I try to explain in lay terms why not all should get vaccinated and why it must be about choice: https://leemuller.substack.com/p/no-we-should-not-all-get-vaccinated

We have some very bright, knowledgeable writers in substack. Please do your part and use your talents to act now to contact Congress about the ten billion dollar+ proposed Cures 2.0 Act and not wait till November. The flu season will already be upon us and mRNA technology is already underway for Influenza. Call out lawmakers that passed laws and got us into all of this, and ask them to right the wrongs: rightingthewrongs.org

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I fear that, even if you were to persuade a person in Congress or Parliament, they’d just be “persuaded” back.

Almost no one who’s elected really operates according to their own beliefs.

I’ve tried for months in 2020 to brief & persuade UK parliamentarians. I got through to 5-6 people but all they’ve done subsequently is abstain.

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Agree and interesting that intention is so fundamentally important. My husband and i have two of our six grown children who don't wish to engage in any questioning of the popular narrative. We believe questioning is crucially important. But what is more important is that our kids be who they are and own it. Pitting ourselves against them is not something we choose but a the same time we own exactly who we are as parents. Very luckily our family chooses not to engage in useless argument over it. We've tried and then let it drop.

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They are not there yet... It reminds me Galileo's quote : ¨You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself¨¨and the proverbial ¨You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.¨

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I hear you loud and clear, as I am in similar situation. It is hard to let them make their own choices, yet still educate them. I've stated that I will continue to send information until it is said that a booster will not be taken. I try not to inundate, but send the most relevant info. I try to explain in lay terms why not all should get the covid vaccine here, and why it must be about choice: https://leemuller.substack.com/p/no-we-should-not-all-get-vaccinated

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Very helpful info. Thank you both. Dr. Lawrie, I so appreciate your heart and voice in all of this. I look forward to checking out the courses. - Kellie

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If you go to a forest and do not hear a cicada, is that proof that they don't exist? Even though they only come out every 17 years or so? ...Ah I get it now....do not believe small observations, you have to know the details about how the ideas are derived....great talk thanks!

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Yes, but... Why do people obey? Where is it coming from?

Howard Zinn on civil disobedience :

“Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders…and millions have been killed because of this obedience…Our problem is that people are obedient allover the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves… (and) the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem.”

Matt Damon from Howard Zinn's speech: The Problem is Civil Obedience https://youtu.be/S2li9E_94MA

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Yes, the issue we have wrestled with for eons has become central in the past few years if not before. We must stand together as we the people - and yes it is worldwide. The "Build Back Better" (Davos, WEF) ethic is so obviously based in a place of cowardice, lies, and manipulation. Eventually there will be enough of us standing and speaking out to drown out their ugly rhetoric. The real serial abusers, the kleptocrats and obvious criminals are running the governments, corporations and institutions.

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I totally agree with you. I like Margaret Mead's quotes. So true. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.". "Children must be taught how to think, not what to think."

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So deliciously ironical coming from a WEF guy.

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On Dialogue

~ by David Bohm

“’dialogue' comes from the Greek word 'dialogos'. 'Logos' means "the word". And 'dia' means "through" - it doesn't mean "two". A dialogue can be among any number of people, not just two. Even one person can have a sense of dialogue within himself, if the spirit of the dialogue is present. The picture or image that this derivation suggests is of a 'stream of meaning' flowing among and through us and between us. This will make possible a flow of meaning in the whole group, out of which may emerge some new understanding. It's something new, which may not have been in the starting point at all. It's something creative. And this shared meaning is the "glue" or "cement" that holds people and societies together. Contrast this with the word "discussion", which has the same root as "percussion" and "concussion". It really means to break things up. It emphasizes the idea of analysis, where there may be many points of view, and where everybody is presenting a different one - analyzing and breaking up. That obviously has its value, but it is limited, and it will not get us very far beyond our various points of view. Discussion is almost like a pingpong game, where people are batting the ideas back and forth and the object of the game is to win or to get points for yourself. Possibly you will take up somebody else's ideas to back up your own - you may agree with some and disagree with others - but the basic point is to win the game. That's very frequently the case in a discussion. In a dialogue however, nobody is trying to win. Everybody wins, if anybody wins. There is a different sort of spirit to it. In a dialogue there is no attempt to gain points, or to make your particular view prevail. Rather, whenever any mistake is discovered on the part of anybody, everybody gains. It's a situation called win-win, whereas the other game is win-lose - if I win, you lose. But a dialogue is something more of a common participation, in which we are not playing a game against each other, but 'with' each other. In a dialogue, everybody wins.”

end of quote

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I put info out, then I retreat and hope that it along with life experiences and other things they hear, it all comes together in their own time. Denial is tough, and I even struggle with it at times when such incredible, unfathomable things are happening. I plant seeds, but allow them to let it grow on their own time. I don't drop people in hopes one day they will come around. - rightingthewrongs.org

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"We are faced with a breakdown of general social order and human values that threatens stability [and survival] throughout the world. Existing knowledge cannot meet this challenge. Something much deeper is needed, a completely new approach. I am suggesting that the very means by which we try to solve our problems is the problem. The source of our problems is within the structure of thought itself."

