Your interview with Dr Hill was a fundamentally important experience for me. It's one thing to *hear* stories about regulatory capture and corruption in academic - and I've heard plenty of both. But this is the first time I've seen it... to watch him squirm with discomfort, knowing what he's done and seemingly wanting to come clean at least in part, was eye-opening and frightening.

Thank you for bringing this to the world for us to see and understand.

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Thank you Dr Lawrie. I've been a huge fan of yours since day 1. Also flccc.net and c19criticalcare.com and aflds.org and worldcouncilforhealth.org and Dr Zelenko and all the other "HIPPOCRATIC OATH HERO'S" as I like to call them . You All deserve the Nobel Peace Prize in my humble opinion. PS I've shared, only the facts and resources, far and wide over the last 2 +years.

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Thank you for your courage Dr Lawry. Grateful you are standing tall for my family when I was feeling all would be lost. Sending best wishes from Australia. 😊🌻

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Funny how life turns eh Dr L? I was bimbling along quietly undisturbed, watching TV and reading newspapers. I was happy to live in a country that had BBC journalists looking into things and reporting with a view to exposing lies and corruption. Then, much like you I suspect, I started to notice inconsistencies...big ones...then I started to read and I realised that the world I lived in wasn't what it seemed at all. Now completely red pilled I live each day questioning everything. Trips to the doctor are peppered with questions about why they think what they think, why do I need this medication...why, why, why. This is a good thing and a bad thing. I shouldn't have to spend this time looking into everything I am told, but sadly truth has to be prised from our usual outlets as they prove to be unreliable. Thank you for being part of a wider attempt to get to the truth. I guess your world has changed too. Welcome.

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Recap. Attached is the press release in Japanese from Japanese pharmaceutical Kowa & Kitasato Uni (where Prof Omura is based at), dated 31 Jan 2022. It confirms that Ivermectin showed an antiviral effect against the Omicron and other variants in joint non clinical research. (*The Phase III clinical trials (ref K-237) are underway. This was specifically requested by Prof Omura.) Just to say, I have been taken aback by the contrast in the way this news has been reported in the English media, loaded with dismissive views such as 'it hasn't been officially approved for the covid treatment in JP and by FDA', ' many potential drugs that showed promise in test tubes ultimately failed to show benefit for the cvd treatments once studied in clinical trials' and even reminding of Joe Rogan's saga. Seems all coordinated. https://www.kowa.co.jp/news/2022/press220131.pdf

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I am late but I just watched Dr. Hill video...you can feel that he is visibly dealing with his guilt so I pray there is still hope that he will cave and join the club and be forgiven..would be better late than never.

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Well. Let's add Unitaid, Dr Andy Hill and Bill and Melinda Gates to the list of those in need for prison referrals. I noticed on the Unitaid web site they also had cooperative assistance between the B & M Gates foundation and CHAI -- Clinton's foundation. Maybe the University at Liverpool needs looking into also. They got $40 million from Unitaid, the WHO got $50 million from B & M Gates. Follow the money, root 'em out, and jail for life.

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Thanks for this, Dr. Lawrie. Have you seen this article also put out by Andrew Hill: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8774052/? It appears to be another instance of moving the goal post for ivermectin, while allowing the accepting existing criterion for other drugs. Here's a particularly telling line: "The results from this analysis highlight the need for rigorous quality assessments when evaluating clinical trials of drugs for COVID-19. Existing and widely used risk of bias assessment tools are not enough."

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ts never been closer

1950's ethics modern technologies and Utopia


11 min ago

Modern technologies

You will hear a person say ‘ it was better in the old days” “I remember when” etc.. Things change and change has a price. Were ethics the price of this frantic technological world.

Todays technologies for the most part are far superior. As a kid I remember trying to start my car at -40(Canada eh!) NO CHANCE. Today starting a car at -40 little to no problem. Science ,education, foods production.

Computers, (that’s a sentence in one word)

Medical technology and knowledge no comparison we are better for sure. So many other industries and so many other ways we are better.

We have failed in some areas of course we have, but now “its never been closer” to a form of Utopia(over the top, maybe, lets see)


I can write an article and post it for the world, so can you. Think of what that means. Telephone around the world anytime without going broke. Think of what that means.In real time watch events unfold around the world both good and bad. When good rejoice and feel as if we are part of it. When bad send our help to those in need. Send what comes so easily to us, human love.


The focus we now have has made us singular people(the informed) from all corners of the earth. We as a group are not defined by geopolitics religious ideologies economic chaste and other things. Some of us will never go back. What will that lead toward.

This crisis has united us. I am sure the power brokers in the world are quaking right now. This kind of solidarity changes the world when it is nourished. What will that lead toward.

The proper/ethical use of medical science. What will that lead toward.


We are talking back the ethical narrative in medical sciences. Thanks to our heros.

