Sovereignty is much easier said than actually done, but one step at a time will eventually take you there. The biggest problem is seeing through the lies that have kept humanity locked down inside a checkerboard mutation pattern. Government service agencies calling themselves "the government" (they're not; they are corporate contractors) have enslaved people mentally and on paper for generations with the birth certificate process and stolen their original, birthright political status to pull them into corporate political status ("taxpayer.....citizen under statute....legal person"). The same players, well-diversified into the entire financial system have enslaved people from cradle-to-grave with odious debt. The public schools, also originated by the same players, have taught children lies, fake history, corporate structure, victimhood, and how to be a good slave. And the same players are behind the commercial food system; keeping it nutritionally bankrupt, full of harmful chemicals and fake garbage....as well as the death cult known as the allopathic medical system. The same parasites are behind all of it.....and true Sovereignty requires that men and women systematically remove themselves from every single part of the system and take responsibility for helping to create the alternative, organic systems of the future. It's a big lift, but very worthwhile.

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Jul 4, 2023
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Speak for yourself. I don’t eat anything that I haven’t grown or sourced myself and that’s the only way to stay pure. Don’t buy processed fake foods or CAFO meat, and can your own heirloom vegetables.

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"Henry Kissinger is known for many things, but a revolutionary is not one of them. Over the years of service to the empire, the career geopolitician has been consistent in his unfailing commitment to

1) destroy the Westphalian system of sovereign nation states,

2) promote population control across the developing sector,

3) advocate limited nuclear war (in opposition to the more popular visions of total nuclear war advocated by Cold Warriors) and

4) selectively overthrow troublesome governments as a co-architect of color revolutions.


Although too often overlooked, Henry Kissinger’s 1st published work in 1957 'A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace 1812-1822', offers us the greatest insight into the broader historical forces which young Kissinger understood and which won him entry into the most trusted inner echelons of the oligarchy...

...the American Revolution was a global rather than local phenomenon ...

...the French Revolution was intended to be the first expression of that process outside of America ...

...the National Endowment of Democracy which is behind today’s color revolutions was created as a Trilateral Commission scheme under the guidance of Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski...

In 'A World Restored', Kissinger identifies the 1815 Congress of Vienna as the greatest lesson for statesmen of all ages.

Why? Because it entailed the restoration of order by the European elite after a process of chaos unleashed by the 1776 revolution in America. In Kissinger’s worldview, justice and freedom have no existence."


Kissinger’s Adoration of the 1815 Congress of Vienna: A Master Key into Universal History

The Roots of Color Revolutions


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The ultimate anarchist Jesus Christ was recorded as stating: I will build my church (out called ones i.e. ecclesia) and the government shall not prevail against it. The ‘gates of hell’ was begged in as he (Tyndale) already was in dire straights by his translation(s). The Christ believer in mind/body is empowered by the Holy Spirit (brings all things to your remembrance and shows you the way in which you should walk). Thus your mind with divine authority is a powerful powerful bastion of autonomy. Now stick wisdom in it and you’re good to go.

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Thank you. The only thing I would say is that the 'gates of hell' should be 'gates of Hades'. Hell is a place of light and Hell is a mistranslation.


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So true, without sovereignty, you have nothing. One of the main problems today, and why we are under the thumb of someone else, is the centralization of power and systems, through monopoly.

The solution is to decentralize yourself in every aspect possible, and become knowledgeable on how to leave the existing systems, be it health, finances, email provider, work, computer operating system, money, food sources, etc. and become more self reliant.

Investigate and educate yourself in non-medicine based health, alternative currencies and barter, how to install Linux Mint on your PC, ditch or leave the Smartphone at home, pay cash in shops, grow your own food, get a chicken coop for eggs, start up small project for multiple small revenue streams, etc.

Don't try, do.

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The chicken coop would be turned down by my condo board.

But here's an idea: decentralize power by revitalizing the courts:

Six U.S. States have laws allowing Citizen Grand Juries to be formed by groups of citizens: Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota and Oklahoma.

No doubt there are many Frankenshot victims in those states. Murder charges should be brought by Citizen Grand Juries in those states. Even if the ultimate verdict is innocent, the discovery process will uncover essential truth. Also many such cases should be brought, one for each murder. The only way to stop the tyranny is to start at the local level. The Federal government is hopelessly or nearly hopelessly corrupt.

Petitions to impanel grand juries


"Essentially, grand juries and citizen-initiated grand juries are the same- except for one major difference: the manner by which the grand jury is summoned. A grand jury is typically summoned at a prosecutor's request, while

a citizen-initiated grand jury is summoned at a citizen's request through a petition to the court. Only six states allow citizens to petition for a grand jury: Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, and Oklahoma. Each of these states provide for citizens to petition either by statute or the state's constitution."



