada our Head Killer, sorry Doctor, in-Chief, Teresa Tam is still shrilling for boosters as is her maximum leader / ex-drama teacher, Blackface. As a rational person I cannot fathom their thought processes, but hey, I am sure that their bank accounts are probably looking a lot more fullsome these days eh! Keep up the great work.

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Yep. I think Alberta and perhaps another province will go independent within 5 years as the WEF'fers in Ottawa are vomited out.

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A devastating show of unconcern - not surprising, as these people took part in the campaign to get the dangerous injections into people, and also were part of withholding effective available treatment. In other words, evil-doers. Hard, though, to see such evil in action.

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 24, 2022Liked by Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Dear Tess, I condole with you on what must have been a shattering experience in Portcullis House yesterday. Just to think of the insult and extra pain inflicted on the suffering who had made the long trip to London in the hope of being heard at long last about a great and avoidable grief done to them by their own government. It makes me want to smash titles and hats and crowns to smithereens. What else is there to say but that the political class do not give a damn about the citizens? God, had I hoped for a different outcome, for a little beginning of justice to be done to the injured and the smitten. Tess, please keep up your courage, we need you more than ever. You and those who are fighting with you. We carry you in our hearts.

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Our strategies to stop them aren’t working. People are dying and they don’t care. We care. It’s up to us to stop them. We have the numbers.

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The numbers don't mean much if that number is composed with many maskers ,retards ,Pfizer venom injectees and the rest are not united .I did stand up to correct a wrong that was very harmful to us the People .I was ambushed by police and had court problems for 8 month. It is all behind me now,but at 86 it did much harm to my health and most of my savings are gone .I did get help from like minded people and an honest lawyer ,but that help was not free .

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Joe, thank you for standing up. You will have paved a way for others.

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I agree with you. At 86 you're an inspiration to us all.

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Thank you Mike .Sorting out right from wrong comes natural . All it takes is some honesty than it's easy .In comments here I come across nice honest people ,they are my true friends ,like you . Sadly I will never meet them in person .Joe

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In a time like this invisible threads are spun all around the globe. Our love unites us.

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Joe, it may not be of any practical help but I love you for standing up. Your courage makes me feel less lonely in this fight for our humanity.

And I more than agree with Jimychanga that your story should get out. An example like yours is a beacon of light on a pitch black sea. We need it.

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Thank you so much for your kind words Tsipora Pereira .I ,'m happy if .the little I said in my post is of some help in these difficult times .If I had the talent I could write a book and not just about the last 3 years . At 86 my health is not as it once was and during a walk on a rough forest trail I took a nasty fall and broke me left shoulder bone ,But i manage ,it's not too bad .What I hope for is a peaceful life before it ends . I wish there where people like you my neighbors and friends that I could talk to often .Sadly we will never meet ,but it's good to know you and others like you are out there . JOE

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Thank you Joe for your lovely message. Yes, many of us don't seem to have exactly the right neighbours in these awful times. Keep on walking in the forest if you can. The twitter of birds and the rustling of leaves may give you a little consolation for the lack of company. I go to the beach and listen to the waves to give me strength. Love and peace to you,Tsipora.

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Your story needs to get out there. Lots of bloggers would love to interview you no doubt. We need to win the information war. Thanks for being a true mensch!

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Thank you Jimychanga for noticing my post and for your kind response .I would have so much to say it would fill a book ,it would go back many years up to now,but I have no talent for that .I just hope the rest of my life will be more peaceful and that one of these days I die a natural death free of the Pharma Magic .

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

I listened to the voice recording & could hear the desperation in Mark Sextons voice, & Dr Malik I believe, & you Dr Tess & the bereaved & injured May those murdered by our gov fund external peace & there families find strength along with those so hideously injured. This is only the tip of iceberg for what is coming down the line. Dr Aseem although it’s hard knowing how he coerced millions in TV to take the jab, and I’m deeply sorry it took the loss of his father to realise what is happening I thank him also. The medical cabal is evil & as we know the end goal have always been the children. I’m not religious but I’m preying to whomever listens that this will end & justice will come to all those involved in this evil & for those injured & bereaved will have justice also, & for the likes of myself for the torment we have received for questioning the “science” business lost, suicides , family break ups we all deserve justice also, it’s been a very hard mental battle to go against the grain of those around you. Thank you all.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Clearly, if "there is nothing I can do" is the truth, then what is the point of electing representatives who can't do anything? We'll have to get behind that fake wall of elected puppets, the one that hides the real government puppetmaster we never elected and never see.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

And PS, it's my first visit to your page, though I have heard your name several times before...

