Thank you. Yes, they reduced humans to lab rats for profit and a frenzied desire for power. It's a lot for most to absorb.

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We post our comments, as i have above, ut do you think Tess actually sees/ reads our posts. As i never see any replies.

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Hi Neil, I can assure you that I read most of my readers' comments and I occasionally respond when I can. It's important to me to know what my readers think, so please keep the comments coming. :)

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LOL!!! My respect, Dr. Lawrie.

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Yes, I would imagine she does read them. Not all authors comment...

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I have been following Dr Tess for a long time - she often responds to our comments. But I'm sure she has an awful lot on her plate 🙂

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Good day to you Neil - Here is a virtual hug, you seem like you may be in need of one. BTW: I am making it an extra BIG bear hug, to help you get on with your day!


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I run businesses... I would never maim and kill my customers because that would ultimately mean nobody is alive to take my product - and those that are alive will refuse to consume my product.

If it was about $$$ they'd inject a benign substance.

For the millionth time -- this is NOT about making $$$.

Trillions have been burned up keeping the global economy alive through this -- so that a few can make tens of billions.

That is just plain nonsense. It would never happen.

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"If it was about $$$ they'd inject a benign substance." They do, and always have up to a point. They have to make enough jabs poisonous to cause sickness to pretend there is a plague but without harming too many so that people think 'Hang on a minute...'.

If they only injected benign substances no would be very ill and that isn't good for big pharma business as no one would be that scared.


Of course making money is only part of the equation.

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I carry sheets of paper with links to the WCH spike detox guide, to the FLCCC and to a couple of videos by both Robert Malone and Paul Marik - both short clips so people might get to the end of them. I ran out of sheets last week. Will have to print more. I was sat on a bench on the sea-front last week telling someone, sadly jab damaged, about how we have all been lied to. Handed her my last sheet. I hope she went hope and looked up the information.

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Bless you for doing that.

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Thank you. Blessings to you also.

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malone?? okay ...

if it gets into the DNA how could it be detoxed?

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To scratch our head ,hand wringing and wondering gets us no where .By now it should be clear that the object of the injections is to exterminate most of humanity and on the way to that goal, make tons of money for the venom brewers .Once they got all our money and we own nothing and be happy ,it's time for the final solution to be activated .What we saw so far was only a test run ,that will be refined ,.Besides the injections that do the silent work of maiming and killing ,now and into the future ,there is a long list of doing serious harm ,resulting in death if the injections are too slow .Several trustworthy honest Doctors and scientists predict ,that what I see coming is correct .

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Yes, Joe unfortunately you are correct. From the very start this was never about health. If you truly think of today’s allopathic sick care it is never about health, healing or curing.

For the life of me I still fail to understand how a vile evil unelected group of billionaires came to rule us and our health care. Who died and left them boss? Sure as hell wasn’t me, lol 😂. We need folks to wake up and understand these people are nobody but rich satanic pedophiles who will stop at nothing to control or destroy humanity. They need to be exterminated. They are not fit to walk among us. And once that takes hold in people’s minds, maybe we can start to see some light at the end of the tunnel.

And again you are spot on, this is only the beginning. God have mercy on us all.

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Joe - I still don't get the 'end game' 😕 If 'they' get rid of us all - who will supply them with their luxury goods/foods/ planes etc etc ?? I understand they want a reduced population - but then there simply wouldn't be everything they want /need no? Maybe I'm just a bit slow. Who would make their caviar, their champagne, their jets, their clothes, their cars and so forth ?

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Well Puffin I did not write they will exterminate all of us ,just most of us .The ones still alive and needed to provide and serve the god like elite ,have a future as care takers and slaves .Klaus Schwab said ,you will own nothing and be happy .That is very similar of what I just wrote .

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They also need sex slaves in their private island harems .

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“That mRNA “vaccines” cause cells to produce spike proteins is a fairy tale”


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The article says, "And to conclude: The problem with mRNA and synthetic lipid nanoparticles, like the ones where the surface has been coated with polyethylene glycol (PEG), is that there’s a huge literature showing that they’re the most toxic material existing today on earth. They are inflammatory, they generate edema in all the membranes. They generate blood clots. They generate autoimmune reactions and lipodystrophy, i.e. a change of the subcutaneous fat tissue." Thus we have the crux of the issue (regardless of the mechanism). First, these shots are highly toxic. Second, they induce autoimmune reactions. That is why I vigorously said NO when this technology was introduced. When I read about how it worked these two risks stood out like the proverbial red flags being waved at a raging bull.

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As to this comment, "Pfizer tried to secrete this study." In my opinion Pfizer's right to exist needs to be permanently secreted from existence and a court of real justice convened to determine which employees need to be permanently stopped from participating in society - i.e. imprisoned.

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We can see spike-proteins in the mRNA victims. So he is clearly wrong.

