What I don’t understand is how so many “good people”, with a high degree of intelligence, from doctors to Presidents, are so vehemently advocating for this vaccine. How is this possible?

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They don't stray outside the mainstream narrative. My misses in a neurologist and has too much work (and trust in the system) to start delving into the rabbit holes that I go down.

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Too much work or trust in the system is just and excuse.

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This week an NHS anaesthetist told me laughingly " yes, but my wife likes my pay cheque" I asked him if he has children. Yes he has two. I don't know what has happened to that instinct to protect the young of the species. Once in the South African bush I observed the ferocity with which a bushbuck doe rushed out to intervene when her baby innocently came nose to nose with a reptile. Where is that ferocity one would expect to see in human parents now? I am astonished at its absence. I am still hopeful that slumbering giant will awaken though.

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Pure selfishness isnt it - in a spiritual sense so many fallen people in the hands of the wicked one

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Yes they said that at nuremberg - just doing my job etc

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Dan Astin Gregory of Elevate and The Pandemic Podcast discussed this very issue with Professor Matthias Desmet, a clinical psychologist and lecturer at Ghent university. Professor Desmet explained mass psychosis delusion and how it is a form of hypnosis.

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may I suggest a beautifully filmed documentary addressing this question?


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Just watched it, thank you for sharing. Great video.

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Yes, you may ☺️ And watch it, I will do. 🙏❤️

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They fail to see the world for what it is. They're (wrongly) convinced that the prince of lies is a mythical being.

Or, they're on the prince of lies' team and we don't want to admit it, despite all of the evidence.

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A critically important component. No use distinguishing between good & bad.

It’s between good & evil that this battle will be joined. Most don’t accept evil is real. I find it self evident.

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It’s the paradox of evil - those who are committing the atrocities believe that they are doing it for the greater good. No one believes that what they are doing is wrong or evil.

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Many of them are part of it through marxist organisations like common purpose. Probably around a million of them by now.

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Original Lisa, because they are evil people, not “good” ones. I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that it is so many - virtually the entire “leadership”, corporations, elites of the West.

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Jun 28, 2022
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I agree that, harsh though the judgement is, it’s a lot our fault (late boomers & Gen X) exactly as you described. We actively stood aside as the glue that held things together was dissolved, decade by stealthy decade (& continues today).

Church. Community. Marriage. Family. Even the concept of “our children” moved from we parents to we the government. The penultimate step involves abolition of gender.

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The name for what we are living through is post-Christendom. Christendom was the 'marriage' of church and state that lead to the establishment of top-down Christianity in European heartlands for over a millennia and a half. That era is coming to an end and with it the philosophies and values that it bred within Europe and its youthful offspring in North America and Australasia. God knows (sic) it had its faults, but it also had its strengths and it very far from clear what a post-Christendom world will become. In short, philosophies of non-benign paganism are increasingly taking over within institutions. Survival of the fittest being one of them. Humans are not just another species. We have born with the potential to become Children of God. That is what separates us from the animals.

The way ahead? The analogy that has struck me today is of the Children of Isra'el in their Exodus from Egypt. For some of us, our escape from the dictates and slavery of the Covidian faith can seem no less vital. And here we are in the wilderness, finding our way through. When the going gets tough, some of the Hebrews wanted to return to Egypt, as memories of harsh slavery were forgotten in favour of the plenitude of leeks and other flavourful foods! Others declined to embody the depth of faithfulness, based on a whole new set of values (Torah = the Teaching), that was requisite to the journey and era ahead. As a result a whole generation died in the Wilderness.

One who didn't was a man named Caleb, one of the spies who first went ahead of the Hebrew people, to spy out the land to which they were heading. One of only two of twelve spies to bring back 'a good report' — based on the belief it was possible to advance and establish a good life in the Land — Caleb was one of the few who survived the generation that perished in the wilderness, aged 85 he entered the land, full of vigour, hope and trust.

The journey through this wilderness is going to be hard. But there will be miracles and I believe there is a new land and a new community of hope ahead to be discovered, experienced, embodied. Let us not give up hope, despairing of the despots whose grasp we have escaped when others did not. Let us keep on keeping on.

