Stopping pedophilia, pornography and child sexual abuse
My conversation with Max Lowen, who is a shining example of how the human spirit triumphs over evil
The most difficult societal issue that needs to be acknowledged and addressed is the escalating sexual abuse of children. Such abuse includes child rape, torture and trafficking, as well as woke ideology-facilitated genital mutilation.
The issue of child sexual abuse is challenging for a variety of reasons, not least because many of us have experienced psychological or physical abuse as children and have not healed these traumas for ourselves.
With pedophilia linked to the globalist cabal calling themselves the ‘elites’, it is clear that the hierarchy exploiting us also have the degradation and exploitation of our children in their sights.
Aiming to introduce their sex (mis)education in schools for children as young as three years of age through policies and content dictated by unaccountable supranational organisations, like the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health and the Rutgers Foundation, the exploitation and sexualisation of our school-going children is about to become institutionalised.

According to Rutgers’ “gender-transformation” webpage: “Rutgers’ gender-transformative approach examines, questions and transforms rigid gender and sexual norms...”. I don’t know about you, but transforming the genders of boys and girls is not on my list of priorities for health and wellbeing. Neither is inappropriately sexualising them, as is demonstrated in this grooming “educational” video. I would much rather have happy and healthy boys and girls with a developed self-knowledge, self-worth and moral framework that helps them navigate fulfilling relationships in adulthood.
Here’s some advice from Rutgers’ on pornography:
If you think Rutgers’ advice is sound, you really need to listen to this conversation with Max Lowen. Pornography is part and parcel of this evil international criminal enterprise of grooming and harming our young.
How do we step up and stop pedophiles, pornography and child sexual abuse? It starts by engaging with the extent of the problem.
Recently I spoke with Max Lowen, survivor of horrific abuse at the hands of ‘elites’, who has healed and transcended her experiences to become an expert trauma counsellor, helping others to heal from theirs. Max is providing such an essential service at a time when we as a society seem to be holding a huge body of collective fear, pain and suffering, which is hampering our ability to protect ourselves and our families. For more about Max’s organisation, please see her website
Healing our own traumas is the first step to realising our individual power and creating a better world, a world where children (and we) are free from exploitation and abuse.
Together, let’s transcend the fear that this issue evokes in us and be the warriors that our children need at this time.
My conversation with Max may be a difficult conversation for you to hear but I trust it will open your eyes and inspire you to action.
I struggle to think of anything more evil than the organised and (literally and figuratively) underground abuse of children. The dark, depraved deviants deriving pleasure and nourishment from this sordid exploitation of defenceless minors comprise a craven cancer that needs complete excision from our society. Courageous testimonies like this, although very difficult and uncomfortable to watch, shining a light on the horrific crimes perpetrated by so-called elites give me hope that if enough of us find but a fraction of your bravery we will eventually overpower the paedophilic powerful and rip out their long-established networks of control. Thank you Max and Dr Tess.
"People often think that child abuse and this evil industry is something that happens only among poor people and in poor countries... However the largest market for this organized crime is the USA followed by Europe"
OK Tess, what is the contradiction here? USA IS a poor country (we don't have money - we have a HUGE debt) ...
Also, "Europe" is NOT a country :P... Of course, in its fascistic conception is supposed to work as a monolith... but it doesn't :P. Sure, Ursula may act as the unelected Queen of Europe... but make believe doesn't make it so :P.