If they did t know already , they now know we are awake . This letter ought to be also sent to the left & right hand side of the House of Commons , House of Lords & the BBC all of whom aided and abetted to this catastrophe . Thank you Dr Tess

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And to the CDC, FDC, NIAID, Dr. Fauci, Ralph Baric & Peter Daszak of the United States.

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And the Canadian House of Commons. That expensive castle on the hill where the fakes argue with the other fakes.

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TURDeau will deep six it. He works for the WEF!

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The Turd has received many NOLs and bills. It's hard to say if he is even aware since he doesn't likely open his own mail, but he is so arrogant that you're probably right. There is however a tipping point. Join in at InPowermovement.org

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Thank you.

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I watched her presentation from Estonia. She read the NOL to Tedros. I have asked if there is any remedy. Demanding Tedros to cease and desist isn't a contract and, as such, has no standing. I could be wrong and would like them to explain their process.

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The culprits on the hill have been receiving NOLs and bills for the harm they've done. Join us at InPowermovement.org.

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Thanks! I'm sure you know about https://humanityproject.uk/ which I believe is in multiple countries

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They have all received multiple NOLs and bills for contracting with us. Rachelle Walenski stepped down shortly after she started receiving them. Join us at InPowermovent.org

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Will be following you, thanks.

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Please do not ever overlook Christine Grady !! Christine Grady is Chief of the Department of 'Bioethics' at the National Institute of Health !! Christine Grady personally heads the NIH's Human Subjects Research division !!! Christine Grady is the one who authorized the emergency using of these warp speed injections on humanity !!! CHRISTINE GRADY ALSO HAPPENS TO BE ANTHONY FAUCI'S 🤬WIFE ‼!‼ THIS PAIRING OF DEMONS WAS SURELY A MATCH MADE IN THE DEEPEST PITS OF HELL !!‼‼ The NIH needs be appropriately renamed The National Institute Of HELLth ‼‼ NEVER EVER FORGET OR FORGIVE THAT 🤬NAME : CHISTINE GRADY !!!!!! PURE EVIL !!!!!!

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Dr. Lawrie has urged us to copy and paste as needed to whomever we think it applies ! Let's all do that.

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We have been sending them left right and centre at InPowermovemnt.org and we are billing them.

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And about 500 copies to the members of Congress, United States, the CDC, the Governors of all red States, every media organization that pushed the agenda by lying to the people, and every Hospital and Nursing Home that purposely murdered our elderly with Remdesivir and oxygen treatments, and benefitted monetarily by doing so.

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four years on & it's still as fresh & sore as it was back then, what these sinister creatures did to humanity & worse of all, to our Children.

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And to the German government who is holding Reiner Fuellmach prisoner.

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What is going on with Reiner? I was keeping up with him. Thx

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He’s been in a German jail for six months. He sounds optimistic.

Remember Reiner Fuellmich? He’s been in jail in Germany for the past six months. He really neeeds all our prayers.


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In this update, Dr Fuellmich refers to his full library of Corona Investigative Committee evidence of Covid malfeasances. This is a good opportunity to provide the link to my easy-to-access summary of his 2022 Covid-19 Crimes Against Humanity model trial, see https://metatron.substack.com/p/reiner-fuellmichs-grand-jury-court.

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Thanks for the link. I can see that you put a lot of time and effort into your work. And, I appreciate it. Sadly, most people’s attention span is limited to a few minutes. But that’s just my opinion.

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Is there anything ore recent, please?

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Many thanks!

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Bless you , thanks for the info. I’m very anxious about Reiner ‘ s justice

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Bless his heart! 🙏 Thank you for the info❤️

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He is still in custody & on trial at this time. What a miscarriage of justice.

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He is a political prisoner. There is a risk they will never release him. I pray for his safety, freedom & deliverance every day.


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As one said, another Assange…all to help those who were killed or injured by the government, pharma and WHO. Such torture.

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He is a good man trying to bring honesty sad to see him in jail.

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Elsa has been writing updates about Reiner’s trial in Germany

Here is the link to her substack


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Thank you for this link (information is vital to us who pray and care for RF).

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I sent him a nice old fashioned Christmas Post Card last year. I hope he knows how many people honour and respect him. He helped to open many eyes early on. I am very grateful for these efforts.

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Yes! Do it!

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I did not know that Reiner was in jail. That is devastating. It sure needs to be sent to that govt as well.

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Petroleum Based Synthetic Injections

Are Not Compatible

With Water Based Human Bodies.

