Brave women and men are those who never hesitate to do the right thing, no matter what the consequences are to themselves, including under tyranny and corruption. Delores and Tess are gutsy and courageous.

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Such clarity of mind, incisiveness of speech, and integrity of heart. We need to translate this and get it out to non English speaking communities. Dolores Cahill is a true warrior of Light.

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Very informative! What an amazing teacher Dolores is! Thank you so much for helping spread her wisdom and ways! You are both very appreciated.

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That was excellent, very informative and much appreciated. Thank you.

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So enjoyed that Tess .. I was in the audience when Delores spoke in Bath ..It blew me away ... Thankyou for sharing this ❤️

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I wish Dolores could help Julian Assange who has been imprisoned in London to be extradited to the U.S. tough he is not a U.S. citizen. His crime is revealing the truth about war crimes and U.S. Elite.

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Two women with integrity and bravery to stand up and fight for our freedoms and rights .

So proud of you both

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Excellent interview, really thoroughly loved it. Every word of it resonates, and such a calm and thoughtful presentation. It is difficult to believe at first. Then, so is what is happening to us, but it is happening. That makes it easier to believe that everything Dolores is saying is true. Thank you both so much

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Very interesting talk. My knowledge on "Law" is very limited, I focus on ethical and moral principles that are based on Common Sense, primarily. But it is good to learn!

The first question from Professor Dolores is the key to the question. How can it be that there has been so much harm done and it is not stopped???

PS: Great work in The Better Way Conference, I was there with a Virtual Pass, very inspiring!

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Thank you both Tess and Delores awsome wonderful important interview discussion for all your amazing work research keeping us all informed updated. Godbless you both. May truth peace freedom continue to lead soldier on even Gr8 those on the frontlines of Justice prevail. 💖💖🙏

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Thank you so much.

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THEY are abusing the Mental Health Act to indefinitely detain & force treatments

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Tess, one of Clif Highs talks discusses how he used one of the statutes Delores discussed to convince a judge to dismiss a wrongful case being brought- its a good question to ask, how to apply....will try and locate it at the Clif High Rumble channel and send it along...

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‘UNIVERSAL ANTIDOTE’….documentary on Bitchute….a MUST watch for vax injured

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My understanding is that covid injections are being considered for babies only six months old and I want go on record once again in complete opposition to this idea that injecting a little child with this concoction provides any benefit. On the contrary, all evidence suggest it is most harmful, and there is no scientific reason whatsoever to authorize and advocate for such a thing to be injected into young bodies. So, begs the question - why have we reached this moment in time. Myself - I resist the efforts of medical tyranny because I know they go hand-n-hand with tyranny in general, and as a mere peasant I'm just going to put my foot down and say NO. I refuse.

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