Dec 4, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

This is so beautiful Tess what a wise perspective! I feel the shift so strongly too. I am a healthcare worker in NYC and I attended a dinner yesterday at a church friends house. The room was full of fellow believers 5 of which were healthcare workers. The entire room was unvaccinated. The conversation was all about what's going on and every single person sees what's happening which is huge for a NYC gathering. We discussed starting something to help people heal from all of this and being able to offer people treatment outside mainstream medicine for those who don't trust the system anymore as none of is trust it. I felt something amazing growing, Gods hand moved over His people and we found one another!

One person told me his story of how he was fired and had to do Uber eats to earn money during the period where you were literally not allowed to have a job here. He ended up finding an orthodox Jewish nursing home where no one was vaccinated and they welcomed him and he never took the shot. They protected him from it and gave him work. Some truly amazing things happened during this time. There are millions ready for a new world for the people!

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Beautiful, Tess 💓 The phoenix shall rise from the ashes, and we shall find a Better Way 🔥🙌

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

We are susceptible to this kind of confusion because we continue to focus on the exact wrong topics. We argue about whether or not there is a virus and we argue about how dangerous the jabs are. Both of these topics are irrelevant in my opinion. The one truth I believe we should focus on is also the one truth that has caused FAR more damage than either a virus or a jab and is also the easiest to prove…..the fact that there was never a pandemic or public health emergency. Once you remove that piece of idiocy from the equation everything else falls away.

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To be honest, Tess, I'm shocked. Why are you saying the New Zealand data has added *nothing* to what we already know?

IMHO, every report of every adverse event and every death adds to what we know ~ and should never be so casually dismissed.

Whether the New Zealand data are completely clean and accurate remains to be seen. However, dismissing this body of data out-of-hand seems premature at best ~ and, at worst, it seems to me to stand in direct contradiction to the belief you and I both share, i.e., that "we are all precious" ~ including every person whose death is represented in this data set.

Moreover, your assertion, in this context, that one can be "certain" the truth and freedom movements have been corrupted seems to be an equally premature and unwarranted dismissal of the whistleblower who shared this data at great personal and professional risk.

In the end, I would hope that your wise advice to "be careful' and "step back" would apply in this context, as well: let's avoid "thrashing" out against anyone (including this whistleblower) who appears to be making a heartfelt and earnest effort, at great personal sacrifice, to support "the better way" which so many of us cherish and hold dear.

Then, once the data has been thoroughly assessed, we will be able to trust both head and heart.

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Instinct has carried me through all of this covid mess, not graphs or statistics. All I know is that to inject a substance into your body that has only been tested in the past on people with end of life conditions and then pivot within one year and try to put the substance into every man woman and child is utter madness. I trust only myself and certainly not governments and public health and their deadly siren call of safe and effective for everyone.

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It's as clear as crystal.

The new Zealand authority embarked on a mass murder campaign. END of the story, to even half contemplate what to believe after seeing Liz Gunn and "Winston" EXTRAPOLATING those figures.. is to say the least is LUDICROUS. THEY ALL ADD UP. Tess Lawrie I'm surprised that you appear not convinced? If you go by your gut feel... As well YOU CAN SEE THAT THIS IS TRUTH, BECAUSE IT CANNOT BE EXPLAINED AWAY

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

"So the answer to the question, whom can we trust is simple. We must trust ourselves, we must trust our own intuition, and we must trust our own hearts."

Amen. Our own minds, intuition, hearts—we’ve been trained to mistrust these things and follow leaders and experts instead. Every time you hear the phrase “thought leader” you should bristle with mistrust. This is a contradiction in terms. No one can think for you. Your own intuition already knows the truth, anyway. Listen to it.

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Thanks for this Dr. Lawrie.

After much in depth examination and intense interaction both publicly on X and in DMs with many concerned experts, I put on record my own many words of caution, including tagging Dr. Lawrie who kindly acknowledged and responded. I asked questions about how the data emerged and its quality and completeness. That process contributed to Substack posts being written, notably Igor Chudov. He accessed the data, which turned out to be difficult, took a look over the weekend and raised his own preliminary concerns and questions. Igor wrote a summary and then a follow up. NZ Voices for Freedom (VFF) also wrote an excellent statement giving backstory, commentary and their perspective on how such a "leak" should have been handled. They had been aware of the data and activities to review it for some time but did not have access or involvement in analysis.