This Is Not Complicated People.


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Keep in mind that the Spike Protein is also synthetic. Also; doctors/scientists have been finding a lot of foreign DNA in those vials. That being said; there is absolutely nothing in those bioweapon injections that are of any benefit whatsoever to humanity!

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I'm sure our Overlords would disagree with that assertion. They would claim that, in their infinite wisdom, the population is just "too high." /sarc/

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I don't think compatibility was ever the intention!

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Never looked at it quite like that. Simple and straightforward in its sinister way, just like Satan.

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This is an extraordinary document. Thank you.

Turbo cancer killed my sister in law, another brother in law has been told there is nothing more they can do for his turbo cancer, a cousin died of a turbo case of ALS, my niece's 11 year old nearly died of Guillaine Barree and has lesions on her brain, our son has just been diagnosed with a DVT (36 years old) and is on massive blood thinners possibly for the rest of his life. Others around us (many) have had unusual health challenges: such massive blood clots in his legs he could not walk and has had surgery to divert blood flow to prevent amputation. He will still lose toes. We know at least one who 'died suddenly'. I could go on.

These were all previously athletically active, physically fit, healthy individuals. They all faithfully and righteously took all their shots, including boosters. They all also got covid and then declared how glad they were they took the shots because they might have otherwise been sicker or died. These were/are highly educated and accomplished people, but they drank the covid cool aid and I am convinced they would or will do it again.

As the lone unvaccinated family member, I sustained many invisible injuries for choosing to follow a different path (bolstering my immune system). I have been so grateful for the 'remote' support I found on-line from honorable doctors, including Dr Tess Lawrie,

It has been such a lonely path and my husband cannot understand why I simply can't let go of my intense interest in what has happened or my quite logical concern it is all about to happen again. In recent days I could feel myself losing hope.

Dear Tess and all who have joined with her: Please accept my thanks and deep gratitude for the extraordinary work you have done. May you be blessed and kept safe from all harm going forward.

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Excellent post, KFH!

Wishing all that have been devastated by this Luciferian Crime Against Humanity, peace, comfort and JUSTICE!!!

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Dear KFH, O M G! What a harrowing account of the damages your family, friends have suffered. I am so sorry. I know what it feels like to be the only UNvaxxed one, people still think we are crazy. Some of them will never know or understand the fight that we have had since the shots were unleashed on humanity. All we can do is take comfort and support from eachother!.

Thankyou Tess and the WCH.

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Thank you. It has been remarkable watching all of these family members and friends who took the shots be ravaged while never seeing/making the connection between the shots and their illness. It has been both a source of grief and a source of extreme frustration. Had I said one word I would have been silenced immediately. My sister in law went so far as to take one more covid booster two weeks before she died a year ago January and the insane covid thinking still prevails on this subject in my husband's family in spite of all that has come out.

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Dear KFH, I feel as if I’m writing your words…exact same experiences. When will they learn? Thank you. Don’t let yourself be lonely. We found 5 other families to commiserate with…so helpful. Stay wise and keep on the high road. It’s what I try to do. God bless you.

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I have also been diagnosed with prostate cancer and spent three weeks in isolation due to sepsis, my brother has also developed bladder cancer and was asked by his eurologist if he had taken the injection. A wry smile was all he got from the Doctor.

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Illusion of Consensus Substack with Dr Jay Bhattacharya and Rav Arora April 4 2024 edition interview with Dr Adeel Khan of Eterna Health Regenerative Medicine - hoping they have something to say to help you. One thing I know for certain is get your vitamin D2 levels up over 50 and better closer to 100. Get 20 minutes of direct sunlight on as much of your skin as possible at least 3 days a week. Look anywhere and everywhere on the internet as there is a lot you can do for yourself. Blessings coming your way Michael and be your own advocate!

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Sorry for all that suffering in your family.

I'm not here to compare whose family was hit the worst but my highly paid nephew worked for THE Canadian Defense depth as,a contractor and his Dad and myself and a couple of other uncles and,aunts tried to tell him and his family to not get these death shots.

He's totally destroyed.

No home as he sold it

No car.

Can't drive and can't function

No place to go since getting told all of us publicly on FA which we are not on to FO get your shots over and over along with other family members on Facebook.

My older brother his,Dad is on FB and told us how one side on the family mocked us since 3 years ago for not getting the BIOWEAPON JAB .

That's just one example in circle and like you there are many more who will not admit the turbo cancers like my wife's sister

Again I'm not making this a competition to see whose gotcthe most injuries in family but suffice to say it is in all families it,seems.

