Good luck, Tess & everyone!

Straight taking about complexity is always a good way to identify what we hold in common, and a burning insistence on personal autonomy is among the highest values which can be expressed within a group.

I’ve discovered that, for myself, it’s more important even than health. It’s the first value I now probe for when I meet a new person.

“Live free or die” is often waved around, but rarely is the rest of the remark quoted. It’s says “Death is not the worst of outcomes”. Absolutely right. We’re all going to die. Not living on your knees dictates you believe deeply in the whole quote.

The alternative is at best a moral cowardice that condemns us to what Giorgio Agamben terms “a bare life”. Doing anything, no matter how squalid & wrong, so long as you get to survive another day, is beneath us.

Say “No” to any mandated injections (or even mandatory digital ID) even if so to do makes life inconvenient or even harsh. Please do not go along with it. You die a little each time you comply or say nothing while others are bullied into giving up their bodily autonomy.

Note that it’s simply not necessary to identify yourself all the time. Evidence for this statement comes from observation of thousands of years of contented interactions. No, the people insisting on it want it for purposes of control. Not your continuing good health or that of others.

Wish I could be with you all! I like the city of Bath very much.

See you on the other side of this global hot mess.

My warmest best wishes,


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Thanks Mike, we wish you were here with us too.

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Beautifully stated, I subscribe to everything you just said in print.

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👏🏻👏🏻100% agree Dr Mike Yeadon,Thank you, also Robin and Cory for your wonderful Telegram Channel, The Latest Up To Date News,in one place.You might not be in Bath but we can see how hard you are working, because you are everywhere else 😉 I’m Still looking for pathologists in UK re.Spike Autopsies.I am sure as time moves on and evidence builds someone in UK will add to Dr Arne Burkhardt’s work.Best wishes Helen.😊

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Respect to all of you

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As we head towards the second round of consultations for the global Pandemic preparedness treaty in June (Bojo being a signatory in it's initial proposal) https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-9550/ and therefore stand to loose all our rights as free citizens, the questions of a)what is the evidence that viruses exist outside a computer and cause disease, b) who stands to gain by the majority of people thinking that the scientific evidence is strong that they do, and c)what do these people gain, are no longer academic questions.

a) there was not enough SARS to purify in a sucrose density gradient. Confirmatory EM pictures, which are essential, could not be taken. How did the know it was there then? The scientific method is telling us that the RNA fragments (never sequenced end to end) and proteins chosen to call SARS (which inevitably cause 'immune' and cell reactions when added back to a patient or culture) come from the original patients cells or from whatever else was in his lungs. No control of a sick patient thought not to have SARS was done. However if had been and showed a difference, this would show that different people and conditions produce different RNA and proteins. There would be no evidence that the difference was a virus.

The viral sequence was created by cutting and pasting from 56 million RNA fragments, and 300,000 to a million contigs. Nucleotides were added at one end to make the chosen in silico sequence look more like a previously constructed bat virus.

The patients symptoms are easily explained by living and working in one of the most densely polluted cities in the world.

Transmission of virus or disease symptoms between people or animals has never been shown, event after trying very hard, for the Spanish flu. (62 healthy volunteers were exposed to alleged virus by breathing the fetid air of very sick ‘flu’ patients and having them repeatedly cough in their faces, much to the researchers surprise; only one developed a sore throat and not one developed influenza like illness at all.)

b) and c) if the majority of people believe, guided by scientists and doctors, that the evidence is strong that viruses are a threat to our lives and health then the WHO, Bill Gates, other billionaires and drug pushers stand to gain $trillions and $trillions and total world domination. We stand to loose everything.

The 'authorities' will not listen to any evidence, of vaccine harms etc, that we give them.

But if those with a scientific background took another look at the evidence and can open more peoples eyes to the fact that there are serious holes in the scientific virus dogma and narrative - I think we have some hope for freedom.

Thank you all


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In the beginning was the "Word"! And from the shape of things to come we will need our best and brightest to come forth, dig deeper into hearts and minds to find the "words' that lead us on to a better path of "for the greater good of us all"! I prefer a Rennaissance to bloody Revolution!

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Amen. Wake up people

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Dear Tess , i am so grateful, excited and full of enthusiasm to be part of the better way ❤️ blessings , i may not meet you or get to speak to you in person but i truly feel our one goal for truth and rights for all humanity now and the future connects us wherever we may be in person 🙏🏼

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With you in spirit but not in person! Good luck in getting the truth out there! Mick from Hooe (UK).