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I have been assisting in some homeschooling recently and we did a lot of work on exactly this theme. Slavery can take many forms, and it can (paradoxically) be too comfortable to walk away from. We began the discussions over a Passover seder meal. One of the salient points was the longevity of the Exodus story and how it formed a thread that connected us with the distant past. The past is important to connect with and to learn from, of course. (The past being one of the "olds" Mao wanted to cut people off from, the clues are there...) The Exodus is one of the stories that forms the foundation of the Western canon, which we are now encourage to jettison. Yet the assumption that these texts are "irrational" (because they are frequently situated within the realm of the religious) is the biggest con modern life, "rationalism" tries to portray. If anyone is interested to explore this, I can recommend Yoram Hazony's "The Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture," where he fleshes out this point admirably.

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Jun 29, 2022
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>> If you don't mind, I would like to copy/paste your post and read it to my family and friends at a 4th of July holiday gathering. <<

Very happy if you want to do that, @terri — great to know that you are 'Calebs' there, in your context. I've been inspired by this thread of commentary today to consider whether there is a benefit to be realised in creating a 'space' — initially online, ultimately between one another in various forms of communal action — for 'Calebs' to 'think' through our response to what we are living through.

Living through this period of history increasingly represents a complex series of navigational choices. No one size / trajectory will fit all. Though each single person who 'keeps on keeping on' in the face of totalitarian thought represents a source of inspiration that is significantly significant — a 'sign(al) of the times'… If we can learn to 'think', we can speak, and write and encourage and ACT and TRANSFORM the world one moment, one choice, one person, one family, one household, one friendship groups at a time…

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Jun 29, 2022
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>> When will our religious leaders openly speak … connecting the current corruptions to our faith history? <<

As I discussed elsewhere in this thread, we are now fully entering the post-Christendom era. Most faith leaders were trained in and established their 'ministries' in a Christendom cultural context and paradigm — typically rooted in a theological education, both formal and philosophical in nature, which historically tends to create a clergy-laity vocational gap and (financial-) relationship-dependency. Christendom, by definition, is syncretistically aligned with established political forces. It's why, in the UK, we have Bishops in the House of Lords and, in the US, why Presidents are frequently highly vocal about their church attendance.

Now all that is gone or going fast. At the same time, most faith leaders have not kept ahead of the cultural philosophical slide into materialistic atheism / agnosticism / apathy — and its close cousin, consumerism — in their cultural messaging. This ought to have lead to a significant cultural gap betwixt religious faith and the mainstream. For those on the margins, thinking counter-culturally it has. For those closer to the established centres of culture, it hasn't. As a result, many faith leaders are not significantly counter-cultural, not able to resist the mainstream; they are increasingly part of it.

Covidianism — the cultural acceptance of the *irrationality* that has accompanied the C-19 phenomena — has produced a wholly new line in the sand. My suspicion is that religious faithful who were already counter-cultural in respect of mainstream culture may be significantly over-represented in the new coercion-resistant counter-culture. Those who found no problem aligning faith with mainstream culture — whether religious or not, including religious leaders — have been swept up with the C-19 cultus, ignoring its irrationality for the sake of a quiet life. Established churches and similar institutions amongst other faith communities might have been at the forefront of the battle for civil freedoms. Instead, they cowered and complied and failed to perceive the significance of the loss of freedom taking place openly.


On "Covidianism" I found this (I am not affiliated!): https://covidianism.com

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Jun 29, 2022Edited
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Intelligence has nothing to do with degrees or positions of power.

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Good point.

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Dr Vladimir “Zed” Zelenko — May his memory endure • a true hero

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They are taught at medical school that health comes out of the point of a needle and they never question it. Big pharma ensure that is in their courses or their Universities get no grants. They are starting to question it now but it is far too late for most of them and the poor saps they injected.

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Perhaps we are the 'generation' that will write the novels, make the documentaries, develop the philosophies that will elucidate precisely "how did all this become possible?" Perhaps we are living through an experience that will challenge us and transform us and through that process we will develop new frontiers of how life is to be lived, faithfully, within the bounds of goodness, faithfulness, mutuality and truth, amidst societies constructed and predicated on convenience, connivance, ignorance of death (sic), loss of empathy and embrace of The Lie.

