Fascinating, I grew up with an MD father who was even then (ca 1950-1960), very sceptical about allopathic medicine, and for us doctors were mostly either homeopaths or anthroposophical doctors as a matter of first choice and allopathic medicine was the last thing to consider.

he would say, if you are stuck at a traffic light with a doctor in your car, he might loan you his hammer to go and knock out the red light, and he would be happy to patch you up (for a fee) after the accident, but he would plead ignorance as to the cause of the accident.

My current view of the matter is that Lifestyle Medicine may be a path to the integration of many healing modalities into the healthcare model, because lifestyle medicine shifts the first responsbility to nutrition and lifestyle, nothing that 85% of all medical expenditure (pre-covid) is on chronic diseases that can be prevented or reversed with nutrition and lifestyle. Once we make that shift towards prevention first, the various treatment modalities come in a different light, and allopathy not in a particularly good one, because it focuses too much on symptoms and assuming that there is a singular cause for every disease (diagnosis). The systems view is more challenging, if all your training is in one cause, one disease, one pill, but it quickly starts making more sense. See a.o. T. Colin Campbell's books Whole and The Future of Nutrition. The major shfit that needs to be accomplished is to move out of the Newtonion model of allopahtic medicine towards an understanding that spirit is first cause and the body only an effect. Here is my own modest contribution to that point: https://www.bernardokastrup.com/2019/09/guest-essay-metaphysical-rubber-meets.html

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Functional Medicine in the US returns us to our actual roots in discovering causes and adjusting lifestyle without the Big Pharma blinders. See ifm.org. They are being protective of their medical licenses due to the COVID threats, sadly, so leave courageous objection to the early treatment heroes, but are getting there in terms of thoughtful integrative treatment. In the Psych area I am encouraged by the Psychiatry Redefined FM approach of Dr James Greenblatt in the US. Again they Tiptoe around Big Pharma on vaccine harm and C19 treatment,sadly, but at least one step out of Big Pharma jail.

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Functional medicine undoubtedly has a role to play, though I still tend to think that Lifestyle Medicine and the shift to nutrition and lifestyle, prefention and natural disease reversal, is the first line of defense. Simply put, it can solve 85% of the problem. After that, we can become more focused. see https://www.lifestylemedicine.org. Also in this field, the influence of the AMA and Pharmageddon is still too large, but they did make some good contributions to cvid 19, here: https://www.lifestylemedicine.org/ACLM/ACLM/Advocacy/CoVid-19_Resources.aspx?hkey=f6db3137-6473-454b-8770-8e0995643389 plus, there was the research that was published in BMJ that people on plant-based diets saw a 73% reduction in moderate to severe covid outcomes, if they caught it. Here Brooke Goldner presents that study: https://youtu.be/4i358mYJwHs

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I don't think Brooke Goldner can have read the BMJ Nutrition paper. In her video she's using "plant-based" as a synonym for "vegan" but if you read the paper, the "plant-based" group were not vegans, they ate meat, dairy, eggs and fish, and the "low carb high protein" group wasn't particularly low carb, they drank more than average sugary drinks for example. The paper was also very selective with the data, using results from only around 1/4 of the study group, leaving it wide open to bias. While I very much share your enthusiasm for lifestyle medicine and it's quite possible that diet can have an effect on COVID severity, that particular paper doesn't really tell us anything except for the poor state of nutritional research.

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I think you would be encouraged to see the very same kind of preventative lifestyle and nutrition focus from the IFMers. Glad to discover all signs of hope out there and looking forward to studying your link!

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Yes, I would be and I was familiar with functional medicine practically since Linus Pauling, but right now Lifestyle Medicine has the traction. I know one doctor who just prior to Covid rand a dozen 10--day clinics, so-called Jumpstart programs, complete with biostats before and after, including BP, A1C, lipid panels, cholesterol etc. 35 pts in each such clinic and 20% reductions in BP, and Ä1C and Cholesterol not uncommon, to the point of meds having to be adjusted. retention very high - 70% + after one year. Statins fall of to 50% within 6 months, because of side effects.

