Thank you, Tess - awesome guest today (well, I might be biased - big fan of Dr. Rose).

It is 4AM, but could not wait to watch this talk :-).

One comment: forgiving aside for the doctors pushing these jabs, how would we EVER trust them again? This is a very big issue - I'd rather see a shaman instead.

The silver lining in this mess is that I got the chance to know people like you two, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Michael Yeadon, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Toby Rogers, Steve Kirsch and so many many others; in different circumstances I would have not even known these great teachers and humanists existed. You and them are people who raised to the moment and spread the light of knowledge and humanity and I am deeply thankful for this <3!

The clowns from Davos are NOT "the elites"; YOU are!

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There will continue to be many silver linings here. As we endeavour to figure our way from the sticky web of these dystopian chains we will discover repeatedly the inner strength In ourselves and in each other. It is always when the chips are down that we find ourselves fortunate to be experiencing difficulties. Remain grateful. Gratefulness works as an antidote to bitterness and despair. Holding ourselves responsible wherever possible prevents us from falling into the trap of blaming others.

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Gratitude is paramount

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"I'd rather see a shaman instead." Amen!

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On these issues the shamans definitely have it.

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Right?? The "white coats" are toast. They have utterly revealed themselves. Grotesque.

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This is such an excellent talk. Congratulations for your work and courage to speak out. I’m a MD in Brazil and I’m tired to keep “swimming against the tide”. We need to stand firm and brave. The truth will prevail.

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Thank you for an engaging video conversation between two wonderful leading ladies with heart-centred compassion and common sense - plus optimal scientific and medical credentials. Thanks for the kindly smiles, too. I'm numb with outrage, defiance and despair at this evil Globalist Political Idiocy Plot, this malevolent grand deception - and the blind psychotic compliance of the masses. We're witnessing an orchestrated Dystopian Globalist Coup, an ideological take-over attempt at One World Government. "They" - the corrupt scheming predatory New World 'Order' - don't care about the truth, dire statistics, what any of us "useless eaters" may think, nor the suffering, infertility and death of unspeakable multitudes. It's collateral damage in a propagandised Ideological Information World War. Sovereign humanity has to wake up AND ROAR. "They" don't own us! Not now. Not ever.

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Great video and interview be sure to keep up with the FLCCC updates for COVID injury and long haul.

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I would like to add one other thing. Ivermectin among other things works. Who knew, When did they know, who suppressed it. Lets never forget that.

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Dr Andrew Hill knew - his talk with Dr Tess is shocking to say the least.

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Hi Puffin

You are right he did know and the Tess talk was shocking. Next question; is it a crime to allow 15,000 people per day die because you suppressed a safe and effective cheap easy ly available non side effect treatment. I say its a crime of murder if even one person died as a result of an individuals actions. The law also says the same thing.

Is it a crime for news actors to say Ivermectin/Hydrox is not safe and should not be taken . I say yes, saying I didn't know is not a defence. Everything comes from one concept. Those individuals that were speaking out were professionally credentialed and highly qualified. As professionals their concerns should have been explored in a transparent fashion.

Thanks for responding I appreciate your thoughts.

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Have you read A State of Fear by Laura Dodsworth (British author/journalist) ? It's very good . After that I then read The Real Anthony Fauci (Robert F Kennedy Jr. Really informative but heartbreaking. The information is out there and Robert backs it all up with data - but somehow Fauci is still there and still killing people. I despair.

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Dear Puffin

Despair, I think its part of the plan. I won't discount your feelings by saying "don't despair" I will instead say take heart. We are together, we are not alone, we are winning. I wish I could find a way to bring forth the idea of"who knew, when did they know, who suppressed" Ivermectin et al, could have saved more than lives it could have saved so much more.

Keep talking, keep reading keep interacting.


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sorry Shawn-only just read this 😊

(Do you have any 'favourite' 'outstanding' 'memorable quotes' 'anecdotes')

I'll have a think about this ok. It's a very hot day here in Italy today and I can barely think straight -😰

Thank you for your kind words.

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Follow up

No I haven't read those titles. I do thank you for the info and I will follow up with the titles you suggest.

Do you have any 'favourite' 'outstanding' 'memorable quotes' 'anecdotes'

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Have to say Shawn -one of the standout quotes was from Draghi -he, and I QUOTE - said - IF YOU HAVE THE SUPER GREEN PASS IT GUARANTEES THAT YOU ARE AMONG PEOPLE WHO WILL NOT INFECT YOU AND YOU WILL NOT GET ILL. What a bare faced liar he is. I dream of Karma.

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WOW Dr Tess - thank you so much for this interview with Dr Jessica Rose. It's my first time seeing /meeting her and what a great lady she is. I will certainly look up more of her work now. I also watched you on Neil Oliver yesterday and I have to say BRAVA to how you tackled that awful Dr Amesh. But in order to not be one-sided, (something which mainsteam media still have to learn 😏), it was a good exercise in seeing the gulf between good and bad. (and boy was he bad ). Neil is amazing as well - a voice of calm amongst the madness.