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….at least those of us who remain alive, having survived a multi-faceted assault on humanity.

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These people are not as “good” as you want to believe. I see 90% uncaring self centred people everywhere all it takes is permission see Milgram experiment

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Milgram said it was 65% totally corruptable self centred and happy to let others suffer

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Brainwashing of the masses since the 1970 by CIA Dumbing down students from elementary to University! Pushing lies as facts and real so called lying science as truth! The Doctors and nurses were brainwashed in college only supplied lying propaganda as science! Common sense, Logic and Critical Thinking has disappeared from science replaced with “If it is printed it must be truth”!

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The Love of Mammon….

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Jun 28, 2022Edited
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I have just watched the video, many thanks for the link. I have also noticed the disturbing echoes in today's situation, However, unlike another respondent I do not think that the injections are to "help" (us) at all. I cannot help but see an unspoken connection between the oft mentioned concept of "depopulation" and the WWII German desire for "Lebensraum." In the face of growing evidence of injection harm, the authorities all over the western world keep forging ahead with their injections and openly speak of even further injections; and Moderna factories being built in Britain and elsewhere. They don't even bother to put on a show of concern regarding deaths and injuries, nor do they do anything about VAERS and MHRA figures. No investigations. Nothing to see here. Couple this with the drip drip mentions of resources, food shortages ("climate change") and you can see where we are heading here. Once you convince people they are acting in a "good cause" they feel able to do anything. We have to show them that this is not a "good cause."

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Agree completely. Important to note that the garden variety of politicians we see in front of us are mostly not architects in any way & have next to no idea what’s happening.

The real architects will never show themselves.

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I'm a little more suspicious of the politicians, the press, and the media in general Mike, but your point is taken. I think they have to know quite a lot if only to explain their censorious approach to sincere experts! (Your use of the word "architect" is interesting. I'm going to meditate on that one.)

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….but I’ve come face to face with (otherwise) extremely intelligent high level movers in the medical industry who are simply blinded by their belief in all the MSM lies. My only conclusion is that it’s truly a spiritual blindness where mass psychology is simply a mechanism used to manipulate those without the spiritual GIFT of discernment.

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I’m sure you are right, that Pro-narrative actors exist in all spheres.

I remain unclear how deeply each understands the bigger picture.

I’ve long thought the excuse that is given to the very inquisitive & demanding is “global warming”.

The possible narrative might be “we need action yet despite decades of trying, democracy has failed its citizens. So we must seize the reins & change course, after which democracy will resume”.

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Seeing behind the puppeteer’s curtain would reveal that your optimistic view of the their actions are unwarranted.

They want the earth’s resources to perpetuate their exclusive power and sustainability. Amalgamating all that power will eventually be co-opted by ultimate Antichrist.

Uh Ohh

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Hello Dr Yeadon, such a great photo of you and baby. Thank you for exerting yourself against the evil forces. I pray you healing and protection.

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Completely agree, they know for well what they are doing and are forging ahead no matter what.

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Yes this is no hypnosis its been shown to be wilful and conscious planning years in advance - all the patents started in 1999 !!

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Well said. Thank you 🙏❤️

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I have watched that video and the similarities between the then and now are staggering, with one small difference. The 'vaccines' are to help not kill, but it's all twisted rhetoric

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Wow. Just watched the video. Speechless. Saddened. 🙏❤️

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Dr Francis Boyle - The Covid War On Mankind. We must resist and fight back. This is WW3.

¨Dr Francis Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois. He has an extensive history defending human rights, standing against war crimes and genocide, developing the indictment of Slobodon Milosevic for genocide in Bosnai and Hersegovina, and being the author of the Biological Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989.

For decades, Dr Boyle has been the persistent champion opposing all biologic weapons. Naturally, he is now standing against the current biologic weapons programs of both the SARS CoV2 virus, and the injections which Dr Boyle appropriately calls the “Covid Frankenshots”.

