I so enjoyed listening to this interview with Kate today! I’m a nurse in America, and have been at it for 35years. I was fired by my hospital for not taking the COVID vaccine. I currently teach nursing students at university. I agree with Kate on so many points!

A few things that stuck out to me was the concept of nursing as a vocation and a calling! For me it was such a calling from an early age. I try and listen carefully to my students because for some it seems like a calling, but for others they realize they made the wrong choice and drop out early, and then there are those that think they will go on to become Nurse Practitioners and make a lot of money lol! The drop out rate after one year post graduation is high! There are so many problems within the training and transitioning of nurses; I will have to address that as its own post on my substack.

The other issue Kate brought up is the waning of the nurses autonomy. We used to be much more autonomous in our practice of nursing. But autonomy for nurses (as well as physicians) have been replaced by algorithms and protocols! It has been the death of healthcare along with the dissolution of the private medical practices in lieu of hospitalists and healthcare groups! Patient care is uniformly delivered rather than individually approached.

Lastly the corporatization of healthcare and the absolute destruction of the community hospital has devastated care at the local level. Here in NY Northwell Health started buying up hospitals, or should I say eating them up like Pac-Man! They then rot them from within by trying to make everything uniform across all institutions. It would be like trying to plant the same grape vine in every vineyard regardless of terroir.

It is such a complicated problem that needs to be solved, and I believe there are healthcare advocates trying to provide alternative ways here like the FLCCC for one, but it is an uphill battle when there are so many healthcare workers who are just fine, too scared, or too ignorant to make change!

Thanks again for highlighting the problem and offering Kate as a visionary for the future!

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Big pharma are into making money and a one size fits all. Healthy people do not make for good customers.


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Dr Tess, rather admirable & courageous of you to interview Kate Shemirani. She was Awake to this tyrannical Lunacy of the "Megalomaniacs" ( They Are NOT Elites ) & fraud right from Day Zero. Almost ALL Main Stream Matrix have Cancelled her & labelled her for telling the truth. Well done Dr Tess

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Brilliant Kate ... An Angel we all need beside us ❤️ Thankyou Tess ❤️

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I heard of Kate Shemirani through someone who sent her detox protocol. Such an amazing do-er in so many areas. Fabulous person. Wonderful that you have interviewed her.

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Wow! thank-you both. I hope I can find a nurse like that if I need one. It's true, I just don't feel safe around doctors and hospitals anymore.

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Fantastic Interview showing the depth of Kate's knowledge which I haven't heard before. Her vision for nursing is just how it should be. Life and death would be so much easier for everyone.

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I heard Kate speak in Milton Keynes autumn 2022 what an absolute power house. It was a small event of a community of like minded people and she drove along way and charged nothing. There was a whip round for fuel. I wanted to go because I had heard all the “rumours” about her & to make my own mind up, she is articulate, and gutsy , and passionate and says it as it is, it was hard hearing some of what she had to say but needs to be said, she’s been whistle blowing since she was about 22 if I remember correctly. So pleased you’re having her on and the fact she is anti all jabs and knows the CV-19 has never been isolated or proven to exist, shes been on about 5G since the off as well. So long as discussions of long covid and covid-19 in general are talked about then this whole scam keeps going, and allows for them to do it all again and again. I look forward to listening. Thank you .

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There are so many investigations and scientific debates that need to be done and taken. Who knows what the truth is about it all? It there are these patents on enhancement of human infectiousness of 'whatever' people can accept calling it, then what is that about? Could 'they' have dumped something along with fx the chemtrails - perhaps on targeted groups? Diff. 'solutions' just like the difference in vial toxicity?

