Hi Tess, First I would like to say that I'm a really big fan. So grateful for your presence in this world right now. Your voice is a beautiful sane voice of reason. Secondly, I'm having trouble playing this video. I think it might be my internet. It freezes every few seconds, which makes it too tricky to listen to. Is there a way I could get an audio version? Thanks, Julie

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Hi Jules, thank you for your kind words. The video is now also available here: https://ebmcsquared.org/darren-deojee-a-fresh-look-at-modern-and-personal-gender-challenges

Try if this works X

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Yes that works! Thank you so much. Absolutely stunning conversation. So deep. x

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I had to stop watching it because it's not captioned. I'm hard of hearing and would appreciate it much if it were. Please consider having your videos captioned or providing transcripts for the benefit of deaf and hard of hearing viewers. Thanks.

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I will look into it, Hilda. Thanks for letting me know.

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This sounds like an intriguing conversation! I look forward to listening when time permits.

Dr. Lawrie, I was elated to discover you are on Substack! Please accept my belated warmest welcome.

You may recognize my name as Mike Yeadon recently emailed you my Profiles in Courage entry on you:


Robert Malone (whom I also profiled: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-dr-robert-malone) had offered to share it with you after it first came out as well.

You were the inspiration behind my creation of the series, and I consider you the epitome of integrity. The only downside to your being the first one profiled is I initially intended these to be brief, so you didn’t get the in-depth treatment the format evolved into for subsequent profiles. Perhaps someday I’ll wrap around and do you the justice you deserve.

Meanwhile, I would be honored to gift you a subscription if you so desire. That would enable you to access paid content such as the podcast of this profile (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-dr-tess-lawrie-169) and the piece I published last night (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/behind-the-scenes-is-it-logical-and) in which you featured rather heavily as well as the preceding article referencing the independent analysis of Pfizer vials commissioned by EbMCsquared (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/the-curious-incident-of-the-chemist).

If you would like that, please sign up for my Substack (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/) and reply to the Welcome email so I can get you comped.

Thank you for your heroic work, Dr. Lawrie (or do you prefer Tess?). It is an honor to be fighting alongside you as we work together to halt democide and defeat tyranny.

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Please call me Tess, Margaret, and thank you so much for honouring my efforts with your article, as well as the free subscription to your substack, you are very kind and I look forward to reading more! X

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I would have passed on this topic except that it came from Dr Tess. This conversation was much different than I expected; quite thought provoking regarding how we are recipient of those who went before us; that we can continue to grow our humanity.

PS It did stop with 20min left.

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Thanks Patty, sorry to hear that it stopped before the end - I will look into it! X

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Thank you for this timely and stirring foundational conversation, addressing issues that have caused so much confusion and suffering, bringing light and words to underlight the complexity of sexuality and gender. We must continue this conversation as we are touching on a crux here, a universal knot, that needs to be revealed and unravelled. Thank you Tess, thank you Darren, for gently prising opening the gates of the dam for masculine and feminine to flow once again in harmony and balance.

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Thank you Geni. I learnt a lot from this conversation with Darren and trust that we can start talking more openly about gender so that we can heal the divisions in society today. We are all the same and we're on the road to remembering. X

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