SMART CITY pushback: Do you consent to be a globalists' guinea pig?
I don't and neither did many other men and women in Bath today!
I was invited to speak at the anti-SMART city Rally for Sanity in Bath today with Sandi Adams, Karen Churchill, Ian Jarvis, and many others concerned about the lack of consultation with regard to the “SMART CITY trial” the people of Bath have been signed up to without our consent. It was so good to be amongst so many people who are really standing up to say NO WAY, HOSÉ to the unlawful installation of experimental 5G technology!
This is what I said at the Rally for Sanity, more or less :)
We are living in a time where our data is the new gold, the new oil. Psychopaths have filtered to the top of our governance structures because they are the ones who crave power and control over others – unlike ordinary people like us, who just want to get on with our lives without interference.
These psychopathic, so-called elites are pushing for ultimate control where they own everything and we own nothing. Thus, so-called SMART cities are for ignorant and trusting people who do not yet know that they are both the product and the prey of the 4th industrial revolution and the great reset.
This week’s UK elections
In this week’s elections, only 69% of people in Bath voted, with 192 spoiling their votes. In Bristol, spoiled votes numbered around 1,600 – reflecting the fact that no candidates campaigned on the issues that matter most.
Such as:
Why are so many of our friends and family sick and dying since the novel Covid injections?
The new Prime Minister, Mr Starmer, has said he holds his allegiance to the World Economic Forum above any allegiance to parliament and our nation’s people. How crazy is that?
Why is untested and experimental weapons-grade microwave surveillance technology being installed throughout our cities without our consent?
There is a connection between experimental medical technology such as mRNA vaccine tech, and experimental surveillance tech: both needed for the globalists’ ‘Health Security’ agenda
When someone smokes you can see smoke, asbestos pollution is more insidious, you cant really see it – both of these pollutants took many decades to be proven harmful.
With 5G and microwave radiation, like asbestos, the threat is not obvious. Thus it is easy to assume that this new and experimental microwave technology can’t be bad for us. Indeed, there are people who think all technology advances humanity and is good. In addition, it is a comfort to many to believe that our government and politicians would never do anything to harm us and that wasn’t in our best interests.
However, this idiotic SMART city idea that the Bath city council has signed us up to is not to help us with faster downloads. Has anyone you know had the urge to download a film whilst in town and thought ‘if only the internet in this supermarket was better I could watch a movie whilst I’m shopping’?
This untested technology is to connect us to the internet of bodies so that our data can be UPLOADED for the purpose of power and control. So that our data can be stolen and traded like gold
So let me repeat – this technology is not for quicker DOWNLOADS, it is for corporations including our government to be able to monitor us, control our movements, penalise us for transgressions, and UPLOAD OUR DATA. Everything about us, from our shopping, our movements, our emotions, and yes, even our most intimate habits will be recorded and uploaded to Big Brother. As at least one of these so-called ‘elites’ have said “Your privacy is over.’
Do you believe that our privacy over?
Well I don’t! Our privacy is only over IF - there is a big ‘IF’ here… ‘IF we, the people, remain indifferent and inert…IF we give our “consent” by doing nothing.
So are we really going to tolerate the Bath city council agreeing to install 14 new 5G antenna connecting us up to an internet of bodies so that our data and our children’s data and our privacy and our children’s future can be handed over for the unelected to manipulate and control?
SMART CITIES are abuse of human freedom and a betrayal of humanity on a colossal scale.
With this untested experimental microwave surveillance technology we are seeing a betrayal of people and abuse of human freedom on a collossal scale, not just in Bath but around the world ,by those who are actually paid to serve us.
Do you consent to untested microwave antenna being installed around Bath (or wherever you are)?
Do you consent to being connected to the internet of bodies?
Do you consent to having no privacy?
If the answer to any of these questions is ‘no’, it is time to take back control of what happens in the streets of this beautiful city by saying ‘NO’ to this untested experimental technology.
It is up to us to stop the council from implementing this. No one, no politician, no MP, is standing up to do this for us. This is something we will have to do for ourselves, for our boys and girls and for the future of this historic city.
Thus, I will end on a personal note. The World Council for Health offices are just around the corner here, on Laura Place. Most days, despite hard wiring our office computers, the radiation on my EMF monitor measures high or extreme. This is without the proposed new antenna.
Despite our office location being near the proposed antenna, no one from the council has asked whether we would like these new antenna, want 5/6G, or whether we wish to be part of a SMART city. No one has asked whether anyone has health issues related to EMF sensitivity. No one has asked for our consent. They could not care less.
I am fed up of being governed by the corrupt and unscrupulous who are in service to themselves rather than in service to us who pay their wages. I do not consent to this SMART city trial and I will do whatever I can to stop these antennae going up. There is no evidence of safety and I refuse to be a globalist’s guinea pig. I hope you will join with me and others here today in saying no. Together we can stop this abuse of human freedom!
Thank you for your support!
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Tess, I don’t know if you remember the publi an who tossed Kier starmer out of his pub, because of the financial damage lockdowns had done to his business. He would be a great guy, who, possibly has many like minded friends who would support your current efforts to fight a 15 minute city in Bath. Exeter just had a system of large planters removed from the streets. They were put there by the council to cause hardship for drivers. The people rose up in this neighbourhood in Exeter and now the planters have been removed. There has to be at least one person with a brain in Bath City Council. Usually, it is a man or woman with a military background. They seem to see things more clearly than their colleagues who have spent their lives in local politics and could care less about their constituents. Please keep us updated on protests, marches in Bath. We would love to,support you.
They’ll continue their agenda until ppl start going after them and their families and the people that protect them. Not endorsing anything but they have to suffer just like they want you to.