I do think that there is one big new thing we can learn from this data set. To add to the solid and abundant findings around the world we can already trust on vaccine harms and the unprecedented rates and patterns of excess mortality.

Note the NZ data in the crossfire are only of vaccinated persons as it tracks payments to providers who received compensation for each jab. It does not include all the vaccinated in NZ just those whose providers received money for the injections so it is a select set of data. It contains provider identities and settings within the MOH version. It is said to have been anonymized for outsiders who have worked with the data with respect to patient identities.

The revelation may open a new opportunity for the injured and New Zealanders wanting to hold some entity accountable. So the additional potential bombshell crime and atrocity to focus on is that shots can be tracked back to specific providers at the person level. A data analyst now has an opening to get counts of death by provider, and learn how much each death was compensated for by the NZ government. We could estimate an average monetary figure calculated per vaccine death in NZ. Who was the top killer? What health practice wins the prize? These providers should be nervous right now, sweating bullets. They can be held accountable--didn't any notice the deaths? Doesn't taking payment invoke liability for a medical practice? Is this why other groups who saw the data and reportedly worked with whistleblower Barry Young backed off or dragged their heels for months on making conclusions and a formal announcement? Why did Barry get impatient and go to a politician journalist Liz Gunn? Investigative journalists not just scientists are needed on these questions.

The attempt in the videos to present high rates of death by vaccinator does not make clear statements about rates and magnitude of mortality or harm for vaccinees. However and importantly it does show that some providers or settings got paid handsomely and were large enough to have detected a problem as health practices keep data as do insurance companies, and would notice dying patients. Thus some providers or settings had enormous safety signals for harm. So the heat is on them. The government in NZ is not responding, but citizens can go knocking on providers doors demanding answers and accountability. Lawyers can get busy and their activities can open up further discovery.

The real opportunity here is for New Zealanders at large to use the brouhaha to their advantage, world eyes are on them now. The NZ MOH is under new demands to answer questions. Public outrage is rekindled and focused. Why didn't they hear the concerns of a troubled database administrator and endeavor themselves to merge payment and lot records with mortality and adverse event data? Further evidence of failed pharmacovigilance on the part of MOH. They have been sitting on data that could have been used for the benefit of the vaccinated and for informing the public. Remember PM Jacinda Ardern told her citizens that her government was their sole source of truth. She is living comfortably now with a title and stipend at Harvard.

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Dr. Lawrie, I have followed your messaging with great interest since December of 2020 when you attempted to alert your Parliament about the efficacy of ivermectin against C19 infection. Are you stating that you have determined the reported analysis of the NZ data is flawed and/or overblown, or that more information is required before rendering accurate judgement? John Wells VMD

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

I think in order to get to the Truth, we need to speak it.

I'm troubled by all the people who will hyperbolize their point of view. This is not helping.

We're facing something difficult, because we have forgotten as a society how to do the easy things.

Forgiveness. Self Reflection. Admission.

We need to do these things not only for others but for Ourselves.

All of this ramping up of tensions and people trying to "win" cheap points might be the status quo for the business way of things, for the "managerial" class, but that's because they are stuck ion the machine mindset, so even when they attempt to create "Justice", the urge to do so with short cuts is just to hard to avoid. Our models may be broken, but perhaps our incentive structure did in Fact contribute to their corruption. Perhaps we have "god" like technology, but we do not and can Never possess God like discernment, because the task of constantly pushing the boulder up the Hill is in and of itself the thing that burns us out, and most people get beaten down into conformity.

Ugh. While I appreciate your "revolutionary" tone, it also frightens me to a degree.

This has been the aim all along of the "4IR reset agenda crowd. They were the ones claiming the model was broken, and needed to be replaced with something new.


And here we are on the other side of that spectrum.

I had a good friend ask me about our powers to discern between what is "good" and what is "bad", in relationship to Human health, and he misunderstood what I meant when I was critiquing the direction of the World at large.

There is from what I can tell, two major themes right now.

Emancipation, or Total Slavery via the "One World Health" initiative at the WHO.

Both claim to have the right answers for what ills our societies.

