My son has a close group of friends from school. All of them study sciences and/or medicine except my son. All of them took the ‘gene therapies’. He was completely isolated and barred from university and social venues for the best part of a year. This week one of his friends called to say …You were right to question the science and probably right not to have the injection. Why the change - because he read and trusted Dr Aseem Malhotra. It was a light bulb moment. We are all at different points at different times. At this point I am grateful for any progress made. If that young man becomes a doctor, he may well now be a little more open minded and a little more compassionate. Despite the real or perceived past or current failings of anyone speaking out, putting themselves on the line- Surely a little more kindness will allow more, not less truth to be revealed. Or we will surely shoot ourselves in the foot.

Thank you for this post Tess and for you continued kindness and respect toward others.

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It is from the multitudes of people like your son, those who have stood against cruel social pressure and vilification, that a blooming awareness is beginning to emerge of the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual assault we have all been subjected to. It's been a sobering experience.

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Indeed it has, and unfortunately I suspect there is a way to go. Thank you for your reply. Hopefully more people who know the truth, speak out - as cracks form, there surely must be many intelligent people wrestling with their conscience. Or at least I’d like to believe that was true.

It has been extremely difficult to fathom the depth of all that has gone on, but it is reassuring to know children and possibly one day future generations will know there were those who against the odds, as Tess promotes, sought ‘a better way’ for their future and their freedom.

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What a wonderful and heartening story, thank you so much for sharing it.

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Thank you so much for sharing this real-life experience. To me it has greater value than a thousand opinions including my own.

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🍒 Wonderful- I asked my son first if it was okay and he just laughed, and said of course, ‘we just lived through one of the most locked down cities in the world’. His healthy heart turns 21 next week so we have a lot to be grateful for. But it’s often not a perfect world so we try to support the vulnerable as best we can.

Unfortunately, his previously healthy (non smoker) grandfather ( 4 shots and flu v) developed oesophageal cancer a few months after first few injections …coincidence? Anyway, reality stares us in the face. We are acutely aware of all who have lost loved ones from Covid, stolen from the before their time, these past few years. But the reality is, we are losing loved ones from the injections. VAERS shows this, the trial data shows this.

Anyone, I mean anyone, no matter how zealous they were in the past - who perhaps like Dr Malhatra, who lost his father or a patient -who now speaks the truth and provides even anecdotal evidence can make an exponential difference. They can save lives, lives they may never even know about. And I for one would be grateful they stepped up - whatever has happened in the past is a separate issue to be dealt with in time. Right now we need everyone to find their voice and shout as loud as they can.

Our family story is rather long but I will add a little more. It was another cardiologist and their colleague that advised my mum to make her own decision and against all the other doctors advice -( prior to 2020 she had ALL / leukaemia survived against the odds but one of the lumbar punctures due to incompetence left her with a spinal cord injury - she signed a consent form) so she refused to take the risk. I really believe that honest advice from an impartial doctor, despite the relentless pressure from her personal doctors saved her life. I know that these doctors, who were simply willing to follow their oath, rather than CDC guidelines will have made an incredible difference to countless lives, but even if it was only one life, they would know now they did no harm. And now we all know - it doesn’t stop transmission ( not that effective) and it can cause serious harm (not really safe).

Boy, that reply took on a life of its own! A long and rock road speckled with anti vax vitriol but we keep trying to make the best decisions we can and a shout out to the substack writers and readers who are helping us understand and navigate some of the new, sometimes overwhelming reality we are facing and likely to face in the future.

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Beautiful, we need to hear lots of these anecdotes. We have been overfed and choked with data but stories from families are the real thing. We come away from them with a message we can touch and smell. May you and your loved ones keep the courage going.

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Have I ever been wrong about something of consequence? Yes. Did I wake up and smell the coffee? Yes. Were those who knew better all along happy with my awakening? Yes. Was I happy with their reaction? Yes.


Shouldn't I now rejoice in someone else's awakening?

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I truly appreciate what Dr. Malhotra did…… it took a lot of courage. I have wondered, why have so many “experts” just gone along with this travesty (as Dr Malhotra did), but I can’t judge him or be critical of someone who has recognized they were wrong and is now doing whatever he can to let everyone know about it. This takes integrity.

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The plethora of papers and data is unequivocal to anyone who cared to look beyond the narrative and overt censorship. And it was obvious from the very early days:(P.-H. Lambert, D. M. Ambrosino, S. R. Andersen et al., Consensus summary report for CEPI/BCMarch 12–13, 2020 meeting: Assessment of risk of disease enhancement with COVID-19 vaccines, Vaccine, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.05.064)

Outcome reporting bias (Pfizer claiming a 95% relative risk reduction (RRR)) is also a well studied phenomenon: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK100617/ ).

