💥AN EXTREME EXAMPLE: Dr. Jackie Stone is facing a possible 5 year jail sentence in the Zimbabwe High Court solely because she did what “ALL” Doctors should do - Keep the Hippocratic Oath prophylactically & reactively saving tens of thousands of lives in the process including senior officials in the Government… Giving hope to the hopeless & help to the helpless!!! Now the Medical & Dental Board echo of the WHO have her front & centre! 🙈
Yes, Jackie gave a presentation at the Better Way Conference sharing her incredible work and how she is now being put through 'punishment by process'. She is a courageous warrior indeed.
Really important thanks. We are fortunate to have and to have had leaders like Mandela and like Ticht Nacht Han (VietNam) and many others who can help remind us that we are far more than our capacity to do and be evil.
I believe there has been plenty of evidence in “rich” countries like the USA that things were simply not right, that we as a species have been on the wrong path. By seeing what has happened in other places, such as Africa, we have the opportunity to build back better and not at all in the way the World Economic Forum means “Build Back Better”
Yes, Buddhists are under siege along with all the rest of us. There are deep and pervasive deceptions. It is up to we the people to correct this or it will not be. Stay strong, stay with the light.
The primary Buddhist teachers also honor Christ and other cultural spiritual teachers such as Native American and other original inhabitants. You are right authenticity is way more important than conformity.
"We have witnessed corrupt governments come and go, currencies rise and fall, and each time we find a way through it." Very encouraging words, especially from a people who have the experience and have come through it.
Such is the darkest side of so called "Nation Building"! The immersion into a conditioning of double speaks. When the landscapes of bountiful natural resources are exploited and the human resources that once relied on the land becomes stimulated by visions of grandeur of future prosperity. Only to find that in the end it was all an abuse and a ruse to rape and pillage the village of its tribal enduring.
When I see the pictures of the Gates entourage in Africa over those decades all I see is wretched use of
so called philanthropy to launch those depop experiments on the unsuspecting inhabitants for profits!
Yes, it has been repeated so many times all over this planet. Easier to see it for what it is from a 2022 perspective, lol. The USA - supposed bastion of a revolutionary republic/constitutional democracy has fallen. But the seeds of her destruction were sown from the beginning when European settlers (invaders?) colonized the continents, brutally exterminating the Native Americans. It is not difficult to see that once humans began building “civilizations” where the distinction between rulers and ruled were clearly drawn that history became a history of failing and failed civilizations driven to conquer and rule over whomever they could find.
No one is blaming Europeans as a cure for present problems. Disagree with almost every point you made. This is a humanity problem and affects the entire planet. The Pilgrims came for freedom? Whose freedom - theirs or the Native Americans they managed to love, mate with, learn from, admire, and also fight against in numerous wars?
The facts of history are facts and no amount of denial will change this. Unless we all become aware of the actual history and understand how to avoid repeating it we are sunk. There are no noble savages or noble "civilized" beings.
Look at how welfare decimated the Black community. Prior to welfare enslavement, POC had strong family unity, strong commitment to community. Stronger than whites.
After, using nice sounding misnomers. Welfare, Free Stuff on and on. , destroying the soul of people to do better.
We haven’t stopped dividing and conquering.
It’s just called Social Justice. PC. On and on.
We The People have to rebuild our community, without Government interference
Excellent Dr. Lawrie! My daughter has had a feeling all along that Africa is going to lead the way to a new tomorrow. Thank you; this speech gave me hope for the future.
I might move to Africa!!!! Thanks for sharing this Dr. Tess.
Wow - I just realized you were born in South Africa and grew up there.
I once met an South African security guy in the lobby bar of the Conrad Hilton hotel here in Bangkok, Thailand who said to me 'Some of the toughest men I have ever known were South African women.'
Dr. Tess, we can see where you get that wonderful strength of character, your resilience, and your fighting spirit - you are African!!!!! As an Australian I can relate to having grown up in a huge and mighty land.
What a wonderful piece Dr Lawrie. It was so interesting to read this as I have a very basic knowledge of Africa. The ASC is a very welcome organisation alongside the World Council for Health (which I tell everyone about whenever I can 😊) and I sincerely hope they can help Dr Stone as well. So many brave people that we owe so much to. Long may you all continue. 🙏
Thank you Dr. Lawrie for the gifts you are bringing the world. May these words of hope echo in the heavens and radiate throughout the world. Let this light shine on the dark and defeat its agenda. Such good news. Blessings. 🙏
You probably know Spirit the leopard Dr. Lawrie if you are from South Africa. So beautiful story that brings me tears in my eyes each time I watch this video.
The incredible story of how leopard Diabolo became Spirit - Anna Breytenbach, "animal communicator".
