This resonates so much with me! I love the way Kim says she studied different modalities not because she intended to use them, but for her own healing! This made me realise that this is what I'm doing! 😂

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I have to say I'm a little shocked that Kim Knight would be urging us to collaborate with the Medical Industry. After the shocking betrayal by our medical institutions (starting with the WHO, and going down the line to Big Pharma, and the hospitals and doctors that sold us downstream), I would no longer put even the smallest bit of trust into "working" with them. I feel that there is still a place for this institution (broken bones & surgery), but I would NEVER consider collaborating with them as far as treating illness or disease. Not after what we've been through. This is not to say that all doctors & hospital admin are bad. But they are either too asleep and dumbed down to question what is fed them via mainstream media/govt/WHO guidelines etc. (in which case I would not put my trust in such doctors), or they are deliberately turning a blind eye so as not to lose their pay check, or they are too afraid to speak up also because they desperately need that pay check. In every scenario, I don't think they deserve our trust anymore. I'm sorry if this sounds cynical... I did however very much appreciate Kim's view of looking to the root cause of negative emotions as the cause of disease. Her Qigong teacher is indeed one of the best in the world - he was working as a qi healer at a hospital in China before he immigrated to New Zealand. If anyone is curious, here is a lovely introduction to Yuan Tze and Ren Xue Qigong: https://vimeo.com/711551127/cb30c89e12

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not cynical at all, very measured, reasoned comment. great read, thanks for the link

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The modern medical establishment has many useful diagnostic tools. Consulting with a regular doctor can be helpful.

I remember the advice, 'be like a horse; don't eat everything set before you." Pick through the information and advice. Eat the hay; leave the twigs and sticks.

It is perplexing how so many supposedly intelligent people rationalize the self-destructive path humanity is upon. Develop a nasty virus, and then "treat" it with a nastier, mandatory "vaccine." 🤷‍♂️

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Yes, it's true - I had forgotten about the diagnostic tools. And they are helpful. What is not helpful is having a chemical prescription pushed on you for every ailment. Out of curiosity, would YOU want to collaborate with the medical establishment? And if so, what would you propose? The Rockefeller's did everything they could to cause distrust and discrimination against natural forms of healing - indeed they actually waged a campaign against other healing modalities back in the 40's and 50's - in their push to have chemical drugs be the only creditable form of healing...

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Collaboration? No. 😅

The alternatives you suggest are better for health.

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So often I read in the comment section that me or he had the covid ,or omicron ,but thankfully got over it ,because the runny nose stopped running ,the temperature is a half degree lower ,the headache is better ,because yesterday I did not drink .How do they know it was not the cold or flu ,they had ? Colds and flu can be mild or severe ,pneumonia can be fatal .Those ailments existed as long as humanity existed I believe .How are the new ailments different from the old ones ?.Also the new illness may be caused by the venom injections . Why do I believe that ,because medical problems and death of the new kind did not exist before the injections .

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It's really important to acknowledge this causal link between negative emotions and illness or symptoms. Thank you Kim. As you say, negative emotions do cause physiological changes that weaken the immune system, change blood chemistry, leaving us more vulnerable to opportunistic viruses like Epstein barr that actually recognise when a person is "down" through biomarkers that trigger viral activation, that in turn causes chronic fatigue, depression, and many other symptoms.

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I studied nutrition many years ago. We were taught to set up a two-way communication with a client’s conventional medical practitioner as a priority but so often this was impossible due to the conventional medicine practitioner’s unwillingness to embrace the usefulness of the nutritional approach - and let’s face it, how can nutrition be considered way out or alternative. We all have to eat so why not eat well.

My daughter qualified as a doctor in the UK last year and I followed her training with interest. She had one morning of nutrition education. - and most of that was outdated and, quite frankly, likely to cause more harm than good. Sadly, it seems that most conventionally-trained doctors are simply a means by which BigPharma channels it’s drugs to the public. Having said that I now have a wonderful, nutritionally-oriented doctor (I don’t live in the U.K.) who was able to prescribe Ivermectin to me when I recently had covid. But he is a rare bird.

While profit is put before people’s health - an example of which is behind the whole drive behind the current push to get everyone injected - it appears to me that we aren’t going to make much progress in public health. At least the World Council for Health and the Public Health Alliance in the U.K. show that there is a growing body of those who are no longer willing to put up with the current situation.

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Excellent sound bites and overall message to remember. Every day is a school day but I feel I went to university with this talk! Big thanks to Kim and Tess.

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Important discussions to help folks modify lifestyle.

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For any men watching from 36:00 minutes she tries to explain her theory. It's about energy.

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