I can only dream where that will lead

They/them/those have tried to take or humanity though hate speech and division. Separating us from our brothers. Not only using this crisis(?) but over the years of constant fear based manipulation. But they have now strengthened us. They have made many of us consider who we really are, I think we are great. Our ethics have been put to the test and we have won.

We have now been made to stand up for something. Naturally we have self interest in our hearts that shouldn’t be denied but we have seen the broader picture of mankind. That broader picture has defined the new ethic, we know who we are.

In closing, Do not let them take from us these fledgling steps they are fragile steps. Do not look away now, now more than ever we push. We nourish our new beginnings.

Utopia is possible if the human spirit is allowed to flourish.


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I talked to a bomber pilot a couple of years ago


21 min ago

A very interesting gentleman, affected by the war ww2.

The great backpeddle is starting along with the great retrenching and refortifying. Luckily for the planet there are honourable scientist doctor researchers in the world. people that stood against the corporate profiteers. We are greatful.

As we know now the corporate machine of distraction is spinning up and I think working well.

We must not be distracted with all the superfluous studies the if / ands /or whats.

Does Ivermectin work, does Hydroxy work, were there protocols available to treat. When were the WHO/CDC/FDA made aware.

If the answer is yes. If those treatments/ prophylaxis were suppressed then murder has been committed. Nothing else matters right now. We must prove our case. Period.

Who committed those murders

Who participated in the great lie, news media of course, doctors, legislators etc…

How do we make people accountable, there is a way that won’t destroy society. I will offer my suggestion in another posting.

I asked that bomber pilot about flak, he said it was somewhat effective. A plane would fly into a cloud of flak which led to the occasional mission failure. The most common thing flak did was to distract and force the plane of course.

Lets not let the flak distract or force us off course.

Is Ivermectin effective, does Hydroxy work, where treatment options available, when did they know.


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The latest. On 4 Mar 2022, Japan’s ministry of health, labour and welfare, announced they had selected Kowa Pharmaceutical and were granting a subsidy for its Phase III clinical trials of Ivermectin. Under the govt’s scheme to promote R&D and distribution of treatment drugs for the covid within the country, the decision was reached by the evaluation committee, based on the applicant’s expertise and technical value, and the perspective of its business continuity.

The original article in JP https://www.chemicaldaily.co.jp/厚労省、コロナ薬支援で「イベルメクチン」選定/

In July 2021, in an interview, Dr Omura expressed concern for Japanese govt's cautious attitude and that it was taking no immediate action to approve Ivermectin for emergency use. Now given that Kowa is getting the govt's back up, it sounds more promising.

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NOTE that Japan gives money to Unitaid too.

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So what? Ancient Hawaiians say, 'energy flows where attention goes'. Which kind of future do you prefer?

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Science News: Ivermectin Is Associated with Decreased Mortality as well as improved outcomes, more data on myocarditis after vaccination.

by Dr. Robert W Malone MD, MS. Inventor of the mRNA technology.


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How Ivermectin and the Immune System Work – Basics + Buy...

Very good article by Valerie Robitaille, PhD Holistic Nutritionist

¨I think by now most of us know that the media has gaslighted all of North America, saying, IVM is a horse pill and shouldn’t be taken for covid.

Maybe some of you are even trying to get some IVM, whether you’ve heard you should use it for prevention, or therapeutically because you know this is a solution to the disease we call covid.

As of the beginning of 2022, 39% of the countries in the world have adopted IVM as a treatment for covid with tremendous success including India, Japan and South Africa.¨

Read More https://www.holistichealthonline.info/ivermectin-immune-system-basics/

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I have such respect for you Dr. Lawrie. The only positive thing that has come out of all of this is that it is very easy to spot ethical people, if you're looking. You are one of the best.

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Just a reminder. Indian Bar Association's legal action against WHO over the withdrawal of Ivermectin that led to the deaths of Indian citizens (May 2021) w/ ref to FLCC and WHO consultant and meta analysis expert Dr Lawrie. https://www.thedesertreview.com/opinion/columnists/indian-bar-association-sues-who-scientist-over-ivermectin/article_f90599f8-c7be-11eb-a8dc-0b3cbb3b4dfa.html

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Thank you so much for your dedication to what is right and the best part of being a human. You have shown integrity of the highest order along with the other brave people who have stood by their word, over any thought of personal protection or selfishness. You have stood up to these monsters and are a true hero. I should think Hollywood would make a film about you one day. You certainly deserve a place in history as prominent as Florence Nightingale.

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Hollywood! What?! Those bunch of creeps. Why would anyone want to watch something that bunch of morons produced? Sorry. I know you meant well. Just a knee jerk there. . . !

I think JP Sears would do pretty well though.

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Nay worries, I know what you mean.. aaarrgghhh

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