I’m particularly interested in this topic as I have studied the microbiome for years and had heard from someone that ivermectin could cause damage to the gut flora, which I haven’t yet found time to research. I took probiotics with my preventative IVM as a precaution, but perhaps that wasn’t necessary, after all.

Tess, I don’t know if you saw my email to you about this, but I just published the following piece in celebration of World Ivermectin Day:

• “Letter to Alex Berenson on World Ivermectin Day” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-alex-berenson-on-world)

I wrote this in response to Alex’s debate with Pierre Kory and was hoping the one-two punch might help persuade him to reconsider his BigPharma-propagated position on ivermectin. I asked my readers to share it using the #WorldIvermectinDay hashtag, so perhaps that will help with trending.

It was only after I published that piece that I discovered the BIRD letter written to Alex back in February, so I shared that in a pinned comment on the post:


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Thank you very much, Margaret – well received and a great article! I have shared widely and trust that your words will motivate Alex to take another look at the ivermectin story.

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Alex Berenson won't be persuaded on Ivermectin. During the debate with Pierre he made it clear that he opposed Tess Lawrie recording her conversation with Andrew Hill. That recording is actually historic and of great importance to what has happened during this covid-19 saga. Actually, the importance of it pertains to all history where medicine is under influence from businesses. Who needs transparency? Berenson certainly does not, in this case. Beware.

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I like Alex Berenson but on ivermectin he makes no sense. Of course Pierre Kory is a hero, like Tess.

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Yes, Berenson is a mixed bag. He claimed he read about the Tess vs Hill recorded conversation. Why not just listen to the actual conversation? It is a recording for all time. It sums up so much about how so much of "science" the world operates. Money talks. Propaganda works.

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Jul 24, 2022Edited
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It does matter Diane because Ivermectin is part of the solution to help people who are suffering from that Bioweapon. It was available without prescrition from a doctor before until two years ago when the cabal banned it.

He also insulted to Dr. Malone during a live interview saying that he was not part of the mRNA technology. Another lie. You are the one looking for conflict.

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Jul 24, 2022
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I had the sense that Alex Berenson’s mindset on ivermectin has something to do with his wife’s thoughts (not necessarily his own) on ivermectin. Being a western trained physician, she possibly follows the narrative on ivermectin.

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I believe she is a forensic psychiatrist.

Here is the truth on psychiatry

Dr James Davies: The Origins of the DSM:


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Last night I met an intelligent young woman. Her profession is graphic designer. She and her partner just finished a six month trip to Costa Rica, Mexico and Nicarauga. I asked if she purchased any ivermectin while in Mexico. She had no idea what it was. Because of the suppression, banning of ivermectin by health authorities and MSM, so many many have absolutely no idea ivermectin exists, nor can be used for early covid treatment.

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I am a nutrition consultant, and I am so in love with Dr. Hazan's brains. Both of you are beautiful souls, Dr. Lawrie. Thank you...

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Thank you so much Dr Tess. I am going to forward this to my daughter. She has a friend who is 27 and her life has been absolutely ruined by ONE shot of moderna. She wishes she hadn't caved in and had it - but as you know , the situation in Italy was very very difficult. She regrets it every day. She has numerous health problems, particularly with her stomach/gut and is often bent over in agony. I so want to help her as she is such a lovely girl. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Very sorry to hear about your daughter's friend. I hope she gets the help and care she needs.

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Thank you dear Tess--for another powerful presentation. Sabine's talk was so informative: the connection between the source of Ivermectin--which came from the soil--and our own microbiome which also owes so much to the soil. She is a 'true scientist' who does not leap to conclusions but does her own work to determine the results. I appreciated her Earthiness, understanding it gives her a good connection to this wonder she is studying. And thank you for sharing the gift from Professor Omura. It was beautiful and you deserve the honor. Few have done as much to champion the cause of this wonderful but humble drug. Thank you Tess.

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Thank you for keeping this...

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Great! I used ivermectin with some selected patients during 2020 and 2021, with good results. 2022 none needed, since the positive test syndrome is so mild. I wonder if that infection wasn't indeed more parasitical than viral. What is your opinion?

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These articles I read on the different mechanisms of ivermectin are very interesting. It works in all 3 phases of covid because of all of its amazing properties-plus a few other diseases





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Thank you for these excellent links! I’ve just begun to read the first one from Nature. Wow.

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How can you not love and respect Dr Lawrie?

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Hmmm, I agree with taking care of the gut by reducing stress, taking nutrients, a good balanced diet etc but think I'll place Sabine Hazan in the unconvincing category! She starts by saying she had a virus at some point!...really?