¨What if you could talk to animals and have them talk back to you? Anna Breytenbach has dedicated her life to what she calls interspecies communication. She sends detailed messages to animals through pictures and thoughts. She then receives messages of remarkable clarity back from the animals. In this section, Anna transforms a deadly snarling leopard into a relaxed content cat. The amazing story of how leopard Diabolo became Spirit...¨ 13:16 min
Yes, you're right about that. I get an image of someone desperately trying to cup sand but it keeps sifting through their fingers. Eventually you can't help but notice they have failed to hold it together. The truth will become more obvious as it piles up at their feet.
The evil doers have managed to make half the people of the planet retarded ,At least on the part of the planet I live on . Or they had always that condition and we did not know it until the snout pouches appeared .Now even when not forced to do so .Sooo many keep displaying the cult passport [ MASK]] .Inside most establishments the masking is almost 100% .The worst places are hospitals and doctors offices .I know masks do no good only harm ,but doctors insist we have one on .If doctors don't know whats harmful ,I wonder what else they don't know .If I know more than the Doc. why go there .? I dry to avoid those places if I can .They killed my brother . in the hospital ,with the Tony Foxi treatment protocol on Dec.3rd.2021 . I was prevented from going in there by force when I wanted to rescue him .His wife send him in there without telling me ,until it was to late . How many others dyed needlessly .
An excellent speech. I have no doubt that the late president of Tanzania, John Magufuli, would have applauded it loudly.
There was an article in the Guardian https://tinyurl.com/yc6yu63e that sought to ridicule his stand. Nowhere does it mention that the man had a doctorate in Chemistry. However he might have expressed his scepticism & rhetoric as a politician, I'd like to think that he had a good grasp of the underlying scientific issues. When he (mysteriously?) died, his replacement toed the global line very quickly. Perhaps our global masters made an example of Magufuli 'pour encourager les autres'.
The only output I can stand now is occasionally watching Neil Oliver on GB News. I loved his previous work as an archaeologist & historian. Now, many of his views resonate with me, he asks good questions of his guests & has the courtesy to not interrupt them.
Oliver's employer is described by the rest of the media as "Right Wing", but I don't even know what the words 'left' & 'right' mean any more. I think they're just meaningless labels but we're supposed to love 'left' & loath 'right' according to Big Brother's directions at the time.
I've lost faith & trust in just about every British & International institution that I'd previously acknowledged, if not respected, for the whole of my life. Science, medicine, education at all levels, the NHS, the civil service, national & local government, the police, WHO, UN, EU, NATO . . . and don't get me started on the Assange scandal & the legal system. Dreyfus had it easy by comparison.
I'll stop now. We swivel eyed loons need to stop for a stiff drink at regular intervals.
Here's a thought to reflect on that explains it all in my opinion.
In the last 1,000 years what family and what nation had the biggest fascist empire in history? The British empire. You've probably never thought of it but monarchies are inherently a fascist enterprise - public-private dictatorships. And the British built the greatest fascist empire on earth.
And it's still there - it just transformed - but it is hiding in plain sight.
Who are the richest families in the world - the monarchies - who are invested in Vanguard and Blackrock, the 2 monsters forcing change on us - And who owns the majority of the financial capital in the world?
rightfully so. I am originally from Europe but will not hesitate to move if needed. Read an article some time ago from black people who moved from the US back to their original country in Africa. They said this was the best decision they ever made ! Less luxury, less money, lots more friendship and happiness they stated.
Beautiful, thank you, Dr. Lawrie. This kind of effort is the only way forward.
"It’s time to show the world and each other who we really are – because after centuries of sleepwalking, the world is ready to see the truth. The world is ready to know us. Our beauty, our culture, our wisdom, our compassion, our phenomenal strength of heart."
Fantastic endeavor! The whole world (including Africa) needs this effort.
💥AN EXTREME EXAMPLE: Dr. Jackie Stone is facing a possible 5 year jail sentence in the Zimbabwe High Court solely because she did what “ALL” Doctors should do - Keep the Hippocratic Oath prophylactically & reactively saving tens of thousands of lives in the process including senior officials in the Government… Giving hope to the hopeless & help to the helpless!!! Now the Medical & Dental Board echo of the WHO have her front & centre! 🙈
Yes, Jackie gave a presentation at the Better Way Conference sharing her incredible work and how she is now being put through 'punishment by process'. She is a courageous warrior indeed.
Really important thanks. We are fortunate to have and to have had leaders like Mandela and like Ticht Nacht Han (VietNam) and many others who can help remind us that we are far more than our capacity to do and be evil.
I believe there has been plenty of evidence in “rich” countries like the USA that things were simply not right, that we as a species have been on the wrong path. By seeing what has happened in other places, such as Africa, we have the opportunity to build back better and not at all in the way the World Economic Forum means “Build Back Better”
Either we will find a way or we will go extinct.