Good post, and KUDOS to you, Dr. Lawrie, for your courage and integrity. xo

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Come back for more, and do some woofing.

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I'm signed up, and have NO trouble woofing, lol.

Cheers. ^_^

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Tess - although I am on the other side of the pond geographically speaking- I can not thank you enough for all your time and efforts. You are one of about a dozen I have total admiration for by being the voice for the voiceless. With extreme gratitude!

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Thank you, Kim.

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The cowardice and groupthink continues…Here is a I’m sure naive question. Is anyone willing to litigate the fact that even though “required”, there has been no safety audit?

What has been the past history of safety audits?

Tess, your determination and courage is a godsend, words do not properly convey my gratitude!

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Yes there is a debate on Monday. It's in response to a parliamentary petition to hold a public inquiry into safety of the experimental gene therapies, which got over 100,000 signatures, so it's up for parliamentary debate at 4:30pm in Westminster Hall.

The petition was launched last December, when the evidence of harm from the novel products was already overwhelming, but it's got even more so since. Given recent events, including the admission by a Pfizer executive to the European Parliament that the trials weren't designed to (and couldn't) test the concoction's effect on transmissibility, it'll be interesting to see how many MPs perjure themselves in its defence.

Details of the petition, and the government's complacent and evidence-free response, here: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/602171

Axel McFarlane (the petition's author) and I (one of the original 5 supporters) wrote a response tearing apart the government's response We focussed on refuting their response rather than introducing new evidence, relying on their own published documents to demonstrate that the evidence that the novel products were unsafe and ineffective, along with evidence of massive fraud, was available AT THE TIME, hidden in plain sight in Pfizer's original EUA submission, which the MHRA (if it hadn't been regulatory-captured by its paymasters) should have summarily rejected out of hand. Professor Norman Fenton was kind enough to publish our response on his blog: https://www.normanfenton.com/post/open-a-public-inquiry-into-covid-19-vaccine-safety-response-to-the-uk-government-s-response

I'll be attending on Monday, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Only MPs are allowed to speak (although I've got a speech ready if I get the opportunity), and although it's an incredibly important subject, I expect almost all of them won't even bother to find an excuse to stay away.

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Thank you for that excellent letter, which I have just read. I was double jabbed myself (before finding out what is going on) and, in a small WhatsApp group of 5 old school friends and myself, between them and their families there have been 5 heart attacks, four of them fatal, since the vaxx rollout. At least two who died were extremely fit and active, like Aseem Malhotra's father (I didn't know the other two). The four fatal ones were in the few months after the booster rollout, and the one who survived only did so because the helimed team were already at her house when she arrested. She'd already had covid so (a) didn't need a 'vaccination' and (b) was at more risk of an adverse effect. She had her cardiac arrest 2 months after her second jab. My own husband, an out-if-hours GP, took the booster despite my pleading with him not to (I tried to warn my friends too and they wouldn't listen - one questioned my mental health) and he collapsed unconscious in our kitchen a week later. Following a 45-minute ambulance visit, monitoring his heart, he was taken to hospital and has been followed up for 8 months by a cardiologist. I had to participate by phone in the first session because he'd obviously been unconscious and didn't remember anything. I told both the ambulance team and the cardiologist that it had happened a week after the booster. The head of the ambulance team got nippy with me and said 'we've all had it' (so??) and the cardio just ignored what I said in her subsequent dealings with my husband.

Not one of these deaths or injuries is recorded on the Yellow Card system, since I'm the only one who made the connection. I'm so grateful to all of you who are working on our behalf.

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I'm so sorry for what your family and friends have gone through, Sheila.

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I hope you know that people read through these comments, even when they don't know what to say to be helpful. It is still important to state the experience and for others to witness.

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Somebody please reach out to Dr. John Campbell to attend. Maybe he will livestream, do interviews on the side. He is coming around with some doozy videos this week, and you can count on him to do more on his YouTube channel which has 2.5 million followers. You have other allies in range like Neil Oliver. Invite Alexander Mercouris in London from the wildly popular geopolitics channel The Duran. Mercouris follows all these UK politics intricately. The politics overlap with the global fraud and democide angle would be good to see more convergence just now. More global eyes and group consciousness on these events through the eyes of all these other talented and brave commentators with large followings could provide the amplification you need.

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It was interesting to see Elliot Cockburn MP getting very shirty about these debates being a “waste of parliamentary time” yet he was curiously prepared to spend 90 minutes at one while being the primary speaker with a 20 minute sales pitch for the narrative…

Andrew Bridgen MP was solid with his interventions. Sir Christopher Chope MP might be slowly coming round. I noticed he didn’t say that people had “done the right thing” as he did in the APPG meeting.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Sharing the massive disappointment of you all! The contempt that is being shown towards the vaccine injured and bereaved, together with the brave and courageous doctors that are speaking up for them is utterly shameful, from our so called representatives. Thank you so much for everything you are doing and all the personal sacrifices that you are making in order to keep speaking the truth and helping humanity.

