I became a Founding supporter to you and many others to contribute to your substack because I want to be supportive to you and a handful of others. Doing so is it’s own satisfaction.

I do not feel the need for any extra. The model you’ve adopted of being fully open with a subscription option is one I wish others would use as well

I have now arrived at a place where my budget requires I reduce my total expense but I truly believe that you and others saved MY life and my wife (and no doubt many others). What is that worth? Impossible to measure.

You need change little in my view.

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What a lovely comment, thank you Dennis.

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You are most welcome.

My only brother developed blood clots 17 days after booster and died almost 1 year ago. It is more than coincidence in my view and certainly more than anecdotal!

I am certain without substack I would have lost my mind in the last 3 years!

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I’m so sorry for your loss, Dennis.

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I’m sorry for your loss, Dennis. I would imagine it’s especially difficult knowing he would be here if he had made different choices.

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It certainly is. Thank you. He trusted his doctor too much.

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I contribute to your substack because I want to be supportive of your effort, and I do the same for a handful of others. Contributing is its own satisfaction and I don’t feel the need for an extra. The model you’ve adopted of being fully open with a subscription option is one I wish others would use as well.

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Thank you, John. Much appreciated.

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Tess, what would motivate me to contribute is a subscription business model for Substack (Locals, etc.) where we could pay so much for x number of publications. It's just too costly for most of us to support everyone we'd like to who are putting out thoughtful and reliable content.

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Yes, this is an excellent suggestion.

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My problem is that there are so many of you that I want to support. If monthly subscriptions are set even as low as a minimum of £5, I can't afford it. Therefore I suggest that you ask supporters to set the amount they pay. Maybe you already do, in which case - my apologies!

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a solution would be if there would come a combined subscription like Medium did. But there is hardly anyone left on Medium I would read so I switched. Substackers now ALL want money. That is just too much.

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Yes, I appreciate a combined subscription would be an excellent option for people.

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I also like the Combo Subscription idea.

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Tess, this is a tough call and I really feel your dilemma.

I can accept either choice you ultimately make but I will feel "locked out" if I can't comment. I feel so connected to you and you don't know me from a bar of soap! I am a member of Mobeen's community and was 'there' when you first spoke out publicly and when Paul Marik first stuck his head up too and then the gates opened. I know you all by name, face and profession. If I saw any of you in the street I would have no hesitation in calling out your name and to greet you like a close friend.

I would like to have access to your opinions because I hold your opinions in high regard and I am one who is hungry to learn where it is evident to me the bearer of the knowledge is of a high calibre, very well experienced, has the correct focus and depth of character to be honest (my opinion).

I would like to continue to have access to comment without having to pay for the privilege, and I do consider it a privilege. I'm not a troll, but understand that a paid subscription is a tool to keep out the nuisance trolls ... it may not make any difference to the corporate trolls. Their budget is probably well funded.

Perhaps a paid membership similar to how Dr Chris Martensen PhD (Peak Prosperity) has set up for his community might be worth considering. That being said I don't subscribe because I believe I wouldn't benefit from having it and I am happy learning what he shares publicly for free. This is because his knowledge (like yours) is well above my pay-grade. That being said, I have learnt an enormous amount over the course of these last 3 yrs.

You could offer ticketed special events online that were small in number so that conversations can actually be shared between attendees and presenter (you). These events could be themed around your substacks for the month, and this then could attract a topically specific and both lay and educated audience that could also build (grow) into another valuable network.

We are in need of trustworthy educators and mentors, with integrity and conscience and compassion. I think that almost sums you up.

If you ever come to Australia, I want a ticket to a front row seat. Thank you Tess Lawrie, you are the sunshine when things seem bleak.

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Thank you for your lovely comment. If we ever do meet in the street, please do say hello! Rest assured I would never stop the ability to comment, I would miss people's participation very much. The Chat feature I'm suggesting is a new one from Substack that is separate to comments, where people can have discussions amongst themselves - including me. I like your idea of special events very much.

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Thank you Tess, Ah, so this would be an additional feature. I think that has merit, in particular for people with a personal need who are looking for educational discussion and opinion. This could open communicating with professionals who have decades of experience and that is something one cannot buy, is in short supply and of a high need.

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Yes, please, a front row seat when you come to Australia! :) I have been following you since that first time you spoke about what was happening to medical research - it broke my heart, but I'm so grateful for all the work that you and others, qualified to speak, have done and continue to do - I am attempting to talk my husband into giving a small amount monthly - what you're doing is however invaluable! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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I would like all options, but would prefer Chat, because i feel totally on my own, with my thoughts and ideas, and would love to hear feedback, and advice from others. I am on Telegram, but not one group replys to questions, or ideas.

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Dr. Tess, thank you for your newsletter and standing for what is right. I am a free subscriber with very little disposable income. And I live quite frugally. I know there are many like me. One suggestion to maybe encourage some to pay for additional content is to partner with one or more companies like Zelenko Foundation or myfreedoctor or the wellness company to get a 5% or so discount off products.

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Thank you, an excellent suggestion!

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I don't care much for either, but I would like to be able to comment and read comments. I am on a limited budget and subscribe to a handful of substackers at a time. I also have to 2 regular megazine subscriptions, a total cost of almost 400 bucks a year. For those that block me from commenting, there is no hope of getting me paying for a subscription ! I just unsubscribed from 2 who did that.