There are many toxic ingredients in the injections. One can say that one dies from mRNA, the other from LNP, the other from clots due to Z-potential, and the other due to spike-proteins.

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The purpose of the mRNA is not to kill us. It's to send a message to our DNA to alter our DNA. I suspect the purpose of this alteration is to merge man with AI robots and/or use a DNA-altered human in further experimentation to "create" a perfect warrior?

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No. You are mixing up different things. Let me clarify. The problems with that idea: (1) The reverse transcription does not happen so easy. Only a few cells may be altered (usually in liver). (2) It is short term. People who had (beneficial) gen therapies see their bodies slowly restore the DNA even after alteration. These gen therapies use viruses that insert genes right into the DNA. (3) Merging with electronics is a complete different technology. It is very delicate surgery, where nerves are connected to wires. Does not work 100%. It is something that requires a microscope and an operation table. And the body will try to remove any implants.

There may be some babies getting the mRNA in all their DNA. And they will likely have some genetic problems. Not super soldiers. China is doing some experiments with genetic altered babies for that. But it has nothing to do with injections.

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Yet mRNA does send messages to DNA to alter it. mRNA is in the vaccines. China is working on genetics to create "super soldiers." Thank you for your reply.

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Excellent link. Thank you very much. A profoundly clear credible overview of the toxicity.

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Sometimes I wonder once most of us are gone and they have a small number of us ,left over to serve them .they don't need no money ,since if they own everything ,they can just help them self to what the ones left to serve them produce .

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pandelis - Detox can be a portion there of; Not in it's entirety.

For example: The heavy metals and impurities which are added to this jab, can be lessened with a detoxification of the liver. And so on.

Hoping this helps a bit to clarify the meaning of detox, in this case.

Blessings ~

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Excellent question! I’m looking forward to hearing answers.

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Clearly there is nothing wrong with these clot shots, they are doing exactly what they were designed to do and the vast majority of those in government that forced them on people never took them as while they mandated them for many of us on pain of losing our jobs and possibly our homes and family they never mandated these poison shots for themselves for some strange reason.

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Thank you for explaining it so i could understand and share. I still have good friends who have taken every booster and believe in the poisons even after they been really sick. I wish my husband knew. I wish we knew before he took it. Justice? When?

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People are ruled by fear, usually irrational fears. Of course, the main fear is the fear of death. As the masses were told they all might die, they deferred to the "experts" who were going to save them from this dire result.

And then there is the fear of being cast out of the "herd" for not going along with the Current Thing.

But our rulers are also afraid of We the People belatedly "getting" that they are the real threat to our world and our "health."

Our rulers certainly fear studies like this reaching a general audience.


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It was indeed fear, total mortal fear, relentlessly pushed at us through spectacle and falsehoods. I think they felt like they were in an elevator with someone with Ebola, and that fear has been continually pushed and elaborated on for three years now. We've been terrorized and held hostage. It it were to end, instead of being perpetually doubled down on, manifesting in nuclear and climate fear, civil war fears, asteroid fears, idiotic variant fears (trying to make us think Arcturus is more contagious when the last variant was already hyped as the most infectious thing ever), other disease fears, I think people would sort of come to, but they just keep silencing and gagging and persecuting.

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Here's my follow-up to my "fear" meditation. This is my meditation on all the activities and products our rulers ban to keep us safe. Like gas stoves for instance.


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Have your friends ever shared what they're afraid of? In terms of what they think the injections will fend off?

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My sister somehow got it into her head the shots will reduce her likelihood of Long Covid 🙄

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After writing an extremely long comment and having it disappear somehow, I will just say thank you Dr. Tess for your succinct and scientific reporting. I will always subscribe to your Substack as long as you continue it. I listened to all 25 hours of the Better Way Conference in Bath last year, and I thank you for educating me in both unsettling and hopeful ways. My brother-in-law died in April ‘21 from the Pfizer vaccine, not that any doctor here in the USA would dare to confirm that fact. Keep on writing! WE ARE LISTENING!

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Thank you for providing further clarification regarding this study, Tess. Some people took the apparent lack of condemnation of the mRNA platform as promoting it, and I was going to suggest you write an article addressing that confusion, but you beat me to it :-)

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Thank you for this review paper, and all other great work that you do.The work you do is of great importance going forward. But i feel that, only people on non mainstream networks, get to read this information. What we need, is this info getting out into the public domain. To many brilliant experts, and scientists, are afraid to come out, and speak, for fear of financial losses, Surely their Hypocratic Oath, do no harm, should take precidence over money. I support everything you are doing, and would become a paid subscriber, if i could see this info, outside Telegram, and other platforms.

Keep up your great work.

Kind Regards Neil.

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Don't just build muscles when you're flexing

Or metabolize when digesting.