Citizen-initiated grand juries have the potential to be of great service to the people of Kansas. The citizen-initiated grand jury allows ordinary citizens to hold public officials responsible for their actions. When prosecutors fail to investigate officials for alleged criminal activity, the citizen-initiated grand jury is a unique tool that could be utilized by Kansans to keep these officials in check."




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you have outlined the 'problem' of personal sovereignty - that being there is no way to 'enforce' a verdict because everyone is sovereign and therefore not under another's or a group's control - christians believe - as i do - that we are created individually equally - there are no 'special' people created in a dominant hierarchy - so the roman catholic ideology made an exception explaining that a sovereign governed by 'divine right' and that all sovereigns were guided by the pope - to square with each person created equally the church stated that the sovereign held the sovereignty of each 'subject' therefore in a position to carry out 'god's' will and therefore used the sovereigns collection of individual sovereignties to compel subjects to 'obey' the rules - the republic of the united states is founded on the idea that government is capable of managing citizen's sovereignty as a collective in the same way as did hereditary sovereigns but through a system whereby individuals chose those who would exercise the collective sovereignty of the people rather than a hereditary sovereign - with the organizing of millions of people into large systems employing hundreds of thousands we must relinquish some sovereignty - the alternative as suggested will work in the green new world of a billion people spread around the world run by a feudalistic technocracy granting some 'liberties' to enclaves of peasants in a 'decentralized' world where our present master's decedents will rule - i have my natural birth certificate as well as my 'registered birth' corporate identity however i rely on the present situation and have not found use of my natural birth right in a common law republic where i will surrender some of my sovereignty to facilitate such needs as the 'rules of the roadways'

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"...there is no way to 'enforce' a verdict because everyone is sovereign and therefore not under another's or a group's control"


Murderers are subject to very long prison sentences, no matter their religion.

You sound like a "resistance is futile" bot.

Look up citizen grand juries.

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there is no individual sovereignty when a group can enforce their will upon another 'sovereign' which is my argument - sovereignty is lost when a group impose their will upon another - meaning a society of sovereigns cannot have a grand jury

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That's an amazing inspirational spiel, Nick, for 100% unadulterated self-reliance. Of Course, the prerequisite for that is critical- thinking; a mental effort we already know 90% of the population just does not want to engage in.

Buuuut, indeed, us 10%ers just can't affect change amongst ourselves.

* Oh, btw, I had never seen the term Linux MINT. I'll be checking that out on some research this morning. 👋

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I think a fired up, self-reliant and critical thinking 10% is more than enough to make the change. The majority follow the leaders, and that will eventually be us, leading the way. The cross pollination here on Substack and elsewhere is picking up momentum.

Linux Mint is the easiest Linux version out there currently, you should give it a try: https://www.linuxmint.com/

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Do I install MINT on top of my existing Windows 11 operating system? Or, by installing MINT, does it overwrite Windows?

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You can overwrite Windows, or dual boot, which involves creating an extra partition. It is a more complicated set up. Either way, of course **always** back up all important files to an external hard drive.

Also, try it first without installing using the "live session" feature from a bootable USB stick, and see if you like it.


If you have an old laptop, you could try installing on that first. If you need assistance, you can see if there's a local Linux User Group in your community.

Here are two great videos which cover installing Linux Mint really well:

"Linux Mint 21 beta, on a 10 year old Mac"


"Windows 10 to Linux Mint | Installation"


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Much appreciated, for that info. Time, I always say, is our most precious possession. So, a big fist bump 👊🏼 for giving some of yours here.

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You're welcome, I see it as passing on the torch, from all the previous unknown and known heroes who built up Linux tirelessly over many years to this point, where it's now a viable alternative to the tech giants' operating systems, in some aspects better, and always free.

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You'll chuckle but I have a part share in an oldish bus with the words "Sovereign" emblazed all over. Sovereign bus and coach was a great name and fondly remembered.

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Such an important word, and so misused! So central to our way forward.

I really liked this interview with William Keyte, a specialist in Constitutional Law, in which he emphasises the, let's say, 'institutionalised fallacy' of 'parliamentary sovereignty', and the forgotten powers that the people apparently have through the jury system:


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In the UK, to the best of my knowledge the government is trying to do away with jury trials...huh! I wonder why!

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Yes, the attack is very full on! We must keep spreading information, truth and inspiration!

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Thank you for this! Sovereignty is key, the very foundation of a free world. There's no getting around the need for individuals to claim it as theirs - self-evident, requiring no external justification. It just is. And yes, of course, it's been intentionally eroded and suppressed.

Let's make sovereignty front and center, where it belongs!


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I would like to suppert, but I am 93 years old and retraitée. If I can do something to support you, it might be as a translator. I still remember my native languge, Norwegian. Ilve in France, but make errors very often when I speak French.