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Impressive. Thank you!

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Thank you Tess and Janey for a wonderful entré into homeopathy. I've been a homeopath for over 30 years and would like to clarify a few points: Homeopathy was first discovered by Samuel Hahnemann who was a 19th century apothecarist. Even though their presenting complaint might improve, he could see that many of his customers became sicker having been prescribed medicaments of the time like lead for diarrhoea and Laudanum, an opiate, for all manner of complaints and has its modern day equivalent in Oxycontin today. So, Hahanemann decided to experiment with substances in his apothacry by testing them on himself. The first of which was Cinchona Bark, a plant that contains quinine, a well known treatment for curing and preventing Malaria. He then evaluated that all the symptoms that were brought on by taking a rather large dose were all the symptoms of Malaria. Hence the first law of homeopathy was born; whatever can cause a characteristic set of symptoms can also cure that same characteristic set of symptoms. However, when he began to prescribe in that way, he noticed that the toxicity in the preparations often outweighed their curative power. He then decided to experiment with smaller and smaller doses until he settled upon the infinitesimals and through observation discovered they still worked but far more gently. Hahnemann put the healing power of infinitesimal amounts of a similar substance to healing on the level of something he termed the Dynamis. His writings on his observations and evaluations were captured in several updated editions of the Organon of Healing which can even be found on Amazon for anyone who is interested. My novel Mesmerised, takes place in Paris in 1863, and is narrated by Dr Paul Gachet, artist, doctor, homeopath, friend and physician to the Impressionists, and at one time subject of the most expensive painting in the world, Portrait of Dr Gachet by Vincent van Gogh. Mesmerised can also be found on Amazon for anyone who is interested.

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Fabulous Michelle, great contribution. I look forward to reading your book.

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Homeopathy sounds like a form of energy healing, targeted on a specific "frequency." Unlike a full body massage. 🙂

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Thank you so much for this interview. Though I have used and benefited from homeopathy, I still have very little understanding of how it works. So good to understand the energetic component. Janey is right. We are coming into an age when we are ready to embrace energetic remedies. I'd love to tell a story of my cancer journey and I'll try to make it short. I had an aggressive form of breast cancer and was told the best way to treat it was AMA chemo... In order to meet their time line I had to take a drug that pulled white blood cells from my bone marrow so that I could do the chemo every week. One of the side effects might be bone pain. One night I began to experience pain in my hips. I couldn't sit or lie down without pain and it continued to get worse. After calling the On-Call nurse I was told that the only prescription they could give me was oxycodone. I was really afraid because I was already getting nauseous but I went down to the pharmacey to pick it up. As I waited, I called the homeopathic doc I was also seeing and asked if there was a remedy he could prescribe. He said yes. Just go down to you your health food store and get a tube of Boiron eupatorium perfoliatum and take a few pills--but expect it to take awhile to kick in. It is not a pharmaceutical. I did and it did take about 1.5 hours. Suddenly it stopped completely! And it never came back! I was amazed and hope this form of medicine will come back into favor. We all know about the misuse and overuse of oxycodone. Boiron pills are completely safe and I have many other success stories.

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Homeopathy was absolutely amazing for my baby girl after she had her obligatory jabs (I'm talking 30 years ago). Subsequent to her jabs as an infant she developed bronchitis, ear infections, asthma. Homeopathy really helped her immune system. I use homeopathy today having identified what works for me in the event of toothache or UTI. When you hit on the right remedy for you, wow. Everything falls into place! Homepathy is so powerful. I'm not a homeopath. I support people with chronic illness and always recommend homeopathy alongside such things as dietary changes, hydration, antioxidants, fruits, veg, safe detoxing protocols (solvants, heavy metals, vaccine adjuvants). I would absolutely love to learn more about the remedies for vaccine injury.

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Fantastic Geni, great to read this.

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Janey, how can we find out more about the remedies for clearing vaccine? Is there a specific protocol ?

