I would also consider what vaccines they have been given. Are they being given mRNA vaxes also?

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Good question.

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No. There are no equine mRNA vaccines and there haven’t been any new equine vaccines on the market for quite a while .

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Thank you for your contributive answer. I don't believe these "injuries" are from any vaccine. A similar incident occurred in Australia to PEOPLE and I believe the link IS the telecommunications. People suffered dreadful flesh injuries.

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Sadly this would be easy to get to the bottom of. Take these prototypes to some other track, that isn’t having an above normal death rate and put them on half the horses and then see what happens. If the death rate remains the same then no sweat it’s something else. But if it rises, particularly in the horses wearing the equipment then that’s pretty convincing evidence.

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Yes, it would be convincing evidence; and that sounds like a sound strategy except for the number of horses. What if it is the total number of devices concentrated in a particular instance that is actually part of the issue in combination with another factor?

I wonder how many horse owners would willingly and with full informed consent offer up their animal (investment) for such an experiment?

My suspicious mind then questions will the other variables/conditions be the same if there is specific attention drawn to certain suspected influences?

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I don't like that idea. 😔

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If with a control group there is no change in injury rate then you use the device on all the horses. If injury rates don’t change then you have your answer. If they do change then it would be possible it’s the concentration that’s the problem.

These devices are absolutely going to become standard for use at all of the tracks in America unless some definitive proof of their danger can be brought forward. Horse owners are already consenting to their horses being used in the experimental use of these devices. Racehorse owners don’t care about too much about their individual horses which is why drugging is such a huge problem. Plus anyone who cared about their horse wouldn’t run it until it was at least four years old and they run almost all these horses at two. As long as if something happens they get an insurance payout the owners of these horses don’t care.

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Sad state of affairs those with no value of life nor its purpose but to be open to either abuse of it or exploitation of it that ultimately results in an abuse simply because of the food-chain hierarchy of species.

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Yes, the disregard of life is very sad.

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nahhh ... vaxx are safe and effective ... next ...

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Well of course they are for humans! Duh! Absolutely! Safe and effective. But maybe slightly less so for horses.

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Surely you jest about the vaxx being safe for humans???

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Yes. I was being facetious.

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Thank you. You had me concerned there for a bit.

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I saw this a few days ago and posted it on my FB page. A while back I also heard about an experiment in holland where a 5G tower was put up near a bird sanctuary and park. Birds were dropping dead in significant numbers. And yet, despite real evidence of harm the march goes on to save the planet by killing it.

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Heartbreaking and more of their evil. I am not a fan of horse racing; these majestic animals are expensive so if for no other reason than losing money, perhaps these demented people will wake up and stop this madness.

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The horses are insured...

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Sooo??? Your point??

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My point is the people aren’t losing money because if the horses die they get the animal’s value in insurance payouts. Plus it looks like about half of the horses that died were the really high value race horses like the ones who run the derby and the others were of significantly lesser value . Those people will absolutely take their insurance payouts shrug their shoulders and say these things happen and just buy another horse with their money.

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It's more or less just another business transaction to them.

That's really sad.

Thanks for sharing this info with us.

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A quick look at affiliations and previous statements shows a potential conflict of interest & investment in the technology, and, potentially, the same sort of iatrogenic medicine we've seen in the human lab rat population, with Pfizer allegedly developing & promoting drugs to treat myocarditis.

Here's the PR for the StrideSafe:


The last line of the article:

"The StrideSafe program is funded by a grant from the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission. Churchill Downs is the only horse racing facility to use the devices, which first came about in 2019."

(and how much you wanna bet the 'research' for the article consisted of taking dictation from the manufacturer of StrideSafe and printing that PR as 'reporting'?

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Thank you Alan. Thank you for being helpful with factual information for those like me who would otherwise not have this important information to fully round out our (my) knowledge of all the parties involved and their vested interests.

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This is madness. I hope owners, trainers, and vets get together and stop this craziness! You don’t need these devices when you have stopwatches and math.

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Well - "what's different?"

Seems a simple enough question to ask, but......

