¨I have yet to meet a Physician that will sign this form now downloaded by hundreds of parents. The reason they won’t sign is two-fold: First, they do not want to place themselves in a vulnerable position of being negligent for not providing informed consent to thousands of other parents; and second, many of them realize after their own extensive research that the risks far outweigh any benefits when it comes to vaccination.
It’s been over a year since hundreds of parents have downloaded this form and there are still no reports of any signatures. Many physicians won’t even look at the form while they dismiss a parent’s anti-vaccination stance as ridiculous. The behavior is a clear indication of a very misinformed Physician who does not have his or her patient’s best interests at heart. They are not willing to inform their patients of the risks, only the benefits they feel are acceptable. They are not open-minded to any other side of the debate except their own bias view passed down through the medical system.
Then are those Physicians who have questioned the vaccination schedules and will pursue their own research. Many of them are now awakening themselves thanks to ongoing research and pressure from parents and even other colleagues to look at other perspectives besides their own indoctrination. If you are pressured by any Physician to vaccinate, please download and print this form (and send us a Physician signed copy if possible). Assertively state to your Doctor that it is the only way you will be fully informed to consider vaccination and that an analysis of the risks and benefits will better allow you to evaluate the decision.
¨100% of Physicians approached with this form have so far declined to sign it.¨ Read More
Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety Form
The following form was adapted from Ken Anderson’s original.
Brilliant letter, stating the facts that in Australia the TGA, AMA and MSM choose to ignore given the ongoing advertising that the latest Covid 19 booster is safe and effective. It’s got to stop. I urge everyone to do this preferably during a consult with your doctor. I’ve been feeding my doctor info for 3 years now and I know he knows but remains silent. He embraced the Vit D info I printed 2 years ago. When I hand him this notice on Monday, I hope he takes it on board. It’s bound to cause a stir in the tea room. It’s time this madness stops!
I am going to try out this letter next Friday. I have a meeting with the Primary Care Network who provide vaccinations for my mum. My mum is in a care home for 1 year with dementia. I refused consent for all her vaccinations, but on reading her medical notes, I see she has had 2 covid and 1 flu jab, without my knowledge or consent. I have POA. will let you know how it goes. Thanks for all you do!
The mandate was issued under Emergency Use Authorization because we were deemed to have been in a State of Emergency. In the USA, in a declared State of Emergency ALL civil rights are suspended. Because it was EUA it means that not only the manufacturer is exempt from liability but the doctors and other people involved in administering the shots are covered too. Although the letter is good I am not sure that it will have any impact as all the significant players have beeb given legal immunity by the Declaration of a State of Emergency and the Emergency Use Authorization which followed.
I think that rather than draft a letter such as this, which will create conflict between doctor and prospective patient it would be far more helpful to compile a list of doctors who will honor patient and parental wishes and not push patients into getting vaccinated or parents into vaccinating their children.
Thanks for making this point, Creole Gumbo. I agree this would be ideal. We have been trying to do this for some time and it is not that easy. In the UK, with the NHS, people are more or less allocated a doctors practice according to where they live and there is often no choice as to which doctor you see. However, as soon as possible we will see if we can allocate resources to the task that you suggest and, if you have such a list in your country, please share it with me by DM. Many thanks!
It is already mandatory for children to be vaxed in California. Pediatric practices will deny care to an unvaxed child. There are exemptions but basically it would be difficult to obtain and the decision is not one of parental choice but physician judgement and choice. THIS FORM WILL HAVE LITTLE TO NO IMPACT IN CALIFORNIA BECAUSE BY LAW THE DECISION TO VACCINATE IS NOT UP TO THE PARENT.
¨I have yet to meet a Physician that will sign this form now downloaded by hundreds of parents. The reason they won’t sign is two-fold: First, they do not want to place themselves in a vulnerable position of being negligent for not providing informed consent to thousands of other parents; and second, many of them realize after their own extensive research that the risks far outweigh any benefits when it comes to vaccination.
It’s been over a year since hundreds of parents have downloaded this form and there are still no reports of any signatures. Many physicians won’t even look at the form while they dismiss a parent’s anti-vaccination stance as ridiculous. The behavior is a clear indication of a very misinformed Physician who does not have his or her patient’s best interests at heart. They are not willing to inform their patients of the risks, only the benefits they feel are acceptable. They are not open-minded to any other side of the debate except their own bias view passed down through the medical system.
Then are those Physicians who have questioned the vaccination schedules and will pursue their own research. Many of them are now awakening themselves thanks to ongoing research and pressure from parents and even other colleagues to look at other perspectives besides their own indoctrination. If you are pressured by any Physician to vaccinate, please download and print this form (and send us a Physician signed copy if possible). Assertively state to your Doctor that it is the only way you will be fully informed to consider vaccination and that an analysis of the risks and benefits will better allow you to evaluate the decision.
¨100% of Physicians approached with this form have so far declined to sign it.¨ Read More
Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety Form
The following form was adapted from Ken Anderson’s original.
Download PDF English
Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety
Download PDF Espanol
Garantia Medica para la Seguridad en las Vacunas
Download PDF Francais
Formulaire a faire signer (Vaccines)
Brilliant letter, stating the facts that in Australia the TGA, AMA and MSM choose to ignore given the ongoing advertising that the latest Covid 19 booster is safe and effective. It’s got to stop. I urge everyone to do this preferably during a consult with your doctor. I’ve been feeding my doctor info for 3 years now and I know he knows but remains silent. He embraced the Vit D info I printed 2 years ago. When I hand him this notice on Monday, I hope he takes it on board. It’s bound to cause a stir in the tea room. It’s time this madness stops!
Very, very good. Thank you.
I am going to try out this letter next Friday. I have a meeting with the Primary Care Network who provide vaccinations for my mum. My mum is in a care home for 1 year with dementia. I refused consent for all her vaccinations, but on reading her medical notes, I see she has had 2 covid and 1 flu jab, without my knowledge or consent. I have POA. will let you know how it goes. Thanks for all you do!
The mandate was issued under Emergency Use Authorization because we were deemed to have been in a State of Emergency. In the USA, in a declared State of Emergency ALL civil rights are suspended. Because it was EUA it means that not only the manufacturer is exempt from liability but the doctors and other people involved in administering the shots are covered too. Although the letter is good I am not sure that it will have any impact as all the significant players have beeb given legal immunity by the Declaration of a State of Emergency and the Emergency Use Authorization which followed.
I think that rather than draft a letter such as this, which will create conflict between doctor and prospective patient it would be far more helpful to compile a list of doctors who will honor patient and parental wishes and not push patients into getting vaccinated or parents into vaccinating their children.
Thanks for making this point, Creole Gumbo. I agree this would be ideal. We have been trying to do this for some time and it is not that easy. In the UK, with the NHS, people are more or less allocated a doctors practice according to where they live and there is often no choice as to which doctor you see. However, as soon as possible we will see if we can allocate resources to the task that you suggest and, if you have such a list in your country, please share it with me by DM. Many thanks!
It is already mandatory for children to be vaxed in California. Pediatric practices will deny care to an unvaxed child. There are exemptions but basically it would be difficult to obtain and the decision is not one of parental choice but physician judgement and choice. THIS FORM WILL HAVE LITTLE TO NO IMPACT IN CALIFORNIA BECAUSE BY LAW THE DECISION TO VACCINATE IS NOT UP TO THE PARENT.