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Anything that prevents these ideas getting out, such as making people pay, is a bad idea. I do pay but there are lots of other places I could use that money more effectively if poor people are going to be treated differently here. The whole concept of the common good is that those who can afford it pay what they can and that we stick together and don't treat poor people differently. When I was an engineer I would often be given special privileges on flights such as early boarding or fast track scanning of bags etc but I never took those up as I saw them as fundamentally unfair and about separating us into groups like cattle. I could never understand why for example on the exact same day my dad and I returned home from a once in a lifetime trip to New York and had to stand for hours in a queue in the UK to get back into the UK George W Bush was whisked from his flight at Heathrow to Buckingham palace without having to go through any of that in MY country not his. I also never once saw any member of the "royal" family or the government stand for hours in those queues. We want to be different from them not be led astray by them.

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Thanks for your comment John, I am with you on creating a fair and inclusive community. This is why I do not want to take anything away.

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I'm skint. Personally I feel shut out if I cannot comment, I feel we should be growing a community here in these Substacks. Most of us disseminate the information which is vital in these hellish times. How about the paupers get stuff late?

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I think Kirsch or Berenson takes that approach (“later” -- unlocked after 2-3 days) and I like that.

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I am just popping in quickly regarding the audio feature. I'm not sure if the articles would be read by you, Tess, and in that case, it would be nice to hear your voice.

However, if it is simply to allow busy people or people who are traveling to hear an article read aloud, on iPhone there is a feature within the phone that allows any article on the internet to be read aloud by your phone. It would take me a bit to explain it here, but videos are available online that teach you how to do it.

I am sure that these features exist for android phones as well. I also have such a feature within my PC.

For voting purposes, I would prefer to have a chat feature with Tess, the WCH, and other members of the community.

Above all, I am happy for any content from this team.

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Thanks Heather - yes, one of our team has an app that can create audio versions, we're looking into it.

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I voted for Audio. In your voice would be way better than what’s currently available for free on iPhone/IOS.

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Glenn Greenwald wrote a long letter to his subscribers, explaining why he was leaving Substack. He will be doing video programming on Rumble , and made an arrangement with Rumble to have his paid Substack subscribers transfer to Rumble’s Locals platform without cost. Why did he decide to do this? Exposure. Video gives him 2 million views v. a few hundreds on the “Stack.” Tess, this platform exploded due to censorship. I have a few dozen founding member subs & will be cutting back. While I’m fortunate to be able to afford the subs, what’s happening is a great deal of redundancy. I would have thought by now new programming would have developed that would feature our top experts like you, while you continue to publish on substack, with levels of paid subs. One of the best video programs has consistently been Chris Martenson’s Peak Prosperity. It is just superb & offers multi-level subscription options. Video is key. I’d suggest you do a free video & keep publishing via paid membership. Also, consider Twitter again. Exposure is critical. Draw people into your video (Musk is developing longer video) & have your free chat via Twitter.

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Agree about Twitter.

I find Rumble difficult to navigate, but maybe it’s become more intuitive with practice.

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From: Steven Schulte, PhD

Dear Tess,

Great work you are doing!

Please consider: You have asked many times what can be done about the growing stress and division in the UK, US, and EU that is tearing our nations apart, and making the populations less healthy and immune from disease. I'm a veteran who has been asking the same question, and looking into potential ways of reducing the division and disharmony (along with reducing ill health, crime, homicide and other negative tendencies in society). There is so much we see in the media about problems, of sickness, crime, war, etc. But there is almost NO consideration of potential programs to create health, harmony and peace. This is extraordinarily important and is being overlooked.

There are now more than 20 published scientific research papers -- in significant journals -- on the effectiveness of a consciousness-based technology for reducing stress, conflict, and creating a more peaceful environment.

The NEW YORK POST did a story about the latest peer-reviewed and published research finding two weeks ago: 'Group Meditation Curbs Tragedy on a National Level, Study' https://nypost.com/2022/12/29/group-meditation-curbs-tragedy-on-a-national-level-study/

This 17 year-long, $75 million research project produced results that can only be seen as remarkable.

Please interview someone about this important finding. Dr John Hagelin is a Harvard-trained PhD in Physics and a world leader in unified quantum field theory. As the President of the Global Union of Scientists for Peace (GUSP.org), he is a brilliant researcher and spokesperson in this emerging area of science. He is the best person to interview about this research. Here he is interviewed by the Huff Post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zsPr36PPYc&t=60s

We can all agree that the world desperately needs to consider practical, proven ways of creating and maintaining health, harmony and peace! And we can also agree that much of the MSM shows little interest in solutions.

Thanks again for all you do! If I can help in any way, please let me know.

Best Wishes, Steve

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Thank you Steve! I will check it out.

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If I were sufficiently solvent to purchase paid subscriptions, I'd do it on principle.

You have good enough content to justify it without adding anything, I'm just in the wrong socioeconomic caste to afford paid subs.

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You mentioned you don't want to take anything away, but to add something. I think it is a good idea to keep all the important content (i.e. information that could help save humanity) free, since you want it to reach as many as possible. Hence, for any "extra" content for paid subscribers, you could consider things like 'Behind the Scenes' stuff (i.e. 'The Making Of" or "More About Tess," or "Extra Info About..." etc.)

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Audio is important and limiting to paid limits your growth. You should record it yourself for the best effect

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