Given that the UK's own Dr Aseem Malhotra (cardiologist) and Dr Clare Craig (Diagnostic Pathologist) are now talking about this, is something one concedes is better late than never, although Dr Craig in particular, has been tireless.

Sadly, the information they now trumpet regarding the unsafe and ineffectiven Pfizer injections and an absolute risk reduction (ARR) derived from Israeli data, showing an absurd value of 0.86% (down to 0.43%) IS OLD HAT, while Fraiman et al. (2022) now show negative risk benefit in the initial Pfizer efficacy study.

When the ARR was published in the Lancet (Olliaro, Torreele, Vaillant 2021), it fell on media suppression and deaf ears although those watching knew. Was Malhotra watching too? I wonder.

Dr Malhotra's willing blindness was eventually penetrated by the death of his father. His subsequent pursuit of knowledge leading to his awakening was very far behind those of us who were at the barricades in early 2020, for example NZDSOS.com.

Doubtless, in the case of Malhotra, it was precipitated by a deeply personal and intolerable level of cognitive dissonance and ethical insight. I am less convinced by any suggestion of 'courage'. The courage (and fear) belongs to those of us that said no at the outset to coercion and mandates, and those many who lost clinical and academic positions and livelihoods.

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I agree that there have been many heroes of the pandemic who have spoken out from the beginning, and I have truly appreciated every one of them. But, I also recognize that EVERYONE makes mistakes (I am at the front of the line on this). Yes, Dr. Malhotra made a mistake, and now he is trying to right his wrong. It did take courage for him to step up publicly and admit that he was wrong. Going forward, I hope that there are MANY more who will do the same thing. But, If we don’t show them grace, this may cause them to keep quiet and not speak out publicly about their decision to change their position, which is the exact opposite of what is needed. I say let’s encourage everyone and anyone to speak out when they finally recognize the truth.

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I understand your view. I also recognised that it is based on an assumption, namely, 'it did take courage for him to step up publicly and admit that he was wrong'. Other perceptions exist.

A man of his sensibilities, education and conscience, so clearly distressed by his own wilful ignorance, one that appeared to have led directly to the death of his father, would feel compelled to address and relieve his distress and guilt. This also strikes one as a driving basis for an act of reflection and repentance. This compelling dynamic and the need for restitution, it seems to me, would have eclipsed any notion of 'courage'.

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Churchill said that if Hitler invaded Hell he would feel compelled to give a speech in the Commons supporting the Devil.

I am wary of this heart doctor, who appears to now be enjoying being again a media darling. Many such doctors are, bluntly, far too late to the battle. Are their motives genuine? Are they simply trying to cover their own arses for promoting the jabs on national media? Or for putting the poison into so many naive bodies?

Nevertheless, we need them. We need to wake up hundreds of millions still. Every single person who joins the fight should be welcomed. We just need to keep an eye on some of them as to their longterm motivation. But the war is far from won and... Winter is coming.

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DING DING DING...BINGO.....Don Pardo tell em what he's won! (Bob Barkers line)

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I must say your conversation with Andrew Hill about the reasons why he didn't advocate to the FDA for the use of ivermectine is a turning point of this whole tragedy.

his ashamed look says so much. I wonder what they used to pressure him. there is the money, but there must be something else.

I read and watched countless hours of reports, news etc, but this conversation is one the most compelling proof of the rampant subversion. corruption is everywhere.

so few like yourself are risking their career/reputation to bring the truth. many know, but remain silent.

you're really an amazing person :)

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Couldn't agree more!!

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I've heard the convo multiple times and it is always shocking but to me it is so very clear that Hill was both paid off and threatened... He will have to answer someday for what he allowed to happen...either here or on the other side.

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I'm honestly exhausted with the "controlled opposition" accusation, it seems to be used far too frequently. People are paranoid and see a conspiracy behind every corner.... Considering the scale of the worldwide problem we are dealing with, every voice that speaks up is a much needed one, and does not need to be all or nothing. The attacks need to stop, I think we get enough from the other side, we certainly don't need to add to it.

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Sent this to my GP practice.

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I sent Tess's talk with Dr. David Cartland https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/tess-talks-with-dr-david-cartland to my GP practice in August - no reply.

Also sent Dr Aseem Malhotra's interview on GBNews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5uyYSkPVng about a week ago - no reply. Who opens the email and what effect it has we don't know....

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For those of you who think that Aseem is only now questioning authority/narrative, be aware that he has long been a vocal critic of the cholesterol hypothesis which was big pharma’s original blueprint for foisting dangerous and costly drugs onto an unsuspecting public, regardless of what the evidence showed. I’m sure there’s quite a lot of people in here, wildly questioning aseem’s motives, who still believe that cholesterol/saturated fat and red meat are the major nutritional causes of obesity and CVD. Aseem’s been pushing back against this narrative for years

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Yeah, thanks for drawing attention to his battle over the cholesterol hypothesis. He is obviously a conscientious physician. But imagine their situation. They go through and pay for medical school and afterwards have to check out every iota they have been taught. I bet there are few doctors who take the trouble to do any research once their licence has come in. Far too few.

