Tess, I don’t know if you remember the publi an who tossed Kier starmer out of his pub, because of the financial damage lockdowns had done to his business. He would be a great guy, who, possibly has many like minded friends who would support your current efforts to fight a 15 minute city in Bath. Exeter just had a system of large planters removed from the streets. They were put there by the council to cause hardship for drivers. The people rose up in this neighbourhood in Exeter and now the planters have been removed. There has to be at least one person with a brain in Bath City Council. Usually, it is a man or woman with a military background. They seem to see things more clearly than their colleagues who have spent their lives in local politics and could care less about their constituents. Please keep us updated on protests, marches in Bath. We would love to,support you.

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Thank you!

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They’ll continue their agenda until ppl start going after them and their families and the people that protect them. Not endorsing anything but they have to suffer just like they want you to.

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Like we all have and do.

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Jul 7Liked by Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Wonderful speech. Hard to imagine a prime minister admitting to his primary allegiance being the WEF. I hope that you can shield your office. Geovital is a company that works primarily in Europe to help people with shielding.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Keep pushing back. They need to know we do not comply or accept smart cities and what they bring.

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Jul 7Liked by Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Shouldn’t the 5G towers be taken down…by the people with the know how to do so? That will be an action statement!

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Jul 7Liked by Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

So grateful to you and all your hard work. Wish I could have been there!

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The sad fact is we are in a silent war against the globalists. It is time for us Anti-globalists to rise up.

In the first week of June (2024) the EU elections resulted in huge wins for what they call the "right" and what I more accurately call the Anti-Globalists. It is well summarized by this commentator in the video below where he says the following. "Europe's populists have emerged from different political Traditions. They disagree with one another over the war in Ukraine, on questions of tax and public spending on welfare, abortion, and other social policies. Some are more unsavory and liberal than others. But what unites pretty much all of them is a fierce opposition to the Ironclad consensus of the Brussels bureaucracy particularly on sovereignty, migration and Net Zero."

The Anti-Globalist Revolution is gaining traction in the US, EU and around the world

Why Globalist Corporate Media refuses to adopt the Anti-Globalist Paradigm

BRUCE CAIN, JUN 23, 2024


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We are not born slaves to be controlled by the globalist “elites”.

Who gave them power to control us, they are not our elected government officials.

Even elected government officials have to work closely with their own country people because the people voted them to do the jobs for the citizens.

Moreover, all governments should not give our rights to them to have control over us.

The “elites” are not our God, only God can control us because we are created by God, “elites” are just like anyone one of us, a human being with equal right like anyone of us.

Who give them power to have control over us?

Moreover we know the so called “elites” do not worship the true Eternal God but many of them worship Satan who offers to give them fake power and fake riches in this short temporary earthly life.

How can we allow Satan worshippers to control God’s children !!

Wake up “elites” ! You have no Authority over us.

Jesus is our only Authority and He rules over us in everything because He created us and had sacrificed His life to save us.

Satan only want to kill us including you “elites” who have been used and brainwashed by Satan and yet you still don’t know.

“Elites” only want power and riches and control over humanity, remember, we are not your slaves.

We have been set free by the Power of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour of our souls.

You “elites” are controlled by Satan, I pray that you “elites” repent to Jesus while you still have breath, Jesus has power over Satan and yet you want to listen to Satan who has no authority over God !!

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Jul 7Liked by Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

The Resistance commences !!

What must be done now is to think internationally.

What is happening is not merely about Bath or the UK.


The enemy of the people are coordinated, careful and long term strategic planners.

Where there is no opposition or silence, they advance, with silence being taken for agreement, acquiescence or approval.

The enemy of the people own much of the "news" media. They let be known what they wish and conceal or divert from that which they do not wish to be known.

Their greatest vulnerability is the exposure of the sheer anti-democratic, anti-humanist neo-fascism of what they are doing.

Expose that for starters. Proceed from there.

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The mRNA is a red herring ...

Years before covid and mRNA, before "spike protein", the lipids were found to be toxic.... Why did they go with multiple dose shots? Why are people falling for the spike protein while ignoring the real issue?

"For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients."


"The recent observation of a similar adverse event in a recipient of the non-mRNA, peptide-based NVX-CoV2373 in the frame of a phase III clinical trial with 7020 participants in the active treatment arm raises the question whether the lipid nanoparticle sheath, which is a common structural component of these platforms could be implicated in the pathogenesis of vaccine-induced myocarditis."


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I've heard ppl speculate that all those purple street lights are not due to attrition but to mark future smart city exit/entry points and/or scan for something recently put in many bodies... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/why-are-street-lights-everywhere

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Yes, there is a connection between mRNA vaccine technology and 5G antenna. This is also why detoxification it is very important.

The vaccines are Bioweapons to damage or even kill people. This is Genocide in plain sight. We are at war now and the enemy for the cabal, few old psychopaths, is us.

They also want for those who will survive, because not all covid vaccines are the same, to merge us to a super computer for control and more. It is transhumanism.

The agenda behind transhumanism is to disconnect us from our souls and the source that is love. They are about to tell us that you are not a man, a woman but a robot connected to a super computer for a better ¨you.¨ The New You :(

And then, they will tell us that robots don't procreate. We don't need you for that. We clone human being in our own factories.

We all have to say no to this diabolical agenda.

I do not consent! We do not consent!


It is important to say silently or aloud the statement : I do not consent. It has to do with vibration and free will. If you don't say anything, It can be consider as consent.

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In other words:

'VADE RETRO, SATANA!' Get thee behind me, Satan!

The prayer of St Dominic is very useful at this juncture.

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Well said. We are the people, as opposed to sheeple. Does anyone have an ark?

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Starmer’s claim that he holds allegiance to the WEF above that to parliament could be construed as treasonous and should be rejected by all Britons without exception!

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I'll bet we'll soon be seeing people sabotaging the towers. Wondering how they'll do it without being seen by the cameras. Drones? Desperate times...

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I'm also wondering who to write to about the 5G towers and LED lights, in our counties. I'd like to know how many there are, and where they are. Also, how many towns have had 'roadworks' and new pavements put in, with lots of new cabling, and more cctv cameras added. I think they're for 15 min cities.

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