WAIT ! Sounds familiar !

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Good God.....if this is where humanity as a whole is headed, we do not deserve to continue as a species. Seriously.

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Thank you for this article Dr. Tess. So tragic and unnecessary to see these beautiful creatures keel over and die. You’d think the wealthy owners would spend some of their earnings to investigate this issue, to prevent these tragedies, moving forward. Thank you again for bringing this to our attention!! 👍

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Funny that there has been no mention of the mRNA vaccines they have been administered to combat the equine Covid pandemic 😷

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What about all the leg issues?

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They have aluminum hooves, so this creates extra EMF antennas.


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Did Arthur Firstenberg verify that these horses were not vaccinated before jumping to this feasible and plausible reason? Lots of people raised questions that to my best knowledge remain unanswered as to if these horses may have been vaccinated. This occurred shortly after another big push for Covid vaccination and other vaccination was made for beef and avian food animals (when the safety science is non-existent) that also mentioned animals in zoos (which have a reported history of dying suddenly and unexpectedly afterwards). This is occurring in the backdrop of recent globalists language for WHO to regulate "companion animals," of which horses would fall under that category. Until the vaccination question has been answered, as that does result in the suddenly died phenomenon, the science can't conclusively point to another cause without ruling out other potentialities. I know Arthur insists on using verified science, and that does require rule out of any plausible vaccination cause, which he has not mentioned. I know that the track and most other unique values of the racetrack property have been reported to be thoroughly examined and ruled out. I know ingested chemicals and drugs have been ruled out, but remain uninformed that vaccination was considered and ruled out in this process. EMFs also remain a reasonable plausible cause of injury that requires sufficient investigation along with vaccination.

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There are no mRNA vaccines being used in horses and no new horse vaccines on the market. Also there are no mRNA beef vaccines currently in use in the US nor are there currently mRNA poultry vaccines. There’s a RNA based autologous swine vaccine platform but it’s been in use since 2018.

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Susan, I agree this important question still needs to be answered as to whether the horses were vaccinated/boosted. Also remember that the majority of above cases were not necessarily instances where the horses "died suddenly," but had a serious injury that resulted in veterinary euthanasia. I think it is important to remember that distinction. Whatever is harming the Churchill Downs horses at this 8x rate needs to be fully investigated and exposed. I would imagine this would be easy to rule out (the V's) if other races are going on outside of CD that don't have the STRIDESafe tech and are not experiencing the same injuries.

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Our bodies are full of electrical transmitters and receptors. That is why some people need a pacemaker. Obviously, horses seem to be a lot more sensitive to these signals. But that does not mean that humans are immune.

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I saw this and shared.

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When we consider the blatant disregard they have for human life how much less would they have for a beautiful animal such as a horse!

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Sorry to hear about the horses and the deaf-mute professionals.

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I remember years ago seeing demonstrations of old Nokia style mobile phones put around an egg and then the phones were all rung at the same time and the amount of energy they put out was somehow magnified and the eggs were being boiled despite the summed output from the devices seemingly being far too small to be able to do that. Perhaps tapping in on zero point energy somehow. Maybe these devices on these horses all milling around one another were producing a similar magnifying effect.

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This is highly interesting to me. Are you able to find that video of the experiment you describe?

I would be very interested in having that as part of my library of knowledge. Gratefully with thanks. 😊

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https://youtu.be/53-BMo6P61M this is only one example, lots of videos out there.

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Is that actually real? Do you believe that demonstration is legitimate? Video is somewhat clumsy and there is no explanation on mechanism of how.

