I know you want to make the NHS back into a decent place. I think that effort will waste your energy. Focus your efforts away from those tainted paths, those tainted buildings, those tainted people who HAVE NO MORAL BASIS. love from a pagan in Oregon.

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Yes, I think this is so deep that we must make our own systems.

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I am registered with a GP, but I have never actually been there. They kept pestering me with messages to go get the clot shot - which I completely ignored - until I called back and told them to stop annoying me, or I'll pay them a visit and it won't be a pleasant one, so the messages ceased. Now I received another message, to "urgently" tell them about my ethnicity. Which of course, I ignored as well.

If they persist, I shall call them a last time and tell them to delete all the data they have on me and give me a break. I want to die when my time is up, so I don't need or want doctors "caring" for me anyway.

Thank you for your amazing work ✿

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I share your views. I'm avoiding all dr.s and feel when my time comes, it comes. No hospital either. No shot. I didn't get any calls from offices soliciting shots or asking of ethnicity. Perhaps due to different locations/countries? But in the fall of 2019, my company was having open enrollment for insurance and I had to consider new Dr's as I just was informed mine was retiring early. I felt like I was spinning wheels. Couldn't find one I felt I would trust. I kept feeling I was wasting my time searching. Getting nowhere. Feeling I wouldn't see a new Dr. anyways. This was before all this nonsense with COVID emerged. (My husband and grown kids had same doc. We all got our records). As time passed, I realized it was divine guidance of a sort....I wasn't supposed to stay in that system. I had left my employment before year end then for other reasons. So glad I did! I have made it clear to my husband under no circumstances do I want to go to a hospital. When my time comes, that's it. (And I had worked for a hospital 27 years at the time of my leaving!). It was just getting so bad. Then this! Over the years, any time I would go for medical care, a problem would ensue...a mistake or bad judgement, error dx, billing errors.... on their part.

I had been fortunate, but the messages just kept getting louder. Like I was being told to stay the heck away from the medical system. "Hmmm, she hasn't gotten the message yet, let's get a bit louder.". ( They say if you don't listen to the whispers, you get the screams.) Enough already. Another of my Dr's also retired early. She had given a couple years notice, so I had a final visit mid 2019 a week before she retired. I have all my medical records from her. All written. She never had them on EMR in her office. But still, doubt I will ever consult or need them, as I said....when my time comes, so be it. I am at peace with that the way things have gone/are. It's rather a relief! Sorry so long! I feel I have only hit the tip of the iceberg here!

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I am in England, UK. There are so many wrongs with this country, it is far easier to count the rights, but I have to say that we are quite lucky over here, by comparison to Europe and the rest of the Anglosphere, although I have a feeling that it won't last long.

Being self employed all my life, it was an easy choice for me to simply refuse to interfere with imbeciles who were fussy about masks and clot shots, but I do know of many others who did not have this option, caved in, and are now dead or weakened by the poison.

My brother is a very respected internist in a military hospital. We had a perfect brotherly relationship all our lives, until this fake/manufactured pest was unleashed upon the whole world. We had a strong argument about the clot shots, I managed to keep my wife, daughter and his elder son away from them, but he injected his younger and the rest of our family. We are complete strangers now, I even tell people our family names are similar only by coincidence. I told him to take a break, empty his head of everything he knows and go Zen somewhere in wilderness, and he may see things differently after a few days, but he's too busy at the hospital. Killing people. He is not evil, I don't know what happened. Maybe he accepted money, maybe he really trusts these companies, maybe by now he realised he's been wrong all this time. I don't know, we are complete strangers now...

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These things are wrong in nearly every nation around the world. These deceptions are planetary. Go to the World Economic Forum website to see who is driving these narratives. Many individuals are caught up (ensnared) in these “elites” insanity. They are apparently convincing for many.

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I know.

It didn't start in 2020, or 2019. The cabal is working on it since the dawn of Mankind, and gradually placed their brainwashed drones in all the key points, in politics, education, media, finance, big tech and pharma, they are not many, but they hold the levers. The most important ones, anyway.

Most people are still hoping that we have allies among them, who are working to get us back to what and how it should be, but I have serious doubts. I don't think we can get out of this trap without violence. A lot of it.

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No doubt we are in the midst of a dying civilization. Yes there isn't a civilization I'm aware of that has not collapsed this one is no different. But the hubris is the same in all of them. That and the betrayal at the heart of it contained within them all.

Allies among them? If they're present in these "elitist" groups - they're not at all detectable.

The best bet is these bodies are spectacularly mistaken in their recommendations and will be seen as such by we the people? Many feel we have been in a planetary civil war for awhile - already with a great deal of violence.

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You are right, we are in a planetary war, and we are dealing already with massive violence. But this violence is (for now) one sided, and carefully concealed under the pretence of "good will". They are not yet absolutely sure of their win, that's why they made sure their every step can be explained in front of an eventual Nuernberg 2 as an "honest mistake", or based on the "science of that time", but these possible escaping routes have already been blocked by Kary Mullis, Tess Lawrie, Jessica Rose, Geert Vanden Bossche, Mike Yeadon, Robert Malone, Naomi Wolf, Steve Kirsch and many, many others whom I see (and everyone should) as the true heroes in this epic and totally unequal fight for the human spirit. They gave up their livelihoods to offer us the knowledge, now it is up to us to weaponise it against our vicious enemies.

We need now to do the same, say goodbye to whatever we used to call "normalcy" and not learn, not get ready, not prepare - too late for that - but GO to war.