Thank you Dr Tess and,all who fight this EVIL system trying to destroy us!!

You are a warrior

I'm a 68 year old ANTIVAXXER.

Never believed in them.

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Hi Nicholas

All I can say is WOW in return at your story. One bright light is our son with two shots and one booster is suffering currently at age 36 from a DVT (deep vein thrombosis that came out of nowhere just under one knee) and on massive blood thinners for 90 days has suddenly got religion and is paying attention to what I've been trying to tell him, possibly his wife is waking up too and maybe this will bring our first born son, his older brother who is 39, to a state of realization. This is important as we are obviously about to be hit with the next plandemic. The powers that be have to move fast as too many are waking up....thanks to the important work done by people like the very dear, brave and wise Tess Lawrie

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Hold your head high. Trust in God. We know and share what you have to endure.

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Your intense interest is a natural and sane reaction to wirtnessing one of the greatest crimes in human history. The opposite reaction is the most concerning ...

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My family all think I’m crazy, and most of my acquaintances, but I keep pushing the facts out there. My friends wife, 54, got covid or whatever, walked into a local hospital for the Remdesiver and oxygen treatment, and was carried out 13 days later in a body bag over an alleged sickness that had a 98.7% survival rate. I’ve often wondered how we had a worldwide pandemic, creating an alleged emergency for introducing/ forcing a dangerous and untested serum on people who had a 98.7% chance of survival? That, my friends, is the power of the puppet press/Enemedia.

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Wow. Shit just got real and hit the furiously spinning giant fan with an enormous *thunk*. Thank you for this. Accountability is looking like a realistic prospect.

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But continue to pray, please. God remains on the side of truth.

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God IS truth. They will answer to human justice now, or they'll face God later without having had the opportunity to even begin to make amends for their crimes in this life. If they had any sense, they would choose the former.

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Key: “if they had any sense”. We know that these ppl don’t think as we do. Evil is their modus operandi. Yes, God is truth, indeed. Remember Jesus in front of Pontius Pilate. He was asked What is truth? He did not answer. He was/is TRUTH. How blind some can be!

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John 14: 14-18 speaks of Holy Spirit and Truth❣Christ spoke of A Great Spirit of benevolence, a helper, a paraclete. For me God is The Creator Of All. The Paraclete is the Defender! And as Christ was Son of God and Our Brother we are called to hold His Holy Spirit within us. A peaceful, forgiving, caring way❣

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I love your ‘exegesis’ on truth. ‘Twas Pilate who asked Jesus. “What is truth?”

(Jn 18:38) Your words remind me of the word ‘couth’. Uncouth or couthless? That word should use the latter adjective. 😊

Have a wonderful weekend.

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Your efforts are very much appreciated. Not sure if it will make any difference at the moment, but truth always shines through and when it does this letter and record of delivery will serve an important purpose. I was always taught if it isn't written down if didn't happen. You certainly have fulfilled that criteria here which is worth so much in the fight for accountability and justice. Thank you WCH

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The spike protein is malevolent by design, yet there they sit, not a single viable strategy to combat the pending destruction of our health, most likely via on own immune systems. These people need to hang, i’m sorry, but there’s no other way.

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👏👏and the fact Fauci has perjured himself and no arrests is ludicrous. They would arrest you and me. This is all a shame because capital hill asswipes are all involved. It will take we the people to bring these people down.

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Hanging is not enough. First they must be fully boosted with the real jungle juice, delivered sideways!

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I like your thinking.

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Hanged, drawn and quartered - in public - in the true Medieval tradition! IMO

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Thank you to Tess Lawrie & The World Council for Health as well as lawyers Philipp Kruse, Julian Gillespie, David Adelman and the many, many others who informed, assisted and supported this international collaboration toward truth, justice and accountability.

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This is beautiful and you are a beautiful soul to humanity🙏 Thank you so much❤️

I love watching you because you and Dr. Yeadon are so compassionate🙏

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Thank you SO Much guys, for doing this . Now we need to send it to all governments, senates and parliaments in the world.

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🙏 Salient points, very informative. The WHO’s next World Health Assembly, to be held from 27 May to 1 June (and can be viewed online), should prove to be interesting:


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It would be nice if protesters actually protested this genocide for a change.

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Intent is crucial to proving genocide. The national, corporate, and global health authorities targeted here might just have been bloody-minded hubristic a-holes, and the harms produced merely side-effects.