Dr Boyle’s new book is titled “Resisting Medical Tyranny: Why the COVID-19 Mandates Are Criminal”.

In this interview Dr Boyle shares well researched knowledge of current bioweapons including the covid virus and the “Covid Frankenshots.” He discussed the criminals behind them, and legal remedies for the indictment of Fauci, Gates and others for murder and conspiracy to commit murder. Dr Boyle also shares insights regarding anthrax, and his thoughts on the new monkeypox agenda.¨ https://drtrozzi.org/2022/06/26/dr-francis-boyle-new-interview-the-covid-war-on-mankind/

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Francis Boyle: We Are in a War Against the Scientific Elite, This is WWIII


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Geopolitics & Empire - Mission

¨The Geopolitics & Empire Podcast conducts interviews with prominent international experts on a wide-range of topics.

Past guests have included diplomats, government officials, whistleblowers, soldiers, spies, economists, academics, scientists, wealthy investors, dissidents, journalists, and musicians.

The broadcast seeks to gain insight from guests who come from the left, right, and beyond. It should go without saying that the host does not always agree with beliefs espoused by podcast invitees, but maintains an open mind, and believes it important to respectfully listen to a multitude of voices and let listeners come to their own conclusions.¨ Read More


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WW3 is WW3 and it has already started (the economic and financial parts anyway). This happens because you people refused to take your... harmless vaccines; WW3 was plan B!

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Jun 28, 2022
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¨The Truth will set us free! We have to speak our truth all the time no matter what and stand our ground. People will start to wake up. The problem is that it's not a ¨conventional war.¨ Our politicians are bought or compromised. The medias control. Our militaries should defend us. They don't.

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The "vaccines" are a weapon. Just as abortion is a weapon. And mass starvation is a weapon.

These are deliberate policies to control and cull the population.

I'm sure some of the mid-level NWO peeps vaguely believe as you suggest: that reducing the population might not be such a bad idea anyway. But this makes it no less genocidal.

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Gee....with facts like those in evidence....what could possibly go WRONG?

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Increasingly: there's never been a 'better' time to become sceptical about the value of inoculations. *No more injections for healthy people … including healthy infants*.

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Couldn't agree more.

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I now take this position.

I’ve apologised to my young adult children (26 & 30).

Mother (30) of two boys (3 & 1) has decided no more vaccines for her kids.

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Good article. Sadly, you are too romantic in your view of humanity! Most people don't really care. About almost anything. If they did, they'd all be holidaying at home, buying organic, avoiding being overweight, walking instead of driving. The way to save the planet and humanity is to destroy the large corporations which make money from destruction. Chemical companies, BigPharma, petroleum companies, car manufacturers. We all know us "little people" make no difference to anything. People took those jabs (and will continue to do so) because they have been told to. They really don't care too much about them. They just assume they are OK. They agreed to masking their kids, destroying their sanity. They agreed to letting their aged parents die alone with only hazmat suited monsters tending them. People really don't care. They will ignore the links between all the illness & death and the jabs. Because they are only "little people" and they can't do anything so they don't care.

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I think you hit on an important point - the belief that we are 'little people' with no agency. That needs to change because it simply isn't true.

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I agree but I think the majority of people aren't interested in changing the world. They aren't interested in politics, they are more likely to vote in a TV programme than a political election. They think the NHS means they don't have to care about their health. They want cheap food regardless of the wider cost. They want to have cheap holidays regardless of the wider cost. Many of them took the jabs so they could go on holiday. They don't want to know what's in them. They don't want to have to change their life. I suspect they are quite happy being "little people" - it comes with no responsibility! What's that saying about the Romans? Something about providing bread and circuses to keep the people quiet. Cheap food, cheap holidays, cheap entertainment.

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Entirely. We still have a choice whether to be "little people" or simply people who resist the slide towards totalitarian thought. These excellent videos explains why it's critical we become the latter:

Is Humanity Doomed? | Carl Jung on Healing a Sick Society


The Big Lie - How to Enslave the World


How to Escape from a Sick Society


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If you believe that and take no action, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Never underestimate the power of the people. The ocean is made up of billions of individual water molecules. I am a proud member of the 'little people' and I care. I have stood up to this for over a year now. Sometimes I feel as though my efforts are futile but that doesn't stop me. I am happy to 'sing alone' until the choir arrives. And it will come. People are waking up every day. You sound frustrated and I get that. If I had a penny for every time I felt that way in this past year alone...