Tetanus, Botox, Spike

Some can cause quite a fright

Each protein, a unique freak

With its own method and mystique

Don't go jabbing them into you hoping you'll make the right one appear

Out of thin air

When it's clear

Tetanospasmin twitches.

Botulinum knocks your breath away.

And spike...

Spews shards right into your mitochondria

Leaving you lame and miserable

Or dead.

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Are these proteins the same as per say Collagen made with bovine I & II? Reason I ask is because ALL my life I've never been able to do protein shakes etc. I'd just gain weight and look like the hulk. I'm now in my 50's and had started Native Path Collagen. LOVED how it made my skin feel, hair got thicker, nails grew, but then I started waking up every morning so painfully swollen! Hands, feet, everything. Didn't connect it to collagen as I had been taking it a couple of months. I told my husband it was like the time I had a severe allergic reaction to a so called healthy pill from local health food store that had an animal byproduct in it! First doctor was clueless! Second listened then asked me if I had taken anything with that in it! I said I'd only taken one new thing and only about 5! I went home and looked...sure enough! When I went to pharmacy for antidote he said I'd be shocked if I knew HOW many people react to animal byproducts! So after weight gain it finally dawned on me collagen is a protein. Yeah I'm a slow learner! It has taken a STRICT diet and 6 weeks to get 12 lbs off and I had already put on 10-12 before the 10 from collagen! I have only been able to find one person online say..."I took 6 grams a day protein and put on 10 lbs...something is not adding up!" That's about all that was in the collagen and you only take 1 scoop a day in coffee. So that's why I ask if it's the same. If I'm sensitive to protein I'm sure alot are! I can't do High Fructose Corn Syrup or Maltodextrin either! Turns out that's more common too!

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Someone correct me if I'm wrong since the allergic reaction was when I was 30 and I'm now in my 50's. If I recall the doctor said why so many people have reactions is because the animal byproduct is usually the liver and every animals is different so you never know what dosage you're getting. I was so swollen from waist down it was horribly painful. I gained way over 20 lbs and after swelling subsided I was left with cellulite. A couple years later I asked a pharmacist when it would go away. She said never and you're lucky because most people swell all over and arms are left with cellulite too. It was true because no matter how thin I get or workout it's never went away. I've been 112 lbs with some cellulite. It's alot better than it originally was, but not gone by any stretch.

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It isn't just these modern vaccines that are posion, all vaccines are terrible, here Robert Kenedy Jnr explains (with copious evidence) why vaccine safety testing is deliberately inadequate.


Here the WHO holds a vaccine summit and they admit the anti vaxxers are making valid criticisms


I wonder if the reason they rolled out the new magic sauce vaccines was a desparate attempt to come up with an alternative to old vaccine tech because they know the truth about the terrible injury their old vaccines caused was becoming undeniable?

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Every “vaccine” causes harm. That is the purpose of vaccines. Always has been. Many doctors from the late 1800’s and early 1900’s testified that they almost never saw cancers in people until vaccines became common. Since then there has been an explosion of disease and death.

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Fantastic business for the medics/pharma, get paid for poisoning people and then get paid or providing treatments for the damage your posions caused.

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Looks like they hid the SV40 sequence for the Covid vaccine in the plasmid DNA map submitted by Pfizer to the European Medicines Agency. The SV40 sequence would make sense why it appears to we have such an explosive increase in recurring cancers that are unusually aggressive and increasingly lethal.

Professor Murakami of Tokyo University of Science provides more details here - (remember to translate) https://twitter.com/fseiichizb4/status/1651638404193595392

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You’ve confirmed my sneaking suspicions, from the beginning of all this, about PEG involvement. I used that stuff to agglutinate red blood cells in lab test tubes way too many times to dismiss the possible connection to problems with it being used as part of an injection.

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Have you read this long piece explaining how the zeta potential of the LNPs , mRNA and DNA ( from plasmid vectors used in manufacturing) can affect their biodistribution and can explain many reported adverse events.

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Thank you so much Tess for your ongoing courage and marvellous work. ... 🙏

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Many thanks for this amazingly informative writeup, Dr. Lawrie! Someday I'll encounter someone who's starting to snap out of their brainwashed state and will be able to share this info. with them. All the best to you, along with much love!

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There is actually NOTHING wrong with the jabs. They are working exactly as intended and achieving what they were developed for.

People just refuse to accept that big pharma together with their own governments have conspired to kill them at the behest of some truly dark forces who have been planning this for many decades.

We need to start accepting the truth as it is. You can't fix a brain tumour by giving a mint to stop bad breath!

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Thank you, Dr. Lawrie for all the work that you continue to do for the people in this world. I have followed your work since the beginning of these roll outs and your pleas to stop the shots to instead focus on humanitarian efforts to help or save those same people who took the shots. Thank you for your ever present passion and compassion! May God bless you in your work and life...

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