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Thanks TMartin67. That's very useful. We need to add a few things to these lists. I'm working with NAC, Glutathione, Lysine, COQ10, and anti-viral plants like Cat's Claw, Lemonbalm, thyme, plus Zinc, and mega doses of Vit C (buffered), B12 to protect the CNS, and also pure celery juice (neutralises and flushes toxins), and a heavy metal detox protocol to get rid of metals. This includes 5 key ingredients that cling to metals and pass them on to each other like a football team: wild blueberries, spirulina, barley grass juice powder, fresh coriander, Atlantic dulse. It is important to get the 5 ingredients in the same day. It's safe and effective. We use it for autistic children as well to get their metals out. It would be great to add the homeopathy as well but I don't know the protocols. Was hoping Janey could tell us a bit more about that.

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Hi Geni

Homeopaths are currently working on several cases to find what we call the genus epidemicus.

This is the main remedy/remedies for treating a group of people who are experiencing a uniform and character reaction to the same thing ie. the jabs or an epidemic.

Your best bet is to get in touch with me or your local Homeopath so we can individually receive your case.

Please let me know if I can hell further.

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I really hope this is the way we go ... Medicine as we know it has proven to make us and keep us ill... We are all different and don't take the the same meds as everyone else .. Really exciting times ahead .... ❤

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So many interesting people with life-saving options. I know someone who, a few days ago, went into the British health system. A horror.

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There must be a few safe substances that your guest could have recommended for dealing with vaccine injuries such as for detox, anti-inflammatories, antioxidants etc., especially for those who are unable to pay for individualized care. Notwithstanding the benefits of individualized care, it seemed more like a promotional effort without a genuine contribution

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For safe stuff you can do on your own, there is lots of info available. For instance, there is an article in Epoch Health, written by a doctor. The title is: Spike Protein Detox: 6 Main Medicines and Natural Compounds. Here are the major recommended substances. Ivermectin, Suramin, NAC, Catechin and Curcumin, Carpenter’s Herb, Giant Knotwood. Also, I have a page on detox, if it should interest you. All DIY stuff: https://FullFlourishing.com/detox.html Yes, individualized treatment is best, but a lot is available without that.

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Thank you Elsa,

Unfortunately your link doesn’t load. But I’ll go to Epoch Health as you suggest.

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Thanks for letting me know the link doesn't work. I had left out a letter. I've now fixed the link and it works. As for the Epoch link: https://www.theepochtimes.com/already-jabbed-heres-a-treatment-protocol-for-vaccine-injured_4542691.html I believe this is the right link.

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Thank you…That was helpful

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I'm glad it helped. Then, I think there is also very much place for individual treatments.

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Thank you Tom. I sense your frustration and yes their are some remedies that can help in a general sense, if you want a comprehensive, dynamic and thorough healing individualised prescriptions are best. You could look into the 12 tissue salts and start with these to help ease symptoms.

Please feel free to connect with me or your local Homeopath to see how we can help you further.

My best wishes to you,


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Thank you Janey,

I agree that individual treatment prescriptions by a knowledgeable person may achieve healthful solutions more rapidly. But also, healing should become a lifetime process that everyone should begin to practice for themselves. Understandably giving out any generalized advice may be a “minefield” you refer to but I believe that there are substances that almost everyone can take beneficially without undermining anyone’s profession. For those who can afford homeopathic services, they can perhaps learn more quickly how to care for themselves. For the vast majority, time and money is not on their side.

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This lady is a Homeopath. Homeopathy must be individualised depending on the person's symptoms . No 2 people are the same. So when it comes to treating vaccine damage with Homeopathy you can't say take x, y or z the Homeopath must take your case and see what symptoms you as an individual are experiencing. So this Homeopath cannot just say take this remedy or that remedy. If you simply want to take a vitamin pill then there are plenty of protocols listing lots of supplements available online. But in all honesty Homeopathy is far superior- it's not only individualised, it's an energy medicine and something like this is needed with these covid injections. Cost is an issue yes, however nearly all Homeopaths will offer a reduced concessionary rate if it's a struggle and especially in the current climate.

