This is so beautiful Tess what a wise perspective! I feel the shift so strongly too. I am a healthcare worker in NYC and I attended a dinner yesterday at a church friends house. The room was full of fellow believers 5 of which were healthcare workers. The entire room was unvaccinated. The conversation was all about what's going on and every single person sees what's happening which is huge for a NYC gathering. We discussed starting something to help people heal from all of this and being able to offer people treatment outside mainstream medicine for those who don't trust the system anymore as none of is trust it. I felt something amazing growing, Gods hand moved over His people and we found one another!
One person told me his story of how he was fired and had to do Uber eats to earn money during the period where you were literally not allowed to have a job here. He ended up finding an orthodox Jewish nursing home where no one was vaccinated and they welcomed him and he never took the shot. They protected him from it and gave him work. Some truly amazing things happened during this time. There are millions ready for a new world for the people!
Brilliant. A whole room of UnQuaxed many of whom are health workers. This is serious evidence that the tide has turned along with the very topics discussed in many Subs.
Whether those that took "it" can be healed is another issue, from one with well over 3 decades of experience with out of the box natural therapeutics. Certainly we can mitigate symptoms.
As you mention, often there is a way out.
Holding the evil doers fully accountable is paramount. They knew exactly what they were doing.
If you go on to Pam Poppers website MakeAmericansFreeAgain, she has info on how to start up a group! She has written out agendas on how to begin a meeting and what to talk about. She has been doing her MAFA work since 2020, even written a book on the coofid debacle, and has been such a positive influence on my life the last 3+ years that I joined a like minded group and we talk online every 2 weeks and meet in person once a month. It’s fantastic.
Every unnatural attachment real, presumed, or otherwise upon my personal and private “Godly” estate at any point from fertilization to last breath is a Trespass.
Born as "limitless" beings, often vulnerable to limited thinking. Hence consenting to fools.
We won't get fooled again! Has a nice ring to it doesn't it?
We are susceptible to this kind of confusion because we continue to focus on the exact wrong topics. We argue about whether or not there is a virus and we argue about how dangerous the jabs are. Both of these topics are irrelevant in my opinion. The one truth I believe we should focus on is also the one truth that has caused FAR more damage than either a virus or a jab and is also the easiest to prove…..the fact that there was never a pandemic or public health emergency. Once you remove that piece of idiocy from the equation everything else falls away.
I wish I could just go along with your popular comment, but if I had to bet my last dollar on the ACTUAL truth, your claim that "the fact that there was never a pandemic or public health emergency has caused FAR more damage than either a virus or a jab" is just feel-good fantasy. Dead bodies don't lie: yes, it was not a "deadly" virus, but simple math dictates that even a 0.3% mortality rate will amount to a lot of deaths, and as for the vaccine, even Pfizer and Moderna's own gold-standard clinical trials showed "4 killed for every 3 saved" under prime conditions.
So I entirely disagree that we should just devalue human life and pretend that the unnecessary deaths from the virus (which could have overwhelmingly been prevented with proper treatments), and the worse-than-useless mRNA vaccines, never happened when they absolutely did. Pretending that the unnecessary deaths of so many innocent people never happened only suits evil agendas such as depopulation, nothing else. And finally, to be completely honest, no matter how popular or convenient it is to claim that "lockdowns" or restrictions were a major cause of deaths since 2020, these claims are absolutely NOT supported by the evidence. No matter how "uncool" it is to admit, the vast majority of countries with heavy "lockdowns" or heavy restrictions actually did rather well mortality-wise pre-vaccine, and then their all-cause mortality went UP after the vaccine. I am all for truth, even the inconvenient, unpopular, "uncool" truth, which is that the (improperly treated) virus and the dangerous mRNA vaccines are what killed lots of people, NOT lockdowns or restrictions. Once again, dead bodies do not lie:
You have a lot of the truth, but lockdowns did kill. And the effects of them will continue to do so.
I watched the youth spiral into deeper & deeper anxiety & depression, and watched drug & alcohol use skyrocket. Suicide rates went up, and while data can be difficult to aquire, I believe they are still high.
The effects of lockdowns on Formerly Free Societies are not the same as in Totalitarian Regimes where people accept their cattle like status.
American youth, private business owners, our violently abused front line workers- teachers, law enforcement, military, emergency & fire departments, all have been morally injured & physically & financially injured through this Coup on the United States of America, by Foriegn Influence, (if you want my opinion,) and the Illegal Lockdowns were a huge piece of the strategy to create death & irreparable injuries.
A not unreasonable comment but you ignore the fact that lockdowns had both pros and cons. The cons include the shutting of care homes to outside visitors so that anything could have gone on. The evidence is many were euthanised by neglect or other means.
And please, the virus was the 'flu re-branded this should be blindingly obvious by now. Treating the 'flu is sensible and easy to do unless one is a mainstream doctor or nurse it seems. Thus people were not treated correctly.
No offense but you are regurgitating bullshit media talking points. There was no out of the ordinary excess mortality in 2020…in any country. All that was done was typical flu and pneumonia deaths were simply labeled covid deaths, using a fraudulent PCR test that was rolled out just for the occasion and couldn’t tell the difference. There was no excess mortality worldwide until the effects of lockdowns kicked in and, obviously, the bioweapon injection rollout.
Matt is correct. The stress is the word 'reporting' which was by mainstream media which can be relied upon for not being a reliable source of truth anytime. Relied could become 'red lie', the red for communistic totalitarian lies.
And so many people were brain dead as they didn't bother to check how many people on average might usually die per day, per month, per year etc.
It is true there was no pandemic or public health emergency except in the design of The Powers That Be and in the minds of those who accepted it. Because of that it must follow there was no rapidly mutating virus so it is not irrelevant. The whole pandemic thing past and present relies on the lies of virology.
The whole COVID exercise has been to expose virology for the deceit it is and that vaccines, all vaccines ever, have been a gross imposition of poisoning on an indoctrinated gullible public.
I agree we should not be bothered much about how dangerous the jabs are but how utterly pointless at best they are except at making money for big pharma.
Vaccines are an abomination and they and those who promote them must be destroyed.
"We argue about whether or not there is a virus and we argue about how dangerous the jabs are. Both of these topics are irrelevant in my opinion."
A century of experiments going all the way back to Dr Rosenau during the Spanish Flu prove that you cannot 'catch' colds and flus even if you sit at the bedside of a flu patient and have them cough in your face repeatedly and then rub their snot and lung fluid into your eyes and mouth and throat and even gargle and swallow it.
All of these disgusting mechanisms of contagion (and many more) have been tested meticulously over the last century and at no time has proximity or the sharing of bodily fluids caused the test subjects to get sick. They even took snot from horses that were sick with the Spanish Flu and put it in the nose bags of healthy horses and couldn't make them sick either.
The science is very clear that colds and flus are as contagious as scurvy - a disease which also showed all the superficial signs of being contagious to the untrained observer. That superficial appearance of 'contagion' is worth TRILLIONS to Big Pharma, and the fate of humanity now rests on us pointing out the difference between 'superficial appearance' and 'scientific evidence' so this scam is stopped before any more are killed, injured or sterilised in the name of 'stopping the spread'.
Had the public simply been made aware of Rosenau's experiments (and dozens more like them) in biology classes at school and via BBC documentaries about the Spanish Flu then nobody would have paid any attention to politicians demanding lockdowns, social distancing, masks, elbow bumping, perspex screens, cashless payments, travel restrictions, shut down of businesses or suspension of visitation rights to care homes or delivery rooms. And nobody would have taken the vaccines - saving millions from the misery and heartache of injury, disability, death and bereavement.
So YES focusing on the science is ABSOLUTELY relevant. How stupid to say that it isn't!
Widespread awareness of the FAILURE of contagion theory/ virology to pass even the most basic scientific experiments is the only way out of this nightmare.
Why do you think the vaccine industry is shifting the (hugely profitable) pseudo science of virology from the biological realm to the digital realm? Why does Moderna boast that they are all about 'digitising biology'?
The answer is that they all know that the game is up, and the only way they can save the false paradigm - and their fraudulent business model - is by removing the biology from the equation, and operating entirely in the digital realm, where anything is possible (as we all know from Hollywood movies).
The architects of 'covid' are well aware that every experiment for the last century has DISPROVED the theory of 'viral contagion' between humans, horses and other animals. This explains why the contagion model used to dictate government policy at the start of 2020 was based - NOT on any experiment involving contagion between living organisms - but on a 2017 experiment conducted by the BBC, Cambridge University and the LSHTM to simulate a 'pandemic' by having 30,000 volunteers download an app to their smartphone! This app allowed the phones to be tracked, and that tracking data was passed off as a model of contagion. This experiment was made into a BBC show broadcast in 2018 and fronted by celebrity mathematician Hannah Fry ('Contagion! The BBC4 Pandemic').
They proudly admit the data set from the smartphones (not humans) became the 'new gold standard' for modelling 'pandemics' and it was used at the start of 2020 to set lockdown policies.
The entire experiment (and subsequent lockdown policies) rest on the premise that smartphones and humans are interchangeable when it comes to observing how disease manifests. Future generations (if there are any) will look back at this experiment as the most audacious act of pseudo science (and criminal fraud) in the history of science.
To wrap up:
1. A century of real world experiments prove that humans (and animals) do not spread colds and flus by contagion.
2. All discussions and debates on 'covid' or 'pandemics' must BEGIN by acknowledging this fact. Failure to acknowledge this means operating under a false premise, making all discussion worthless (and criminally deceptive).
3. Viruses are defined by virologists as 'contagious particles'. With no proof of contagion viruses cannot be said to exist. So called 'viruses' must be redefined as no more than cellular debris (ie non pathogenic, non contagious particles) - see also Dr Stefan Lanka's work.
4. Once we get past the pseudo science of contagion theory / virology we can end this HUGELY PROFITABLE MISCONCEPTION, and begin studying the true nature of sickness/ disease (typically some kind of a detox program) and the true causes of disease (typically poor nutrition, exposure to poisons and environmental toxins and pollution, stress, seasonal changes, psychosomatic factors, non native EMF pollution etc).
To stay within the false contagion/ virus paradigm is to stay trapped in hell forever. A hell where we mistake mass poisoning/ mass deficiency for 'contagion', we mistake home imprisonment and medical malfeasance for 'healthcare' and we mistake injectable poison for 'medicine'.
To call this topic 'irrelevant' is to call science irrelevant.
I agree with all that. Your mistake is in calling me stupid for something I never said. You have to remember who we’re talking to: the pathetically uninformed masses. I personally don’t believe they’re ready for the truth about viruses. You know why? Because just about every household in the fucking world has had someone get sick and then all of a sudden everybody in the home gets sick. So I will stick by my original comment, that focusing on whether or not there is a virus is irrelevant because, even if it was real, there was never a public health emergency. That prevents us from having to ask them to suspend too much of what they believe. Other than that, well done. It’s nice to know there are others out there that know the virus model and Germ Theory are absolute horseshit and I am assuming more and more are figuring that out every day because of this global psy-op.
"Your mistake is in calling me stupid for something I never said."
AFAIC the virus issue IS a scientific issue (how can it not be?). And so to call the virus issue irrelevant is to call science irrelevant. To be fair, I said that was a stupid thing to say... not that you were stupid :)
We seem to be basically in agreement so let's keep arguing...
"I personally don’t believe they’re ready for the truth about viruses."
I agree up to a point .... but I think it's our job to give them the context so they are ready to hear the truth. And there is no shortage of context. The entire history of germ theory is a history of failure, bluffing and fudging.
The field of virology was invented BECAUSE germ theory was already failing to account for disease. It's only endured this long because of the vast sums of money it generates, which it uses to pay off doctors, scientists and the media.
" focusing on whether or not there is a virus is irrelevant because, even if it was real, there was never a public health emergency. "
I don't see why we can't tell the truth on both fronts. There was no public health emergency and virology is a profitable pseudo science. The problem with exposing 2020 as a typical flu season (plus DNRs, Midazolam, ventilators etc) is that it will all be forgotten as soon as another crisis is declared.