@3:30 she says "Our Lab was the first one to find Covid in the stools! Hmmm, I thought Covid was a set of symptoms. Surely she means the so called virus SARS-Cov-2 for which she claims to have found the whole entire genome sequence despite the fact that SARS-Cov-2 has never been isolated. So how exactly did she find the whole entire sequence and what did she actually compare it against? She fails to properly answer Dr Lawrie's question and simply claims her lab was able to identify and quantify the whole genome. And a little shot of tequila helps cure the gut..really?

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What proof does Sabine Hazan have for claiming to have found the entire genome sequence for SARS-Cov-2 ?

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There are certainly differences in the opinion of international scientists on the matter of isolating the virus: the World Council for Health is planning to hold a meeting to hear and consider the differing perspectives.

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You are right. Sabine Hazan is a fraud.

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From the 🟫?

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Very unconvincing. Hazan is a fraud.

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I had Covid for the first-time that know of two months ago. It was like a bad flu. Only one pharmacy in my area sells Ivermectin and HCQ. After taking a 5 day course of the Ivermectin and 7 days of the HCQ, I am all better. So grateful for these options!

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The Wuhan one was bad. I've had 2 of the omicrons since and they are waaaay milder. Uncomfortable and damn inconvenient. Wuhan was 21 days of hell. Fortunately, I didn't have a secondary infection from it.

I have deep personal animosity for fauXi, gates, Baric, Daszak and the rest who have wrought the unspeakable upon our country and the world. I live to educate now. Thank you for this presentation!

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Mine Wuhan was 50 days long.

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OMG. Holy crap!

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Fantastic work by Tess to provide us with more information on the wonders of Ivermectin. Why would any health practitioner be denying it’s value? I just don’t understand the reasoning behind all this nonsense to keep it away from people. I would understand if it was harmful, but it’s not. It’s Mother Nature providing us with a miraculous cure for things. When will one of our MP’s be bringing up the subject at PM’s Question Time on, ‘Research results regarding Ivermectin’? Thank you once again Tess.

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Absolutely delightful! What a wonderful talk. Thank you to Dr. Lawrie and Dr. Hazan.

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Ivermectin is anti-parasitic. Hydroxychloroquine also works for fungal toxins.

What is causing the "covid" symptoms?

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Hydroxychloroquine is a chemical form of quinine. Europeans started to use quinine in the early 17th to treat malaria, a mosquito-borne disease caused by a parasite.

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Loaded statements there. Ivermectin for example is hardly a 'one trick pony'. Are you stirring or are you uneducated? Either way.....I will move on.

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Don't be alarmed! Nobody said it cures everything or only one thing. The point EXACTLY was that the "covid" symptoms are caused by something else than a "virus."



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I'd agree that the jury is still out as to whether covid symptoms are caused by a virus and it may be a while before the full truth is revealed. The mechanism of covid disease and injection injury appears to be multi-system inflammation with cell damage. As ivm has potent anti-inflammatory properties, and now we are learning that it improves the microbiome, these may be more important than anti-viral properties per se.

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It is a Bio Weapon made in a lab. Everybody should know that by now. It is possible that it is added to the chemtrails soup. Those lines that we see in the sky are not condensation from the engines but chemical and toxins spray on us by military aircrafts and private company. They don't have passengers. The reason they do that is to make us sick and to deprive us from the benefit of the sun.

Danger: Chemtrails – Aerial Spraying of Toxic Chemicals By Foster Gamble

Governments and corporations are deliberately manipulating and altering Earth’s climate, endangering the lives of people all over the world. Two of the most extreme cases of geo-engineering are chemtrails – the release of toxic chemicals into the air that are poisoning people and the planet – and HAARP – an electromagnetic antenna array based in Alaska that can send radio-frequency radiation over large geographical areas and manipulate weather patterns causing earthquakes, tsunamis, and more. These projects represent some of the worst crimes in history, yet most people are unaware of them.

Over a hundred patents [1] have been granted to major corporations, including Monsanto, for aerial spraying of materials that can penetrate your lungs and blood, cause disease, disrupt your mental capacity, cause you to be sterile and even cause premature death. These materials are being sprayed all over our planet – and on you – right now, without your knowledge or consent.

For over ten years, observers have been noticing white aerosol trails being dispersed in the skies that don’t behave like usual condensing jet exhaust. When seeking explanation, investigators are told by the government that these are just the normal “contrails” that we see coming from commercial jets and that they are perfectly safe. However, they don’t dissipate the way regular condensation trails do. They linger for hours, spreading across the sky, and are often laid out in cross hatch patterns. The government has refused to test samples collected underneath the trails. Now a TV news report from Germany has confirmed that their military is in fact doing aerial spraying of chemtrails.[2]

An article from the NIH, the National Institutes of Health, confirms that not only are chemtrails real, but they are suspected to be responsible for a variety of neurotoxic conditions including MS.[3]

In 2001, Congressman Dennis Kucinich of Ohio introduced “The Space Preservation Act”, HR 2977. As former head of the House Armed Services Committee overseeing U.S. military projects, Kucinich’s bill called for the peaceful use of space and a ban on “exotic weapons”, including chemtrails.