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Thanks for the support Suzy

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Here are some links to articles that list many things for detox & vaccine injury. My bf has used several of these different protocols for the headaches, brain fog, fatigue, & breathing issues he had after his 2nd moderna shot.






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Can I add a note of scepticism? I was given homepathics for hay fever as a kid. They did absolutely nothing. It cannot be said that they didn't work due to lack of belief, as I was about 10, and didn't learn what homeopathy was till at least 10 years later. I recall reading somewhere, that doctors entertain the patient until the body has had time to heal itself. I think there's a lot of truth in this, applicable to many forms of medicine, including allopathic and homeopathic. At least it's very unlikely that homeopathic medicines will poison the patient. So far as I can tell, it doesn't need a monitoring system to look for danger signals and hasn't been implicated in cases of guillain barre, myocarditis, blood clots etc. BTW, I still have hay fever, and the only thing that ever worked is steroid nasal spray. Antihistamines was as efficacious as the homeopathics my mother gave me, but with much worse side effects.

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They have Cease Therapist in many countries. Healing Children with Autism : CEASE THERAPY

¨Dr. Smits discovered in his practice with over 300 cases the foundation of CEASE therapy and came to his hypothisis of what causes autism. In his experience autism is an accumulation of different causes and about 70% is due to vaccines, 25% to toxic medication and other toxic substances, 5% to some diseases. With isotherapy (see below), a form of homeopathy using the causative substances themselves in homeopathic preparation, the toxic imprints can be erased. CEASE Therapy - The treatment of autistic children and even adults has matured through 300 cases taken by Dr. Tinus Smits and is called CEASE Therapy. Step by step all asumed causative factors (vaccines, regular medication, environmental toxic exposures, effects of illness, etc.) are cleared with the homeopathically prepared, that is diluted and potentized substances that were administered prior to the onset of autism. Currently we use the 30C, 200C, 1M and 10M potencies to clear out the energetic field of the patient from the imprint of toxic substances or diseases... CEASE practitioners We currently have over 500 CEASE practitioners around the world. They have all been certified after taking our extensive CEASE training course to assure correct administration of CEASE Therapy. Enter your location below to find the practitioner nearest to you.¨ Read More http://www.cease-therapy.com/

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Fascinating, Mario - thank you for sharing.

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Thank you Dr. Lawrie. It seems to work and there are a lot of practioners around the world.

¨CEASE practitioners - We currently have over 500 CEASE practitioners around the world. They have all been certified after taking our extensive CEASE training course to assure correct administration of CEASE Therapy.

Enter your location below to find the practitioner nearest to you.¨ http://www.cease-therapy.com/make-appointment/

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DR. CARRIE MADEJ INVOLVED IN PLANE CRASH - PRAY Sending healing light to her and her friend.

¨Our dear friend and phenomenal world leading freedom fighter doctor Carrie Madej was involved in a plane crash, which almost killed her. After testifying in court for a fellow medical freedom fighter Dr. Paul Gosselin, and attending an event with likeminded people, she took off in a private plane with her partner Billy. Shortly after take off the engine malfunctioned, and they crash landed in a nearby field.

Dr. Madej has several fractures, for which she received surgery today, and Billy has skull, facial and back fractures. Praise God they are both alive, but I am asking all of you for prayers. Especially for Billy, who is injured severely on his head.

Here is a screenshot of Carries personal message to me, with more details about what happened:¨

Read More https://stopworldcontrol.com/crash/

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I agree that a knowledgeable clinician can help people sort through and address their illnesses more quickly. But people should begin to heal themselves with whatever tools may be freely accessible.

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I can highly recommend the book A Complete Guide to Homeopathy Co written by Dr Nicola Geddes. I was treated by her some years ago through the Homeopathic Hos3, Glasgow.

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DR. OTTO H. WARBURG : Your Body is Acidic. How to Alkalize your Body Naturally (The Truth behind Cancer that You Will Never Hear From Your Doctor)

Dr. Otto H. Warburg gives the best answer for how to alkalize your body naturally by using lemon and baking soda. Dr. Otto H. Warburg was a Nobel Prize winner, famous for his breakthrough in the field of medicine – he managed to find the true cause of cancer. According to Dr. Warburg, oxygen deficiency is the main factor that contributes to emergence of cancer.