2009 was exposed as a pseudo pandemic, even by the mainstream media... and yet it made no difference to the terror people felt in 2020.
IMHO it's better to just be honest and point out the ACTUAL causes of sickness.
Spanish Flu - EMF poisoning from new radio installations + the depravations of war (including trauma) + chemical poisoning in the trenches + multiple vaccines for soldiers .... and later vaccines for civilians + lethal doses of aspirin (repeated vaccines appearing to cause the majority of deaths overall).
Polio - DDT / lead arsenate / industrial toxins (some outbreaks occurred downstream from local factories which used specific dyes)
Various flu outbreaks - solar discharges / electrification/ new wireless infrastructure etc. The 11 year sun cycle appears to correlate with bad flu years. EMR poisoning is known to cause flu like symptoms.
Swine flu (1976 and 2009) - as far as I can tell these were pseudo pandemics with no credible cases of anything out of the ordinary.
Covid - no significant excess mortality (lockdowns caused some spikes)... but wireless pollution (including but not limited to 5G) probably accounting for some of the respiratory/ blood symptoms that were labelled 'covid'. Not enough to count as a 'pandemic' but enough to draw attention to wireless tech as a health hazard.
My point is that the public are right to be concerned (even hysterical) about their health. We really are living through a health emergency. The virus hysteria is being used to deflect attention away from the TRUE causes of disease, which need addressing but which are being ignored due to the deliberate distraction (and scapegoat) of 'viruses'.
You say there was no health emergency, but I disagree. There was no 'viral' health emergency, but there is still a health emergency which can only be addressed once we've put the virus nonsense into the trash.
1. we have a health system which has been captured by people who want to poison us
2. we have supermarkets full of fake food which is starving us (in terms of nutrition)
3. we are living in a toxic soup of non-native EMF which is making everyone chronically sick (and decimating the insects/ bird population). This technology is completely unsustainable, cannot be mitigated, and must simply be abandoned.
4. the mainstream model of disease is completely wrong. Symptoms are not disease, they are our body's healing (detoxing) mechanisms. Suppressing symptoms with drugs is literally preventing the body from healing.
Arguing the 'no virus' position on its own might be counter productive, but in the wider context I cannot see how it can be avoided, or why it should be avoided. It's the only explanation that makes any sense ..... and as such it puts the individual back in charge of their own health.
Having said that, it's almost impossible to get through to anyone with any of these topics. Within about 10 seconds of questioning ANY aspect of the official narrative most people mentally shut down. I'm sure you've experienced the same.
But I refuse to call them 'sheeple'. I prefer to call them 'starlings' :)
Re "I don't see why we can't tell the truth on both fronts." Exactly, we don't need to hammer everybody on everything all at once but we cannot ignore the base cause of the fear which was the primary driver for the lemmings to rush into the mask-ists, testers and jabbers arms.
When people realise there is no rapidly mutating ninja 'turtle' virus to sabotage our bodies we might get some peace!
To be honest, Tess, I'm shocked. Why are you saying the New Zealand data has added *nothing* to what we already know?
IMHO, every report of every adverse event and every death adds to what we know ~ and should never be so casually dismissed.
Whether the New Zealand data are completely clean and accurate remains to be seen. However, dismissing this body of data out-of-hand seems premature at best ~ and, at worst, it seems to me to stand in direct contradiction to the belief you and I both share, i.e., that "we are all precious" ~ including every person whose death is represented in this data set.
Moreover, your assertion, in this context, that one can be "certain" the truth and freedom movements have been corrupted seems to be an equally premature and unwarranted dismissal of the whistleblower who shared this data at great personal and professional risk.
In the end, I would hope that your wise advice to "be careful' and "step back" would apply in this context, as well: let's avoid "thrashing" out against anyone (including this whistleblower) who appears to be making a heartfelt and earnest effort, at great personal sacrifice, to support "the better way" which so many of us cherish and hold dear.
Then, once the data has been thoroughly assessed, we will be able to trust both head and heart.
It is also worth noting that in Igor's recent update on the NZ data, he acknowledged that, in spite of whatever problems there may be with the data, the whistleblower (Barry) "is more likely to be sincere than insincere in his intentions and actions" ~ with which I completely agree:
More data just proves what many realised in 2020 that vaccines are a gross deceit, have always been a gross deceit. So while more data is fine, spending lots of time on it will not be very productive.
There are a lot of evils going on and releases of masses of data make be great for the analysts, but we need to focus on destroying the lies that underpin the house of cards of vaccination and big pharma in general.
And then there is the climate fraud, digital currency, mass abortion, euthanasia, plastics etc.etc. etc.
I agree completely that the data proves what many of us already knew back in 2020 ~ and that there are a host of other HUGE issues that need to be addressed.
However, there are many of us to go around in terms of tackling these diverse issues ~ and if the analysts are willing to review this data, and if they are able to uncover verifiable proof of incentivized harm and lack of governmental transparency, this will provide much needed leverage for holding the NZ authorities accountable.
My concern with Tess's comment was the broad brush stroke with which she simply swept the data aside by saying it adds "nothing" to what we already know ~ period. Apart from the leverage the data may provide relative to accountability, it also documents the potentially huge scope of harm in NZ, which I believe *does* matter to many of the family members of those whose lives were lost.
In the end, if this data is accurate, it documents nothing less than a humanitarian tragedy within the country of New Zealand ~ and, as such, this is something that I believe should never be so casually dismissed.
Agreed, it's just that data takes an inordinate amount of time to go through and provides lots of arguments for lawyers etc. to get bogged down in and justify large fees for compensation claims/time in court when it gets there.
I say concentrate on making clear vaccines, all vaccines, contain poison and it has never been good to poison oneself. It is irrefutable and the vaccine cultist have no defense as they do not 'follow the science' as they foolishly think they do.
Agree with you completely about the dangers associated with *all* vaccines (love your "nutshell" summary) ~ and the egregious disregard the pro-jab cultists have for "following the science"
Instinct has carried me through all of this covid mess, not graphs or statistics. All I know is that to inject a substance into your body that has only been tested in the past on people with end of life conditions and then pivot within one year and try to put the substance into every man woman and child is utter madness. I trust only myself and certainly not governments and public health and their deadly siren call of safe and effective for everyone.
I would just make it simpler and say is that to inject poison into your body is utter madness as it should be obvious to all that poisoning has never been good for Man or beast.
The new Zealand authority embarked on a mass murder campaign. END of the story, to even half contemplate what to believe after seeing Liz Gunn and "Winston" EXTRAPOLATING those figures.. is to say the least is LUDICROUS. THEY ALL ADD UP. Tess Lawrie I'm surprised that you appear not convinced? If you go by your gut feel... As well YOU CAN SEE THAT THIS IS TRUTH, BECAUSE IT CANNOT BE EXPLAINED AWAY
She is saying we must “trust our hearts.” Nope. Data is objective reality; fact. Doesn’t matter what your “heart” tells you. Most of us learned this in 8th Grade Science Class.
Victors can have all the compassion they desire for the vanquished. But the vanquished can have no compassion for the victors if the vanquished ever want to defeat them. Zero. None. Nada.
Until the adults and reality again hold the high ground, no compassion can be extended toward those destroying us, our kids and their future.
I suspect you do not understand her reasoning. Personally have 9 years of college in science. Objective data is often not so objective as any realist knows. It has been pay to play for decades. I am not commenting on this particular data set.
It is the old conundrum:
The heart or the mind? They must somehow integrate. Discernment is the operative word, it most definitely does not bypass knowledge as many assert. Wisdom in the intermediate step.
I do agree that there is no forgiveness for deliberate genocide. There must be swift justice.
I guess your time in the sciences was wasted. Or you don’t understand the word “fact.”
All facts are objective. Objective data is objective. It’s kinda in the description. If you want to play word games or pretend only you - and no one else - understands the language, you’re free to do so. But I always am entertained by those thinking anyone in disagreement with them somehow doesn’t understand reality. Mostly, those people are arrogant morons.
"So the answer to the question, whom can we trust is simple. We must trust ourselves, we must trust our own intuition, and we must trust our own hearts."
Amen. Our own minds, intuition, hearts—we’ve been trained to mistrust these things and follow leaders and experts instead. Every time you hear the phrase “thought leader” you should bristle with mistrust. This is a contradiction in terms. No one can think for you. Your own intuition already knows the truth, anyway. Listen to it.
After much in depth examination and intense interaction both publicly on X and in DMs with many concerned experts, I put on record my own many words of caution, including tagging Dr. Lawrie who kindly acknowledged and responded. I asked questions about how the data emerged and its quality and completeness. That process contributed to Substack posts being written, notably Igor Chudov. He accessed the data, which turned out to be difficult, took a look over the weekend and raised his own preliminary concerns and questions. Igor wrote a summary and then a follow up. NZ Voices for Freedom (VFF) also wrote an excellent statement giving backstory, commentary and their perspective on how such a "leak" should have been handled. They had been aware of the data and activities to review it for some time but did not have access or involvement in analysis.
I do think that there is one big new thing we can learn from this data set. To add to the solid and abundant findings around the world we can already trust on vaccine harms and the unprecedented rates and patterns of excess mortality.
Note the NZ data in the crossfire are only of vaccinated persons as it tracks payments to providers who received compensation for each jab. It does not include all the vaccinated in NZ just those whose providers received money for the injections so it is a select set of data. It contains provider identities and settings within the MOH version. It is said to have been anonymized for outsiders who have worked with the data with respect to patient identities.
The revelation may open a new opportunity for the injured and New Zealanders wanting to hold some entity accountable. So the additional potential bombshell crime and atrocity to focus on is that shots can be tracked back to specific providers at the person level. A data analyst now has an opening to get counts of death by provider, and learn how much each death was compensated for by the NZ government. We could estimate an average monetary figure calculated per vaccine death in NZ. Who was the top killer? What health practice wins the prize? These providers should be nervous right now, sweating bullets. They can be held accountable--didn't any notice the deaths? Doesn't taking payment invoke liability for a medical practice? Is this why other groups who saw the data and reportedly worked with whistleblower Barry Young backed off or dragged their heels for months on making conclusions and a formal announcement? Why did Barry get impatient and go to a politician journalist Liz Gunn? Investigative journalists not just scientists are needed on these questions.
The attempt in the videos to present high rates of death by vaccinator does not make clear statements about rates and magnitude of mortality or harm for vaccinees. However and importantly it does show that some providers or settings got paid handsomely and were large enough to have detected a problem as health practices keep data as do insurance companies, and would notice dying patients. Thus some providers or settings had enormous safety signals for harm. So the heat is on them. The government in NZ is not responding, but citizens can go knocking on providers doors demanding answers and accountability. Lawyers can get busy and their activities can open up further discovery.
The real opportunity here is for New Zealanders at large to use the brouhaha to their advantage, world eyes are on them now. The NZ MOH is under new demands to answer questions. Public outrage is rekindled and focused. Why didn't they hear the concerns of a troubled database administrator and endeavor themselves to merge payment and lot records with mortality and adverse event data? Further evidence of failed pharmacovigilance on the part of MOH. They have been sitting on data that could have been used for the benefit of the vaccinated and for informing the public. Remember PM Jacinda Ardern told her citizens that her government was their sole source of truth. She is living comfortably now with a title and stipend at Harvard.
Thanks Tess. I am heartbroken and annoyed to find out today that in fact good people are being hurt by this chaotic ill-advised NZ vaccine payment data set project. A handful of people appear to have data they are storing on servers for their own projects having nothing to do with NZ wiped clean, seized. The hosts are acting on the possibility that those people might have copies of some or all the leaked data from NZ.
Here is what I posted today on X, in response to Kevin McKernan's warning to his followers about using Steve Kirsch's data set, the current copy or older copies. Steve had his former host cancelled, he re-uploaded the data via a new host and gave instructions for accessing on his Substack. Kevin is a true hero in my view and he is upset; his own data are inaccessible. I responded to Kevin's warning today; I follow up on some of the thoughts I've expressed here and elsewhere about the potential value (and risks) of looking into the NZ data set:
OMG Kevin I've been out there on X warning about all the risks, ethics, and problems with these data being used in the way it is. At the outset I was worried that Steve and others involved would get hurt. I spoke out to try to stop a train wreck. But angrily dismissed. Thanks for warning folks yourself.