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Looking forward to being part of the next three days and to immersing myself in the company of like minded people. It has been more than a bit lonely here in deepest darkest Devon the past two years💖💖

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Congratulations on this achievement Dr Tess Lawrie. It is great to see the southern African spirit in action.

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God bless you all.

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It was a great first day. It is obvious that more will come!

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Thanks for hosting this event!

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¨Fear of death does not prevent you from dying but it prevents you from living!¨

Music, Sanity Saver! A group of artists did a protestation in Paris Gare de l'Est Train Station already a year ago. They did many but in my opinion, this was the best one. English Subtitles.

Le Retour ! "DANSER ENCORE" - Flashmob - Gare de l'Est - 8 Avril 2021 6:30 min


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Thank you Heather. Let's continue to speak out the truth, keep dancing and our JOIE DE VIVRE!

On the mean time, what kind of species are we if we cannot protect our kids against those psychopath predators with there poisonous vaccines?

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The lies from big pharma/big tech owned media are horryfying. My son thinks Fauci is the good guy and Kennedy, Malone, Yeaden etc are the bad guys.

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This is completely insane and criminal! From the CDC : ¨All babies should get the first shot of hepatitis B vaccine within 24 hours of birth.¨ https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/parents/by-age/newborn-birth.html

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Vaccine Excipient Summary-Excipients Included in U.S. Vaccines by Vaccine-February 2020 - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/b/excipient-table-2.pdf

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Appendix B-8Appendix B


Appendix B_Web.indd 8 11/1/2021 10:27:00 AM

Vaccine Excipient Table

Vaccine (Trade Name) Package

Insert Date Contains (a)

Adenovirus 10/2019 monosodium glutamate, sucrose, D-mannose, D-fructose, dextrose, human serum

albumin, potassium phosphate, plasdone C, anhydrous lactose, microcrystalline

cellulose, polacrilin potassium, magnesium stearate, cellulose acetate phthalate,

alcohol, acetone, castor oil, FD&C Yellow #6 aluminum lake dye

Anthrax (Biothrax) 11/2015 aluminum hydroxide, sodium chloride, benzethonium chloride, formaldehyde

BCG (Tice) 02/2009 glycerin, asparagine, citric acid, potassium phosphate, magnesium sulfate, iron

ammonium citrate, lactose

Cholera (Vaxchora) 06/2016 ascorbic acid, hydrolyzed casein, sodium chloride, sucrose, dried lactose, sodium

bicarbonate, sodium carbonate

Dengue (Dengvaxia) 06/2019 sodium chloride, essential amino acids (including L-phenylalanine), non-essential

amino acids, L-arginine hydrochloride, sucrose, D-trehalose dihydrate, D-sorbitol,

trometamol, urea

DT (Sanofi) 06/2018 aluminum phosphate, isotonic sodium chloride, formaldehyde

DTaP (Daptacel) 01/2021(b) aluminum phosphate, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, 2-phenoxyethanol

DTaP (Infanrix) 01/2021(b) formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide, sodium chloride, polysorbate 80 (Tween 80)

DTaP-IPV (Kinrix) 01/2021(b) formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide, sodium chloride, polysorbate 80 (Tween

80), neomycin sulfate, polymyxin B

DTaP-IPV (Quadracel) 02/2021 formaldehyde, aluminum phosphate, 2-phenoxyethanol, polysorbate 80,

glutaraldehyde, neomycin, polymyxin B sulfate, bovine serum albumin

DTaP-HepB-IPV (Pediarix) 01/2021(b) formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, sodium chloride,

polysorbate 80 (Tween 80), neomycin sulfate, polymyxin B, yeast protein

DTaP-IPV/Hib (Pentacel) 12/2019 aluminum phosphate, polysorbate 80, sucrose, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde,

bovine serum albumin, 2-phenoxyethanol, neomycin, polymyxin B sulfate

DTaP-IPV-Hib-HepB (Vaxelis) 10/2020 polysorbate 80, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, bovine serum albumin,

neomycin, streptomycin sulfate, polymyxin B sulfate, ammonium thiocyanate,

yeast protein, aluminum

Ebola Zaire (ERVEBO) 01/2021(b) Tromethamine, rice-derived recombinant human serum albumin, host cell DNA,

benzonase, rice protein

Hib (ActHIB) 05/2019 sodium chloride, formaldehyde, sucrose

Hib (Hiberix) 04/2018 formaldehyde, sodium chloride, lactose

Hib (PedvaxHIB) 01/2021(b) amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, sodium chloride