Fx, the Navajo Indians were severely hit by 'whatever' and therefor have had a nearly 100% adherence to the injections - which are now killing many of them, cutting 7 years of their overall life expectancy, as Karen Bedonie has told about on CHD.TV. She was herself severely ill flown to hospital with 'whatever' and had to fight the protocols. https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/shocking-drop-in-indigenous-lifespans--whistleblowers-tell-all/

Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean, but we need more open and honest scientific debates and investigations to clarify things, and the talk about (long) 'covid' broadened and put it to a more enlightened perspective along the way and the given its exact term. I was myself sick very briefly (1,5 days down) with the weirdest thing in spring 2020, but with breathing problems, chest burning and dry cough on/off over the summer. Until I took Vogel's Echinaforce, then it disappeared. Had it been radiation, which I thought about, it wouldn't have. And to my knowledge, the 60 GHz have not been activated yet, 'only' 4G+.

Otherwise it will be another form of denial of people's sometimes hard felt experiences, just like the 'vaccine' injury denial. Even Mike Yeadon is treading that path now. That is was only the flu. I didn't like hearing that, but accept it as a part of solving this horrific puzzle.

Again, I may have misunderstood what you mean.

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"Gain of function" I think you might have meant- artificial modifications of viral or pathogenic sample specimens, with the intentions of increasing the virulence and infective transmission of said pathogen", y'know to learn how to"treat & cure" 'em "better", cos NOTHING could EVER go awry with THAT kind of thing (COUGH- "LAB LEAK!!). ME, my mother and father were also all ill with "something kinda weird" at EXACTLY the same time during the first weekend in the month of march in 2020. I could NOT sleep for 2 consecutive nights, during which, the sweat poured off off me, and had intermittent spells of physical exhaustion, and a scratchy, ticklish throat/cough, but, curiously, WAS able to function normally & felt a little better during the daylight hours of those two days (?), my mother was fully confined to bed for the full 48 odd hours, but suffered from vomiting and diarrhea on and off, whilst my father had diarrhea ONCE, and complained of a "mild" stomach ache, and he we ALL suffered this during the SAME 48 hr period, with NO apparent "domino effect" of passing transmission. By the Monday, we were ALL totally recovered. Regarding this "groups or clumps of people ALL sickening simultaneously with something kinda "strange", I would recommend you watch the Stew Peters documentary "Watch the Water", with Dr.Brian Ardis, which traces a trail of experiments with envenomation from King Cobra 🐍 snakes, and Krait snakes, and posits the notion that the "results" of these experiments, the toxins and pathogens created therefrom, had been later found in trace elements in water supplies, and ARE

present in the toxic "therapeutic" remdesivir, causing "covid" symptomologies and in the latter, precipitating the instances of cytokine storms in victims. A convincing body of evidence, patents, examples, chronologies and such are presented, indicating a

terrible, WHOLLY premeditated, truly dastardly set of occurrences &

scheming, with demonstrable malice of forethought. Whilst on Stew Peters site, I would definitely take the time to watch the shocking

"Died Suddenly" documentary too. There is MUCH and LONG planning behind this ENTIRE ongoing "plan/pandemic", THAT much is beyond ANY shadow of a doubt. I would also go to Redacted news-channel on rumble, & watch their interview with this lady (I forget her name?) who was a contracts lawyer within the biopharmaceutical industrial complex cartels & who shows that the pharma corporations and D.o.D. defence contractors AND the majority of the "alphabet" agencies of the intelligence apparatus were ALL in collusion with each other regarding the "COMING pandemic" since 2013!!!! And MORE shockingly, that the reason FOR the

E.U.A.'s and their continued use has to do with the fact of the jabs technical distinction as MILITARY PROTOTYPES and NOT ordinarily, properly regulated pharmacological therapeutics or drugs!!! That's on the Redacted news-channel on rumble. Once I've retraced my steps and discovered the particular episode and lady's name, I'll come back and post it, but I've just written this spontaneously right now, having read your comment. There can be absolutely NO doubt that there IS a long planned & VERRRRRRY sinister AGENDA behind this WHOLE show! What was that quote from the movie "The Fly"? "Be AFRAID! Be VERY afraid!!".