There are no assurances that the data people have accessed, and there appear to be many versions which is part of the confusion, aren't de-identified by provider, which could be at the person level--doctors and their staff. The real value of the vaccine payment data set in my view is not scientific but policy and legal--how much was spent, who got the most compensation, how long after legitimate data about excess mortality was made clear in NZ via their own public data were providers still being paid? New Zealanders could have recourse through this pathway and lawyers might be able to find accountability there, and further discovery.
It is not enough to anonymize the data for the people receiving the shots and say everything is fine. The data are the property of the NZ government. It is being used without their permission. The analyses being done and provided to the public haven't had any ethical review for safety by an outside team, like an IRB committee. So many normal professional processes for conducting research have been bypassed at great potential peril for those involved.
Kevin has posted much this morning but here is the first, and the thread I responded to:
I am deeply relieved that you and the WCH were not affected or harmed by this. In part respect for and understanding of the usual traditions of good science was a guide, but mostly trusting your own judgment most important as you wisely say.
NZ Whistleblower Case: NZDSOS Response to MOH Data Release
¨This confirms what we have been saying all along: this mRNA gene technology is not safe, it is not effective and it causes serious harm and damage to everyday kiwis. And that the government of the day damn well knew it. It lied to the people, and its own MPs. People like Rory Nairn have paid with their lives.
If Ms Apa is so certain we and whistleblower “Winson Smith” are disinfo agents, we call on her to release the actual data of outcomes in the vaccinated.
We have been asking to analyse deaths and vaccine data since September 2021.¨ Read More
What I hope all the brouhaha stimulates is renewed public focus and demands by New Zealanders on their government to use the data they have collected and merge it all themselves or release it and allow others to do the job properly. Outside firms can be authorized to go through all the needed steps to validate data quality and provenance, anonymize, keep confidentiality, secure, preserve, and ensure ethical use of the data, put together a team of independent scientists and technical experts to perform the analysis and report generation. NZ MOH has more than enough data to demonstrate massive harm, and that it started promptly. Yet they continued to pay providers to inject despite the clear safety signals. Scandalous, horrific, sociopathic. The providers are the very embodiment of quislings.
The article you cite helps summarize and move people forward to insisting on action and accountability.
Here in the U.S. Harvard university students and faculty should be asking their administration and donors why they are harboring a criminal among their institutes, former NZ PM Jacinda Arden.
Mario your bio says you are a retired pilot-- I have a family member who is a senior Captain in a major airline. And was injured by two mandated Moderna shots. One was from a highly toxic lot identified by How Bad is My Batch at I hope you escaped that fate.
Thank you for that measured and balanced view of the NZ data and how it should be handled. Yes there has been some queries raised about the completeness of the data by some overseas statisticians as the WBlower couldn't get it all of NZ's data-Yes there is not reccords for the unvaxed and V1/V2 missing data ( many Vx'd overseas NZ citizens returned home in 2020 so no payment/record for those). The personalities within the different Freedom groups is a distraction and does them a disservice and should be overlooked. This is primary source data (however incomplete) it represents a snapshot of the disaster that has/is occurring in our country and representative of what is occurring in most V'd countries. What the WBlower was able to download is very telling and should be handled with care and thought before any debunking such has occurred from the WW freedom community. We owe it to the people who died or have been injured at least that. I agree it is a real opportunity and pressure should go on our MOH to explain the failed pharmacovigilance.
What is required in a wider perspective. The "data" is actually worldwide.
Stateside 40% increase in death and disability since 3rd quarter of '21 from insurance actuary tables looking at the healthiest wealthiest demographic. A discussion of more and more about less and less is just that, leading nowhere.
It is an opportunity to wake the sleepers to the reality of the Big Pharma controlling the Medical Cartel and is doing just that. Cannot be fixed from within and that was true several decades ago. Chaos will result, though we already have chaos...
NZ Payment database never meant to monitor unvaccinated. So it is just a slice of a picture, that allows for only certain questions. Then it can be made more valuable if merged with other slices of data or more complete data sets. Merging data is complex at this scale--I have been involved in a number of projects where this has been done. There are technical and IT issues, privacy issues, if research then institutional review board steps to go through, and then further protection and access monitoring for the merged data. And then of course validity and quality issues when preparing the data like missing data and errors and inconsistencies. So lots of data preparation prior to any analysis stage.
But NZ MOH had capacity, pathways, and access to do this and responsibility for it. For outsiders it takes many permissions and perhaps contracts. If you are a leaker, legal issues arise as the data are property of the state if you possess and share it privately. So the latter is the least desirable option.
I don't understand Betsy. You say that The New Zealand Ministry of Health ¨had capacity, pathways, and access to do this and responsibility for it.¨ Yes it is true but
why the NZ MOH would do that? They are part of this crime. They knew.
It is a bit like if you were saying that Edward Snowden did a mistake, he should have asked the NSA authorization to leak to the public about all the negative they were doing. Same for Julian Assange. We are at war now. Most all Governments are participating to this Genocide. For them, we are the enemy.
I have been in the trenches as a clinician for over 3 decades. We can wax poetic about the particular data set as if it exists in isolation and as if the health care authorities might somehow have "our" best interests. Neither is remotely true.
At this late date, the people know and grovel for accountability.
The response is predictably obfuscation.
It really is that bad. Clueless people that are on the fence fall one way or the other...
Also on X in the discussion I would highlight were @Jikkyleaks @nickhudsonCT @USmortality @wagpogreal @UncleJo46902375 @DravenS17 and ArkMedic on his Telegram feed:
From those vantage points you can see many others chimed in. None of these people were there to troll, attack, take down, gaslight, deny vaccine injury or excess mortality or represent pharma or captured medicine. The discussions I were party to were concerned scientists, activists, New Zealanders, vaccine injury activists.
Accurate assessment if always as basic as going back to the basics.
Never said or suggested the people you are referencing were doing any such things. Very much aware of the discussions worldwide, not just concerning the NZ debacle.
People have awoken and continure to awake. Our world will never be the same as mistrust in Gov. Agencies, health care specialists, and politicians is irrepairable.
Jikkileaks is not reliable now. Used to be but perhaps compromised/account taken over. Arkmedic has a lab leak agenda which is probably a distraction…there plenty of distraction there.
I personally think we should also be looking at the whole "hot lots" concept & information the New Zealand data highlights so shockingly. Since vaccines existed some batches were always very, very deadly.
With the Covid Injections, (which are not vaccines at all, by standard definition & by all reason, but genetic therapies) this phenomenon took on new highs, and with the work of Sasha Latypova & another, on "How Bad Is My Batch?" you see very disturbing patterns emerging-
As it appears that when Moderna had super hot lots rolling out, Pfizer did not, and vice versa, and the "tame" or "safe" lots were with both companies, spaced out, with the occasional deadly ones being "pulsed."
Frankly it looked intentional, so I would hope that the data experts in the truth-telling crowd would analyze this information to see if it is random, or not.
Proving intentionality, (which given the known health issues associated with the technology of these products is obvious to me,) is the real heart of the problems besetting our species, imho.
Is it possible that this data set, as nuclear as it is, may make that goal attainable?
If so, it would certainly explain the Global One World Government we are already suffering under's response to anyone hosting it.
The New Zealand data sourced from Barry Young weren't analyzed by lot but by vaccinator. Pfizer and Moderna lot 3#s weren't provided as data fields. I agree that It might have been much more fruitful to reorganize the data by lot #.
Bet Arden and her family didn’t get the toxic injections that she forced on the population. When war criminal Tony Blair was asked whether his son Leo had had the MMR he refused to answer. Of course he hadn’t. The stage had been set for a eugenics agenda and NWO nonsense and B-LIAR had been rewarded handsomely for his treason and psychopathy. The demonisation of Dr Andrew Wakefield and team who raised concerns was necessary to advance this demonic agenda.
Dr. Lawrie, I have followed your messaging with great interest since December of 2020 when you attempted to alert your Parliament about the efficacy of ivermectin against C19 infection. Are you stating that you have determined the reported analysis of the NZ data is flawed and/or overblown, or that more information is required before rendering accurate judgement? John Wells VMD
I think in order to get to the Truth, we need to speak it.
I'm troubled by all the people who will hyperbolize their point of view. This is not helping.
We're facing something difficult, because we have forgotten as a society how to do the easy things.
Forgiveness. Self Reflection. Admission.
We need to do these things not only for others but for Ourselves.
All of this ramping up of tensions and people trying to "win" cheap points might be the status quo for the business way of things, for the "managerial" class, but that's because they are stuck ion the machine mindset, so even when they attempt to create "Justice", the urge to do so with short cuts is just to hard to avoid. Our models may be broken, but perhaps our incentive structure did in Fact contribute to their corruption. Perhaps we have "god" like technology, but we do not and can Never possess God like discernment, because the task of constantly pushing the boulder up the Hill is in and of itself the thing that burns us out, and most people get beaten down into conformity.
Ugh. While I appreciate your "revolutionary" tone, it also frightens me to a degree.
This has been the aim all along of the "4IR reset agenda crowd. They were the ones claiming the model was broken, and needed to be replaced with something new.
And here we are on the other side of that spectrum.
I had a good friend ask me about our powers to discern between what is "good" and what is "bad", in relationship to Human health, and he misunderstood what I meant when I was critiquing the direction of the World at large.
There is from what I can tell, two major themes right now.
Emancipation, or Total Slavery via the "One World Health" initiative at the WHO.
Both claim to have the right answers for what ills our societies.
Both are making strong arguments, but neither seem to be able to have a Monopoly on the "Truth".
When it comes to individual Health, amazing discoveries have been made in terms of nutrition, specifically when it comes to gut health, and things like superfoods and healthy helper bacterias. These things need to be studied and encouraged.
I think that some interesting arguments have been made in terms of genetic research.
Who wouldn't want the ability to reverse things like aging diseases and genetic abnormalities?
Like Cancer.
But where is the Truth to be found there?
I think it's in the claims about Life itself.
We don't know how to make it, besides breeding. We have many theories, and suggested mechanisms, but there is currently no one on Earth that actually knows how to "create" Life.
I feel like there's something important there. And I also feel like the only real Life we're on the cusp of "replicating", will be in silico.
How fascinating is That? We don't even know how we got here, or how to replicate our own creation processes, but we're about to create a disembodied super intelligence that might tell us...?
Perhaps we're thinking about it all wrong. And when I say "we", I just mean Humanity.
Ugh. I don't know.
All I know is that the Madness needs to stop. We need to have better conversations, stop trying to "win", and start trying to be Better Listeners.
Thanks Tess. I loved your visit with Andrew's mum and the pics of him at school. It was Andrew who alerted me to the danger 25 years ago. He was so obviously a doctor of the highest integrity and the attack on him so shrill his case was proven for me right then and there. All he asked for was more research! After that Del lead the charge with the excellent Vaxxed. Then came Covid 19. Your voice has been one of the most clear through all this. Your interview with the traitorous Liverpool chap will forever be etched in my mind as and example of what happens when right encounters wrong. Good luck to you.
I have no compassion for those doing us harm, nor should anyone else. They are enemies. Of ourselves, our families, our children and our future.
Compassion for enemies is putting those who would destroy us on the same moral plane as ourselves - we who are working to stop the incursions of this enemy on our freedom, fertility, prosperity, education and liberty. To conflate their worthiness with ours is hugely immoral.
Western Civilization rose by putting liberty and freedom over empathy, and by killing our enemies. We began our fall when we decided not to kill our enemies. And by enfranchising those for whom empathy is more important than safety, security, education, street crime, secure borders, etc., those who can afford empathy simply and only because we killed our enemies.
As enemies rise again, again they must be killed. Then - and only then - will there again be room for compassion.
You have brilliantly distilled a fundamental dividing point. My first response is that I am not on the same side as you, but I am having to think deeply about it.