~ David Bohm (1981)

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Lol finally I have nothing to say ... mystified

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In a true dialogue everyone wins. In the midst of a civil war like situation where censorship is the rule and propaganda the approved information no one wins until the situation is remedied. This is why democracy & freedom thrive in an atmosphere of truth and dialogue and die when lies, manipulation, censorship and propaganda rule.

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Chapter 12: Ending Child Abuse, Wars and Terrorism


The crucial task of future generations will be to raise loved children who grow up to be peaceful, rather than walking time bombs. In addition, the ability to solve future global economic problems will depend upon improving childrearing around the world. Unfortunately, economists don’t even consider child care as necessary work when measuring Gross Domestic Product, although family care giving, mostly by women, is in fact 70% of GDP.2 Harriet Fraad has shown that American marriages have actually become more “in trouble” in the past decade; “married women are anxious and depressed and American men feel emasculated, neglected and miserable” as the majority of wives have had to work and neglect child care.3

But the most progressive nations have improved their family systems recently. Success in advancing childrearing has been dramatically demonstrated in the 36 nations—in Europe, Africa and Asia, but not the U.S.—which have passed laws against the hitting of children, even against parental spanking.4 Parents are not punished for hitting their children; they are instead visited by child-care experts who help them improve their childrearing skills.5 Plus, in some European countries, mothers are given paid leave of three years for each child, and are provided with free health insurance and free pre-school programs, so their children can be loved and provided for with less anxiety. In addition, older children care for younger ones in school so they are able to improve their care giving abilities.6 When these children have become adults, they have been able to relate peacefully with each other in the European Union, which has solved even severe economic problems without the wars between nations which in previous centuries exploded every 20 years.7


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The bottom line for me personally is that NOTHING will fundamentally change... or be "remedied"... until we as a society and also as individuals, fundamentally change the way we perceive and treat children.


"What kind of a society is it, that does NOT place the Children's Fire at the very centre of its institutions of power?

It's an INSANE society!"

~ Tim "Mac" Macartney


Please Watch this Video presentation:



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What a lovely interview! Thank you both!

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Well that was some useful perspective. I think I need to listen to this one twice.

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This is utterly up my alley!! I have a group on taking effective action. A major barrier for people: not knowing how best to reach people. The email from you just came into my inbox. I will definitely be listening!!

I know what usually works best for me. To ask questions. But I have a bunch of other strategies - and am eager to learn more!

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Fantastic conversation! This was so needful Dr. Lawrie. Thank you so much! 👏🏻❤️

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it is fascinating that so many parents (myself included) can't talk to their children because the children don't want to hear facts contrary to their world view. (The David C. World Health presentation explains why very well) . I often think of the Gramsci quote if you take over the education institutions in three generations people will forget what freedom is or the Goebels quote of give me the kids for four years and they are mine for life. This is the fourth generation and instead of part time school indoctrination they have continual Video/Social Media thought control. Gramsci and Goebels must be laughing their asses off in hell.

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Yes, and we owe our children the truth and that we stand for is what we stand for. As Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young once reminded us - both as parents & kids we are together as time passes. Things change and we can rest in the assurance that it is more likely our children will see the light.

In the end, they sing:

"Feed them on your dreams, the one they pick's the one you'll know by."

Yes, in the end it will be our dreams and theirs which prevail.

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"What kind of a society is it, that does NOT place the Children's Fire at the very centre of its institutions of power?

It's an INSANE society!"

~ Tim "Mac" Macartney


Please Watch this Video presentation:



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Thank you. So true. Sharing.

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Dr. Tess drops the God question and David cites a hypothetical "if a certain group of people viewed other people as rodents [or cattle], they wouldn't actually care about them... Just because we wouldn't do things doesn't mean others wouldn't" in his reply... Getting pretty close to reality without saying so... And yes, Dr. Tess, there are certainly other forces at play.

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What an enlightening interview from two very lovely people. Thank you both for your heart, courage and hard work. Best wishes from overly-compliant Toronto, Canada.

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Just been writing to Steve Kirsch how I have lost friends in this 2 years. You are always the stupid one, even though I was trained as a parasitologist in my Zoology degree. If you can tell me how to make them listen I'm you man -err -well woman Dr Jo Stanley, Cambridge UK.

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Really powerful information. Thank you both for this interview.

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