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As I say simply look online and there are literally dozens of them. If you see a flying saucer hanging in the air do you really need me to explain how it does it before you will believe it? If you do you can read this little piece I wrote for Roxanne who was second in charge at Shell at the time but she didn't understand, the secret was the blue light from the short circuit reflecting off of the large mirror washers under the area of the short circuit. as the flywheels were running down rapidly, the losses in the bearings were thus converted to lift and if you require a theory to understand it see my old site now only to be found on the Wayback machine and the SIGMA3 document which is the second one down if I remember rightly and that explains how it all might be possible. https://royaldutchshellplc.com/2008/01/06/crackpot-or-genius-has-a-shell-boffin-stumbled-on-a-scientific-breakthrough/ the Roxanne one

and my old website one on the wayback machine .... back to the future ;o) https://web.archive.org/web/20181201013810/http://bodgeitandscarper.org/

Remember to bodge something is to get it to work albeit in a very basic fashion. The information in the paper about the energy usage of bees going down as the air density falls rather than the other way round and the fact that aircraft with jet engines have rates of climb greatly exceeding what the maths says they should have shows us we as humans were missing a piece of the puzzle. I tried to give it all away for free much to my mother's chagrin, perhaps she was right and I should have charged for it as people don't trust something for nothing except that was how it always was until the last few thousand years when people started fencing and walling the things that are all of our birthrights not just of those who stole them from us. If you don't have a dream how you gonna make a dream come true?

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Well, I would have to see the FS for myself and no I wouldn't want to know how it does what it does! It, is of no particular interest to me.

The cell phone trick is of interest.


I will seek info elsewhere and leave you to your own company.

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Dr. Tara Slatton, I have a question for you. Based on House testimony in Missouri during a hearing on rRNA labeling requirements for food products, Attorney Tom Renz has reported that a lobbyist against that HR bill identified as representing the farm associations stated he had already vaccinated an entire herd of cows that he had sold to market (assume food) and that he had then obtained another herd of cows to which he immediately gave them vaccines, as he done to his previous herd. In the context used, I have to assume it was COVID, mRNA, or another vaccine without such an approved history in food animals.

This usage admitted by this lobbyist in Missouri House testimony does not appear to have been approved by an authority, but it is an indicator that people associated with Gates and Gates' investment products may be disregarding the law, in the same way Monsanto owned by Gates has a long history of disrespecting the rights and lives of others.

Questions did come up that verified that the FDA had NOT APPROVED COVID vaccines or mRNA vaccines for beef cows from Attorney Renz and from a couple other commenters.

Did you consider the possibility that perhaps some people are using mRNA beef vaccines in the USA that may be not approved by the FDA in beef herds? How can you explain this Missouri testimony by this lobbyist?

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The lobbyist misspoke. You see the law proposed would require not only labeling of mRNA vaccines on packages but labeling of all vaccines on meat packaging. What Shannon Cooper and basically every other rancher and producer out there uses are modified-live vaccines which would also have to be labeled. Modified live vaccines have been in use for decades and are not related to mRNA vaccines in any way.

The bill says the following: “Any entity that makes a product available that could infect,

transmit to, or be absorbed in any way that would act as a medical

intervention, vaccine, drug, or genetic modification must obtain

fully informed consent from all individuals who could be exposed to

such product before exposure may occur. Fully informed consent

requires, at a minimum, that an individual is made aware of all

benefits and risks, including side effects, of the product, any

adverse events of special interest, and any other reasonably

possible impacts of the product.”

That means all animal products of animals that have been vaccinated with any vaccines at all would have to have special labeling requirements. That is what the lobbyist was speaking to, he vaccinated his cattle with MLV or modified live vaccines, not mRNA vaccines.

It’s not that there are no USDA licensed mRNA vaccines (the FDA has nothing to do with it), it’s that outside of a handful of labs such vaccines do not exist.

Shannon Cooper the lobbyist in question was posting that there are no mRNA vaccines for beef cattle all over his Twitter during this time. Why would he then turn around and admit to vaccinating his own cattle with an experimental unapproved vaccine? He wouldn’t. Even if he was doing it he certainly wouldn’t admit to it. He simply misspoke and said mRNA instead of MLV or modified live.

This will absolutely be a problem going forward but it’s not now. I know this because I am one of the people they would be expecting to sell and administer these products.

If Renz really did ask about FDA approval of MRNA vaccines he’s clueless because they don’t approve any vaccines in cattle, the USDA does that. The animal health world is different from human health. Medications are FDA approved but vaccines are USDA approved.

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