I doubt that your assertion about Western Civilization is at all valid. Have we ever seen empathy drive the conduct of government? Yes, in the New Deal, but not in the Holy Roman Empire or The World Wars. I think your assertion is largely false. Killing the enemy is the baseline state for Western Civilization.
Empathy enables one to recognize that equating Gaza Palestinians with Hamas is flawed thinking. One doesn't have to support Hamas to conclude that the catastrophe Israel is bringing to that land is profoundly immoral.
Disagree. We stopped killing our enemies in august, 1945. We have demanded to engage in “limited warfare” ever since, but refused to defeat those we only pretended were enemies. Our baseline state, to use your terminology, is constant warfare and refusing to win. To borrow from Tennyson, we send our kids out “to fight to kill to die, but not to win.” Ie not to kill enough to alter the behavior of an opponent, which is the entire purpose of war.
Bibi Netanyahu: Israel Must “Support Bolstering Hamas and Transferring Money to Hamas”
¨Bibi Netanyahu and his ideological ilk represent more of an existential threat to the continued existence of the Israeli state – and possibly the world if it gets dragged into its geopolitical melodrama — than any foreign adversary ever could hope to.
What many casual news consumers might not know, even ones who consider themselves “informed” – in large part because MSNBC/CIA-funded Washington Post would never tell them – is that Hamas is in no small measure a creation of the Israeli state.
This is not to mean “creation of the Israeli state” in the figurative, obscure sense of “Israel forced the birth of Hamas-style militancy through its Apartheid policies in the Gaza Strip,” although that is certainly true.
I literally mean to say the Israeli government actively and directly participated in creating and propping up Hamas in the service of its own political machinations.
Straight from the horse’s mouth, here’s how Netanyahu schemed behind the scenes for years to promote the terrorist group he now publicly decries and postures as the savior from.
Via Haaretz:
“Effectively, Netanyahu’s entire worldview collapsed over the course of a single day. He was convinced that he could make deals with corrupt Arab tyrants while ignoring the cornerstone of the Arab-Jewish conflict, the Palestinians. His life’s work was to turn the ship of state from the course steered by his predecessors, from Yitzhak Rabin to Ehud Olmert, and make the two-state solution impossible. En route to this goal, he found a partner in Hamas.
‘Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,’ he told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” Read More
There is nothing immoral about what Israel is doing. Doing anything less would be immoral. Hitting them even harder would be MORE moral. No one wants Pals around. Egypt closed their border, Jordan massacred tens of thousands in the seventies, KSA suppers Israel is this endeavor. Everywhere Pals go they cause civil war.
Thank you for the clarity. I’m sick of people making excuses for murderous barbarians. Maybe Hamas supporters (and make no mistake, anyone making excuses for Hamas supports Hamas) should read the stories from the survivors.... I could only stomach a few of them.
The latest polls of “Palestinians “ show that the vast majority support the atrocities committed by Hamas.
In my opinion, that makes them just as guilty as Hamas.
¨The latest polls of “Palestinians “ show that the vast majority support the atrocities committed by Hamas.¨?? Really Mark? Could you show us this poll?
You're clearly not very good at discerning which propaganda from the Israelis is real atrocities, and which is faked. [Note how the atrocities you've viewed have colored your opinions.] Here's a source for you to consider:
¨Did you know that Hamas was really created by the Mossad of Israel for the strategic purpose of preventing the creation of a Palestinian state? Thanks to the Mossad, Israel’s “Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks”, the Hamas was allowed to reinforce its presence in the occupied territories.¨ Do your own research.
The Mossad didn't see it coming. Impossible. This last October 7 event is similar to the 911 one in 2001, an Inside Job, a PsyOp Operation to create war, terror, control on both side and land grabbing.
I don't have anymore the link to this article but do your own research.
¨Did you know that Hamas was really created by the Mossad of Israel for the strategic purpose of preventing the creation of a Palestinian state?
Thanks to the Mossad, Israel’s “Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks”, the Hamas was allowed to reinforce its presence in the occupied territories.
Meanwhile, Arafat’s Fatah Movement for National Liberation as well as the Palestinian Left were subjected to the most brutal form of repression and intimidation Let us not forget that it was Israel, which in fact created Hamas. According to Zeev Sternell, historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Israel thought that it was a smart ploy to push the Islamists against the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO)”. Ahmed Yassin, the spiritual leader of the Islamist movement in Palestine, returning from Cairo in the seventies, established an Islamic charity association. Prime Minister Golda Meir, saw this as a an opportunity to counterbalance the rise of Arafat’s Fatah movement.
According to the Israeli weekly Koteret Rashit (October 1987), “The Islamic associations as well as the university had been supported and encouraged by the Israeli military authority” in charge of the (civilian) administration of the West Bank and Gaza. “They [the Islamic associations and the university] were authorized to receive money payments from abroad.” The Islamists set up orphanages and health clinics, as well as a network of schools, workshops which created employment for women as well as system of financial aid to the poor.
And in 1978, they created an “Islamic University” in Gaza. “The military authority was convinced that these activities would weaken both the PLO and the leftist organizations in Gaza.” At the end of 1992, there were six hundred mosques in Gaza. Thanks to Israel’s intelligence agency Mossad (Israel’s Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks), the Islamists were allowed to reinforce their presence in the occupied territories.
Meanwhile, the members of Fatah (Movement for the National Liberation of Palestine) and the Palestinian Left were subjected to the most brutal form of repression. In 1984, Ahmed Yassin was arrested and condemned to twelve years in prison, after the discovery of a hidden arms cache. But one year later, he was set free and resumed his activities.
And when the Intifada (“uprising”) began, in October 1987, which took the Islamists by surprise, Sheik Yassin responded by creating the Hamas (The Islamic Resistance Movement): “God is our beginning, the prophet our model, the Koran our constitution”, proclaims article 7 of the charter of the organization. Ahmed Yassin was in prison when, the Oslo accords (Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government) were signed in September 1993.
The Hamas had rejected Oslo outright. But at that time, 70% of Palestinians had condemned the attacks on Israeli civilians. Yassin did everything in his power to undermine the Oslo accords. Even prior to Prime Minister Rabin’s death, he had the support of the Israeli government. The latter was very reluctant to implement the peace agreement.
The Hamas then launched a carefully timed campaign of attacks against civilians who were already poverty stricken and living in metal sheds, one day before the meeting between Palestinian and Israeli negotiators, regarding the formal recognition of Israel by the National Palestinian Council. These events were largely instrumental in the formation of a Right wing Israeli government following the May 1996 elections. Quite unexpectedly, Prime Minister Netanyahu ordered Sheik Ahmed Yassin to be released from prison (“on humanitarian grounds”) where he was serving a life sentence. Meanwhile, Netanyahu, together with President Bill Clinton, was putting pressure on Arafat to control the Hamas. In fact, Netanyahu knew that he could rely, once more, on the Islamists to sabotage the Oslo accords. Worse still: after having expelled Yassin to Jordan, Prime Minister Netanyahu allowed him to return to Gaza, where he was welcomed triumphantly as a hero in October 1997.
Arafat was helpless in the face of these events. Moreover, because he had supported Saddam Hussein during the1991 Gulf war (while the Hamas had cautiously abstained from taking sides), the Gulf states decided to cut off their financing of the Palestinian Authority. Meanwhile, between February and April 1998, Sheik Ahmad Yassin was able to raise several hundred million dollars, from those same countries. The budget of the Hamas was said to be greater than that of the Palestinian Authority. These new sources of funding enabled the Islamists to effectively pursue their various charitable activities. It is estimated that one Palestinian out of three is the recipient of financial aid from the Hamas. And in this regard, Israel has done nothing to curb the inflow of money into the occupied territories.
The Hamas had built its strength through its various acts of sabotage of the peace process, in a way which was compatible with the interests of the Israeli government. In turn, the latter sought in a number of ways, to prevent the application of the Oslo accords. In other words, Hamas was fulfilling the functions for which it was originally created: to prevent the creation of a Palestinian State.
And in this regard, Hamas and Ariel Sharon, see eye to eye; they are exactly on the same wave length.¨
¨Security experts are blaming Israel’s government for Saturday’s invasion in which Muslim forces from Gaza massacred over 1,200 Israelis and kidnapped at least one hundred hostages.¨
The blood drinkers, the cabal want war. This is what they want. General Wesley Clark comment about war in the Middle East. The last country was Iran.
¨So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, "Are we still going to war with Iraq?" And he said, "Oh, it's worse than that." He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, "I just got this down from upstairs" -- meaning the Secretary of Defense's office -- "today." And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." Read More
General Wesley Clark Wars Were Planned Seven Countries In Five Years 2:12 min
A personal point of view -- it is important to acknowledge what Mr. Young has contributed to the discussion. He did what HE was uniquely positioned to do, and did so at great cost to himself.
This is far from 'nothing'.
We may wish for more context around the data but this does not diminish Mr. Young's courage and efforts on behalf of his fellow citizens. Nor can we fully appreciate (yet) how the data might contribute to similar discussions and decisions (?) beyond New Zealand.
Heartfelt thanks to Mr. Young for bearing witness.
I think we ( some of us)evolved a lil bit to get in contact w/ the entire self the core in us all. A blessing at a heavy cost. I think intuition has been stifled by the enemy long enough/ too long. & our Culture of ( must make everything easy) eye candy to make you drool & watch endless proPIGanda it steals your will & motivation , even thinking is muddled w/ lies of cataclysm,fear & bad toxic “food” ,poison as medicine ,dirty air, dirty water, dead soil,screens everywhere distracts us separates us & divides & tries to conquer us . But we’re ( the species)Good at overcoming obstacles of life adapting :god made life so much better so much more that machines of madmen, we are of star stuff the universe’s creation. we will out do them w/ building our global solidarity. we have humanity to live for. they have dust of collected crap: things . We have ea other. We will love ea other & feel empathy we will prevail they will be ash or join us in the human race.Mark my words. & Treat your brothers & sisters in this evolution like you wish to be treated , always. ✌️❤️🔥
Your video didn’t address explicitly your take on the New Zealand data video.
Could you be more specific as to whether this data is reliable or whether is it not?
If not, please explain why?
Feelings are not a basis for people to accept or reject information.
Your response, although very kind as you always are, was not enlightening to your audience.
If it isn’t true data, please be explicit in your communication so that people maybe adequately informed as to why this revelation is not true or accurate.
Hi Billie, the balance of opinion is that the NZ dataset is real. It is consistent with what we are seeing in many countries, including the UK and Ireland.
This is so beautiful Tess what a wise perspective! I feel the shift so strongly too. I am a healthcare worker in NYC and I attended a dinner yesterday at a church friends house. The room was full of fellow believers 5 of which were healthcare workers. The entire room was unvaccinated. The conversation was all about what's going on and every single person sees what's happening which is huge for a NYC gathering. We discussed starting something to help people heal from all of this and being able to offer people treatment outside mainstream medicine for those who don't trust the system anymore as none of is trust it. I felt something amazing growing, Gods hand moved over His people and we found one another!
One person told me his story of how he was fired and had to do Uber eats to earn money during the period where you were literally not allowed to have a job here. He ended up finding an orthodox Jewish nursing home where no one was vaccinated and they welcomed him and he never took the shot. They protected him from it and gave him work. Some truly amazing things happened during this time. There are millions ready for a new world for the people!
Brilliant. A whole room of UnQuaxed many of whom are health workers. This is serious evidence that the tide has turned along with the very topics discussed in many Subs.
Whether those that took "it" can be healed is another issue, from one with well over 3 decades of experience with out of the box natural therapeutics. Certainly we can mitigate symptoms.
As you mention, often there is a way out.
Holding the evil doers fully accountable is paramount. They knew exactly what they were doing.
If you go on to Pam Poppers website MakeAmericansFreeAgain, she has info on how to start up a group! She has written out agendas on how to begin a meeting and what to talk about. She has been doing her MAFA work since 2020, even written a book on the coofid debacle, and has been such a positive influence on my life the last 3+ years that I joined a like minded group and we talk online every 2 weeks and meet in person once a month. It’s fantastic.