This deficiency results in an acidic state in our bodies. In addition, Dr. Warburg discovered that cancer cells are actually anaerobic and can’t live when they are exposed to high amount of oxygen which is one of the characteristics of alkaline state.

Every healthy cell has certain need for oxygen, but cancer cells can survive without oxygen. If you remove 35% of the oxygen from any cell, it will probably turn into a cancerous cell after 2 days.

What we eat and drink on a daily basis determines the proper maintenance of body’s pH levels. The term pH balance is used to describe the balance between alkaline and acid content in every cells and fluid in the human body. Our bodies must find the ideal balance for the pH levels of our blood which is about 7.365 (a little bit alkaline) in order to stay healthy.

However, the typical American diet today includes many acid-supporting and toxic foods including refined grains, processed sugars, GMO etc. Such diet usually results in harmful acidic pH values. pH levels that are not balanced can disrupt the work of cells.

Greatly acidic pH can also result in the occurrence of many different health issues like heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes and heartburn. In case your body spends a lot of time in an acidic state, it can speed up the aging process.

According to Robert Young, the majority of health issues come as a result of the acidic state of the body. This state is great for the development and growth of viruses, bad bacteria, parasites and candida. On the other hand, alkaline state counterbalances their activities. So, how to alkalize your body?

By keeping your pH balance intact, you will be able to maintain your health." Read More


Baking Soda – True Enemy of the Pharmaceutical Industry

" Cancer is an acid i.e. lactic acid, which is a waste product of the fungus and mold and lives in environment that has low concentration of oxygen. If we bring high concentration of oxygen molecules to the cancer cells they will die. Everyone will strongly resist the idea that something so simple and cheap such as sodium bicarbonate (Baking Soda) can surpass the most expensive pharmaceutical drugs.

There are compelling evidence that are supporting the multitude of theories that suggest that sodium bicarbonate should be the primary and universal medicament for a wide range of diseases, including diabetes and cancer, also all therapists and medical professionals should include it in the medical treatment." Read More https://www.bestherbalhealth.com/baking-soda-true-enemy-pharmaceutical-industry/

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The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1931 - Otto Warburg Biographical


"For his discovery of the nature and mode of action of the respiratory enzyme, the Nobel Prize was awarded to Otto Heinrich Warburg in 1931. This discovery opened up new ways in the fields of cellular metabolism and cellular respiration. He showed, among other things, that cancerous cells can live and develop, even in the absence of oxygen.

Source: Otto Warburg Biography on Nobelprize.org

Warburg’s discovery has opened up new ways in the fields of cellular metabolism and cellular respiration. He has shown, among other things, that cancerous cells can live and develop, even in the absence of oxygen. “But, even for cancer. There is only one primary cause. Summarized in a few words, the cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. Because no cancer cell exists, the respiration of which is intact, it cannot be disputed that cancer could be prevented if the respiration of the body cells would be kept intact.”

Source: The Origin of Cancer Cells

Dr. Otto Warburg received the Nobel prize in 1931 for the discovery that unlike all other cells in the human body, cancer cells do not breathe oxygen. Cancer cells are anaerobic, which means that they derive their energy without needing oxygen. It turns out that cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen. One appealing line of treatment therefore is to increase the body’s levels of oxygen. At first this seems in contrast the the fact that active oxygen molecules (free radicals) are what cause cancer and degeneration in the first place. The evidence is good however that oxygen helps.

EWOT is a clumsy acronym for Exercise With Oxygen Therapy and means doing light exercise, such as on a treadmill or stationary bicycle, while breathing pure oxygen. EWOT produces the benefits of hydrogen peroxide therapy and you can do it at home.

Alternative clinics and hospitals will use acid-neutralizing minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium to correct acid/alkaline imbalances in the body. Acid conditions expel oxygen from the body, while healthy alkaline conditions encourage oxygen to be absorbed.