Intense spraying of dangerous chemicals from planes has been reported in, at least, the US, Canada, Germany, England, Australia, Mexico, South Africa, Bahamas, Puerto Rico and Croatia. A nasty mixture of parasites, pathogens, toxic heavy metals and nano-engineered particles have been found falling to earth from the trails of certain planes. Aluminum, barium, bacillus spores, radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow mycototoxins, ethylene dibromide and synthetic nano-fibers are among the ingredients found in collected samples. As these fill the atmosphere and lodge in our lungs and blood streams through the air we breathe and the food we eat, it represents the most unavoidable toxic pollution in history.

In some areas under the spray, aluminum levels in the soil are so elevated certain trees and crops are struggling to survive. Interestingly, the USDA, which receives royalties on GMO crops, was recently granted a patent for seeds that can grow in soil with high aluminum content.

There are hundreds of photos of Chemtrails, ground based videos, and even a video shot from above a plane while it was turning on and off its sprayers.

The Council on Foreign Relations ran an article in its Foreign Affairs journal promoting the use of dumping heavy metals in the atmosphere to combat global warming. They also held workshops on the subject titled: “Unilateral Planetary Scale Geo-engineering and the Challenge of Global Governance.” Recently their conference in Monterey, California, called “Strategic Aerosol Geo-engineering” announced a ban on reporting such activities.¨ Read More


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Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Says Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped 2:16 min

¨Former FBI Chief, Ted L. Gunderson, makes a statement regarding the chemtrail "death dumps", otherwise know as air crap, on January 12, 2011. Ted says the following: "The death dumps, otherwise known as chemical trails, are being dropped and sprayed throughout the United States and England, Scotland, Ireland, and Northern Europe. I have personally seen them not only in the United States, but in Mexico and in Canada. Birds are dying around the world. Fish are dying by the hundreds of thousands around the world. This is genocide. This is poison. This is murder by the United Nations. This element within our society that is doing this must be stopped. I happen to know of two of the locations where the airplanes are that dump this crap on us. Four of the planes are out of the Air National Guard in Lincoln, Nebraska. And, the other planes are out of Fort Sill, Oklahoma. I personally have observed the planes that were standing still in Nebraska - Lincoln, Nebraska - at the Air National Guard. They have no markings on them. They are huge, bomber-like airplanes with no markings. This is a crime: a crime against humanity, a crime against America, a crime against the citizens of this great country. The must be stopped. WHAT IS WRONG WITH CONGRESS? This has an affect on their population, and their people, and their friends, and their relatives, and themselves. What's wrong with them? What's wrong with the pilots who are flying these airplanes and dumping this crap, this poison, on their own families? Somebody has to do something about it. Somebody in Congress has to step forward and stop it now. Thank you. I'm Ted Gunderson." https://youtu.be/gR6KVYJ73AU

PHOTOS FROM INSIDE CHEMTRAIL PLANES : http://in5d.com/exposed-photos-from-inside-chemtrail-planes-like-youve-never-seen-before/

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All these are major operations, but as popular tools of the genocide, other things also add up: for further modes of poisoning, there are the traditional and generally-accepted ones, too: EMF/ELF/5G, chemicals (e.g. oil refineries), plastics, pesticides, flame retardants, food additives and preservatives, microwaved food, fast food, non-stick utensils, water quality etc.; the list is endless.

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I was wondering, with the hot weather we’ve been having, if the chemicals are actually trapping the heat in?

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Absolutely agree; it's a multilateral attack on humanity and the chemtrails have been ignored for too long.

Here is where your and my opinions differ: the injections are the bioweapons; there is no virus, so the symptoms cannot be caused by a virus. (Please, read my articles.)

But it doesn't matter:


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Fantastic talk as expected! 2 forces of nature, one a gentle, refreshing and vital breeze (dr Lawrie) and the other a powerful hurricane (dr Sabine alias Hurricane Hazan) about one of Mother Natures most precious gifts to humanity. Dr Lawrie, I hope you will have dr Hazan back real soon, or on the WCH, because there is so much more to learn from the both of you about this topic. Thank you so much, the both of you 🙏🙏

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Thank you for your continued hard work and dedication Tess. I really enjoy watching your Tess Talks; lots of my own thoughts are confirmed and explained, and I am learning so much.

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