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good of you to point that out.

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Well said! He has indeed. Firing multiple shots across the bough of poor old cholesterol. I would hazard a guess for possibly 10-12 years.

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Embrace Dr Malhotra for his message. We can only hope that it adds to the increasing awareness of the hazards of these mRNA vaccines. We urgently need research on their lipids well beyond the RNA. There needs to be caution bells ringing that can't be pushed aside by authorities. The emergency is over for now but plans to employ this technology are underway. No more experimenting with the people.

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I can tell you how Linkedin respond

Vaccinating Children


They have blocked access to my account after 4000 views in a few hours.

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Excellent piece, Hugh. Disappointing that you should be blocked but entirely unsurprising.

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I cancelled my LinkedIn account after I found out the CEO Billionaire was involved in obvious electioneering...

...his political beliefs belay any sense he would recant his ways

Now I have a serious decision regarding PayPal...

...penalizing people speaking the truth by stealing their customers money for “misinformation” determined by PayPal

The problem isn’t anything specific...

...anyone touting controlling “misinformation”, “disinformation” or “malinformation” will ALWAYS side with the state

Only representatives of the state should be severely pursued and punished...

...CIVIL liabilities hefty against those who used these terms to harm others with censorship, suspensions, terminations or loss of careers

Someone must pay both criminally and civilly...

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I have cancelled both LinkedIn (early '21) and, now, PayPal. I would encourage anyone with accounts on those platforms to do the same. Both participate in ideological censorship but purport to be neutral platforms. Liars. For the record, LinkedIn is a Microsoft asset and, therefore, a Bill Gates asset, just in case you need another reason to cancel them.

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I have tried to cancel PayPal, thought I had but keep getting notifications of their changed whatever it is they change all the time. Any advice?

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OK go ahead and get it organized.

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I also got banned from Linkedin

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People have different paths. The fact that he promoted the vaccines but is now against them will be the thing that makes some listen. Because he still believes in noncovid childhood vaccines is another advantage to reach a certain audience about the problems with the covid vaccines.

If he continues to share ideas with the doctors and scientists that know the data suggest all vaccines should be stopped then he may change his mind. In doing so he will lose access to a large portion of people.

Personally I would like to see him slowly reach the conclusion that the normal childhood vaccines are also bad so the people who are now following him can gradually and naturally see it occur and come with!

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For those who have been wilfully blind, we should rejoice in their realisation. For those who have deliberately caused harm but are now trying to save their own skin, we should rejoice in the breaking up of the forces martialled against us.

We need not take a view of anyone's motives here, because the result is the same - saving lives and reducing harms. Our response should be to rejoice in either case.

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This is a Good message. It was "easy" to go along with the False Narrative ("safe and effective") and "hard" to criticize it and act against it. It is literally Human Nature to take the path of least resistance, and doctors are human, lest we forget. That said, I would hope that those doctors who "went along to get along", who awaken, would work to help undo what happened on their watch. Dr. Malhotra is doing that and should be lauded, as should others who have done the same. If I recall correctly, Dr. Robert Malone took the "jab", himself, and regrets it and has certainly become a strong voice against the Narrative.

What we need is to not be Divided, but United by Truth. The more Truth speakers the better! Thank you, Dr. Nass, for your message and best wishes for your hearing today. I shall be watching!

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Had a similar discussion yesterday with a friend in India regarding Jeffrey Sachs, the same debate I've had a hundred times over the last 7 years or so.

It really comes down to supporting issues and agendas rather than people.. always.

You can like, dislike, be sceptical of their motives... but support their ideas when you agree, and argue when you don't.

The actual instances of 'controlled opposition' are very, very tiny, and they reveal themselves in time, if you were steadfast and remained true to the principle of supporting ideas, then you lose nothing, the person didn't matter.

Also, diversity of opinion, in good faith, is a strength not a weakness.

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I agree completely. It's about content (ideas, principles) NOT about form (personalities)

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I totally agree that all should be welcomed back into the fold, however I do think that its important for such people who promoted the civid-19 vaccines to apologise and make the change in perspective clear to people.

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Its called a "Big Tent" strategy. Don't kick someone out of the Big Tent just because you find them "impure" in some way. Big Tent = the ultimate power for change. Everyone is welcome.

The Oligarchy wants us divided. We win by uniting.

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Good point. I wish everybody would SEE It. Perpetrators will be meted out what they have asked for. Never worry. But there is a better justice than our small vindictiveness. As you say: WE WIN BY UNITING.

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