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022Liked by Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

For some positive news, after that bit of disappointment.

In Quebec, Canada, 96 Doctors have signed a letter demanding the end of the injections – they aren't vaccines.


If even Quebec sees this pushback to the Covid-19 agenda, something is really changing in a fundamental way, I hope: “An open letter to the College of Physicians of Quebec and the General Directorate of Public Health of Quebec” 2022.10.19 (in French):


Conclusion, English:

As a conclusion:

We have focused on the obligation of truth and on the nature and extent of the information which must be transmitted to parents and which is essential for an informed decision-making concerning the inoculation of their child with an experimental RNA-based product. messenger. As mentioned, fully informed consent is not possible, in the current situation, given the lack of perspective on this new product and the decision of the FDA and the manufacturer not to release all the information necessary for a decision making. On the other hand, we believe that the Collège des médecins du Québec and the Direction de la santé publique could facilitate more informed decision-making by producing a document that is neither promotional nor propagandist and which would include the information contained in the current. For now, the risks of the COVID-19 vaccine for a normal child appear to us to clearly outweigh the benefits. There is also a need to obtain fully independent legal and ethical advice. These reviews are sorely lacking. In short, we, the signatories, are asking our indispensable regulatory institutions, the Direction de la santé publique and the Collège des médecins du Québec, to put science back on the agenda regarding the vaccination of children. We cannot let the media and well-meaning "fact checkers" who are not qualified to dissect scientific studies, to understand the mechanisms of action of gene therapy or to grasp the subtleties of science, be de facto the authorities that dictate parents what to do about their child's vaccination. Where is the free and informed choice when we defend tooth and nail an experimental vaccination in children who do not need it, when we censor the different opinions, and the scientists who dare to mention the existence of side effects serious, numerous and well documented by the FDA and the CDC themselves? We urge our institutions to step in and take their rightful place in this issue of childhood vaccination. This also constitutes a formal notice in compliance with article 39 of the code of ethics of physicians concerning the reporting of a situation that endangers the population, in this case the children of Quebec. If the above is compliant, a complete and immediate ban on the vaccination of children in Quebec against COVID-19 is necessary, if only under the precautionary principle (“First, do no harm”). Pending an express response from you, please accept our sincere greetings.

Collective of doctors and scientists

In partnership with Reinfo Covid Quebec, www.reinfocovid.ca, reinfo@reinfocovid.ca, Member of an international collective of 4,000 doctors and 80,000 members

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We the victims have to beg our tormentors ,to please have mercy on us .We demonstrate by doing so how helpless we are .The evil doers are most likely amused and simply ignore us .It will be soon 3 years since the terror began and we had warnings that this coming winter will be a new offensive in the war against us .We have won and gained next to nothing so far .Again and again there are new attacks on us by the enemy. At the moment the main target are the children .

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Hello Joe.

The paradigm shift that will free us from the need to beg is to take ownership, responsibility for our part in creating this mess and to dismantle it. Dr. Lawrie is a great model of that and an inspiration. We were lazy and allowed others to build this construction of capitalistic totalitarianism. Now is the time to become active without begging. That begins with looking within our Selves, and wash out the limiting beliefs and disempowering beliefs.

Wow, such an interesting synchronicity. You may find Michael Singer is helpful. He describes waking up from being a victim of life.


All the best, with peace, love and gratitude.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

The world is still under a spell. It will take endurance, willpower, and unerring faith that the spell can and will be broken. And the people will wake up.

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I like that idea, it is like the old concept of a spell.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Thank you all, for your courage, tenacity and professionalism in the face of corrupt blindness. We MUST all keep shining a bright light on this criminality. Hold the line.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Thanks Tess . It's so frustrating with so much irrefutable evidence of harm that this can continue? It's insane and beyond words !

I was pleased to hear Mark Sexton voice his support and how this is criminal and needs to be stopped and fully investigated I being just one of millions of us injured totally agree now this has to be stopped NOW the data is there to for all to see and if not more will die and be injured each day .

Thank you to everyone for being there for us all x

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Tess - they know already but don’t want to acknowledge it - that’s why those cowards and traitors won’t show up. Bernie’s Tweets on Twitter said the Conservative Party know that the vaccines caused harm and their plan to deal with it is to bury the evidence and not acknowledge it.

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