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Interesting. Thank you for sharing your personal experiences with 'whatever'. During the 1,5 days I was bedridden, I had the 'usual' body aches, fever, burning in my chest, but only maybe 5 dry coughs. And then the on/off symptoms described over the summer.

I've watched both documentaries (I think), but thank you for refreshing my memory with the details about Ardis' snake venom theory. Had completely forgotten about that!

And the 'lady' sounds like Sasha Latypova. I heard her conversation with RFK Jr recently, about what you are describing. Mind blowing info. Plan to watch more interviews or presentations with her.

It absolutely has been - and is - a brutal awakening to reality on this planet! My heart still breaks on a daily basis, but I'm so done being afraid ❤️‍🔥

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Thanks for your reply K.S.W.. It certainly HAS been a brutal awakening of (A) just HOW corrupt,

compromised, complicit & clueless our politicians really ARE (B) just how thoroughly EVIL the biopharmaceutical industrial complex cartels really ARE (C) how hopelessly, intimately, inextricably submissive to full corporate capture

our supposedly "independent" regulatory bodies now ARE (D) how CLOSE to the surface, beneath our superficial veneer of mannerly 'civilty' many people really ARE, ready to become vicious, propagandized informers and modern day brown-shirts and pitchfork wielding villagers, lynch mobs & informers by the merest pressure of repetitive fear programming, bargain basement social engineering, psychological conditioning/warfare, & stupefied dupe "group-think" and herd 🦬 mentality, SOOooo IMMEDIATELY prey to cognitive dissonance and mass formation psychosis. The hateful bigoted ill treatment I received from people during 2020, 2021, & into 2022 was both saddening and infuriating, I was even FORCED to physically defend myself on occasion (it did NOT end well for my would be "tormentor").

Sadly, despite my best efforts and increasingly urgent and panicked warnings NOT to do so, the depop-shots 💉 killed my Dad (& FIVE of my neighbours and that, in the case of my neighbours, was just the FIRST 💉 shot!!). They frightened & tormented my parents with all of their scare tactics, fear programming, conditioning, daily death counts, and repetition of the above & I could NOT do ANYTHING to dissuade them from taking the damn thing. I HATE EVERYONE involved in the planning, perpetration, and perpetuity of the scam-demic now. ALL of them, from high falutin' pharma-reps & compromised politicians determining policy, the scurrilous presstitutes and their ooze-papers,

down to lazy, lying, genocidal clinicians and physicians, & volunteer jabbers. Now, I have to admit being a lil' obsessed with my research and investigation of the whole thing, & have been obsessively collecting, collating, and

eventually, editing all the links, empirical data-sets, peer reviewed scientific studies, research, jab patents, and so on. What ELSE is there to do all day though, when you've severed your connection to TV watching & mainstream media?

Good luck!

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I'm so sorry for your loss ❤️ And the horrible experiences. I don't think I would have survived living in America. Or just in neighboring Germany! These truly are insane, brutal times! But maybe things are 'just' coming to the surface? To be ultimately dealt with.

You are obviously very intelligent (love your writing!) and knowledgeable and I hope you can transform the energy of your hate - which I so get and struggle with myself! - into finding a positive way through and use your great skills in the creation of this beautiful new world I think we both long for. I see you as one of the lights in the darkness. That's a tough, ungrateful task!


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Oh! Thank you SOOooo much! You're very kind & your condolences are GREATLY appreciated! If I wasn't able to communicate with REAL people, of genuine, conscience driven ♥️heart, on forums such as this, I

often think that I might just go completely INSANE🤯. In the environment of my own locality

(Scotland/UK), I am, sadly, almost

COMPLETELY surrounded by jab-tarded, pitchfork wielding villagers, and muzzle lovin', propagandized stupefied dupes!.Even by as early as march 2020, I had ALREADY came across & attempted to publicise the fact that I'd discovered the Pirbright Institute's AZ patent application dated 2019, thereby PROVING that at least THAT jab, but likely ALL of 'em, were ALREADY formulated & patented,