Hep A (Havrix) 01/2021(b) MRC-5 cellular proteins, formalin, aluminum hydroxide, amino acid supplement,

phosphate-buffered saline solution, polysorbate 20, neomycin sulfate,

aminoglycoside antibiotic

Hep A (Vaqta) 01/2021(b) amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, non-viral protein, DNA, bovine

albumin, formaldehyde, neomycin, sodium borate, sodium chloride, other

process chemical residuals

Hep B (Engerix-B) 01/2021(b) aluminum hydroxide, yeast protein, sodium chloride, disodium phosphate

dihydrate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate

Hep B (Recombivax) 12/2018 formaldehyde, potassium aluminum sulfate, amorphous aluminum

hydroxyphosphate sulfate, yeast protein

Hep B (Heplisav-B) 05/2020 yeast protein, yeast DNA, deoxycholate, phosphorothioate linked

oligodeoxynucleotide, sodium phosphate, dibasic dodecahydrate, sodium

chloride, monobasic dehydrate, polysorbate 80

Hep A/Hep B (Twinrix) 01/2021(b) MRC-5 cellular proteins, formalin, aluminum phosphate, aluminum hydroxide,

amino acids, sodium chloride, phosphate buffer, polysorbate 20, neomycin

sulfate, yeast protein

HPV (Gardasil 9) 08/2020 amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, sodium chloride,

L-histidine, polysorbate 80, sodium borate, yeast protein

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Appendix BAppendix B-9B

Appendix B_Web.indd 9 11/1/2021 10:27:00 AM

Vaccine (Trade Name) Package

Insert Date Contains (a)

Influenza (Afluria)


03/2021 sodium chloride, monobasic sodium phosphate, dibasic sodium phosphate,

monobasic potassium phosphate, potassium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium

taurodeoxycholate, ovalbumin, sucrose, neomycin sulfate, polymyxin B, beta-

propiolactone, hydrocortisone, thimerosal (multi-dose vials)

Influenza (Fluad)


03/2021 squalene, polysorbate 80, sorbitan trioleate, sodium citrate dihydrate, citric acid

monohydrate, neomycin, kanamycin, hydrocortisone, egg protein, formaldehyde

Influenza (Fluarix)


2021 octoxynol-10 (TRITON X-100), α-tocopheryl hydrogen succinate, polysorbate

80 (Tween 80), hydrocortisone, gentamicin sulfate, ovalbumin, formaldehyde,

sodium deoxycholate, sodium phosphate-buffered isotonic sodium chloride

Influenza (Flublok)


03/2021 sodium chloride, monobasic sodium phosphate, dibasic sodium phosphate,

polysorbate 20 (Tween 20), baculovirus and Spodoptera frugiperda cell proteins,

baculovirus and cellular DNA, Triton X-100

Influenza (Flucelvax)


10/2021(b) Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cell protein, phosphate buffered saline,

protein other than HA, MDCK cell DNA, polysorbate 80, cetyltrimethlyammonium

bromide, and β-propiolactone, thimerosal (multi-dose vials)

Influenza (Flulaval)


2021 ovalbumin, formaldehyde, sodium deoxycholate, α-tocopheryl hydrogen

succinate, polysorbate 80, phosphate-buffered saline solution

Influenza (Fluzone)


2021 formaldehyde, egg protein, octylphenol ethoxylate (Triton X-100), sodium

phosphate-buffered isotonic sodium chloride solution, thimerosal (multi-dose


Influenza (Fluzone)

High Dose (c)

07/2021 egg protein, octylphenol ethoxylate (Triton X-100), sodium phosphate-buffered

isotonic sodium chloride solution, formaldehyde

Influenza (FluMist)


08/2021 monosodium glutamate, hydrolyzed porcine gelatin, arginine, sucrose, dibasic

potassium phosphate, monobasic potassium phosphate, ovalbumin, gentamicin

sulfate, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)