Beautiful, Tess 💓 The phoenix shall rise from the ashes, and we shall find a Better Way 🔥🙌
Every unnatural attachment real, presumed, or otherwise upon my personal and private “Godly” estate at any point from fertilization to last breath is a Trespass.
Born as "limitless" beings, often vulnerable to limited thinking. Hence consenting to fools.
We won't get fooled again! Has a nice ring to it doesn't it?
We are susceptible to this kind of confusion because we continue to focus on the exact wrong topics. We argue about whether or not there is a virus and we argue about how dangerous the jabs are. Both of these topics are irrelevant in my opinion. The one truth I believe we should focus on is also the one truth that has caused FAR more damage than either a virus or a jab and is also the easiest to prove…..the fact that there was never a pandemic or public health emergency. Once you remove that piece of idiocy from the equation everything else falls away.
Unfortunate they Heavy roped and gagged, our trusted hometown Doctors and nurses.
Paid the bribery Royalty fees for the Media Blitzkriegs of mass hypnosis from the $100B
Focused to pit brother against brother. Friend against friend. Neighbor against neighbor.
And it worked extremely well so far. "So far"....points scored against the rookie humanity!
The improved gain of function bug Fauci claims his innocence over is a real nightmare!
The term Spike Protein continues to instill wretched fears in the minds of almost everyone.
While .GOV protect coatings of the slime, oozes freely from your TV set. Just must end.
I wish I could just go along with your popular comment, but if I had to bet my last dollar on the ACTUAL truth, your claim that "the fact that there was never a pandemic or public health emergency has caused FAR more damage than either a virus or a jab" is just feel-good fantasy. Dead bodies don't lie: yes, it was not a "deadly" virus, but simple math dictates that even a 0.3% mortality rate will amount to a lot of deaths, and as for the vaccine, even Pfizer and Moderna's own gold-standard clinical trials showed "4 killed for every 3 saved" under prime conditions.
So I entirely disagree that we should just devalue human life and pretend that the unnecessary deaths from the virus (which could have overwhelmingly been prevented with proper treatments), and the worse-than-useless mRNA vaccines, never happened when they absolutely did. Pretending that the unnecessary deaths of so many innocent people never happened only suits evil agendas such as depopulation, nothing else. And finally, to be completely honest, no matter how popular or convenient it is to claim that "lockdowns" or restrictions were a major cause of deaths since 2020, these claims are absolutely NOT supported by the evidence. No matter how "uncool" it is to admit, the vast majority of countries with heavy "lockdowns" or heavy restrictions actually did rather well mortality-wise pre-vaccine, and then their all-cause mortality went UP after the vaccine. I am all for truth, even the inconvenient, unpopular, "uncool" truth, which is that the (improperly treated) virus and the dangerous mRNA vaccines are what killed lots of people, NOT lockdowns or restrictions. Once again, dead bodies do not lie:
You have a lot of the truth, but lockdowns did kill. And the effects of them will continue to do so.
I watched the youth spiral into deeper & deeper anxiety & depression, and watched drug & alcohol use skyrocket. Suicide rates went up, and while data can be difficult to aquire, I believe they are still high.
The effects of lockdowns on Formerly Free Societies are not the same as in Totalitarian Regimes where people accept their cattle like status.
American youth, private business owners, our violently abused front line workers- teachers, law enforcement, military, emergency & fire departments, all have been morally injured & physically & financially injured through this Coup on the United States of America, by Foriegn Influence, (if you want my opinion,) and the Illegal Lockdowns were a huge piece of the strategy to create death & irreparable injuries.
A not unreasonable comment but you ignore the fact that lockdowns had both pros and cons. The cons include the shutting of care homes to outside visitors so that anything could have gone on. The evidence is many were euthanised by neglect or other means.
And please, the virus was the 'flu re-branded this should be blindingly obvious by now. Treating the 'flu is sensible and easy to do unless one is a mainstream doctor or nurse it seems. Thus people were not treated correctly.
How do you explain the vast numbers of deaths reported across the globe during the non-pandemic?
No offense but you are regurgitating bullshit media talking points. There was no out of the ordinary excess mortality in 2020…in any country. All that was done was typical flu and pneumonia deaths were simply labeled covid deaths, using a fraudulent PCR test that was rolled out just for the occasion and couldn’t tell the difference. There was no excess mortality worldwide until the effects of lockdowns kicked in and, obviously, the bioweapon injection rollout.
Like me, you have a good memory.
Anthony cannot believe that the authorities have created a death cult in Western Civilization.
I have great offence to regurgutated self-annihilating, self-deception.
And have a listen to former Pfizer VP Dr Mike Yeadon saying the exact same thing:
Matt is correct. The stress is the word 'reporting' which was by mainstream media which can be relied upon for not being a reliable source of truth anytime. Relied could become 'red lie', the red for communistic totalitarian lies.
And so many people were brain dead as they didn't bother to check how many people on average might usually die per day, per month, per year etc.
It is true there was no pandemic or public health emergency except in the design of The Powers That Be and in the minds of those who accepted it. Because of that it must follow there was no rapidly mutating virus so it is not irrelevant. The whole pandemic thing past and present relies on the lies of virology.
The whole COVID exercise has been to expose virology for the deceit it is and that vaccines, all vaccines ever, have been a gross imposition of poisoning on an indoctrinated gullible public.
I agree we should not be bothered much about how dangerous the jabs are but how utterly pointless at best they are except at making money for big pharma.
Vaccines are an abomination and they and those who promote them must be destroyed.
"We argue about whether or not there is a virus and we argue about how dangerous the jabs are. Both of these topics are irrelevant in my opinion."
A century of experiments going all the way back to Dr Rosenau during the Spanish Flu prove that you cannot 'catch' colds and flus even if you sit at the bedside of a flu patient and have them cough in your face repeatedly and then rub their snot and lung fluid into your eyes and mouth and throat and even gargle and swallow it.
All of these disgusting mechanisms of contagion (and many more) have been tested meticulously over the last century and at no time has proximity or the sharing of bodily fluids caused the test subjects to get sick. They even took snot from horses that were sick with the Spanish Flu and put it in the nose bags of healthy horses and couldn't make them sick either.
The science is very clear that colds and flus are as contagious as scurvy - a disease which also showed all the superficial signs of being contagious to the untrained observer. That superficial appearance of 'contagion' is worth TRILLIONS to Big Pharma, and the fate of humanity now rests on us pointing out the difference between 'superficial appearance' and 'scientific evidence' so this scam is stopped before any more are killed, injured or sterilised in the name of 'stopping the spread'.
Had the public simply been made aware of Rosenau's experiments (and dozens more like them) in biology classes at school and via BBC documentaries about the Spanish Flu then nobody would have paid any attention to politicians demanding lockdowns, social distancing, masks, elbow bumping, perspex screens, cashless payments, travel restrictions, shut down of businesses or suspension of visitation rights to care homes or delivery rooms. And nobody would have taken the vaccines - saving millions from the misery and heartache of injury, disability, death and bereavement.
So YES focusing on the science is ABSOLUTELY relevant. How stupid to say that it isn't!
Widespread awareness of the FAILURE of contagion theory/ virology to pass even the most basic scientific experiments is the only way out of this nightmare.
Why do you think the vaccine industry is shifting the (hugely profitable) pseudo science of virology from the biological realm to the digital realm? Why does Moderna boast that they are all about 'digitising biology'?
The answer is that they all know that the game is up, and the only way they can save the false paradigm - and their fraudulent business model - is by removing the biology from the equation, and operating entirely in the digital realm, where anything is possible (as we all know from Hollywood movies).
The architects of 'covid' are well aware that every experiment for the last century has DISPROVED the theory of 'viral contagion' between humans, horses and other animals. This explains why the contagion model used to dictate government policy at the start of 2020 was based - NOT on any experiment involving contagion between living organisms - but on a 2017 experiment conducted by the BBC, Cambridge University and the LSHTM to simulate a 'pandemic' by having 30,000 volunteers download an app to their smartphone! This app allowed the phones to be tracked, and that tracking data was passed off as a model of contagion. This experiment was made into a BBC show broadcast in 2018 and fronted by celebrity mathematician Hannah Fry ('Contagion! The BBC4 Pandemic').
They proudly admit the data set from the smartphones (not humans) became the 'new gold standard' for modelling 'pandemics' and it was used at the start of 2020 to set lockdown policies.
The entire experiment (and subsequent lockdown policies) rest on the premise that smartphones and humans are interchangeable when it comes to observing how disease manifests. Future generations (if there are any) will look back at this experiment as the most audacious act of pseudo science (and criminal fraud) in the history of science.
To wrap up:
1. A century of real world experiments prove that humans (and animals) do not spread colds and flus by contagion.
2. All discussions and debates on 'covid' or 'pandemics' must BEGIN by acknowledging this fact. Failure to acknowledge this means operating under a false premise, making all discussion worthless (and criminally deceptive).
3. Viruses are defined by virologists as 'contagious particles'. With no proof of contagion viruses cannot be said to exist. So called 'viruses' must be redefined as no more than cellular debris (ie non pathogenic, non contagious particles) - see also Dr Stefan Lanka's work.
4. Once we get past the pseudo science of contagion theory / virology we can end this HUGELY PROFITABLE MISCONCEPTION, and begin studying the true nature of sickness/ disease (typically some kind of a detox program) and the true causes of disease (typically poor nutrition, exposure to poisons and environmental toxins and pollution, stress, seasonal changes, psychosomatic factors, non native EMF pollution etc).
To stay within the false contagion/ virus paradigm is to stay trapped in hell forever. A hell where we mistake mass poisoning/ mass deficiency for 'contagion', we mistake home imprisonment and medical malfeasance for 'healthcare' and we mistake injectable poison for 'medicine'.
To call this topic 'irrelevant' is to call science irrelevant.
I agree with all that. Your mistake is in calling me stupid for something I never said. You have to remember who we’re talking to: the pathetically uninformed masses. I personally don’t believe they’re ready for the truth about viruses. You know why? Because just about every household in the fucking world has had someone get sick and then all of a sudden everybody in the home gets sick. So I will stick by my original comment, that focusing on whether or not there is a virus is irrelevant because, even if it was real, there was never a public health emergency. That prevents us from having to ask them to suspend too much of what they believe. Other than that, well done. It’s nice to know there are others out there that know the virus model and Germ Theory are absolute horseshit and I am assuming more and more are figuring that out every day because of this global psy-op.
"Your mistake is in calling me stupid for something I never said."
AFAIC the virus issue IS a scientific issue (how can it not be?). And so to call the virus issue irrelevant is to call science irrelevant. To be fair, I said that was a stupid thing to say... not that you were stupid :)
We seem to be basically in agreement so let's keep arguing...
"I personally don’t believe they’re ready for the truth about viruses."
I agree up to a point .... but I think it's our job to give them the context so they are ready to hear the truth. And there is no shortage of context. The entire history of germ theory is a history of failure, bluffing and fudging.
The field of virology was invented BECAUSE germ theory was already failing to account for disease. It's only endured this long because of the vast sums of money it generates, which it uses to pay off doctors, scientists and the media.
" focusing on whether or not there is a virus is irrelevant because, even if it was real, there was never a public health emergency. "
I don't see why we can't tell the truth on both fronts. There was no public health emergency and virology is a profitable pseudo science. The problem with exposing 2020 as a typical flu season (plus DNRs, Midazolam, ventilators etc) is that it will all be forgotten as soon as another crisis is declared.
2009 was exposed as a pseudo pandemic, even by the mainstream media... and yet it made no difference to the terror people felt in 2020.
IMHO it's better to just be honest and point out the ACTUAL causes of sickness.
Spanish Flu - EMF poisoning from new radio installations + the depravations of war (including trauma) + chemical poisoning in the trenches + multiple vaccines for soldiers .... and later vaccines for civilians + lethal doses of aspirin (repeated vaccines appearing to cause the majority of deaths overall).
Polio - DDT / lead arsenate / industrial toxins (some outbreaks occurred downstream from local factories which used specific dyes)
Various flu outbreaks - solar discharges / electrification/ new wireless infrastructure etc. The 11 year sun cycle appears to correlate with bad flu years. EMR poisoning is known to cause flu like symptoms.