Both are making strong arguments, but neither seem to be able to have a Monopoly on the "Truth".

When it comes to individual Health, amazing discoveries have been made in terms of nutrition, specifically when it comes to gut health, and things like superfoods and healthy helper bacterias. These things need to be studied and encouraged.

I think that some interesting arguments have been made in terms of genetic research.

Who wouldn't want the ability to reverse things like aging diseases and genetic abnormalities?

Like Cancer.

But where is the Truth to be found there?

I think it's in the claims about Life itself.

We don't know how to make it, besides breeding. We have many theories, and suggested mechanisms, but there is currently no one on Earth that actually knows how to "create" Life.

I feel like there's something important there. And I also feel like the only real Life we're on the cusp of "replicating", will be in silico.

How fascinating is That? We don't even know how we got here, or how to replicate our own creation processes, but we're about to create a disembodied super intelligence that might tell us...?

Perhaps we're thinking about it all wrong. And when I say "we", I just mean Humanity.

Ugh. I don't know.

All I know is that the Madness needs to stop. We need to have better conversations, stop trying to "win", and start trying to be Better Listeners.

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Thanks Tess. I loved your visit with Andrew's mum and the pics of him at school. It was Andrew who alerted me to the danger 25 years ago. He was so obviously a doctor of the highest integrity and the attack on him so shrill his case was proven for me right then and there. All he asked for was more research! After that Del lead the charge with the excellent Vaxxed. Then came Covid 19. Your voice has been one of the most clear through all this. Your interview with the traitorous Liverpool chap will forever be etched in my mind as and example of what happens when right encounters wrong. Good luck to you.

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I have no compassion for those doing us harm, nor should anyone else. They are enemies. Of ourselves, our families, our children and our future.

Compassion for enemies is putting those who would destroy us on the same moral plane as ourselves - we who are working to stop the incursions of this enemy on our freedom, fertility, prosperity, education and liberty. To conflate their worthiness with ours is hugely immoral.

Western Civilization rose by putting liberty and freedom over empathy, and by killing our enemies. We began our fall when we decided not to kill our enemies. And by enfranchising those for whom empathy is more important than safety, security, education, street crime, secure borders, etc., those who can afford empathy simply and only because we killed our enemies.

As enemies rise again, again they must be killed. Then - and only then - will there again be room for compassion.

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Well said Tess. The Buddha said that the only way to overcome hate is with love. I do prefer tough love though. Let the trials begin!

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A personal point of view -- it is important to acknowledge what Mr. Young has contributed to the discussion. He did what HE was uniquely positioned to do, and did so at great cost to himself.

This is far from 'nothing'.

We may wish for more context around the data but this does not diminish Mr. Young's courage and efforts on behalf of his fellow citizens. Nor can we fully appreciate (yet) how the data might contribute to similar discussions and decisions (?) beyond New Zealand.

Heartfelt thanks to Mr. Young for bearing witness.

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

I think we ( some of us)evolved a lil bit to get in contact w/ the entire self the core in us all. A blessing at a heavy cost. I think intuition has been stifled by the enemy long enough/ too long. & our Culture of ( must make everything easy) eye candy to make you drool & watch endless proPIGanda it steals your will & motivation , even thinking is muddled w/ lies of cataclysm,fear & bad toxic “food” ,poison as medicine ,dirty air, dirty water, dead soil,screens everywhere distracts us separates us & divides & tries to conquer us . But we’re ( the species)Good at overcoming obstacles of life adapting :god made life so much better so much more that machines of madmen, we are of star stuff the universe’s creation. we will out do them w/ building our global solidarity. we have humanity to live for. they have dust of collected crap: things . We have ea other. We will love ea other & feel empathy we will prevail they will be ash or join us in the human race.Mark my words. & Treat your brothers & sisters in this evolution like you wish to be treated , always. ✌️❤️‍🔥

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Hello Dr. Lawrie.

Your video didn’t address explicitly your take on the New Zealand data video.

Could you be more specific as to whether this data is reliable or whether is it not?

If not, please explain why?

Feelings are not a basis for people to accept or reject information.

Your response, although very kind as you always are, was not enlightening to your audience.

If it isn’t true data, please be explicit in your communication so that people maybe adequately informed as to why this revelation is not true or accurate.

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