& that all the propaganda and hype about the global scientific community "rushing to try & formulate & create a jab" was complete horse🐴shit 💩 & an evident manipulation of the public perception, so that, after ALL the egregious, 24/7 fear pornography and psychological conditioning/warfare, the beleaguered, frightened public would instantly & hungrily eat up the opportunity to binge on the "newly" discovered jabs💉. I mean, once I KNEW that they had already LIED about all of THAT, it was NOT a huge leap to assume that they were lying about virtually EVERYTHING. When the UK politicians declared-"There will

BE NO vax-passports!", I assumed & warned that "there absolutely WILL be jab-ports, & they're currently colluding with tech companies to create them!"

The collusion with the tech companies WAS a bit of a leap, but, of course, turned out to be absolutely true. When I warned that this would instantly create a

2-tier society of "haves" and "have nots", I was again ridiculed left & right by people who had the sheer insolence and audacity to DENY that they ever HAD mocked

me!! When I warned (again a leap,

but I just "had a bad feeling"...) that there was a high chance that it would contain some form of nan tech, or CRISPR gene editing stuff? Laughed out, & retorted to with idiot statements about "how you'd be able to physically SEE the microchip, floating around in the vial or barrell of the hypo" (duhh..... NANO tech, DUMMIES!! Over a 1000 times SMALLER than "micro" chips!!). I even TOLD my parents, in a last ditch attempt to

scare 'em off the jab- "IF you take these jabs, one or both of you will likely be DEAD by around 18 months later", & I was only about SEVEN WEEKS premature in having predicted the chronology of my father's death. I guessed EVERY development and component part of the scam-demic, often a good while before even the conspiratorial "truthers"

thought certain aspects a "safe bet", and STILL, to THIS DAY, I'm wholly surrounded by fully jabbed 💉 & propagandized clowns 🤡, who WILL doubtless run straight back out for the NEXT "miracle cure" when the corrupt W.H.O. announces the NEXT fraudulent flim-flam/demic. Even in the local rag/ooze-paper, EVERY other day-

"11yr old schoolboy dies during lunch hour", or 17yr olds, 12, 15, etc, a frikkin' DEFIBRILLATOR in EVERY school now!! Other headlines in the local rag- a kid came home from school and found BOTH parents (in their early 30's) DEAD. A man, his wife and his mother in law all getting jabbed at the same time, & the man & mother in law BOTH dying inside 48hrs, & the woman being rushed into hospital with serious complications, and on & on, & on. Even just a couple of weeks ago, there was a (I think 🤔💬?) 52yr old woman in the local hospital for something relatively minor, & not life threatening, who had stubbornly refused to sign paperwork authorizing a D.N.R. (Do Not Resuscitate order) order, & it was later discovered that hospital staff had scrawled an entirely fraudulent faux-"signature" in the document to "green-light" it, if "needed"!!!? I sometimes (usually!) "lose" people when I begin to make these comparisons, but I see a lot

of analogues with biblical "tribulation"/end-times symbology in these callous, careless times. I had somewhat of "perhaps" a semi-religious "epiphany" in late 2020, & began to suspect that such undisguisedly overt and unadulterated evil may be ultimately from the direction of the saturnine 🪐 black lodge of freemasonic plottings. The Latin sloganeering of the 33° of the Scottish Rite is "Ordo Ab Chao" or

"Order out of Chaos", & when I considered the premeditation & malice of forethought in all of this, the horrendous contents in the jab, & that the "never was" scam-demic was fabricated TO bring in the jabs & NOT the other way around, I began to consider the ENTIRE scenario of potentially satanic import & design. Last year, I joined a church and was baptised, but, discovered to my absolute horror that they were ALL jabbed 💉, many of their KIDS TOO, & had chosen to spit on their divinely authored Adamic DNA 🧬, because of COURSE AZ, & Pf-lie-zer, & MurderYa could OBVIOUSLY

improve upon His design. I left. But I'm STILL 100% convinced that there is REAL evil at the root of all this, beyond merely "the banality of evil, committed by order followers". As Dr.Ricardo Delgado of La Quinta Columna stated in their recent almost 3 HR long presentation (you gotta watch THAT, absolutely horrifying!)- "They have pre-planned for EVERY development and eventuality!" EEK😳!!!