Swine flu (1976 and 2009) - as far as I can tell these were pseudo pandemics with no credible cases of anything out of the ordinary.
Covid - no significant excess mortality (lockdowns caused some spikes)... but wireless pollution (including but not limited to 5G) probably accounting for some of the respiratory/ blood symptoms that were labelled 'covid'. Not enough to count as a 'pandemic' but enough to draw attention to wireless tech as a health hazard.
My point is that the public are right to be concerned (even hysterical) about their health. We really are living through a health emergency. The virus hysteria is being used to deflect attention away from the TRUE causes of disease, which need addressing but which are being ignored due to the deliberate distraction (and scapegoat) of 'viruses'.
You say there was no health emergency, but I disagree. There was no 'viral' health emergency, but there is still a health emergency which can only be addressed once we've put the virus nonsense into the trash.
1. we have a health system which has been captured by people who want to poison us
2. we have supermarkets full of fake food which is starving us (in terms of nutrition)
3. we are living in a toxic soup of non-native EMF which is making everyone chronically sick (and decimating the insects/ bird population). This technology is completely unsustainable, cannot be mitigated, and must simply be abandoned.
4. the mainstream model of disease is completely wrong. Symptoms are not disease, they are our body's healing (detoxing) mechanisms. Suppressing symptoms with drugs is literally preventing the body from healing.
Arguing the 'no virus' position on its own might be counter productive, but in the wider context I cannot see how it can be avoided, or why it should be avoided. It's the only explanation that makes any sense ..... and as such it puts the individual back in charge of their own health.
Having said that, it's almost impossible to get through to anyone with any of these topics. Within about 10 seconds of questioning ANY aspect of the official narrative most people mentally shut down. I'm sure you've experienced the same.
But I refuse to call them 'sheeple'. I prefer to call them 'starlings' :)
Great comment.
Re "I don't see why we can't tell the truth on both fronts." Exactly, we don't need to hammer everybody on everything all at once but we cannot ignore the base cause of the fear which was the primary driver for the lemmings to rush into the mask-ists, testers and jabbers arms.
When people realise there is no rapidly mutating ninja 'turtle' virus to sabotage our bodies we might get some peace!
The issue of whether a virus exists, has been isolated, and shown to cause disease is irrelevant eh?
No it is the issue and always has been. The fact that you do not know the answer is your lack of knowledge.
Your proposed solution, even if effective, would simply give rise to the next scamdemic
and those following...
Missed the target...
To be honest, Tess, I'm shocked. Why are you saying the New Zealand data has added *nothing* to what we already know?
IMHO, every report of every adverse event and every death adds to what we know ~ and should never be so casually dismissed.
Whether the New Zealand data are completely clean and accurate remains to be seen. However, dismissing this body of data out-of-hand seems premature at best ~ and, at worst, it seems to me to stand in direct contradiction to the belief you and I both share, i.e., that "we are all precious" ~ including every person whose death is represented in this data set.
Moreover, your assertion, in this context, that one can be "certain" the truth and freedom movements have been corrupted seems to be an equally premature and unwarranted dismissal of the whistleblower who shared this data at great personal and professional risk.
In the end, I would hope that your wise advice to "be careful' and "step back" would apply in this context, as well: let's avoid "thrashing" out against anyone (including this whistleblower) who appears to be making a heartfelt and earnest effort, at great personal sacrifice, to support "the better way" which so many of us cherish and hold dear.
Then, once the data has been thoroughly assessed, we will be able to trust both head and heart.
It is also worth noting that in Igor's recent update on the NZ data, he acknowledged that, in spite of whatever problems there may be with the data, the whistleblower (Barry) "is more likely to be sincere than insincere in his intentions and actions" ~ with which I completely agree:
More data just proves what many realised in 2020 that vaccines are a gross deceit, have always been a gross deceit. So while more data is fine, spending lots of time on it will not be very productive.
There are a lot of evils going on and releases of masses of data make be great for the analysts, but we need to focus on destroying the lies that underpin the house of cards of vaccination and big pharma in general.
And then there is the climate fraud, digital currency, mass abortion, euthanasia, plastics etc.etc. etc.
I agree completely that the data proves what many of us already knew back in 2020 ~ and that there are a host of other HUGE issues that need to be addressed.
However, there are many of us to go around in terms of tackling these diverse issues ~ and if the analysts are willing to review this data, and if they are able to uncover verifiable proof of incentivized harm and lack of governmental transparency, this will provide much needed leverage for holding the NZ authorities accountable.
My concern with Tess's comment was the broad brush stroke with which she simply swept the data aside by saying it adds "nothing" to what we already know ~ period. Apart from the leverage the data may provide relative to accountability, it also documents the potentially huge scope of harm in NZ, which I believe *does* matter to many of the family members of those whose lives were lost.
In the end, if this data is accurate, it documents nothing less than a humanitarian tragedy within the country of New Zealand ~ and, as such, this is something that I believe should never be so casually dismissed.
Agreed, it's just that data takes an inordinate amount of time to go through and provides lots of arguments for lawyers etc. to get bogged down in and justify large fees for compensation claims/time in court when it gets there.
I say concentrate on making clear vaccines, all vaccines, contain poison and it has never been good to poison oneself. It is irrefutable and the vaccine cultist have no defense as they do not 'follow the science' as they foolishly think they do.
Agree with you completely about the dangers associated with *all* vaccines (love your "nutshell" summary) ~ and the egregious disregard the pro-jab cultists have for "following the science"
> Vaccine Legacy:
> Science & the Scientific Method:
As for the work the attorneys are doing, I would not give up on them just yet:
Instinct has carried me through all of this covid mess, not graphs or statistics. All I know is that to inject a substance into your body that has only been tested in the past on people with end of life conditions and then pivot within one year and try to put the substance into every man woman and child is utter madness. I trust only myself and certainly not governments and public health and their deadly siren call of safe and effective for everyone.
I would just make it simpler and say is that to inject poison into your body is utter madness as it should be obvious to all that poisoning has never been good for Man or beast.
It's as clear as crystal.
The new Zealand authority embarked on a mass murder campaign. END of the story, to even half contemplate what to believe after seeing Liz Gunn and "Winston" EXTRAPOLATING those figures.. is to say the least is LUDICROUS. THEY ALL ADD UP. Tess Lawrie I'm surprised that you appear not convinced? If you go by your gut feel... As well YOU CAN SEE THAT THIS IS TRUTH, BECAUSE IT CANNOT BE EXPLAINED AWAY
She is saying we must “trust our hearts.” Nope. Data is objective reality; fact. Doesn’t matter what your “heart” tells you. Most of us learned this in 8th Grade Science Class.
Victors can have all the compassion they desire for the vanquished. But the vanquished can have no compassion for the victors if the vanquished ever want to defeat them. Zero. None. Nada.
Until the adults and reality again hold the high ground, no compassion can be extended toward those destroying us, our kids and their future.
I suspect you do not understand her reasoning. Personally have 9 years of college in science. Objective data is often not so objective as any realist knows. It has been pay to play for decades. I am not commenting on this particular data set.
It is the old conundrum:
The heart or the mind? They must somehow integrate. Discernment is the operative word, it most definitely does not bypass knowledge as many assert. Wisdom in the intermediate step.
I do agree that there is no forgiveness for deliberate genocide. There must be swift justice.
In Hebrew idiom the heart is the seat of the intellect as well as the seat of the emotions.
I guess your time in the sciences was wasted. Or you don’t understand the word “fact.”
All facts are objective. Objective data is objective. It’s kinda in the description. If you want to play word games or pretend only you - and no one else - understands the language, you’re free to do so. But I always am entertained by those thinking anyone in disagreement with them somehow doesn’t understand reality. Mostly, those people are arrogant morons.
That is a definitive and accurate assessment. It is hardly limited to NZ. The complicit or complacent are guilty.
It is not truth becase it cannot be explaied as many truths remain inexplicable...
"So the answer to the question, whom can we trust is simple. We must trust ourselves, we must trust our own intuition, and we must trust our own hearts."
Amen. Our own minds, intuition, hearts—we’ve been trained to mistrust these things and follow leaders and experts instead. Every time you hear the phrase “thought leader” you should bristle with mistrust. This is a contradiction in terms. No one can think for you. Your own intuition already knows the truth, anyway. Listen to it.
Thanks for this Dr. Lawrie.
After much in depth examination and intense interaction both publicly on X and in DMs with many concerned experts, I put on record my own many words of caution, including tagging Dr. Lawrie who kindly acknowledged and responded. I asked questions about how the data emerged and its quality and completeness. That process contributed to Substack posts being written, notably Igor Chudov. He accessed the data, which turned out to be difficult, took a look over the weekend and raised his own preliminary concerns and questions. Igor wrote a summary and then a follow up. NZ Voices for Freedom (VFF) also wrote an excellent statement giving backstory, commentary and their perspective on how such a "leak" should have been handled. They had been aware of the data and activities to review it for some time but did not have access or involvement in analysis.
I do think that there is one big new thing we can learn from this data set. To add to the solid and abundant findings around the world we can already trust on vaccine harms and the unprecedented rates and patterns of excess mortality.
Note the NZ data in the crossfire are only of vaccinated persons as it tracks payments to providers who received compensation for each jab. It does not include all the vaccinated in NZ just those whose providers received money for the injections so it is a select set of data. It contains provider identities and settings within the MOH version. It is said to have been anonymized for outsiders who have worked with the data with respect to patient identities.
The revelation may open a new opportunity for the injured and New Zealanders wanting to hold some entity accountable. So the additional potential bombshell crime and atrocity to focus on is that shots can be tracked back to specific providers at the person level. A data analyst now has an opening to get counts of death by provider, and learn how much each death was compensated for by the NZ government. We could estimate an average monetary figure calculated per vaccine death in NZ. Who was the top killer? What health practice wins the prize? These providers should be nervous right now, sweating bullets. They can be held accountable--didn't any notice the deaths? Doesn't taking payment invoke liability for a medical practice? Is this why other groups who saw the data and reportedly worked with whistleblower Barry Young backed off or dragged their heels for months on making conclusions and a formal announcement? Why did Barry get impatient and go to a politician journalist Liz Gunn? Investigative journalists not just scientists are needed on these questions.
The attempt in the videos to present high rates of death by vaccinator does not make clear statements about rates and magnitude of mortality or harm for vaccinees. However and importantly it does show that some providers or settings got paid handsomely and were large enough to have detected a problem as health practices keep data as do insurance companies, and would notice dying patients. Thus some providers or settings had enormous safety signals for harm. So the heat is on them. The government in NZ is not responding, but citizens can go knocking on providers doors demanding answers and accountability. Lawyers can get busy and their activities can open up further discovery.
The real opportunity here is for New Zealanders at large to use the brouhaha to their advantage, world eyes are on them now. The NZ MOH is under new demands to answer questions. Public outrage is rekindled and focused. Why didn't they hear the concerns of a troubled database administrator and endeavor themselves to merge payment and lot records with mortality and adverse event data? Further evidence of failed pharmacovigilance on the part of MOH. They have been sitting on data that could have been used for the benefit of the vaccinated and for informing the public. Remember PM Jacinda Ardern told her citizens that her government was their sole source of truth. She is living comfortably now with a title and stipend at Harvard.
Thank you very much for sharing these important reflections, Betsy.
Thanks Tess. I am heartbroken and annoyed to find out today that in fact good people are being hurt by this chaotic ill-advised NZ vaccine payment data set project. A handful of people appear to have data they are storing on servers for their own projects having nothing to do with NZ wiped clean, seized. The hosts are acting on the possibility that those people might have copies of some or all the leaked data from NZ.
Here is what I posted today on X, in response to Kevin McKernan's warning to his followers about using Steve Kirsch's data set, the current copy or older copies. Steve had his former host cancelled, he re-uploaded the data via a new host and gave instructions for accessing on his Substack. Kevin is a true hero in my view and he is upset; his own data are inaccessible. I responded to Kevin's warning today; I follow up on some of the thoughts I've expressed here and elsewhere about the potential value (and risks) of looking into the NZ data set:
OMG Kevin I've been out there on X warning about all the risks, ethics, and problems with these data being used in the way it is. At the outset I was worried that Steve and others involved would get hurt. I spoke out to try to stop a train wreck. But angrily dismissed. Thanks for warning folks yourself.