IPV (Ipol) 01/2021(b) calf bovine serum albumin, 2-phenoxyethanol, formaldehyde, neomycin,

streptomycin, polymyxin B, M-199 medium

Japanese Encephalitis (Ixiaro) 09/2018 aluminum hydroxide, protamine sulfate, formaldehyde, bovine serum albumin,

host cell DNA, sodium metabisulphite, host cell protein

MenACWY (Menactra) 04/2018 sodium phosphate buffered isotonic sodium chloride solution, formaldehyde,

diphtheria toxoid protein carrier

MenACWY (MenQuadfi) 01/2021(b) sodium chloride, sodium acetate, formaldehyde

MenACWY (Menveo) 07/2020 formaldehyde, CRM protein197

MenB (Bexsero) 01/2021(b) aluminum hydroxide, sodium chloride, histidine, sucrose, kanamycin

MenB (Trumenba) 2018 polysorbate 80, aluminum phosphate, histidine buffered saline

MMR (MMR-II) 12/2020 sorbitol, sucrose, hydrolyzed gelatin, recombinant human albumin, neomycin,

fetal bovine serum, WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts

MMRV (ProQuad)

(Frozen: Recombinant


01/2021(b) MRC-5 cells including DNA and protein, sucrose, hydrolyzed gelatin, sodium

chloride, sorbitol, monosodium L-glutamate, sodium phosphate dibasic,

recombinant human albumin, sodium bicarbonate, potassium phosphate

monobasic, potassium chloride, potassium phosphate dibasic, neomycin, bovine

calf serum, other buffer and media ingredients

PCV13 (Prevnar 13) 08/2017 CRM carrier protein, polysorbate 80, succinate buffer, aluminum phosphate197

PPSV-23 (Pneumovax) 09/2020 isotonic saline solution, phenol

Rabies (Imovax) 10/2019 human albumin, neomycin sulfate, phenol red, beta-propiolactone

Rabies (RabAvert) 2018 chicken protein, polygeline (processed bovine gelatin), human serum albumin,

potassium glutamate, sodium EDTA, ovalbumin, neomycin, chlortetracycline,

amphotericin B

Rotavirus (RotaTeq) 01/2021 (b) sucrose, sodium citrate, sodium phosphate monobasic monohydrate, sodium hydroxide, polysorbate 80, cell culture media, fetal bovine serum

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I would love to attend but I guess I'll just have to wait and hear what you have to say about it I just can't afford it. Because of everything I had to quit my job because I wouldn't wear a mask or get vaccinated and so now I am unemployed and very low on cash. It's so frustrating because if anybody wants to get involved in anything it cost money it's very frustrating.

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Good luck with all of this

I wish to give people an example of one of the things that will happen if the WHO get control of our lives - it's not only going to be the homeless being chased around in public - labeled as 'mentally ill' - by nurses wielding injections of god knows what.... https://patents.google.com/patent/US9539210B2/en

Happening now OK...

https://vimeo.com/206396594 13mins in

"The nurses will give depo injections where they see the clients if that's in the day centre or a park or a toilet of MacDonalds then they'll do it because that's where it's needed."

Those depo injections would be major tranquilizers.. neuroleptics - very toxic drugs totally degrading and harming peoples lives further.

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How can nurse humans do this. These are not nurses they are Hitlers helpers.

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There's an interesting documentary made a few years back by a US medical school about nurses in the Third Reich. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz8ge4aw8Ws Our healthcare services have gone far enough down the same path that the documentary would not be made in the same way nowadays, certainly not the conclusion at the end.

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Yes it is incredible this is and has been going on and the psychiatrist feels totally justified in destroying human rights in the deluded belief the toxic drugs are some kind of solution

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Australian Doctors Finally Speak Out! Part 1

¨Over the past two years, no professional group has been silenced, threatened, or targeted more than Australian doctors. So many have stayed silent because of organisations such as AHPRA and various Medical Boards threatening to suspend or de-register them if they dare voice their genuine concerns as physicians.

For the first time in a conference of this nature, a group of brave Australian doctors have finally decided to speak out about what they and their patients have been subjected to, the ways the government and TGA have skewed the safety and efficacy data of the COVID-19 vaccines, purposeful suppression of early treatment that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and the danger of continuing the COVID-19 vaccination program.

Australia and the whole world is currently at risk. The World Health Organization who is largely responsible for millions of deaths globally is currently proposing a global Pandemic Treaty which seeks to give the WHO complete control over every country. More information about this can be found on the Interviews Page on this website.¨ Read More


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I hope that germ theory is finally put to bed at your conference -please see my demolition of HIV/AIDS many thanks, Jo https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/the-importance-of-intellectual-freedom?s=w

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