I want to send you a link - unfortunately it is a meeting in Italian, which recently took place. Part of the presentation was showing slides of blood samples, and it was extremely interesting but disturbing (for those jabbed). The title ' Il diritto della scelta', means the Right to choice. Some of it was dubbed at the beginning, albeit badly. But if I could get a transcript of it, I could get it translated for you, The elderly lady doctor at the end (Dr Silvana De Mari) is like a raging bull - she is so good and so vocal in her disapproval.

I loved spending my Sunday afternoon watching you and as always, keep up your brilliant work and Stay Free 😉😉😉

Here's the link ;


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I resonated with that episode of the Golden Girls. As a person with ME for 32 years I was lucky enough to see a top neurologist in Glasgow who was well acquainted with ME. Unfortunately some fellow sufferers, and there are many including children now adults, did not have the same compassionate care. Needless to say, I am not vaccinated and lived life normally these past 2 years within the bounds of ME.

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I haven't watched this yet but excited by the combination of you and Jessica Rose. Excited not really the best descriptor given subject(s) but in terms of two strong advocates for truth who are trust worthy. Thanks in advance.

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Blessings to both of you warriors!

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You did a fantastic job on Neil Oliver's show the other day. I hope he has you back on along with Jessica Rose.

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Yes and that Dr Amesh should be absolutely ashamed of his behaviour. What a joke of a man. They should give him a role next to Elmo 😡

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Can you provide us a link to this show?!

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Thank you both for this video. Your voices are wildly important right now.

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From all your data capture, is it possible to establish a statistical risk (for age, gender, number and type of shots) based pilot incapacitation? Aviation medicine requires pilots carry a medical risk of an incapacitation event within 12 months of less than 1%. Dr Jessica Rose is arguably the most qualified to establish if this is calculable from the data. The two of you are doing amazing work.

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No it is not possible. It can give you an idea of the risk distribution, an excellent one at that, but you can not calculate reliable hazard or risk ratios from the data.

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Right. Thank you. Therefore it relies on the medical testing of every single pilot to establish his/her individual risk of suffering an adverse reaction over the next 12 months. There seems to be a very strong case to introduce D-dimer and Troponin Level testing into pilot medicals following these vaccinations.

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There is no particular risk for the unvaccinated to suffer myocarditis as a consequence of the infection.


However, the proportion of VAERS reports which mentions "troponin increased" or "myocarditis" (or both) reaches over 33% in double vaccinated 15-17 boys who had an infection.

It is a disease enhancer. Plain and simple. But not just in boys!

Displayed are differences in proportion to a pseudo-placebo reference group of reports. See https://help.pervaers.com for more information.

Myocarditis, no infection:

https://pervaers.com/?v=c10&q=_myocarditis_ (1 shot, 0.37% of reports about 12-18 year old boys)

https://pervaers.com/?v=c20&q=_myocarditis_ (2 shots, 6.34% of reports about 12-18 year old boys)

Myocarditis + infection:

https://pervaers.com/?v=c11&q=_myocarditis_ (1 shot, 11.79% of reports about 12-18 year old boys)

https://pervaers.com/?v=c21&q=_myocarditis_ (2 shots, 15.57% of reports about 12-18 year old boys)

And for the older age group, the same thing happens with atrial fibrillations and other cardiac arrhythmias:

Atrial fibrillation, no infection:

https://pervaers.com/?v=c10&q=_atrial_fibri (1 shot, 0.67% of reports from 80+ males)

https://pervaers.com/?v=c20&q=_atrial_fibri (2 shots, 1.63% of reports from 80+ males)

Atrial fibrillation + infection:

https://pervaers.com/?v=c11&q=_atrial_fibri (1 shot, 3.15% of reports about 80+ males)

https://pervaers.com/?v=c21&q=_atrial_fibri (2 shots, 3.73% of reports about 80+ males)

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The world has been brainwashed into believing doctors and drugs have something to do with health. They don't. MD's are medical interventionists, and they have their place. But, health is an individual responsibility. In my opinion, we are usually better off without doctors or drugs.

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and if we need "drugs", our beautiful planet has given us of thousands already made.

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I have felt like taking a foraging class to learn more about what helpful herbs and plants exist in the forests.

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Not sure there will ever be actual “informed consent” again…

…mandating a unknown injection and refusing to tell what is known

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Excellent discussion, thank you so much. I am also concerned about nvCJD, we dodged a bullet during BSE in the UK, why are we risking these horrors for an illness no worse than flu for most? It goes way beyond mere profit making, it is indeed evil.

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You tell your friends, vaccines can be very dangerous, and there are cheap safe and effective alternatives, IVM, HCQ, and at least vit D, zinc, vit C as baseline. Some sort of agree with you , have evidence of damaged friends but they still sign up for a 3rd or 4th booster. Others change the subject and just want you to shut up and go away. The last thing they are going to do is any reading. The worst is they cannot tell trustworthy people like yourselves from those with an unsupported narrative. Probably a Desmet (sp ) thing Dr Jo Stanley UK

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