I have entrusted you with much...even more is expected! (A revival of Mother Nature)
"Either we will find a way...or we will go extinct.!" (KW Norton)
The facts of all that matters is a discovery of a recovery.
Yes, Buddhists are under siege along with all the rest of us. There are deep and pervasive deceptions. It is up to we the people to correct this or it will not be. Stay strong, stay with the light.
The primary Buddhist teachers also honor Christ and other cultural spiritual teachers such as Native American and other original inhabitants. You are right authenticity is way more important than conformity.
"We have witnessed corrupt governments come and go, currencies rise and fall, and each time we find a way through it." Very encouraging words, especially from a people who have the experience and have come through it.
Bravo. Now need to wake the rest of the world.
Such is the darkest side of so called "Nation Building"! The immersion into a conditioning of double speaks. When the landscapes of bountiful natural resources are exploited and the human resources that once relied on the land becomes stimulated by visions of grandeur of future prosperity. Only to find that in the end it was all an abuse and a ruse to rape and pillage the village of its tribal enduring.
When I see the pictures of the Gates entourage in Africa over those decades all I see is wretched use of
so called philanthropy to launch those depop experiments on the unsuspecting inhabitants for profits!
Yes, it has been repeated so many times all over this planet. Easier to see it for what it is from a 2022 perspective, lol. The USA - supposed bastion of a revolutionary republic/constitutional democracy has fallen. But the seeds of her destruction were sown from the beginning when European settlers (invaders?) colonized the continents, brutally exterminating the Native Americans. It is not difficult to see that once humans began building “civilizations” where the distinction between rulers and ruled were clearly drawn that history became a history of failing and failed civilizations driven to conquer and rule over whomever they could find.
Not all Europeans were like that.
The Pilgrims came for freedom.
The Spanish who came were the worst. Gold!
Killing and enslavement of the people living here, and beyond.
But that’s never mentioned.
Blaming history doesn’t clean up the now.
The only thing blame does is divide.
Native Americans were not all living a peaceful life. They had their own wars between tribes going on.
It’s human nature to divide and conquer.
There also were Black Slave owners. Forgotten history.
Black Africans sold their fellows into slavery. Never talked about.
The indentured servitude of the Irish had it worse than any black slave. Another forgotten history.
The US fought for freedom of the Black people.
Put ships on the coast of Africa to end the selling of slaves.
Forgotten history.
So blaming European people is not a cure for present time problems.
It’s just a convenient scapegoat.
No one is blaming Europeans as a cure for present problems. Disagree with almost every point you made. This is a humanity problem and affects the entire planet. The Pilgrims came for freedom? Whose freedom - theirs or the Native Americans they managed to love, mate with, learn from, admire, and also fight against in numerous wars?
The facts of history are facts and no amount of denial will change this. Unless we all become aware of the actual history and understand how to avoid repeating it we are sunk. There are no noble savages or noble "civilized" beings.
Your comment is nonsense
Absolutely. Look at the Globalist.
Look at how welfare decimated the Black community. Prior to welfare enslavement, POC had strong family unity, strong commitment to community. Stronger than whites.
After, using nice sounding misnomers. Welfare, Free Stuff on and on. , destroying the soul of people to do better.
We haven’t stopped dividing and conquering.
It’s just called Social Justice. PC. On and on.
We The People have to rebuild our community, without Government interference
You actually believe there’s a conquering instinct built into humanity? Explain what you mean - ‘breed out or jab out a conquering instinct.”
I think you somewhat missed the point.
Excellent Dr. Lawrie! My daughter has had a feeling all along that Africa is going to lead the way to a new tomorrow. Thank you; this speech gave me hope for the future.
I might move to Africa!!!! Thanks for sharing this Dr. Tess.
Wow - I just realized you were born in South Africa and grew up there.
I once met an South African security guy in the lobby bar of the Conrad Hilton hotel here in Bangkok, Thailand who said to me 'Some of the toughest men I have ever known were South African women.'
Dr. Tess, we can see where you get that wonderful strength of character, your resilience, and your fighting spirit - you are African!!!!! As an Australian I can relate to having grown up in a huge and mighty land.
I find that hugely interesting that Dr Tess grew up in South Africa, prove where she got her strength and endurance.
What a wonderful piece Dr Lawrie. It was so interesting to read this as I have a very basic knowledge of Africa. The ASC is a very welcome organisation alongside the World Council for Health (which I tell everyone about whenever I can 😊) and I sincerely hope they can help Dr Stone as well. So many brave people that we owe so much to. Long may you all continue. 🙏
Thank you Dr. Lawrie for the gifts you are bringing the world. May these words of hope echo in the heavens and radiate throughout the world. Let this light shine on the dark and defeat its agenda. Such good news. Blessings. 🙏
You probably know Spirit the leopard Dr. Lawrie if you are from South Africa. So beautiful story that brings me tears in my eyes each time I watch this video.