There are no assurances that the data people have accessed, and there appear to be many versions which is part of the confusion, aren't de-identified by provider, which could be at the person level--doctors and their staff. The real value of the vaccine payment data set in my view is not scientific but policy and legal--how much was spent, who got the most compensation, how long after legitimate data about excess mortality was made clear in NZ via their own public data were providers still being paid? New Zealanders could have recourse through this pathway and lawyers might be able to find accountability there, and further discovery.
It is not enough to anonymize the data for the people receiving the shots and say everything is fine. The data are the property of the NZ government. It is being used without their permission. The analyses being done and provided to the public haven't had any ethical review for safety by an outside team, like an IRB committee. So many normal professional processes for conducting research have been bypassed at great potential peril for those involved.
Kevin has posted much this morning but here is the first, and the thread I responded to:
Thank you, Betsy. These are some of the reasons why we did not accept the dataset when it was offered.
I am deeply relieved that you and the WCH were not affected or harmed by this. In part respect for and understanding of the usual traditions of good science was a guide, but mostly trusting your own judgment most important as you wisely say.
All the best.
NZ Whistleblower Case: NZDSOS Response to MOH Data Release
¨This confirms what we have been saying all along: this mRNA gene technology is not safe, it is not effective and it causes serious harm and damage to everyday kiwis. And that the government of the day damn well knew it. It lied to the people, and its own MPs. People like Rory Nairn have paid with their lives.
If Ms Apa is so certain we and whistleblower “Winson Smith” are disinfo agents, we call on her to release the actual data of outcomes in the vaccinated.
We have been asking to analyse deaths and vaccine data since September 2021.¨ Read More
What I hope all the brouhaha stimulates is renewed public focus and demands by New Zealanders on their government to use the data they have collected and merge it all themselves or release it and allow others to do the job properly. Outside firms can be authorized to go through all the needed steps to validate data quality and provenance, anonymize, keep confidentiality, secure, preserve, and ensure ethical use of the data, put together a team of independent scientists and technical experts to perform the analysis and report generation. NZ MOH has more than enough data to demonstrate massive harm, and that it started promptly. Yet they continued to pay providers to inject despite the clear safety signals. Scandalous, horrific, sociopathic. The providers are the very embodiment of quislings.
The article you cite helps summarize and move people forward to insisting on action and accountability.
Here in the U.S. Harvard university students and faculty should be asking their administration and donors why they are harboring a criminal among their institutes, former NZ PM Jacinda Arden.
Mario your bio says you are a retired pilot-- I have a family member who is a senior Captain in a major airline. And was injured by two mandated Moderna shots. One was from a highly toxic lot identified by How Bad is My Batch at I hope you escaped that fate.
Thank you for that measured and balanced view of the NZ data and how it should be handled. Yes there has been some queries raised about the completeness of the data by some overseas statisticians as the WBlower couldn't get it all of NZ's data-Yes there is not reccords for the unvaxed and V1/V2 missing data ( many Vx'd overseas NZ citizens returned home in 2020 so no payment/record for those). The personalities within the different Freedom groups is a distraction and does them a disservice and should be overlooked. This is primary source data (however incomplete) it represents a snapshot of the disaster that has/is occurring in our country and representative of what is occurring in most V'd countries. What the WBlower was able to download is very telling and should be handled with care and thought before any debunking such has occurred from the WW freedom community. We owe it to the people who died or have been injured at least that. I agree it is a real opportunity and pressure should go on our MOH to explain the failed pharmacovigilance.
What is required in a wider perspective. The "data" is actually worldwide.
Stateside 40% increase in death and disability since 3rd quarter of '21 from insurance actuary tables looking at the healthiest wealthiest demographic. A discussion of more and more about less and less is just that, leading nowhere.
It is an opportunity to wake the sleepers to the reality of the Big Pharma controlling the Medical Cartel and is doing just that. Cannot be fixed from within and that was true several decades ago. Chaos will result, though we already have chaos...
Thanks for reading my post.
NZ Payment database never meant to monitor unvaccinated. So it is just a slice of a picture, that allows for only certain questions. Then it can be made more valuable if merged with other slices of data or more complete data sets. Merging data is complex at this scale--I have been involved in a number of projects where this has been done. There are technical and IT issues, privacy issues, if research then institutional review board steps to go through, and then further protection and access monitoring for the merged data. And then of course validity and quality issues when preparing the data like missing data and errors and inconsistencies. So lots of data preparation prior to any analysis stage.
But NZ MOH had capacity, pathways, and access to do this and responsibility for it. For outsiders it takes many permissions and perhaps contracts. If you are a leaker, legal issues arise as the data are property of the state if you possess and share it privately. So the latter is the least desirable option.
I don't understand Betsy. You say that The New Zealand Ministry of Health ¨had capacity, pathways, and access to do this and responsibility for it.¨ Yes it is true but
why the NZ MOH would do that? They are part of this crime. They knew.
It is a bit like if you were saying that Edward Snowden did a mistake, he should have asked the NSA authorization to leak to the public about all the negative they were doing. Same for Julian Assange. We are at war now. Most all Governments are participating to this Genocide. For them, we are the enemy.
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I have been in the trenches as a clinician for over 3 decades. We can wax poetic about the particular data set as if it exists in isolation and as if the health care authorities might somehow have "our" best interests. Neither is remotely true.
At this late date, the people know and grovel for accountability.
The response is predictably obfuscation.
It really is that bad. Clueless people that are on the fence fall one way or the other...
Exactly. If the data in the abstract don't match widespread experiences in the real world in a variety of relevant settings then something is wrong.
On X: Igor is @ichudov
VFF is @voices_nz
Also on X in the discussion I would highlight were @Jikkyleaks @nickhudsonCT @USmortality @wagpogreal @UncleJo46902375 @DravenS17 and ArkMedic on his Telegram feed:
From those vantage points you can see many others chimed in. None of these people were there to troll, attack, take down, gaslight, deny vaccine injury or excess mortality or represent pharma or captured medicine. The discussions I were party to were concerned scientists, activists, New Zealanders, vaccine injury activists.
Accurate assessment if always as basic as going back to the basics.
Never said or suggested the people you are referencing were doing any such things. Very much aware of the discussions worldwide, not just concerning the NZ debacle.
People have awoken and continure to awake. Our world will never be the same as mistrust in Gov. Agencies, health care specialists, and politicians is irrepairable.
Indeed. Cat is out of the bag.
Jikkileaks is not reliable now. Used to be but perhaps compromised/account taken over. Arkmedic has a lab leak agenda which is probably a distraction…there plenty of distraction there.
I can confirm and reassure that Jikky is still the same mouse and account not compromised.
I personally think we should also be looking at the whole "hot lots" concept & information the New Zealand data highlights so shockingly. Since vaccines existed some batches were always very, very deadly.
With the Covid Injections, (which are not vaccines at all, by standard definition & by all reason, but genetic therapies) this phenomenon took on new highs, and with the work of Sasha Latypova & another, on "How Bad Is My Batch?" you see very disturbing patterns emerging-
As it appears that when Moderna had super hot lots rolling out, Pfizer did not, and vice versa, and the "tame" or "safe" lots were with both companies, spaced out, with the occasional deadly ones being "pulsed."
Frankly it looked intentional, so I would hope that the data experts in the truth-telling crowd would analyze this information to see if it is random, or not.
Proving intentionality, (which given the known health issues associated with the technology of these products is obvious to me,) is the real heart of the problems besetting our species, imho.
Is it possible that this data set, as nuclear as it is, may make that goal attainable?
If so, it would certainly explain the Global One World Government we are already suffering under's response to anyone hosting it.
The New Zealand data sourced from Barry Young weren't analyzed by lot but by vaccinator. Pfizer and Moderna lot 3#s weren't provided as data fields. I agree that It might have been much more fruitful to reorganize the data by lot #.
Bet Arden and her family didn’t get the toxic injections that she forced on the population. When war criminal Tony Blair was asked whether his son Leo had had the MMR he refused to answer. Of course he hadn’t. The stage had been set for a eugenics agenda and NWO nonsense and B-LIAR had been rewarded handsomely for his treason and psychopathy. The demonisation of Dr Andrew Wakefield and team who raised concerns was necessary to advance this demonic agenda.
Dr. Lawrie, I have followed your messaging with great interest since December of 2020 when you attempted to alert your Parliament about the efficacy of ivermectin against C19 infection. Are you stating that you have determined the reported analysis of the NZ data is flawed and/or overblown, or that more information is required before rendering accurate judgement? John Wells VMD
Hi John, I am saying that more information is needed before making an accurate judgement.
Thank you, John in PA. This is my question, as well. I appreciate you articulating it so clearly.
I think in order to get to the Truth, we need to speak it.
I'm troubled by all the people who will hyperbolize their point of view. This is not helping.
We're facing something difficult, because we have forgotten as a society how to do the easy things.
Forgiveness. Self Reflection. Admission.
We need to do these things not only for others but for Ourselves.
All of this ramping up of tensions and people trying to "win" cheap points might be the status quo for the business way of things, for the "managerial" class, but that's because they are stuck ion the machine mindset, so even when they attempt to create "Justice", the urge to do so with short cuts is just to hard to avoid. Our models may be broken, but perhaps our incentive structure did in Fact contribute to their corruption. Perhaps we have "god" like technology, but we do not and can Never possess God like discernment, because the task of constantly pushing the boulder up the Hill is in and of itself the thing that burns us out, and most people get beaten down into conformity.
Ugh. While I appreciate your "revolutionary" tone, it also frightens me to a degree.
This has been the aim all along of the "4IR reset agenda crowd. They were the ones claiming the model was broken, and needed to be replaced with something new.
And here we are on the other side of that spectrum.
I had a good friend ask me about our powers to discern between what is "good" and what is "bad", in relationship to Human health, and he misunderstood what I meant when I was critiquing the direction of the World at large.
There is from what I can tell, two major themes right now.
Emancipation, or Total Slavery via the "One World Health" initiative at the WHO.
Both claim to have the right answers for what ills our societies.
Both are making strong arguments, but neither seem to be able to have a Monopoly on the "Truth".
When it comes to individual Health, amazing discoveries have been made in terms of nutrition, specifically when it comes to gut health, and things like superfoods and healthy helper bacterias. These things need to be studied and encouraged.
I think that some interesting arguments have been made in terms of genetic research.
Who wouldn't want the ability to reverse things like aging diseases and genetic abnormalities?
Like Cancer.
But where is the Truth to be found there?
I think it's in the claims about Life itself.
We don't know how to make it, besides breeding. We have many theories, and suggested mechanisms, but there is currently no one on Earth that actually knows how to "create" Life.
I feel like there's something important there. And I also feel like the only real Life we're on the cusp of "replicating", will be in silico.
How fascinating is That? We don't even know how we got here, or how to replicate our own creation processes, but we're about to create a disembodied super intelligence that might tell us...?
Perhaps we're thinking about it all wrong. And when I say "we", I just mean Humanity.
Ugh. I don't know.
All I know is that the Madness needs to stop. We need to have better conversations, stop trying to "win", and start trying to be Better Listeners.
I took a crack at answering my own question if anyone is interested 🤷♂️
Thanks Tess. I loved your visit with Andrew's mum and the pics of him at school. It was Andrew who alerted me to the danger 25 years ago. He was so obviously a doctor of the highest integrity and the attack on him so shrill his case was proven for me right then and there. All he asked for was more research! After that Del lead the charge with the excellent Vaxxed. Then came Covid 19. Your voice has been one of the most clear through all this. Your interview with the traitorous Liverpool chap will forever be etched in my mind as and example of what happens when right encounters wrong. Good luck to you.
I have no compassion for those doing us harm, nor should anyone else. They are enemies. Of ourselves, our families, our children and our future.