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I have evidence that proves intent.

1. As a career long practitioner of “structure based drug design” and a person qualified in Mechanistic Toxicology, I observe multiple, independent and obvious mechanisms of toxicity in all the so called vaccines.

Unquestionably those skilled in these arts know perfectly well what was intended from their administration.

2. No one experienced in public health would even consider let alone see a need to administer these materials to (I) those who claim to had have & recovered from the alleged new disease (which imo doesn’t exist); (II) pregnant women, in breach of 60 years of firm prohibition on exposing pregnant women to novel medical interventions after the tragedy of Thalidomide; note, no Reproductive Toxicology testing has been performed to this day on these injections, despite lying to their patients that they were safe; (III) children, who even according to the criminal syndicate running this global crime, were at no risk from the alleged new illness.

Yet, every person, man, woman, child and baby was in the firing line. We’re told six billion people have been injected at in summer 2023, a lower estimate of deaths from these injections already reached 17 million people.

3. There was never a pandemic, and pandemics are implausible, I think impossible. Even “Spanish Flu” wasn’t a pandemic. There was no increase in all causes mortality before WHO fraudulently called a pandemic. Immediately thereafter, almost every country imposed (I) “lockdowns”, despite not one country previously mentioning such a possibility except to exclude it as ineffective and hugely injurious to people as well as the economy, noting a weakening economy directly results in more deaths too. That all countries did this excludes “errors of judgment”. It was plainly coordinated internationally and planned. Note also re planning that (II) all countries made astonishing changes to medical protocols in hospitals, care homes and the community which, in any prior time, would have been expected to result in large numbers of additional, avoidable deaths, which is what happened. Note many deaths were hastened and I think caused by misuse of midazolam and morphine, which were obviously stockpiled over the preceding years in the NHS at least. (III) simultaneously and globally, accompanied by tens of billions of test kits which couldn’t have been made in the time apparently available, PCR testing was instigated, knowing full well that this technique cannot diagnose the cause of illness. The misattribution of deaths to non existent “covid” flows directly & solely from this trick. Note, not a single sign or symptom or diagnostic test differentiates “covid19” from other influenza-like illnesses (ILIs). Not even those who maintain it exists can agree what reproducibly distinguishes “covid19” from other ILIs.

I could go on, but if you’re not persuaded by this, I’m wasting the readers time as well as my own. Worse, this crime is but the first of many. Similar themes are likely to be reused.

An interesting, common sense perspective on Spanish Flu is found here.


Best wishes


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Huge respect to you Mike, for your never ending commitment to express fact and your knowledge, to establish sharing the truth of this entire inhumane matter, in support of protecting our fellow mankind, with tireless deep passion and love.

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Send your own NOL: inpowermovement.org

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A completely different type of "vaccine" (not really a vaccine) never used in humans before, produced at "warp speed" with at least unknown* long term effects. Gross negligence/recklessness if not intentional. *In the Pfizer clinical trials, more people died in the vaccine group than the placebo group. They died largely of heart attacks and strokes.

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Exactly right. This was malevolent from the start. 2012 studies on viral vector vaccines were a disaster, and they hid all those studies during covid in order to get people to take the product. Then there’s modernas trial on a US soldier in 2014(or theresbouts). They knew the outcomes, they made decisions, they bear responsibility. It is not possible they did not know. They are genocidal mass murderers, full stop.

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Agenda 21 and the "sustainability" goals requiring a greatly reduced human population also implies intent. Remember the "elites" are building large facilities to produce mRNA "vaccines." I believe the mass migration of immigrants is to break down western cultures necessitating greater protective control, which Westerners will ask for from governments. Remember disease X is coming. 🙄

Here is a video to whet your curiosity. Genocide has been planned for decades.

Before He Died He WARNED AMERICA! Have you seen this?



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Do it. Inpowermovement.org. We are sending NOLs and bills.

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Thank you.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can't tell you how moved I was to see this announcement. 🙏🙏🙏

Even just a faint glimmer of hope that the perpetrators of this calamity might be held to account is so very encouraging! 💟

Humanity is deeply indebted to everyone contributing to this vitally important effort. More power to you all in the days ahead! ✨✨✨

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Nice one! I sincerely hope that justice prevails accordingly

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This pretty much spells it out in no uncertain terms. It will fall on deaf ears and blind eyes. The fix is in. But, I will send up a prayer to God in an appeal to Heaven that there will be some sort of reparations given to all of us who have suffered needlessly during these last 4 years.

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