Excellent news - a good number in your shop are already in my personal book depot but I will definitely buy from you in the future.

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Thank you so much, Patricia.

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Well said

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Very welcome, and easy to recommend to friends.

The last observation is very important: the people and institutions behind the fake pandemic have given us plenty of warning that they are moving to erase online dissent and honest medical information and advice.

We can expect the 'resistance', in so far as it exists and is enabled online, to disappear completely perhaps as soon as 2024-25.

It is clear that this will be vital to them, in order to make the next fake successful and leave people without guidance and trustworthy information, only official sources being available.

There is no sign at all that their grip on the MSM and the 'public health' institutions is weakening.

One should prepare for this, mentally, as for a time of war and invasion. We are merely enjoying a temporary lull at the moment.

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Excellent idea. Recommended reading: “Off-grid Projects”, “Foraged & Grown”, “Wilding: How to Bring Wildlife Back”, “The Self-Sufficiency Garden”, “The Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency”. You will save a lot of money and become at least partly autonomous. And you will gain control over the most important areas of your life.

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How about the Final Pandemic by Drs Sam and Mark Bailey. xxx

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I wanted to write a comment about the crypto post, but that went to that person's unstack not yours. I wrote a few comments on that substack about some issues with bitcoin and social value. but I wanted to write a comment on your substack because I wanted to share an idea that might be dangerous in way of digital currency , but also has the potential to use private capital to offset certain social controls being proposed for the future.

a friend of mine has been looking to create a community land development project in Mexico, primarily for those seeking safer places to exist without being forced into a life of injecting experimental stuff, etc. while helping her to identify action plans and how to separate the land from the community and stuff,

I realized that it may be possible to create community land trusts where the land is held for community use and turned into a crypto that can be traded, without having an effect of the land that is in trust. and essentially solving a crypto issue of finite representation . crypto based on gold and such means that there needs to be a reserve, and like the reserve of the past it can just disappear. but the most natural currency reserve that is finite is actually land. I thought of keep ing to myself with maybe the potential of making billions like these greedy crypto people ,but I see it actually has social value and can be used to solve some of the housing issues and community issues =we are seeing world wide.

I wish I could work with some people to create this kind of platform. so there you go.

thank for your courage , you amazed and amaze me with your commitment to truth and empowerment of others.

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Great news about a book shop.

I have tried several times writing to WCH tell you about some extremely informative and I find valuable books, but have never received a reply - perhaps because you haven't had a shop? They are authors, professionals in their fields, who have written about health and education, where both are heading currently and what new directions are desperately needed, incorporating a holistic, truly health oriented view. They are not high-flying best-sellers (yet!) in the alternatives market -- perhaps what you are more looking for? -- but would love to recommend them again. They are all to be found under InterActions360.org. I would be happy to send copies.

The latest book, published last month, which Amazon refuses to list the paperback of (though it is on Kindle), is "Immunity and Individuality: What children need for their healthy development -- for life" by Dr Thomas Hardtmuth. Perhaps WCH could list it?!

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Is Turtles all the way down coming in your bookshop?

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Absolutely wonderful. I like Patricia's comment below

I try to support genuine book shops in my town.

I absolutely agree with buying books from trusted suppliers..

I will definitely patronize this outlet.

Are you the author of any book which will deliver a financial benefit to you if I buy it?

I will today set in motion a procedure to buy a book which purports to support those willfully damaged by the jab. Do you have any other suggestions?

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