Another great Tess Talks, thank you Tess and Darren for such an interesting discussion.

Darren, I was curious about your thoughts on the kibbutz style of co-parenting?


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I just checked out his site. Very interesting. I believe men would benefit tremendously from these types of events in order to create change to the traditionally held beliefs of "masculinity". Years ago, the goal was to become more androgynous, a combination of traits and characteristics that embraced the essence and best of both genders. My husband is infact a self proclaimed feminist.

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In the meantine, this is very important to know :

Farmers are being paid by the USDA to destroy crops and create mass famine

¨Then there’s the engineered food scarcity. We have arrived at the point of government treason and engineered starvation where governments fake bird flu outbreaks among chicken flocks in order to demand the culling of millions of chickens, thereby driving up food prices and increasing food scarcity.

At the federal level, every effort is being made to destroy food production, including the USDA paying farmers to destroy their own crops, as the video below reveals. According to this video, farmers are being offered 150% of the value of their crops to destroy them and make sure these crops don’t enter the food supply.¨ by Mike Adams - Natural News 8:06min


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