Compassion for enemies is putting those who would destroy us on the same moral plane as ourselves - we who are working to stop the incursions of this enemy on our freedom, fertility, prosperity, education and liberty. To conflate their worthiness with ours is hugely immoral.
Western Civilization rose by putting liberty and freedom over empathy, and by killing our enemies. We began our fall when we decided not to kill our enemies. And by enfranchising those for whom empathy is more important than safety, security, education, street crime, secure borders, etc., those who can afford empathy simply and only because we killed our enemies.
As enemies rise again, again they must be killed. Then - and only then - will there again be room for compassion.
You have brilliantly distilled a fundamental dividing point. My first response is that I am not on the same side as you, but I am having to think deeply about it.
I doubt that your assertion about Western Civilization is at all valid. Have we ever seen empathy drive the conduct of government? Yes, in the New Deal, but not in the Holy Roman Empire or The World Wars. I think your assertion is largely false. Killing the enemy is the baseline state for Western Civilization.
Empathy enables one to recognize that equating Gaza Palestinians with Hamas is flawed thinking. One doesn't have to support Hamas to conclude that the catastrophe Israel is bringing to that land is profoundly immoral.
Disagree. We stopped killing our enemies in august, 1945. We have demanded to engage in “limited warfare” ever since, but refused to defeat those we only pretended were enemies. Our baseline state, to use your terminology, is constant warfare and refusing to win. To borrow from Tennyson, we send our kids out “to fight to kill to die, but not to win.” Ie not to kill enough to alter the behavior of an opponent, which is the entire purpose of war.
Bibi Netanyahu: Israel Must “Support Bolstering Hamas and Transferring Money to Hamas”
¨Bibi Netanyahu and his ideological ilk represent more of an existential threat to the continued existence of the Israeli state – and possibly the world if it gets dragged into its geopolitical melodrama — than any foreign adversary ever could hope to.
What many casual news consumers might not know, even ones who consider themselves “informed” – in large part because MSNBC/CIA-funded Washington Post would never tell them – is that Hamas is in no small measure a creation of the Israeli state.
This is not to mean “creation of the Israeli state” in the figurative, obscure sense of “Israel forced the birth of Hamas-style militancy through its Apartheid policies in the Gaza Strip,” although that is certainly true.
I literally mean to say the Israeli government actively and directly participated in creating and propping up Hamas in the service of its own political machinations.
Straight from the horse’s mouth, here’s how Netanyahu schemed behind the scenes for years to promote the terrorist group he now publicly decries and postures as the savior from.
Via Haaretz:
“Effectively, Netanyahu’s entire worldview collapsed over the course of a single day. He was convinced that he could make deals with corrupt Arab tyrants while ignoring the cornerstone of the Arab-Jewish conflict, the Palestinians. His life’s work was to turn the ship of state from the course steered by his predecessors, from Yitzhak Rabin to Ehud Olmert, and make the two-state solution impossible. En route to this goal, he found a partner in Hamas.
‘Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,’ he told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” Read More
that begs the question, who is Israel and who is Hamas...
There is nothing immoral about what Israel is doing. Doing anything less would be immoral. Hitting them even harder would be MORE moral. No one wants Pals around. Egypt closed their border, Jordan massacred tens of thousands in the seventies, KSA suppers Israel is this endeavor. Everywhere Pals go they cause civil war.
Watch Colonel (Res.) Joel Piterberg's comment - IDF Helicopter Pilot at 7:15 and other comments. He is comparing Gaza with Warsaw Ghetto in WW2.
Refuseniks and Israeli Soldiers speak out 10:30 min
Warsaw Ghetto
I had suspected we would end up on opposite sides of this question. Thanks for making your position clear.
Yeah. Somebody needs to support those putting live infants into ovens and force their parents to watch, so why not you?
Thank you for the clarity. I’m sick of people making excuses for murderous barbarians. Maybe Hamas supporters (and make no mistake, anyone making excuses for Hamas supports Hamas) should read the stories from the survivors.... I could only stomach a few of them.
The latest polls of “Palestinians “ show that the vast majority support the atrocities committed by Hamas.
In my opinion, that makes them just as guilty as Hamas.
¨The latest polls of “Palestinians “ show that the vast majority support the atrocities committed by Hamas.¨?? Really Mark? Could you show us this poll?
This is not true Alexander Scipio. Pure disinformation. Shame on you.
You're clearly not very good at discerning which propaganda from the Israelis is real atrocities, and which is faked. [Note how the atrocities you've viewed have colored your opinions.] Here's a source for you to consider:
I’m sure that the 1,200 + Isreali civilians were killed with kindness......
The Holy Roman Empire and the world wars were during our rise. When we killed our enemies. That’s my point.
¨Did you know that Hamas was really created by the Mossad of Israel for the strategic purpose of preventing the creation of a Palestinian state? Thanks to the Mossad, Israel’s “Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks”, the Hamas was allowed to reinforce its presence in the occupied territories.¨ Do your own research.
The Mossad didn't see it coming. Impossible. This last October 7 event is similar to the 911 one in 2001, an Inside Job, a PsyOp Operation to create war, terror, control on both side and land grabbing.
I don't have anymore the link to this article but do your own research.
¨Did you know that Hamas was really created by the Mossad of Israel for the strategic purpose of preventing the creation of a Palestinian state?
Thanks to the Mossad, Israel’s “Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks”, the Hamas was allowed to reinforce its presence in the occupied territories.
Meanwhile, Arafat’s Fatah Movement for National Liberation as well as the Palestinian Left were subjected to the most brutal form of repression and intimidation Let us not forget that it was Israel, which in fact created Hamas. According to Zeev Sternell, historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Israel thought that it was a smart ploy to push the Islamists against the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO)”. Ahmed Yassin, the spiritual leader of the Islamist movement in Palestine, returning from Cairo in the seventies, established an Islamic charity association. Prime Minister Golda Meir, saw this as a an opportunity to counterbalance the rise of Arafat’s Fatah movement.
According to the Israeli weekly Koteret Rashit (October 1987), “The Islamic associations as well as the university had been supported and encouraged by the Israeli military authority” in charge of the (civilian) administration of the West Bank and Gaza. “They [the Islamic associations and the university] were authorized to receive money payments from abroad.” The Islamists set up orphanages and health clinics, as well as a network of schools, workshops which created employment for women as well as system of financial aid to the poor.
And in 1978, they created an “Islamic University” in Gaza. “The military authority was convinced that these activities would weaken both the PLO and the leftist organizations in Gaza.” At the end of 1992, there were six hundred mosques in Gaza. Thanks to Israel’s intelligence agency Mossad (Israel’s Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks), the Islamists were allowed to reinforce their presence in the occupied territories.
Meanwhile, the members of Fatah (Movement for the National Liberation of Palestine) and the Palestinian Left were subjected to the most brutal form of repression. In 1984, Ahmed Yassin was arrested and condemned to twelve years in prison, after the discovery of a hidden arms cache. But one year later, he was set free and resumed his activities.
And when the Intifada (“uprising”) began, in October 1987, which took the Islamists by surprise, Sheik Yassin responded by creating the Hamas (The Islamic Resistance Movement): “God is our beginning, the prophet our model, the Koran our constitution”, proclaims article 7 of the charter of the organization. Ahmed Yassin was in prison when, the Oslo accords (Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government) were signed in September 1993.
The Hamas had rejected Oslo outright. But at that time, 70% of Palestinians had condemned the attacks on Israeli civilians. Yassin did everything in his power to undermine the Oslo accords. Even prior to Prime Minister Rabin’s death, he had the support of the Israeli government. The latter was very reluctant to implement the peace agreement.
The Hamas then launched a carefully timed campaign of attacks against civilians who were already poverty stricken and living in metal sheds, one day before the meeting between Palestinian and Israeli negotiators, regarding the formal recognition of Israel by the National Palestinian Council. These events were largely instrumental in the formation of a Right wing Israeli government following the May 1996 elections. Quite unexpectedly, Prime Minister Netanyahu ordered Sheik Ahmed Yassin to be released from prison (“on humanitarian grounds”) where he was serving a life sentence. Meanwhile, Netanyahu, together with President Bill Clinton, was putting pressure on Arafat to control the Hamas. In fact, Netanyahu knew that he could rely, once more, on the Islamists to sabotage the Oslo accords. Worse still: after having expelled Yassin to Jordan, Prime Minister Netanyahu allowed him to return to Gaza, where he was welcomed triumphantly as a hero in October 1997.
Arafat was helpless in the face of these events. Moreover, because he had supported Saddam Hussein during the1991 Gulf war (while the Hamas had cautiously abstained from taking sides), the Gulf states decided to cut off their financing of the Palestinian Authority. Meanwhile, between February and April 1998, Sheik Ahmad Yassin was able to raise several hundred million dollars, from those same countries. The budget of the Hamas was said to be greater than that of the Palestinian Authority. These new sources of funding enabled the Islamists to effectively pursue their various charitable activities. It is estimated that one Palestinian out of three is the recipient of financial aid from the Hamas. And in this regard, Israel has done nothing to curb the inflow of money into the occupied territories.
The Hamas had built its strength through its various acts of sabotage of the peace process, in a way which was compatible with the interests of the Israeli government. In turn, the latter sought in a number of ways, to prevent the application of the Oslo accords. In other words, Hamas was fulfilling the functions for which it was originally created: to prevent the creation of a Palestinian State.
And in this regard, Hamas and Ariel Sharon, see eye to eye; they are exactly on the same wave length.¨
¨Security experts are blaming Israel’s government for Saturday’s invasion in which Muslim forces from Gaza massacred over 1,200 Israelis and kidnapped at least one hundred hostages.¨
David, you pretty sure you know who Hamas is?
Most think they know...
The blood drinkers, the cabal want war. This is what they want. General Wesley Clark comment about war in the Middle East. The last country was Iran.
¨So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, "Are we still going to war with Iraq?" And he said, "Oh, it's worse than that." He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, "I just got this down from upstairs" -- meaning the Secretary of Defense's office -- "today." And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." Read More
General Wesley Clark Wars Were Planned Seven Countries In Five Years 2:12 min
General Clark on the Iraq Invasion | American War Generals 2:59 min
Well said Tess. The Buddha said that the only way to overcome hate is with love. I do prefer tough love though. Let the trials begin!
A personal point of view -- it is important to acknowledge what Mr. Young has contributed to the discussion. He did what HE was uniquely positioned to do, and did so at great cost to himself.
This is far from 'nothing'.
We may wish for more context around the data but this does not diminish Mr. Young's courage and efforts on behalf of his fellow citizens. Nor can we fully appreciate (yet) how the data might contribute to similar discussions and decisions (?) beyond New Zealand.
Heartfelt thanks to Mr. Young for bearing witness.
I think we ( some of us)evolved a lil bit to get in contact w/ the entire self the core in us all. A blessing at a heavy cost. I think intuition has been stifled by the enemy long enough/ too long. & our Culture of ( must make everything easy) eye candy to make you drool & watch endless proPIGanda it steals your will & motivation , even thinking is muddled w/ lies of cataclysm,fear & bad toxic “food” ,poison as medicine ,dirty air, dirty water, dead soil,screens everywhere distracts us separates us & divides & tries to conquer us . But we’re ( the species)Good at overcoming obstacles of life adapting :god made life so much better so much more that machines of madmen, we are of star stuff the universe’s creation. we will out do them w/ building our global solidarity. we have humanity to live for. they have dust of collected crap: things . We have ea other. We will love ea other & feel empathy we will prevail they will be ash or join us in the human race.Mark my words. & Treat your brothers & sisters in this evolution like you wish to be treated , always. ✌️❤️🔥
Hello Dr. Lawrie.
Your video didn’t address explicitly your take on the New Zealand data video.
Could you be more specific as to whether this data is reliable or whether is it not?
If not, please explain why?
Feelings are not a basis for people to accept or reject information.
Your response, although very kind as you always are, was not enlightening to your audience.
If it isn’t true data, please be explicit in your communication so that people maybe adequately informed as to why this revelation is not true or accurate.
Hi Billie, the balance of opinion is that the NZ dataset is real. It is consistent with what we are seeing in many countries, including the UK and Ireland.