Don't lose heart. And don't give up. There is a lot of good in the world right now. It is just difficult to see in the madness and darkness.

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I used to tell my children that if everybody in an audience waited for someone else to clap there would just be silence.

I am frustrated. And pessimistic.

I see no sign of people waking up.

For years I have been the one who always voted even though my vote never counted for anything (safe seat syndrome!), who wrote to my MP about "pressing issues" and received, at most, platitudes and nonsense, who bought local and/or organic, who didn't buy stuff from the "wrong" countries, who didn't fly. I was mostly considered to be rich and wacky (I am neither).

At no point since the current nonsense started did I believe or willingly participate in any of it. I have been shouted at. I have been accused of not caring if I kill people. I have been told I am selfish for not getting jabbed. At no point has anyone even attempted to listen to me.

And now I see people saying how tragic young people they know are being found dead in their beds or how awful that people are developing all sorts of illnesses.

Cognitive dissonance. But they want it that way. It's easier. So I have stopped trying to tell them. I read these articles but remain silent.

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Sadly we really can't get away from the depopulation piece. Everything that has happened, not just in the last two years, but decades and perhaps much longer, only makes sense with the understanding that there is group trying to kill, harm and enslave humans.

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Your views are balanced and wise. Please keep writing and inspire many of us to stay healthy and hopeful in these times.

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Infertility drugs have been in Gates' "vaccines" in Africa, too. In fact, he has a warrant out for him in India, too.

The injections (a toxic combination of harmful ingredients that changes by the batch) have been developed and tested in the secret biolabs worldwide for decades. There is nothing "experimental" or "accidental" in them; they do exactly as expected by the manufacturers.

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And former Senator Joe Biden proudly stated on June 18th:

"For parents all over the country, this is a day of relief and celebration. As the first country to protect our youngest children with COVID-19 vaccines, my Administration has been planning and preparing for this moment for months, effectively securing doses and offering safe and highly effective mRNA vaccines for all children as young as six months old."

This is amazing because most countries have suspended giving covid shots to kids or are rethinking it. But no, the USA is gonna lead the charge by giving this crap to babies.

NO ONE should take these shots.

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All the evidence regarding the c-virus and the injections points to the damaged fertility being part of a terrible deliberate, rather than a terrible mistake. My sense is everyone awake sees this, ever more.

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“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke

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There is much here that rings true. My fear is that there is a recognition that with better technology, automation and potential [or present] AI technology there is less need for flesh and blood humans to do the donkey work. Machines are, or soon will be, able to build and repair themselves and offer automated functionality that may lead the way for "elites" to live in a world that is abundant in terms of food, space and freedoms. They just might need to get rid of "those pesky kids" in order to fully realise that future. Horribly possible and increasingly plausible. I fear that they have already set that goal running and now they just need to wait and push as much of the vaccine out there, to help it along. It sounds crazy, I know but I am running out of other options.

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On materialism, there's an analysis in Wilber's "Sex, Ecology, Spirituality", which points out that, the web of life view is a hierarchy which places ecosystems above species, and as humanity is merely one species, we therefore have little value—but this is a flat—albeit complex systems—reductionistic view, because it ignores the other half of reality, which is our interior minds. If you include mind, then the depth of development of a human is obviously higher than a dog's mind, and a dog has more depth than an ant. Morality then becomes, how to ensure the grestest amount of depth with the greatest amount of span (there will always be more bacteria than dogs, and dogs can't exist in the web of life without bacteria, but bacteria are not higher than dogs.) A truly holistic view includes both systems and minds (or more technically, exteriors and interiors), and neither can be reduced to the other, otherwise our wholeless and morality gets violently fractured.

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Stress/Recovery/Adaptation...Albeit Muscle or the Mind, is under a newly created prolonged attack. Any inevitability to see this through for such a crisis to end depends on a humanity that is willing and able to stop being "Dumbed Down" mentally and spiritually. This is a spiraling curse.

