What a poignant and compelling missive for the beloved people of your birth country, Tess.

I am inexplicably moved by your generous words. I consider you the pinnacle of integrity and a fearless fighter for truth, freedom, and love, and it is an honor to link arms with you, Sabelo, Shabnam, and James in this epic battle for the future of humanity 🙌

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Amen to that!

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Thank you. We need to be made aware, in an ongoing way, how we are all connected.

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Bill Gates has to be behind this movement in some form or other.

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Of course Bill Gates is the boss of the W.H.O. strongman ,Tetros an evil creature inside and out. Just look at him ,the only thing missing is a set of horns . That organisation is dedicated to exterminate most humans on the planet .

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Right !

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what is he NOT tied to?

Of course he is involved:


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Hi Tess - many thanks for this.

Reposted in a German speaking blog with a couple of million readers that has the WHO setup on the radar for the obvious reasons, and frequently does posts on the WHO.

Let's all keep fingers crossed.

This thing has become incredibly transparent.

They'll give up in the end. Not half a chance of keeping this going for very much longer.

Too many deaths and mutilations. The plan got unstuck at some point.

Too many natives becoming restless :-))

A big hug from Germany.

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You have to throw something back at them such as their mysteriously missing global health policy of disinfection. Disinfection was what was used and works and had to be gotten out of the way first. Bring it back.

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You need to get on GETTR Tess. Another avenue to get the word out. And so far no censorship. 👍

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This is a clear demonstration of the importance of national sovereignty. All sides of the political spectrum must come together on at least this point, or it's all over for everyone. I don't want to live in a dystopian world governed by a global top-down control system.

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And as Dr. Tess Lawrie writes this, State Department Anthony Blinken is in South Africa trying to interfere with their gravitating toward the new BRICS and its alignment with the Russian Eurasian pole gaining strength. The visit will be politely tolerated and not accomplish much.

This visit by Blinken follows on the successful visit of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to the African countries. This new set of global alliances are a rapidly growing and brightening ray of hope in fighting off Western WEF hegemonic global dominance in public health and so-called pandemic response.

Keep in mind that Russia has been providing complaints to the UN for years, and now in greater depth and frequency detailed evidence of US NATO biowarfare research and experimentation carried on in Ukraine that directly threatened and harmed Russians and Russian speaking in eastern Ukraine. This war is closely and intimately connected to the entire COVID19 narrative and its players.

This geopolitical analysis of these visits discussed on The Duran, who I follow closely, who comment and provide analysis daily, today:


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would post to facebook, but thinking "immediately censored" - thoughts, anyone ?

This is awful, and only the beginning, if...

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Post anyway! I post tons of controversial stuff all the time and I've never received a notice from FB about being censored. Sometimes my posts get "fact checked," so I just "disagree" with them. Most of my posts end up on my personal page instead of my Feed, but I just share to Feed and leave it at that. We have to get the word out in anyway we can.

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How can we pledge our allegiance to the World Council for Health instead of to the WHO? Even as an individual - so we as individuals can step away from anything out “democratically elected” government chooses to do? Because I don’t believe in democracy anymore and letters certainly have not held any weight for me over the last 2 years.

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The World Council for Health is not a governing body and its emphasis is on empowering each individual to effectively become their own councils for health. We do have a recently developed charter, the 7 Principles of A Better Way. Soon, we will be launching a new platform called Source which is designed to help individuals connect with their local communities, develop community resilience and share information and resources. Membership of this platform will require people to sign up to the charter. More information to come!


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If the world switches sides, and chooses "us", then there should be more than a few countries which will have protocols and some schemes to get around these Neanderthal amendments--I think of a few. . . Didn't Costa Rica, just throw out the WHO? It just takes one--there should be more coming!

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But others who have said no have paid or are paying. Shinzo Abe of Japan is now dead, and Bolsonaro of Brazil is taking heat for also rejecting the vaccines and the narrative. Many examples of countries that started in right direction and then some force intervenes, as happened on and off in Peru. It would be helpful if Dr. Lawrie or some of her colleagues would provide a geopolitical overview of these resistance efforts and their twists and turns. Maybe in a timeline format.

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I am a South African living abroad in a country where the control is pushed hard. You have taken the words out my head and put it on paper. I can't understand how my fellow South African's living abroad don't see that what was fought for and blood shed for in SA is going to be taken away. All that loss of life and blood shed will be for nothing. I grew up when a nation was segregated and I am now living in a country that wants to segregate proudly... It's so sad if people just sit back!

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Stand and deliver. 🇺🇸🚨

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Thank you Dr Lawrie. Yes, I have already had controlled opposition (The BFD) in my country of New Zealand tell me that this is "rubbish" and is not happening. Article 29. removing the right to individual sovereignty (for the greater good) should be the focal point as our Government will not say if it agrees or disagrees with the amendment. What we do know is our PM did sign a MOU with WHO that "we" agree with whatver changes are made to the WHO Pandemic Response Act. I wish you all the best Dr. and God speed.

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Much love to these.Beautiful people who are speaking up for Humanity !!!🙏 ….. The Tide is turning 🙏… truth and light invades darkness …. Always !

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I have said this before and I will say it again.....the WHO will keep changing the narrative through whatever means necessary and through any number of permutations until they get what they want. They are not going to stop. I thought I had signed a petition in this regard a few months back...but it is all over again. The ONLY solution is to demand that the WHO, a totally discredited organisation proven by their despicable cscam strategies, MUST DISBAND and must stand accountable.

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