Best wishes for your work!

Connie Bygdnes

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Thank you Connie, translators are very much needed. Please email Francesca at translations@worldcouncilforhealth.org.

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Thanks Dr. Lawrie.

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Thank you for your work and vision to bring sovereignty forward. I launched a radio show am950 and podcast June 4 called exploring sovereignty with Elizabeth and would love to have you on it if you're interested. Please contact me at elizabeth@somasoulsovereignty.com if inspired to be on. I speak with heart centered thought leaders on exploring sovereignty, higher consciousness and pathways to set yourself free. I'm inspired by your work these last few years and would love to interview you. Thank you for considering Dr Tess Lawrie.

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Thank you for your interest Elizabeth. Please contact Lucy@worldcouncilforhealth.org.

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Jurisdiction is the key word. Knowing where we stand in the L-A-W, and signing "without prejudice" is a good start.

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PUBLIC SERVICE ALERT: If you want to get arrested and targeted by your government please feel free to try the alleged "remedy" suggested by Karen-Ruth’s online course. We HIGHLY suggest you do not rely on her course for legal or lawful advice - because her purported remedy does NOT work, it does however get a lot of people hurt.

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Tess and Ruth, please try it and show us the video of your success with the remedy you promote. Thanks!

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I love the way so many people are at last coming forwards, having obviously thought quite a long while about their topic, with their ideas of sovereignty.

I'm pretty ancient and for years have cogitated on the legitimacy of government and 'laws', so many of them being cruel, unjust, irrational, stupid, warlike, and many other adjectives; wondered how we'd manage without government and failed to find answers that were waterproof, or as near as damnit, with which I could convince people.

At last solutions are surfacing as more and more people see we need changes and not the ones being mooted by control freaks such as bankers, billionaires, politcians, eugenicists and technocrats.

I love the way these two men in the video below describe some aspects of the changes needed and how they see us arrive at these changes. More thought compost to create the mental soil needed to grow our beautiful future.


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Please…… Help Fight Against the Sale of Children for the Purpose of Sex Trafficking and Child Pornography

1. Watch this entire trailer……

2. Go see this movie when it opens on July 4th, and………

3. Consider Paying it Forward

The Sound of Freedom


This is a true story. I watched an hour long interview with Tim Ballard, the subject of this movie, and Jim Caviezel. Tim quit his job as a Department of Homeland Security Special Agent so that he could literally, 'save the kids'.

He is 'The Real Deal'. Jim Caviezel is the actor who plays him in this movie.

These men are literally doing 'God's Work', Tim, by performing this work, and Jim by shining a light on this literal EVIL that is among us. For instance, at my workplace, two men were fired and incarcerated within the last 6 months for child pornography. That happened because they were 'incautious' enought to watch it on a government computer. Think of how many are watching on their private computers, and don't get caught. This is a huge problem worldwide, and our country is a primary contributor to this (no other word for it but)…….. Pure Evil.

We have a moral obligation to do what we can to fight against this….

Please help.

Please take a material step and stand up for goodness, on this Independence Day.

Thank you, Elizabeth

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On Dr. Syed Haider's Substack, he said, "The shots as well as other "countermeasures" like lockdowns, suppression of effective early treatments, overuse of opioids behind the closed doors of hospitals and nursing homes, overuse of ineffective and harmful (but very profitable) remdesivir, finishing patients off on a ventilator, or simply starving them to death locked in the hospital "covid unit".

For me, it absolutely strains credulity to think that our fellow Americans were actually starved to death in COVID units... However, when you list these other, 'Crimes Against Humanity' and violations of the Nuremberg Code...

1) The shots as well as other "countermeasures"

2) like lockdowns,

3) suppression of effective early treatments, 4) overuse of opioids behind the closed doors of hospitals and nursing homes,

5) overuse of ineffective and harmful (but very profitable) remdesivir.

6) finishing patients off on a ventilator,

Then why is it that I can't believe that patients were,

"simply starved to death locked in the hospital "covid units"?

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Free your mind the rest will follow. Sovereignty inhered in the Deos, as in He is Sovereign (over every aspect of our lives). As a lifelong proponent of mucous membranes disinfection and the generation first questioning authority, WE have to have an autonomous mind to be able to exercise freedom of choice. I choose God. I choose to disinfect to manage down my symptoms and discomfort and I choose wisdom as in: in the getting of knowledge, get wisdom. I find that which benefits and I ‘put it in the bag’. Sovereign and the concept of sovereign, and the understanding of sovereign is knowledge, which can become wisdom when sorted out. Don’t forfeit my/your/our regional sovereignty. 🌎

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Know our rights! I looked at our human rights declarations recently to find that Australia is using one that was changed in 2022 not yet ratified. I’ve yet to determine the difference but I’m very suspicious.

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