Your post is a major descriptive factor for what ails our throw away culture here and abroad.

We have been entrusted with much....even more is expected. Particularly in Techs choke holds.

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I have never felt so close to a real 1984 environment. MSM continously spout nonsense (which most of the population sadly believe, including most of my family/friends). The truth is twisted and every day we wake up and simply do not know anymore what is true and what is not. With the NHS removing the word WOMEN from its menopause site today, and what's happening in the USA, it feels like we are going backwards not forwards, especially if you are female. I feel so sad for my grandchildren and wonder what kind of future is coming. I love Dr Lawrie's posts and hope she can keep us all optimistic, but I fear that those in charge do not want us to be free. I hope I am wrong. I agree with Original Lisa and don't understand how many good people are in on this ? Do they truly believe it, are they paid or are they just plain evil ? This is the worrying thing.

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Agreed. I’m among the last of my kind. A post enlightenment scientist.

Now we’re post that. Nothing can be trusted ever again while these criminals are around. Not even blessed peer reviewed journal articles. All corrupted.

Like toxic mortgage backed securities, I’m not saying all science is corrupted but it might as well be because it’s impossible to know what’s fraud & cheating and what’s an honest effort.

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So the information Nicki Minaj was told could be based on fact. And yet she has been savaged. Clearly not the most important issue. Just another symptom of the problem. Discredit any information which doesn't support your story.

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I have thought deeply about all the observations I’ve been able to note. For reasons I’ve stated & written many times, I find the parsimonious explanation is the intention to secure totalitarian control over everyone. I can see no better reason for that objective than to control the population. Several lines of evidence are starkly obvious to those of us who’ve spent a lifetime in new drug R&D with specialities including toxicology: the “vaccines” are intended to be harmful.

That the self appointed elites have got the world to go along with this diabolical & not very subtle plan, coupled with their blatant misbehavior, confirms what you’d expect: all institutions are taken & corrupted or cowed & looking at their shoes.

Nothing but a very large civil uprising can possibly stop this. And even that would Tories extremely chaotic outcomes which might range from martial law & shootings by the forces of law & order (quite likely) to all-out, long run civil wars widely across former liberal democracies. That’s my take, anyway.

We need a completely new approach. I’m open to joining with others on this. I don’t have the answer myself. I do know that doing what I’ve been doing for year another year won’t make a blind bit of difference.

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You´ve woken up a lot of people Mike! You were one of the first dissenting voices I heard - after having an actual first dose mind you, being peer-pressured into it. I then started researching and as I suspected obv. It was just downhill from there. I´ve spoken very openly about it on my socials. Don´t buy into the notion that you haven´t made a difference - because you very much have. Very glad to be able to connect with you here.

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Thank you, I appreciated it very much. I do tend to the dark / down side. It’s been a lifelong part of survival. I had a none too pleasant early upbringing, given a second chance with informal fostering in my mid teens & that restored my faith in people. Also I attribute to their strong values my speaking out. I know they’re both cheering me on from upstairs!

My point was that I’ve probably had the impact I am capable of yielding. I’m a semi retired scientist & no amount of encouragement would have me leading any kind of practical fight back from the streets or the green baize. I’m completely the wrong kind of character to be a political leader as I’ve little patience & next to no diplomacy!

I’m a very good second in command. That was my preferred position in any hierarchy. It was my luck that many times, it was me or nobody & I stepped up.

Now, I’m not as robust as I might look & next to useless away from a house or hotel due to a medical accident a few years back. That can’t be overcome & I’m just blessed that I’m reasonably well (considering).

Here’s what I expect. The perpetrators are moving away from the last virus & vaccines.

The new fear & lies is war, food & fuel shortages, financial system instability & crisis. Climate change!

Now, I know a little about all of these but no stranger should pay any attention to my thoughts on them.

We need new subject matter experts. They exist. They know that fishy things are happening in their domains. I / we need to hear from them. Together we can crush their narrative. Alone, I cannot do much more.

As Clint Eastwood said: “A man’s gotta know his limitations”.

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