The incredible story of how leopard Diabolo became Spirit - Anna Breytenbach, "animal communicator".
¨What if you could talk to animals and have them talk back to you? Anna Breytenbach has dedicated her life to what she calls interspecies communication. She sends detailed messages to animals through pictures and thoughts. She then receives messages of remarkable clarity back from the animals. In this section, Anna transforms a deadly snarling leopard into a relaxed content cat. The amazing story of how leopard Diabolo became Spirit...¨ 13:16 min
Africa, India , Burma have first hand experience with the sterilization and eugenics Vaxes Gates and his wife pushed.
Gates and Melinda smiling away, giving innocent children shots that would or could cripple or kill.
I’m so grateful to hear about this coalition against the Globalist Cabal of Narcissistic Psychopaths.
We need a complete eradication of the Globalist.
No escape.
Prosecute all of them.
This is a wonderful piece of hope for us all. The funny thing about all this, so many people have no idea what is going on. So weird.
Indeed - though it's getting harder and harder to keep the cat in the bag.
Yes, you're right about that. I get an image of someone desperately trying to cup sand but it keeps sifting through their fingers. Eventually you can't help but notice they have failed to hold it together. The truth will become more obvious as it piles up at their feet.
The evil doers have managed to make half the people of the planet retarded ,At least on the part of the planet I live on . Or they had always that condition and we did not know it until the snout pouches appeared .Now even when not forced to do so .Sooo many keep displaying the cult passport [ MASK]] .Inside most establishments the masking is almost 100% .The worst places are hospitals and doctors offices .I know masks do no good only harm ,but doctors insist we have one on .If doctors don't know whats harmful ,I wonder what else they don't know .If I know more than the Doc. why go there .? I dry to avoid those places if I can .They killed my brother . in the hospital ,with the Tony Foxi treatment protocol on Dec.3rd.2021 . I was prevented from going in there by force when I wanted to rescue him .His wife send him in there without telling me ,until it was to late . How many others dyed needlessly .
An excellent speech. I have no doubt that the late president of Tanzania, John Magufuli, would have applauded it loudly.
There was an article in the Guardian https://tinyurl.com/yc6yu63e that sought to ridicule his stand. Nowhere does it mention that the man had a doctorate in Chemistry. However he might have expressed his scepticism & rhetoric as a politician, I'd like to think that he had a good grasp of the underlying scientific issues. When he (mysteriously?) died, his replacement toed the global line very quickly. Perhaps our global masters made an example of Magufuli 'pour encourager les autres'.
For many years I trusted the Guardian. Now it disgusts me.
Yup. Also the BBC & pretty much the entire MSM.
The only output I can stand now is occasionally watching Neil Oliver on GB News. I loved his previous work as an archaeologist & historian. Now, many of his views resonate with me, he asks good questions of his guests & has the courtesy to not interrupt them.
Oliver's employer is described by the rest of the media as "Right Wing", but I don't even know what the words 'left' & 'right' mean any more. I think they're just meaningless labels but we're supposed to love 'left' & loath 'right' according to Big Brother's directions at the time.
I've lost faith & trust in just about every British & International institution that I'd previously acknowledged, if not respected, for the whole of my life. Science, medicine, education at all levels, the NHS, the civil service, national & local government, the police, WHO, UN, EU, NATO . . . and don't get me started on the Assange scandal & the legal system. Dreyfus had it easy by comparison.
I'll stop now. We swivel eyed loons need to stop for a stiff drink at regular intervals.
Here's a thought to reflect on that explains it all in my opinion.
In the last 1,000 years what family and what nation had the biggest fascist empire in history? The British empire. You've probably never thought of it but monarchies are inherently a fascist enterprise - public-private dictatorships. And the British built the greatest fascist empire on earth.
And it's still there - it just transformed - but it is hiding in plain sight.
Who are the richest families in the world - the monarchies - who are invested in Vanguard and Blackrock, the 2 monsters forcing change on us - And who owns the majority of the financial capital in the world?
This is the monarchies taking their world back.
If the world does not follow suit, we who know might all need to head to Africa.
Thousands of the diaspora are returning to Africa.
rightfully so. I am originally from Europe but will not hesitate to move if needed. Read an article some time ago from black people who moved from the US back to their original country in Africa. They said this was the best decision they ever made ! Less luxury, less money, lots more friendship and happiness they stated.
Beautiful, thank you, Dr. Lawrie. This kind of effort is the only way forward.
"It’s time to show the world and each other who we really are – because after centuries of sleepwalking, the world is ready to see the truth. The world is ready to know us. Our beauty, our culture, our wisdom, our compassion, our phenomenal strength of heart."
Heart-warming words.