I get the sense both "ministers" are selected specifically (by "someone") for cluelessness and lack of domain expertise. Otherwise they might object. And we can't have that. Incompetence by Design.

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The slogan "No one is safe until everyone is safe," is a WEF meme. Or a good sounding phrase coming from the powerful (exploitative) class at the UN. The WHO repeats this too.


No one is safe, until everyone is



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I have some interesting anagrams of "No one is safe until everyone is safe," which only has 13 individual letters of the alphabet. One is

ie ye en virus Satan loonies offense

Better perhaps is

Fie yes a lot of AI universe nonsense

The whole thing is an utter farce, yet so many seem to believe it.

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Great work Tess and WCH.

Gracias. Displaying their level of idiocy is actually a powerful step in the right direction.

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It has been one of the biggest shocks to realise that our elected representatives are overwhelmingly clueless, incompetent and totally impervious to the genuine concerns of their constituents and/or any expression which contradicts 'the narrative'. We have elected a bunch of indocrinated 'robots'. With of course a few notable exceptions. I have written to my MP more than once about vaccine harms and the changes to the International Health Regulations and the Pandemic Treaty - the response has been ZERO.

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All the absent MPs should be made permanently so at the next election.

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Merry Christmas Tess and to your crew :)

Maryse Letarte - Boom Boom (Merry Little Christmas) 2:46 min https://youtu.be/Uq5Xi2EIExY

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Thanks so much, Tess, for the petition and for this astute analysis of the "debate" on Monday. You summed up democracy in British Politics beautifully : " all three expressed perfunctory platitudes relating to Covid and the season, coming across similarly contrived and condescending on all three deliveries. Hardly incisive thinking from public figures elected to serve the British people."

Stephenson's"team" of CS are supposed to have come up with their objections already; the deadline was already 18 days old. What have the CS team been doing for 18 months? Probably exactly what they would have done without this petition - NOTHING!

Either these (Tory & Labour) ministers truly ARE clueless OR the UK government is essentially complicit in the WHO power grab.... OR Both! ;)

But, with each step, more people become awake and aware. We need to keep the momentum going. India has just rejected the IHR amendment. They are ignoring the so-called deadline too, just like the UK gov. The only way is public pressure. I am trying to think of a follow-up topic for another petition

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Kind of ironic - and revealing - that the party and government most associated with Brexit ("take back control") is seemingly happy with this massive power grab and assault on liberty and health.

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The parties have all been 'grabbed' already by darker forces seeking to undermine the notion of Brexit.

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It is so astonishing that major countries have representatives that have no clue of their reposnsibilities regarding the implementation of policies that impounds on their constituencies, or, if they do, couldn't care less.. It is no different here in South Africa and all of our polical parties have failed us completely. And still none of them have questioned any aspect of the lcokdowns/clotshots/cbullshit etc etc. But I have personally (once again) had a very rude awakening: .I have always believed (here in SA) that our Constitutional Democracy was/will be our saviing grace: After FOURTEEN years of lititgation representing myself and I have been blocked from every avenue to reach a hearing in the Labour Court (if the Ed. Dept. had nothing to fear regarding me having a hearing, why did they pull every trick in the book to keep this case from being heard?? case D704/15) My appeal to the appeal court was rejected. I hence approached the CC on the basis of my right to a fair hearing having been violated. The first violation (there were others) was due to perjury committed by an ED. Dept. Representative in 2010 who withheld vital application forms from teh first arbitration hearing. This only came to light 5 years later when I was sent back to the arbitration process by Judge Cele of the Labour court (caseF593/10) However, having made application to the CC none of the REspondents contested the application. The CC c ourt ruled that the case has 'very little chance of success'. I kid you not. In other words, not matter what the rule of law is, no matter what violations have been called, we, the 8 Judges of the CC, will overrule the constitutional principals, or the rule of law, and apply our own judgement. Having done that they give carte blanch to any organisation or any government official to do anything they like for any reason. i.e. the rules of the Education department trump the rules of the Constitution. You cannot make this stuff up.

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Merry Christmas to a very gracious lady and her forward-working team of self-aware Brits - from Canada. Perhaps the UK MPs got the same statement from those they are truly employed by/Pinto position. example: IHR Amendments - (Health) petition - closed and responded to by Canadian MP. His response is here: ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4401 Sound familiar? Perhaps at the next WCH meeting the participants would like to share notes on the responses by MP Health to their petitions from 'round the world :-) If you delete 4401 + put in its place 4701 Canadians (Democratic Process) "No Confidence Vote" with 365,873 with 3 days to go, as few outside Canada truly understand the hatred for OUR penetrated cabinet AND Exit UN & ALL subsidiary departments, including WHO with 60,923 signatures. Americans have had all they can take with x2 (1 congress and 1 Senate) to stop paying for its own destruction! The Supreme Court of ?Oregon? State has removed Trump from the ballot, which is "bigly" a mistake to further incite a civil way. It shall not succeed! Not certain if that was done before or after the Italian MP Health was charged with burying the vax figures.

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I wanted to mention a side concept. People need a moral framework in which to function. One of the simplest is "might makes right." No questions allowed.

This is why a one world government will also tend to formulate a one world (religion) moral framework. Persecution of the "evil" outsiders (you and me 😁) will naturally follow in a collectivist system.

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Dr. Lawrie, I would like to bounce an explanatory, religious/philosophical explanation off you for the marked critical disinterest our leaders have for the actions and words of their "superiors." You may have noticed from my previous comments I have studied the personality disorder and reality distortions of narcissism.

I am going to compare the hierarchies of government, the UN, WEF & WHO to an old, organized church. "Good" people bow before those above them. For example, Dr. Fauci "is the science" and to question him is not only dangerous to others (who will silence you to prove their virtue), questioning "pope" Fauci (or Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus) also proves you are a "bad" person.

MPs don't like being bad people. They prove their virtue by looking good, by complying with the system and supporting their "superiors." No serious questioning. Not competently doing their jobs as protectors of common law and protectors of the rights of the people, or however you have these across the pond. Competently doing their jobs is a lot of work and can threaten those above them. They know doing their job (challenging the system) can and will draw unpleasant attention, which can get as bad as the legal persecution of Mr. Trump, the ultimate villain.

I don't know how to snap people out of their "religious" complacency in the hierarchies of power. They draw safety, unearned benefits, and sanctioned virtue. But understanding problems is a step towards solving problems. I thought I should share the problem, as I see it. 😁

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Re "...understanding problems is a step towards solving problems."

Exposing them is the next thing.

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Dec 20, 2023
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A day at a time….

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