Squeaking like little rabbits in our holes will get us killed. Even if some of us will have to put on fake vampire teeth to look scarier, we NEED to (at least) look scarier, and start biting and scratching our way back to freedom.

Now it is either our chance to make the history, or our time to get buried by it.

See you all on the battlefield.

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That is so unfortunate for you and all involved in your family. I'm in the US. It is so crazy-making here- like everywhere, I suppose. Last year my sister informed me that for an upcoming family reunion, in a neighboring state, the majority of our relatives she spoke with said they would prefer that people were vaccinated who attended. I was planning on passing going anyways, but that made up my mind. There is a long history behind family issues I won't get into, but I have a real hard time not being authentic. I can't "fake it" and act like I'm having a good time or agreeing....It negates me. It is self betraying. ESPECIALLY NOW! The relationship dynamics being messed around with are so delicate and it is damaging.

As far as seeing dr.'s goes, I had been playing along long enough as it were- for many years. I'd disagree with need for such and such or this test, mammograms, etc... I was fortunate to have had MD's who "tolerated me" at the end- well, I think one really was onto it all and knew deep down of the corruption in medicine. Other really good MD's I had seemed to have died off over the years- literally- the nicest / best- in my opinion- died! 3 from cancers- one from some "accident" in South America......( I don't know the details- he was a former pediatrician of my family a number of years prior). I just keep praying for this nightmare to end...in a way that feels "right". I'm not sure how I should word that.....I'm at a loss. So much/many has/ have been lost already.

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As always the best way out of a serially abusive relationship is OUT. These medical abusers don’t deserve our attention. We become surrounded by the wolves we feed. Taking responsibility for our own health is the key. Support the training of community health care educators and providers.

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GOOD ADVICE as these sick people are serial abusers and more to come.

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Excellent discussion, and massive heartfelt thank you to Tess and colleagues for all the dedication and constant hard work.

Please allow me to say, that there are some honest, compassionate people working in the NHS, many who nearly lost their livelihood due to the threatened mandates. Please recognise this - please don’t tar everyone with the same brush x

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Maybe better would be to get those good people to join another system!

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So? How does any of this matter? 1) Politicians are exempt from zero laws in zero nations. 2) It IS illegal to a) mandate untested products, B) coerce or intimidate anyone OR their children to have them injected into them, C) as the articles of impeachment against Trump reminded us, take private $ while in public office (for OBVIOUS REASONS: like the ones you're all whining about right now) & D) give corporations "legal" (they aren't) protections from the harms done by their products.

So, we have no real legal protections for politicians, hundreds of blogs "speaking about" how the jabs are deadly, more than enough people on board with ending the mandates than even your governments could block or dismiss (especially as the public, once they see thousands of others on board with this would support it) & yet I can't PAY any of you hypocrites & cowards to even discuss joining in on taking those legal, non-violent measures.

But another post is going to "tip the scales" & cause WHAT? What is it you cowards fantasize about happening via the agency of whining for Daddy to Show He Cares?

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Please keep comments respectful, Michael.

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Thank you for standing up for truth Tess

You are the kind of people we want looking out for our interests

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I too think the NHS is dyng ... The last 2 and a bit years has opened so many of our eyes to what really goes on within this institution and how its manipulated by Big Pharma and the Government .. I have no trust it in at all infact my family has been treated terribly by the NHS over the years by incompetence .. and just recently myself I had a run in with 2 nasty nurses at a breast screening clinic over mask wearing .. I was told if I didn't put one on I would be denied the appointment.. I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks ... I had a panic attack after I left ... I was bullied and spoken down too and striped of my rights .. I shan't be going back ! I wrote a letter of complaint ... but wasn't surprised by their reply .. Its an utter disgrace ... Duty of care has flown off out the window

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Sorry to hear how you were treated, Debbie. No one can strip you of your rights, though it can be made to appear that way. Warmly recommend listening to Dolores Cahill's presentation in a recent Tess Talks - her clarity on our rights is very empowering. Here's the link:


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Thankyou Tess .. I know and I have been fighting the fight from the word go .. It just shows you when you are put on the spot ,the right words dissappear..lol 🙈

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Thats a PLUS, as it was proved some years back that the Breast Scan is not what its made out to be

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Thank you Dr. Laurie & Dr. Evans for this video. I love the idea of distributing flyers imploring health offices and hospitals to drop all Covid policies. I live in CA & I too have experienced all that was discussed here in this conversation.

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There was no pandemic..zero excess mortality. We must to start calling it what it is….criminal

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Excellent discussion, and massive heartfelt thank you to Tess and colleagues for all the dedication and constant hard work.

Please allow me to say, that there are some honest, compassionate people working in the NHS, many who nearly lost their livelihood due to the threatened mandates. Please recognise this - please don’t tar everyone with the same brush x

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A great conversation with Dr Liz Evans. My GP left the practice at the end of Sept 2020. I am certain he saw the writing on the wall and wanted no part of it. His departure was quick, he went into research. He and I talked about plant based eating and how it was helping my RA. Water aerobics, walking , adequate sleep, sunshine, supplements are continuing to help me make my condition manageable. I miss my GP, but like Dr. Evans, I am certain that he wanted nothing to do with experimental biologicals and possibly was aware of early treatment with repurposed drugs to treat covid, but knew he was banned from prescribing these drugs.

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Wonderful discussion from two amazing doctors. I so wish you were my doctor 😊 I have just read that fortunately, here in Italy, the Ippocrate.org centres are starting to reopen this week and this will make a lot of people very happy and hopeful. Small steps - but hopefully in the right direction 🙏

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