Source: Oxygen Therapies

"Excerpts from The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer – An Amazing Speech

By Dr. Otto Warburg lecture delivered to Nobel Laureates on June 30, 1966 at Lindau, Lake Constance, Germany

There are prime and secondary causes of diseases. For example, the prime cause of the plague is the plague bacillus, but secondary causes of the plague are filth, rats, and the fleas that transfer the plague bacillus from rats to man. By the prime cause of a disease, I mean one that is found in every case of the disease.

Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. Almost anything can cause cancer. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen (oxidation of sugar) in normal body cells by fermentation of sugar.

All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation. All normal body cells are thus obligate aerobes, whereas all cancer cells are partial anaerobes. From the standpoint of the physics and chemistry of life this difference between normal and cancer cells is so great that one can scarcely picture a greater difference. Oxygen gas, the donor of energy in plants and animals, is dethroned in the cancer cells and replaced by the energy yielding reaction of the lowest living forms, namely the fermentation of sugar.

In every case, during the cancer development, the oxygen respiration always falls, fermentation appears, and the highly differentiated cells are transformed into fermenting anaerobes, which have lost all their body functions and retain only the now useless property of growth and replication. Thus, when respiration disappears, life does not disappear, but the meaning of life disappears, and what remains are growing machines that destroy the body in which they grow.

All carcinogens impair respiration directly or indirectly by deranging capillary circulation, a statement that is proven by the fact that no cancer cell exists without exhibiting impaired respiration. Of course, respiration cannot be repaired if it is impaired at the same time by a carcinogen.

To prevent cancer it is therefore proposed first to keep the speed of the blood stream so high that the venous blood still contains sufficient oxygen; second, to keep high the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood; third, to add always to the food, even of healthy people, the active groups of the respiratory enzymes; and to increase the doses of these groups, if a precancerous state has already developed. If at the same time exogenous carcinogens are excluded rigorously, then much of the endogenous cancer may be prevented today.

These proposals are in no way utopian. On the contrary, they may be realized by everybody, everywhere, at any hour. Unlike the prevention of many other diseases, the prevention of cancer requires no government help, and not much money.

Many experts agree that one could prevent about 80% of all cancers in man, if one could keep away the known carcinogens from the normal body cells. But how can the remaining 20%, the so-called spontaneous cancers, be prevented? It is indisputable that all cancer could be prevented if the respiration of body cells were kept intact.

Nobody today can say that one does not know what the prime cause of cancer is. On the contrary, there is no disease whose prime cause is better known, so that today ignorance is no longer an excuse for avoiding measures for prevention. That the prevention of cancer will come there is no doubt. But how long prevention will be avoided depends on how long the prophets of agnosticism will succeed in inhibiting the application of scientific knowledge in the cancer field. In the meantime, millions of men and women must die of cancer unnecessarily."


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DR. CARRIE MADEJ INVOLVED IN PLANE CRASH - PRAY Sending healing light to her and her friend.

¨Our dear friend and phenomenal world leading freedom fighter doctor Carrie Madej was involved in a plane crash, which almost killed her. After testifying in court for a fellow medical freedom fighter Dr. Paul Gosselin, and attending an event with likeminded people, she took off in a private plane with her partner Billy. Shortly after take off the engine malfunctioned, and they crash landed in a nearby field.

Dr. Madej has several fractures, for which she received surgery today, and Billy has skull, facial and back fractures. Praise God they are both alive, but I am asking all of you for prayers. Especially for Billy, who is injured severely on his head.

Here is a screenshot of Carries personal message to me, with more details about what happened:¨

Read More https://stopworldcontrol.com/crash/

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Thank you!

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Your regular reminder that homeopathy is pseudoscience that violates the known laws of physics.

It also doesn’t work according to meta-analysis.

The ongoing promotion of quackery (homeopathy and Wakefield) is both scientifically illiterate and irresponsible.

Dr Lawrie should be ashamed.

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You ought to be ashamed of yourself for not having an open mind. Please god you or yours never have to go through any troubles

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Alastair McAlpine - Take your blue pill and go back to your blissful sleep!

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