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That sounds like Karen Kingston, she’s amazing, Substack is Kingston Report

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Oh, yeah, I think I've seen her on the Stew Peters show a couple of times? I try & keep abreast of ALL the Judy Mikovitz, Sherri Tenpenny, Sucharit Bhakdi, McCulloch, Malone,

Dr.Dhand, oh! & ESPECIALLY the brilliant Dr.Vernon Coleman, who has been hounded, smeared, defamed & vilified MORE than most exposing this heinous agenda, & I try & keep abreast of ANY and ALL developments in the whole scam/sham/flim-flam-demic/ damn-panic, plandemic, controla virus 19(84) "scene", whilst keeping AWAY from the flip-floppers and fence-sitters and controlled opposition, like the likes of the hypocritical and disingenuous "Dr" john campbell, who was initially a "go git, do yer bit💉" proponent, but now purports to be, & presents himself as a conscience driven, "righter of wrongs" done & pseudo-"whistleblower" type, "exposing" damaging 💉effects LONG revealed

by others, & makes himself a nice wedge of CA$H in PooLube/YT ad revenue for his shoddy routine. (sorry! my never TOO far from the surface righteous indignation caught up with me there!). Yeah, Karen Kingston, I think I might have seen her on Maria Zee, or holistichealthonline.com too. Have you checked out the exposures of La Quinta Columna and Dr.Ricardo Delgado & Pablo Campra on their La Quinta Columna site?? Some truly terrifying stuff there about the profusion of graphene oxides, self assembling nano-matrice technologies, hydra vulgaris/lineas parasites, (etc) in the 💉jab, the "never was" scam-demic, & the ever present & central 5G connection! There's now SOOooo MUCH revelatory, expository, empirical data and information out there, it's

sometimes hard to fathom the cold blooded premeditation and malice of forethought behind this entire atrocity!

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BRITISH NURSING ALLIANCE - Kate Shemirani https://t.me/BritishNursingAlliance


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As a strong locomotive she has found her overdrive and runs on all cylinders. More are enabled.

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Tremendous interview. The same problems have corrupted most professions. All require memorized classroom theories as a credential, instead of plain old experience and passion. When students are qualified by their ability to learn theories, it's MUCH easier for governments to teach deadly theories.

Nature doesn't lie. Nature only works one way. A student who learns with hands and senses from actual Nature is much less likely to believe what the textbook or the government says.

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Hence the reason that I left clinical nursing back in 2020. I've since discovered a new specialty: RN Nurse Advocate. Apparently, I seem to have some skills in this as I have recently successfully advocated several times for different family members! Looking forward to this new adventure in nursing as I work towards my certification.

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Wonderful work Ladies. Thankyou

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Good to see Tess and Kate! Sorry to see it's so bad cross th pond also. All these deaths due to our worse-than-worthless med institutions, I call it being disappeared and remember being stunned realizing in early '20 there was a massive disappearance of humans that had begun due among other reasons to the lack of accountability on the part of hospitals sucking up profit from our deaths and Ill health. That monster won't stop till it's destroyed so I see no reason for tolerance for anyone involved as though they're there for our health. Kate is alive because she listened to her gut and opted out. It's either save ourselves or surrender to the mass murderers on the hunt.

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Was an RN, for 47 years, BS in Food Science and Biology, later an MSN. My goal was 50 years. The final straw and I 'retired' - my notes were removed from a patient's chart.

What did I do? Got ESL certified and taught in multiple countries for 10 years.

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That was a wonderful interview, Tess. Thank you both.

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What a fabulous interview! I learned so much, and I'm so happy to know of Kate and all she's doing to realize her vision for the true nursing care every human being deserves. Thank you, Tess and Kate!

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